10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (2024)

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Do you think you need a lot of money to invest — like $50,000 or even $100,000? If so, think again. The reality is that you can begin investing with as little as $5,000. In fact, this is all you need to start building a nest egg that serves your future sell quite well.

The only question is what's the best way to invest. Different strategies might be best depending on your goals, investing style, and risk tolerance. That's why we're covering some of the best ways to invest $5,000 dollars so you can put your money to work today.

How to Invest $5,000 Dollars

In this guide, we provide 10 of the best ways to invest $5,000. Start by choosing one or two, then expand your options as your portfolio grows, and you gain more confidence in your investing skills.

  1. Invest in Your 401(k) and Get Employer Matching Dollars
  2. Pay Off High-interest Debts First
  3. Use a Robo Advisor
  4. Invest in High-quality Dividend Stocks
  5. Create a Diversified Portfolio Using Buckets
  6. Fund a 529 Plan for Your Child's (or Other Relative's) College Education
  7. Invest in International Bonds With Higher Yields
  8. Buy Commission-free ETFs
  9. Take a Risk With Cryptocurrency
  10. Fund a Health Savings Account

1. Invest in Your 401(k) and Get Employer Matching Dollars

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (1)Many employer-sponsored retirement plans offer an employer matching contribution. The common arrangement is a 50% matching contribution for up to a 6% employee contribution. That means the employer will contribute 3% of your salary to your plan if your own contribution is at least 6%.

If your employer does offer this arrangement, you should make a contribution that will result in the highest possible employer match. It's free money and should never be passed up.

One thing to keep an eye out for is fund fees, which can really eat into your 401(k). You can use Personal Capital to track your retirement fees. Options like Blooom are also useful for analyzing 401(k) fees to make sure your investments are optimized.

2. Pay Off High-Interest Debts First

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (2)This may sound like an oversimplification, but paying off high-interest debt is actually one of the best investments you can make. Think about it — if you're paying 22% interest on a credit card, paying it off locks in a 22% rate of return. And there are virtually no investments where you'll be able to earn anything close to 22% consistently.

By paying $5,000 on a credit card with a 22% interest rate, you'll be locking in a $1,100 annual “return” for life.

If you prefer a more direct way to invest that money, consider doing a balance transfer to a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) credit card to eliminate the interest charges. Then you can invest your $5,000 in one of the other options in this list. Several credit cards currently offer a 0% introductory APR for up to 18 months.

Even if you choose to invest your $5,000 nest egg elsewhere, you can still take advantage of a 0% APR to avoid the high interest. This lowers your monthly payment and helps you pay off your credit card principal faster.

3. Use a Robo Advisor

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (3)Use a robo advisor if you don't feel comfortable creating and managing your own investment portfolio. Once it determines your risk tolerance, it creates a balanced portfolio for you and handle all the management going forward.

This management includes reinvesting dividends and rebalancing your asset mix to match your target allocations. The best part is that robo advisors usually charge around 0.25% of your account value. That means a $5,000 account can be managed for just $12.50 per year.

There are a lot of competitors in the field now, check out which ones we think are the best robo advisors. Betterment and Wealthfront are two of the leading robo advisors today. Here's our comprehensive comparison between the two.

4. Invest in High-Quality Dividend Stocks

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (4)One of the most successful investment strategies is investing in high-quality dividend stocks. This earns money on your investment from two directions: dividend income and capital appreciation on the stock itself.

There's something of a correlation between the two. A company that regularly pays high dividends is an attractive investment opportunity. And many of the same companies are also leaders in their industries and have successful long-term price growth patterns.

There's even a name for the most elite dividend-paying stocks: dividend aristocrats.

These are well-known companies that have been paying dividends regularly for decades. And they have also been increasing them steadily for at least 25 years. You can check out our list of Dividend Aristocrats to find companies that might be attractive to you. Some of them pay dividends in excess of 5% per year.

