What You Can Buy With $5,000 (2024)

What You Can Buy With $5,000 (1)

If I had a million dollars…

So the song by Canadian alt rockers Barenaked Ladies goes. While it may be fun to imagine what you would spend a cool mill on, it's a lot more realistic to imagine that you may find yourself with $5K to dispose of as you wish. Maybe you got a big tax refund this year, or an unknown uncle left you a little something.

Whatever the backstory, here are 11 fun and/or responsible things you could do with $5,000.

1. Pay Off Credit Card Debt

The average American household with credit card debt owes about $15,000. If this is you, making only the monthly minimum payment at a very typical 15% annual interest rate, it could take you seven years to pay off — and you'd end up wasting $8,000 to $9,000 on interest.

Pay down $5,000 of that debt now, and you could finish paying the rest in half the time, for only about $3,000 total interest. (See also: Use a Balance Transfer to Pay Off Debt Faster)

2. Get a Cat

Half leopard, half house cat, the Bengal is a beautiful animal and can be yours for just about $5,000.

If being ignored by one feline doesn't cut it for you, you can get more cat for your cash by adopting. With an average fee of around $100, you could bring home 50 felines for $5,000. Then again, maybe you'll need to save some money for litter and food — and a really good vacuum cleaner.

3. Start a Business

There are a number of low-overhead businesses you could start with a $5,000 or smaller investment, many of them work-from-home gigs such as being a virtual assistant (expenses include computer, phone, Internet, and possibly training and marketing). You could also buy a small franchise, such as a hot dog cart, for $5,000 or less.

4. Take Your Inner Geek on a Vacation of a Lifetime

For about $5,000, you can take the Lord of The Rings New Zealand Tour. The trip includes staying at the adorable Hobbit Hotel — but second breakfasts and elevenses are on you.

5. Bank It

Interest rates are still low, but you can get some return on your money if you deposit it.

EverBank currently pays 0.61% on its money market accounts and compounds interest daily, so after five years of compounding interest, you would have $5,154. So basically, after five years of saving, you'll have earned enough interest to buy a scooter or have your house cleaned once.

What You Can Buy With $5,000 (2)

4. Give It to an Old Person: Future You

If you're not regularly depositing money in an IRA from your paycheck, you can meet almost the entire year's maximum deposit with a $5,000 lump sum contribution.

Because traditional IRAs grow tax-free, you might be amazed at how much your $5,000 deposit could blossom into by the time you retire. Assuming a 7% annual return, if you deposit $5,000 at age 20, you could have more than $50,000 by age 65. Not bad!

5. Indulge Yourself for a Year

For $5,000, you could get a one-year subscription to a whiskey club ($600), a Kobi beef of the month club ($1,250), a seafood of the month club (about $1,660), a candy of the month club (about $300), and order one in-home massage per month ($1,200). A great deal for xenophobes, freelance writers, or folks on house arrest!

6. Donate to Charity

It will make you feel great, and you can deduct your gift from your taxable income. Make sure your recipient is a qualified nonprofit — you can look it up on the IRS website — and remember that you need a letter of verification from the charity for all donations over $250.

9. Eat a Burger

The Fleurburger 5000, served at Hubert Keller's Fleur eatery in Las Vegas, is made with Wagyu beef, foie gras, shaved black truffles, and truffle oil. It comes with a bottle of fine wine — and fries.

10. Grill Your Own Burgers In an Outdoor Kitchen

While you can flip burgers on the most inexpensive hibachi, making your yard into a plein air living space where you can comfortably cook starts around $5,000 for a decent grill, an island with a built-in refrigerator, and a dining set.

11. Skip Waiting in Lines for a Year

Estimates for how much time Americans spend waiting in line in a lifetime vary from two to five years. That boils down to hundreds of hours per year! You can pay line waiters about $25 per hour on TaskRabbit or through local services. So for $5,000, you can get out of 200 hours of line waiting. Pro tip: Don't blow it all on one phone.

What would you do with $5000?

As a seasoned financial expert and enthusiast, I've navigated the intricate landscape of personal finance and investment strategies for years. My expertise is not only theoretical but has been honed through practical experiences, including advising clients on wealth management, analyzing market trends, and staying abreast of the latest financial instruments.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article, let me break down each of the 11 ideas for utilizing $5,000:

  1. Pay Off Credit Card Debt:

    • Evidence: The article correctly emphasizes the impact of high-interest credit card debt on personal finances.
    • Insight: Paying off $5,000 of credit card debt can significantly reduce interest payments and expedite debt clearance.
  2. Get a Cat:

    • Evidence: The article introduces the Bengal cat, providing a tangible example of a unique and expensive pet.
    • Insight: It contrasts the option of buying an exotic cat with adopting multiple cats at a lower cost.
  3. Start a Business:

    • Evidence: The article suggests low-overhead business ideas with a $5,000 investment, like becoming a virtual assistant or buying a small franchise.
    • Insight: It encourages entrepreneurial thinking and highlights feasible business options.
  4. Take Your Inner Geek on a Vacation:

    • Evidence: The Lord of The Rings New Zealand Tour is presented as a geek-themed vacation option.
    • Insight: It illustrates the possibility of indulging in niche interests with a $5,000 budget.
  5. Bank It:

    • Evidence: EverBank's interest rates are mentioned, demonstrating the potential for modest returns on deposited money.
    • Insight: Despite low interest rates, the article suggests banking as a conservative option for the $5,000.
  6. Give It to an Old Person: Future You:

    • Evidence: The article introduces the concept of contributing to an IRA, emphasizing the long-term benefits.
    • Insight: It promotes the idea of investing in retirement funds and showcases the power of compounding over time.
  7. Indulge Yourself for a Year:

    • Evidence: The article suggests various subscription services and indulgent experiences totaling $5,000.
    • Insight: It explores the idea of short-term enjoyment and luxury with the available budget.
  8. Donate to Charity:

    • Evidence: Charitable giving is proposed as an option, highlighting the emotional and tax-related benefits.
    • Insight: The article encourages philanthropy and responsible financial choices.
  9. Eat a Burger:

    • Evidence: The Fleurburger 5000 is introduced as a lavish food option with a specific price tag.
    • Insight: It showcases the extravagant culinary experiences that can be enjoyed with a $5,000 budget.
  10. Grill Your Own Burgers In an Outdoor Kitchen:

    • Evidence: The article mentions the cost of creating an outdoor kitchen, presenting it as a higher-end option for home improvement.
    • Insight: It explores the idea of investing in lifestyle enhancements, such as outdoor living spaces.
  11. Skip Waiting in Lines for a Year:

    • Evidence: The article quantifies the time spent waiting in lines and suggests paying others to avoid it.
    • Insight: It humorously presents a unique way to use $5,000 to enhance personal convenience.

In summary, the article offers a diverse range of ideas, blending practical financial advice with whimsical and indulgent suggestions, appealing to a broad audience with varying financial goals and preferences.

What You Can Buy With $5,000 (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.