If you're going to invest in dividend aristocrats, you'll need to open an account with a broker that offers commission-free trades. A good choice is Ally Invest. They charge no fees on trades of stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or options. It's the perfect place to park your dividend aristocrats stock.

5. Create a Diversified Portfolio Using Buckets

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (5)Investment buckets are a strategy to match your investments with anticipated financial needs.

For example, one bucket may be your emergency fund. It's an account you'll need to cover short-term income disruptions and large, unexpected expenses. It will need to sit in a short-term bucket, which means an account where it will earn interest and be safe. A high-yield savings account will be the best place for this bucket.

Retirement can be another bucket and will require a long-term investment account that's likely to produce consistent capital gains over many years. Robo advisors or growth-oriented EFTs held in an investment brokerage account is an excellent location for this bucket.

You may have several intermediate-term buckets. For example, you may have a bucket set up for saving for the down payment on a house. Another may be saving for your children's college education. An intermediate bucket will include any future financial obligations that will be less immediate than an emergency fund but are needed well before retirement.

You could put medium-term buckets into a taxable investment brokerage account or even with a robo advisor. It should have a relatively lower risk than you might have in a retirement account since the funds will be needed much sooner.

6. Fund a 529 Plan for Your Child's (or Other Relative's) College Education

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (6)529 plans are tax-favored investment accounts that let you save money for your children's college education. They work something like an IRA, except that your contributions are not deductible from your federal income tax. (Some states offer tax deductions for contributions to 529 plans.) But the income earned in the account is not federally taxed (though some states may tax it).

Money in the account can be withdrawn tax-free for education expenses. (However, if used for non-education-related purposes, withdrawals will be taxable — and subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty.)

Theoretically, there's no limit to how much you can contribute to a 529 plan. But most people limit contributions to no more than $15,000 per year, which is the gift tax exclusion for 2020. If you contribute more, you may have to pay a gift tax on the excess. But each person can give that amount to each recipient. In other words, two parents can give twice that amount to each child.

7. Invest in International Bonds With Higher Yields

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (7)U.S. interest rates are currently at an all-time low. So, getting a decent return on bonds is tough. But one way to get a better return is by diversifying your bond portfolio to include a position in international bonds.

Some countries have higher interest rates than the United States has. So, you may be able to increase your returns by adding bonds from those countries to your portfolio.

However, international bonds also carry higher risks because of currency exchange rates. Currency values between countries fluctuate on a daily basis. If the value of the currency falls in the country where you are holding your bonds, your returns could be reduced. Or you could even lose money.

Since this is a high-risk venture, it's best left to the professionals. Fortunately, most robo advisors will automatically include an international bond position in the bond allocation of your portfolio.

8. Buy Commission-Free ETFs

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (8)One of the big advantages of ETFs is that, unlike mutual funds, they don't charge load fees. These mutual fund fees can be as high as 3%. And they can be charged upon purchase or sale or both. Of course, such fees reduce your investment returns.

The better option is to go with ETFs. Not only are there no load fees, but they also have lower expense ratios than mutual funds. This is important because those fees are charged annually, even if you never see them since they're taken out internally.

But best of all, there are investment brokers that charge no trading fees on ETFs. Open an account with one of these brokers and invest primarily in commission-free ETFs. This will improve your long-term investment performance.

9. Take a Risk With Cryptocurrency

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (9)If you have a high-risk tolerance — and only if you do — you may want to take a chance and invest a very small percentage of your portfolio in cryptocurrency. But no more than 5% or 10% of your total portfolio value.

  • Cryptocurrencies have been something of an investment phenomenon over the past decade. They started during the last recession. They languished for many years, but many began taking off in price after 2015.
  • Bitcoin, the best known of all cryptos, even rocketed to almost $20,000 in 2017. It crashed after that but is rising again and is now over $11,000 (July 2020). It's the poster child for a high-risk/high-reward investment.

If you're going to invest in cryptocurrencies, you'll need to learn all you can about them. You will also need a brokerage account that lets you trade them. One example is Robinhood. It offers a limited selection of investments, but cryptocurrencies are one of them. It also enables you to hold cryptos in the same account where you hold stocks and ETFs. You can also use crypto exchanges like Coinbase if you don't mind having a separate broker and crypto exchange.

10. Fund a Health Savings Account

10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (10)Commonly known simply as an HSA, a health savings account is something like a medical IRA. You can contribute up to $3,550 per year for an individual plan or up to $7,100 for a family plan. Not only are your contributions tax-deductible, but the investment income will accumulate on a tax-free basis.

Funds withdrawn from the account to pay for IRS-approved medical expenses can be taken out tax-free. Any funds you don't withdraw for medical expenses can remain in the account. You can invest the funds in the account just the way you would an IRA — holding stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

If you decide to open an HSA, you'll need to choose the right investment broker, one that supports these specialized accounts. Though you can open an HSA at a bank or credit union, a brokerage firm will allow you to grow your money through a portfolio of stocks and bonds.

Think About the Level of Risk You're Comfortable With

One of the most important considerations when investing is knowing your own personal risk tolerance. Basically, that's your ability to accept losses in the process of growing your investment portfolio.

Risk and reward have a complementary relationship: the higher the potential reward with an investment, the higher the corresponding risk.

  • Low-Risk Tolerance — If losing money on your investments causes you to lose sleep at night, you may feel better investing mostly in fixed-income, fixed-value securities, like short-term bonds or certificates of deposit (CDs). There's virtually no chance you'll lose money on those securities, but you also won't earn anything more than, perhaps, 2%.
  • High-Risk Tolerance — Toward the other end of the investment spectrum, investing in stocks have returned an average of about 7% per year going all the way back to the 1920s. But that's a long-term average. You could lose 10% or more in any given year. If you're willing to accept that short-term risk in favor of obtaining the longer-term rewards, you have higher risk tolerance.
  • Mid-Risk Tolerance — Traditional investment advisors and robo advisors often begin the investment process by having you take a risk tolerance assessment. That's a list of questions that helps determine your attitude toward risk. Armed with that information, the advisor creates a portfolio that's allocated between stocks and bonds in a way that is within your comfort level. Visit Paladin Registry to get matched with a financial advisor.

You can find out what your risk tolerance is by taking the Vanguard Investor Questionnaire. It's free to take. And it will give you a basic investment allocation you can use in building your own portfolio.

Trade-Up to Better Choices as Your Investment Pot Grows

If you're starting with $5,000, it will be best to choose only one, two, or maybe three of the options on this list. But as your portfolio grows, you should gradually expand into other areas.

For example, you may want to take advantage of a 0% introductory APR offer to stop paying high interest on your credit card debt. You should certainly begin contributing to an employer-sponsored retirement plan if your employer offers a matching contribution. And then you might allocate your $5,000 toward a robo advisor for long-term growth. Or maybe even open a brokerage account and invest in commission-free ETFs.

But once you get up to, say, $10,000, you may want to take a little bit more risk by adding small positions in aggressive growth stocks or even cryptocurrencies.

$5,000 is certainly enough to begin building a firm financial foundation. But as your portfolio and your investment experience grow, you should look at other opportunities to improve your long-term investment performance.

Start Investing Today

Probably the biggest mistake most people make when it comes to investing is not getting started. The most common reason is a lack of investment capital. But in today's investment world, where you can invest in an entire portfolio of securities through exchange-traded funds or robo advisors, you can begin investing with just a few hundred dollars. That means $5,000 is more than enough to start.

If you've been delaying your investment journey due to a lack of funds but have at least $5,000 available, stop hesitating. One of the biggest secrets to successful investing is to get started as early as possible. Even if you've been delaying for many years, right now is the very best time to get started.

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10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie (2024)


10 Best Ways to Invest $5,000 Dollars - Investor Junkie? ›

In order to save $5,000 in three months, you'll need to save just over $833 every two weeks with your biweekly budget. If you're paid bi-weekly, you can easily compare your bi-weekly savings goal with your paycheck. It's a simple way to see if saving $5,000 in 3 months is reasonable.

What's the best way to invest $5000 to make money? ›

What's the best way to invest $5,000?
  1. Invest in your 401(k) and get the matching dollars. ...
  2. Use a robo-advisor. ...
  3. Open or contribute to an IRA. ...
  4. Buy commission-free ETFs. ...
  5. Trade stocks.
Apr 28, 2023

How to double $5,000 quickly? ›

10+ Ways to Double $5,000
  1. Start a Side Hustle. Perhaps the most common method of making more money is starting a side hustle. ...
  2. Invest in Stocks and Bonds. ...
  3. Day Trade. ...
  4. Save More Money. ...
  5. Buy and Resell Items on Amazon and eBay. ...
  6. Build an eCommerce Business. ...
  7. Sell Your Stuff. ...
  8. Earn cashback When You Shop.

How to make passive income with $5,000 dollars? ›

How To Make Money With 5000 Dollars: 12 Proven Methods!
  1. Build A Niche Website.
  2. Buy And Sell On eBay.
  3. Create An eCommerce Store.
  4. Build An Online Course.
  5. Flip Websites.
  6. Start A Podcast.
  7. Create And Sell An Ebook.
  8. Start A Content Agency.
Feb 21, 2023

How can I make $5000 a month in passive income? ›

Top 10 Ways to Make 5K a Month
  1. Freelancing with Skills You Already Have.
  2. Blogging or Content Creation.
  3. Virtual Assistant.
  4. Start an Amazon FBA Business.
  5. Taking Pictures and Selling Stock Photos.
  6. Proofreading or Editing.
  7. Facebook Marketing.
  8. Self-Publishing Books on Amazon KDP.
Mar 23, 2023

Where to invest $5,000 in 2023? ›

Here are a few options to consider if you're sitting on $5,000.
  • Buy individual stocks. When you buy individual stocks, you take on a couple of risks. ...
  • Invest in ETFs. ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, are funds that trade publicly. ...
  • Put money into real estate.
Feb 24, 2023

How to quickly save $5,000 dollars? ›

In order to save $5,000 in three months, you'll need to save just over $833 every two weeks with your biweekly budget. If you're paid bi-weekly, you can easily compare your bi-weekly savings goal with your paycheck. It's a simple way to see if saving $5,000 in 3 months is reasonable.

What is the best stock to make money fast? ›

In addition to Amgen, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMGN), other Fast Money stocks that are widely held by elite hedge funds include Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA), UnitedHealth Group Inc. (NYSE:UNH), and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT).

How to make $10,000 immediately? ›

16 Legit Ways to Make $10000 Fast
  1. Get a Side Hustle.
  2. Sell Unwanted Jewelry.
  3. Sell Your Unwanted Stuff.
  4. Rent Out Your Spaces.
  5. Rent Out Your Stuff.
  6. Set up Passive Income Streams.
  7. Invest in Real Estate.
  8. Invest in the Stock Market.
Apr 26, 2023

How can I double my money ASAP? ›

5 Ways to Double Your Money
  1. Take Advantage of 401(k) Matching.
  2. Invest in Value and Growth Stocks.
  3. Increase Your Contributions.
  4. Consider Alternative Investments.
  5. Be Patient.
Nov 1, 2022

How to turn 5K to 10K? ›

8 tips to transition from 5K to 10K
  1. Build up your distance gradually. Building up to a 10K takes time so don't expect to achieve too much too soon. ...
  2. Take rest days. ...
  3. Cross-train. ...
  4. Stretch. ...
  5. Do one long run a week. ...
  6. Do a threshold session once a week. ...
  7. Set yourself a goal. ...
  8. Stick your training plan on the fridge.
May 17, 2023

What are good side hustle jobs? ›

  • Freelancing. Freelancing is a tried-and-true way to earn extra money and deserves a top spot on any list of easy side hustle ideas. ...
  • Pet-Sitting And Doggie Daycare. ...
  • Dog Walking. ...
  • Tech Setup Services. ...
  • Blogging. ...
  • Senior Sitting and Companion. ...
  • Babysitting and Child Care. ...
  • Personal Assistant.
Mar 12, 2023

What business can you start with 5K? ›

If you're stumped for ideas, here are 25 small businesses that cost less than $5,000 to start.
  • Accountant. Before anything, you must determine what your services will include. ...
  • App Development. ...
  • Babysitting Service. ...
  • Blogging. ...
  • Computer Repair. ...
  • Consultant. ...
  • Entrepreneurship. ...
  • Event Planning.
Jan 20, 2022

How much is 5k a month hourly? ›

$5,000 a month is how much an hour? If you make $5,000 a month, your hourly salary would be $28.85.

How to make $500 a day passive income? ›

9 Passive Income Ideas – How I Make $500 per Day
  1. Rental Properties. Rental properties can provide a steady stream of passive income. ...
  2. Dividend Stocks. ...
  3. Peer-to-Peer Lending. ...
  4. Royalties. ...
  5. Affiliate Marketing. ...
  6. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  7. Create an Online Course. ...
  8. Create an App or Software.
Mar 20, 2023

What will $5,000 be worth in 20 years? ›

Answer and Explanation: The calculated present worth of $5,000 due in 20 years is $1,884.45.

What to invest $3,000 in right now? ›

In any case, the investment options below will help you protect the principal of your investment while securing some return.
  • High-Yield Savings Account. ...
  • High-Yield Certificates of Deposit. ...
  • Short-Term Corporate Bond Funds. ...
  • Money Market Account. ...
  • Series I Savings Bonds. ...
  • Pay Down High-Interest Debt. ...
  • Invest in the Stock Market.
Feb 11, 2023

Where to invest $5,000 for 1 year? ›

Best Funds for 5000 Monthly SIP Investment
Fund NameCategoryType
ICICI Prudential Technology Direct Plan GrowthEquitySectoral / Thematic
Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund Direct GrowthDebtCorporate Bond
Axis Small Cap Fund Direct GrowthEquitySmall Cap
Tata Digital India Fund Direct GrowthEquitySectoral / Thematic
4 more rows

How can I save $5,000 in 100 days? ›

Imagine saving $5,000 in only 100 days. It's called a challenge, but the process is quite simple. You get 100 empty envelopes and write the numbers 1 to 100 on them. Then each day, for 100 days, randomly choose an envelope.

Is $5000 in savings good? ›

According to the most recent inflation-adjusted data from Consumer Health Ratings, the average emergency room visit costs $1,210 out of pocket for people with insurance. That means that $5,000 is a good buffer against the average health emergency, but medical expenses can quickly skyrocket even with insurance.

How can I save $5,000 in 3 months? ›

You can save over $5,000 in just over three months with the 100 envelope challenge. It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random.

What stock makes you the most money? ›

25 Top-Paying Dividend Stocks That Will Make You Rich
  • Emerson Electric Company. Annual dividend: $2.00. ...
  • Aflac Inc. Annual dividend: $1.12. ...
  • Archer Daniels Midland. Annual dividend: $1.44. ...
  • Pepsico Inc. Annual dividend: $4.09. ...
  • Cincinnati Financial. ...
  • General Dynamics Corp. ...
  • Genuine Parts Company. ...
  • Raytheon Technologies Corp.
Oct 12, 2021

Which stocks pay the highest? ›

Comparison Results
NamePriceAnalyst Price Target
IBM International Business Machines$132.71$146.56 (10.44% Upside)
CVX Chevron$156.56$188.58 (20.45% Upside)
EOG EOG Resources$111.28$146.35 (31.52% Upside)
ET Energy Transfer$12.93$16.88 (30.55% Upside)
5 more rows

What stock will grow the most in 2023? ›

10 Best Growth Stocks Of June 2023
  • Bank of America's Best Growth Stocks of 2023.
  • Amazon (AMZN)
  • Constellation Energy (CEG)
  • Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG)
  • Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL)
  • Eli Lilly (LLY)
  • Match (MTCH)
  • Progressive (PGR)
7 days ago

How to flip 10K? ›

The Best Ways to Invest 10K
  1. Real estate investing. One of the more secure options is investing in real estate. ...
  2. Product and website flipping. ...
  3. Invest in index funds. ...
  4. Invest in mutual funds or EFTs. ...
  5. Invest in dividend stocks. ...
  6. Peer-to-peer lending (P2P) ...
  7. Invest in cryptocurrencies. ...
  8. Buy an established business.

How to easily make $1,000 a day? ›

How to Make 1,000 a Day
  1. Sell off things you don't need.
  2. Get Paid to Do Market Research.
  3. Get Paid to Shop.
  4. Resell Sneakers.
  5. Sell an Online Course.
  6. Trade in Used Textbooks.
  7. Ask Your Boss for Overtime.
  8. Deliver Pizzas.
Mar 13, 2023

How to make $1,000 in 24 hours? ›

10 Legit Ways to Make $1,000 in 24 Hours
  1. Sell Your Stuff.
  2. Freelance.
  3. Get a Side Hustle or Part-Time Job.
  4. Start a Blog.
  5. Start an E-Commerce Store.
  6. Invest in Real Estate.
  7. Set up Passive Income Streams.
  8. Make Money Online.
Mar 22, 2023

How to make a hundred dollars a day? ›

How to Make $100 a Day - 19 Simple, Legit Ideas
  1. Take online surveys.
  2. Get paid to open a bank account.
  3. Deliver groceries and goods.
  4. Earn just by using the right credit card when you spend.
  5. Watch videos online.
  6. Play games online.
  7. Walk dogs or pet-sit.
  8. Become an Amazon reseller.

How to double $2000 dollars in 24 hours? ›

The Best Ways To Double Money In 24 Hours
  1. Flip Stuff For Profit. ...
  2. Start A Retail Arbitrage Business. ...
  3. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  4. Invest In Dividend Stocks & ETFs. ...
  5. Use Crypto Interest Accounts. ...
  6. Start A Side Hustle. ...
  7. Invest In Your 401(k) ...
  8. Buy And Flip Websites And Domain Names.
Dec 23, 2022

How can I grow my money fast? ›

10 Ways To Build Wealth Fast
  1. Save. You can't begin any type of wealth-generation plan without having money to invest. ...
  2. Buy an S&P 500 Index Fund. ...
  3. Buy Dividend-Paying Stocks. ...
  4. Buy a Rental Property. ...
  5. Keep Asking for Raises. ...
  6. Start a Business. ...
  7. Broaden Your Education and Skill Set. ...
  8. Set Up Multiple Streams of Income.

How to make 10k realistically? ›

Here are 11 ways to make 10k a month.
  1. Start Dropshipping with Shopify. ...
  2. Offer Freelance Writing Services. ...
  3. Start a Bookkeeping Business. ...
  4. Open a Custom Pins Shop Online. ...
  5. Start Affiliate Marketing with Clickbank. ...
  6. Start a Blog. ...
  7. Sell T-Shirts through Tee Spring. ...
  8. Start a Web Development Business.
Apr 26, 2023

How fast to run 10k in 50 minutes? ›

To run 10k in 50 minutes, you will need to run 8:03 per mile or 5:00 per kilometer. This means a 50-minute 10k pace is 8:03 per mile (8 minutes, 3 seconds) or 5:00 per kilometer (5 minutes).

How to double 10k quickly? ›

Now that our disclaimer is out of the way, let's jump into some ways to quickly double 10k!
  1. Flip Stuff For Money. ...
  2. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  3. Start An Online Business. ...
  4. Start A Side Hustle. ...
  5. Invest In Stocks & ETFs. ...
  6. Invest In Debt. ...
  7. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  8. Use A Robo-Advisor.
Mar 5, 2023

How to make $200 a day side hustle? ›

8 side hustles that pay up to $200 per day
  1. Deliver for DoorDash. ...
  2. Drive for Uber. ...
  3. Share your opinion on Swagbucks. ...
  4. Respond to surveys on Drumo. ...
  5. Go shopping with Shipt. ...
  6. Serve at a local restaurant. ...
  7. Work for a company offering a daily pay benefit. ...
  8. Donate plasma.
May 11, 2023

How can I get money right now? ›

7 Ways to Get Money Right Now
  1. Emergency savings. If you need cash for an unexpected expense, the ideal way to get it is from savings. ...
  2. Personal loans. ...
  3. Credit card cash advance. ...
  4. Home equity loan or HELOC. ...
  5. Gig economy/freelancing. ...
  6. 401(k) loans. ...
  7. Crowdfunding.
Mar 29, 2023

How can I make $1000 a month as a side job? ›

Here's How To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Start Freelance Writing. ...
  2. Begin Blogging. ...
  3. Practice Graphic Design. ...
  4. Assist with Bookkeeping. ...
  5. Become a Virtual Assistant. ...
  6. Sell Something on Etsy. ...
  7. Manage Social Media Accounts. ...
  8. Complete Online Surveys.
Apr 18, 2023

What can you do with 5k in cash? ›

Got $5,000? Here's what you could do with it
  1. Get on solid financial footing. Have a cash buffer. ...
  2. Build your emergency fund. An emergency fund is a reserve of cash you can tap in case of, well, an emergency. ...
  3. Time your short-term goals to earn more. ...
  4. Consider long-term investments. ...
  5. Treat yourself.

What business can I start with $100? ›

15 Easy Businesses to Start with Less Than $100
  • Consultant. A consultancy business is easy to start and has a lot of potential for growth. ...
  • Social Media Manager. ...
  • Painting Contractor. ...
  • Tour Guide. ...
  • Cleaning Service. ...
  • Blogger. ...
  • Freelancer. ...
  • WordPress Developer.

What business can I make with $1,000? ›

Businesses You Can Start With 1000
  • Affiliate Marketing Business. Affiliate marketers earn income by posting advertising and affiliate links on their own websites. ...
  • SEO Specialist. ...
  • Catering Business. ...
  • Social Media Coordinator. ...
  • Local Airport Shuttle Business. ...
  • Landscaping Business. ...
  • Food Delivery Services. ...
  • Online Print Shop.
Dec 21, 2022

What is $20 an hour annually? ›

$20 an hour is how much a year? If you make $20 an hour, your yearly salary would be $41,600.

What is $30 an hour per week? ›

$30 an hour is how much a week? If you make $30 an hour, your weekly salary would be $1,200.

How much is $25 an hour annually? ›

Frequently Asked Questions. $25 an hour is how much a year? If you make $25 an hour, your yearly salary would be $52,000.

How can I make $2000 a day legally? ›

How to make 2000 a day? You can make 2000 a day through real estate business, Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, flipping stuff, blogging, dropshipping, selling online courses and consulting etc.

How to make $500 a day everyday? ›

How to Make $500 a Day
  1. Work As an Influencer.
  2. Become a Freelance Writer.
  3. Monetize a High Traffic Website.
  4. Start a Service-Based Arbitrage Business.
  5. Rent Out Space In Your Home.
  6. Flip Stuff.
  7. Create a P.O.D product.
  8. Amazon FBA.
Apr 26, 2023

How to make $300 a day fast? ›

How to make $300 in a day
  1. Freelance writing. Freelance writing gigs are not always easy. ...
  2. Become a virtual assistant. Do you have a talent for planning and organizing? ...
  3. Online tutoring. ...
  4. Become a social media manager. ...
  5. Offer makeup services. ...
  6. Offer photography services. ...
  7. Become a personal trainer. ...
  8. Become a blogger.
May 7, 2023

How can I make $2000 a month in passive income? ›

Wrapping up ways to make $2,000/month in passive income
  1. Try out affiliate marketing.
  2. Sell an online course.
  3. Monetize a blog with Google Adsense.
  4. Become an influencer.
  5. Write and sell e-books.
  6. Freelance on websites like Upwork.
  7. Start an e-commerce store.
  8. Get paid to complete surveys.

How to make $1,000 a week consistently? ›

  1. Become a Food Delivery Driver. On-demand food delivery services are incredibly popular right now. ...
  2. Take Online Surveys. ...
  3. Earn Cash Back Shopping. ...
  4. Run Facebook and Instagram Ads. ...
  5. Deliver Groceries. ...
  6. Share Your Space. ...
  7. Sell Your Stuff. ...
  8. Cancel Your Subscriptions.
Mar 28, 2023

How can I invest for quick return? ›

Here are a few of the best short-term investments to consider that still offer you some return.
  1. High-yield savings accounts. ...
  2. Short-term corporate bond funds. ...
  3. Money market accounts. ...
  4. Cash management accounts. ...
  5. Short-term U.S. government bond funds. ...
  6. No-penalty certificates of deposit. ...
  7. Treasurys. ...
  8. Money market mutual funds.
Jun 1, 2023

How to invest $5 000 dollars in real estate? ›

Below are 7 strategies you can use to actively invest in real estate with $5,000.
  1. Buy an inexpensive primary residence. ...
  2. Find a property with seller financing. ...
  3. Buy property with a partner. ...
  4. Find a hard money lender. ...
  5. Borrow money from friends and family. ...
  6. Become a wholesaler and bring buyers and sellers together.

How to flip 10k fast? ›

Now that our disclaimer is out of the way, let's jump into some ways to quickly double 10k!
  1. Flip Stuff For Money. ...
  2. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  3. Start An Online Business. ...
  4. Start A Side Hustle. ...
  5. Invest In Stocks & ETFs. ...
  6. Invest In Debt. ...
  7. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  8. Use A Robo-Advisor.
Mar 5, 2023

What to spend 5k on? ›

What You Can Buy With $5,000
  • Pay Off Credit Card Debt. The average American household with credit card debt owes about $15,000. ...
  • Get a Cat. ...
  • Start a Business. ...
  • Take Your Inner Geek on a Vacation of a Lifetime. ...
  • Bank It. ...
  • Give It to an Old Person: Future You. ...
  • Indulge Yourself for a Year. ...
  • Donate to Charity.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in June 2023:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Money market funds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Jun 1, 2023

What investment has the fastest return? ›

  1. High-yield savings accounts. Online savings accounts and cash management accounts provide higher rates of return than you'll get in a traditional bank savings or checking account. ...
  2. Certificates of deposit. ...
  3. Money market funds. ...
  4. Government bonds. ...
  5. Corporate bonds. ...
  6. Mutual funds. ...
  7. Index funds. ...
  8. Exchange-traded funds.
May 4, 2023

Can I invest with $5 thousand dollars? ›

Your best way to invest $5,000 is to spread it across many financial instruments, including stocks, index funds, and REITs, as well as safer alternatives such as bonds or CDs. You can invest it as a lump sum, after which you can add onto your investment by dollar-cost averaging.

What is the 1 rule in real estate investing? ›

What Is The 1% Rule In Real Estate? The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price.

How to invest $10 000 dollars wisely? ›

7 Ways to Invest $10,000
  1. Max Out Your IRA. ...
  2. Contribution to a 401(k) ...
  3. Create a Stock Portfolio. ...
  4. Invest in Mutual Funds or ETFs. ...
  5. Buy Bonds. ...
  6. Plan for Future Health Costs With an HSA. ...
  7. Invest in Real Estate or REITs. ...
  8. Which Investment Is Right for You?
Mar 2, 2023

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.