You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 10, 2024

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Here’s what else to consider

You’re a venture capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? That’s the question you should be asking yourself as the world changes faster than ever. Technology, markets, regulations, and customer preferences are all evolving rapidly, and so should your investment strategy. In this article, we’ll explore six ways you can adapt and thrive as a VC in the future.

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  • You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (3) You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (4) 7

  • Saibaba Talluri SAI-Startups, Advisors, Investors

    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (6) 5

  • Leon Eisen, PhD 💡 Your ambition, my quest | Investor | 4x Entrepreneur | CEO and Chairman | WBAF Senator (G20) | Venture Partner |…

    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (8) 5

You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (9) You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (10) You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (11)

1 Focus on impact

As a VC, you’re not just looking for financial returns. You’re also looking for social and environmental impact. More and more entrepreneurs are building businesses that solve global challenges, such as climate change, health, education, and inequality. And more and more investors are demanding that their portfolios reflect their values and goals. To survive as a VC, you need to align your vision with the vision of your founders and your LPs. You need to measure and communicate the impact of your investments, and use it as a competitive advantage.

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  • Saibaba Talluri SAI-Startups, Advisors, Investors

    As a venture capitalist, it's important to have a clear focus on both making money for your Limited Partners (LPs) and addressing real-world problems. The UN has identified 17 key goals to solve global challenges. Align your investment goals with the UN's objectives, define clear milestones, and allocate funds accordingly. With a long-term vision, you can create a legacy of impact that lasts beyond the next couple of decades.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (20) 5

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  • Carlos G. AI | Strategy | Digital Transformation | Venture Capitalist | Strategic Planning | Ex-McKinsey | Ex-Deloitte

    As a VC, your role transcends financial gains; it’s about fostering businesses that tackle crucial global issues like climate change and inequality. Aligning your investments with societal and environmental impacts is increasingly vital, resonating with both entrepreneurs and investors who prioritize meaningful change. To thrive, ensure your vision harmonizes with your founders and LPs, leveraging the tangible impact of your investments as a pivotal competitive edge.


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2 Embrace diversity

Diversity is not only a moral imperative, but also a business opportunity. As a VC, you need to tap into the potential of diverse founders, markets, and customers. You need to expand your network and your reach beyond the traditional hubs and sectors. You need to challenge your own biases and assumptions, and learn from different perspectives and experiences. Diversity will help you discover new opportunities, generate better returns, and create more value for society.

  • Gabriele Fenoglio VC @ Cassa Depositi e Prestiti | LSE Alumnus | Forbes Under 30

    Diversifying your investment portfolio across different sectors, geographies, and founding teams is essential for mitigating risk and uncovering unique opportunities. More importantly, prioritize investing in underrepresented founders and markets. Studies have shown that diverse teams are more innovative and often yield higher financial returns. By actively seeking out and supporting startups led by women, people of color, and other marginalized groups, you tap into a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and market insights. Additionally, expanding investments to emerging markets and industries poised for growth in the coming decades can uncover untapped potential and drive significant returns.


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  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally

    Diversity isn't just a moral imperative; it's a strategic advantage in the competitive landscape of venture capital. Beyond addressing equity and inclusion concerns, embracing diversity fosters innovation, mitigates groupthink, and enhances decision-making quality. Over the next two decades, VC firms must proactively seek diverse perspectives among founders, management teams, and investment professionals. By nurturing a culture of inclusivity and equity, firms can access untapped talent pools, unlock new markets, and generate superior returns.


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3 Leverage data

Data is the fuel of the future. As a VC, you need to leverage data to make smarter decisions, optimize your processes, and enhance your relationships. You need to use data to identify and evaluate opportunities, track and support your portfolio companies, and report and communicate your performance. You need to use data to understand the trends, patterns, and signals that shape the future. You need to use data to create value for yourself, your founders, and your LPs.

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  • Leon Eisen, PhD 💡 Your ambition, my quest | Investor | 4x Entrepreneur | CEO and Chairman | WBAF Senator (G20) | Venture Partner | Inventor | Keynote Speaker | Strategic Growth Adviser | Mentor | Founder of Quantum Business Thinking™

    Imagine a world where every startup gets exactly the help it needs. VCs start using data to personalize their support. This means they can give each startup tailored advice, mentoring, and resources. With this new approach, startups grow better and faster because the help they get fits their specific challenges and goals. It also means VCs and startups build stronger, lasting partnerships. This change could mean fewer startups fail and more innovative ideas succeed.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (56) 5

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  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally

    Data-driven decision-making will be paramount for VC firms navigating an increasingly complex and dynamic investment landscape. Over the next two decades, advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics will revolutionize how VC firms source deals, conduct due diligence, and manage portfolios. By harnessing the power of big data, VC firms can identify emerging trends, assess investment risks more accurately, and optimize portfolio performance. Moreover, leveraging data analytics enables VC firms to uncover hidden opportunities, refine investment strategies, and stay ahead of the competition.


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4 Experiment with models

The traditional VC model is not the only way to invest in startups. As a VC, you need to experiment with different models, such as revenue-based financing, crowdfunding, syndicates, platforms, and funds of funds. You need to find the best fit for your goals, your thesis, and your stage. You need to adapt to the needs and preferences of your founders and your LPs. You need to be flexible and creative, and learn from your successes and failures.

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  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally

    To survive and thrive over the next two decades, VC firms must embrace a culture of experimentation and innovation. Traditional venture capital models may not suffice in an era marked by rapid technological disruption, shifting market dynamics, and evolving investor preferences. By experimenting with alternative investment models such as revenue-based financing, equity crowdfunding, or impact investing, VC firms can adapt to changing market conditions, unlock new sources of capital, and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. Embracing experimentation allows VC firms to stay agile, learn from failures, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (74) 3

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  • In the dynamic world of venture capital, experimentation with diverse investment models is not just an option, but a necessity. Venturing beyond the traditional confines, embracing innovative approaches like revenue-based financing, crowdfunding, syndicates, platforms, and funds of funds, enables a more tailored and adaptive investment strategy. This flexibility, coupled with a willingness to learn from both triumphs and setbacks, positions a VC to meet the evolving preferences of founders and limited partners, crafting a narrative of success that resonates across various stages and sectors. Spread Shark Love #divineintervention #gabenfreude


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5 Collaborate with others

You can’t do it alone. As a VC, you need to collaborate with others, such as other VCs, accelerators, incubators, corporates, universities, governments, and NGOs. You need to build and nurture a strong ecosystem around your portfolio companies, and provide them with access to resources, networks, and markets. You need to share your knowledge, insights, and feedback with your peers and partners, and learn from them as well. Collaboration will help you amplify your impact, reduce your risks, and increase your opportunities.

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  • Leon Eisen, PhD 💡 Your ambition, my quest | Investor | 4x Entrepreneur | CEO and Chairman | WBAF Senator (G20) | Venture Partner | Inventor | Keynote Speaker | Strategic Growth Adviser | Mentor | Founder of Quantum Business Thinking™

    As a venture capitalist looking ahead to the next 20 years, survival hinges on embracing a community-focused approach to investing. It's about evolving beyond the role of mere financier to become a central hub in a dynamic ecosystem. My strategy involves deeply integrating with the broader business environment—connecting with other investors, startups, academic institutions, corporates, and government entities.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (92) 4

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  • Sagar Agrawal Founder at Qubit Capital | Investment Banker | Helping Startups Raise Funds Globally

    Collaboration will be essential for VC firms seeking to navigate the complexities of the global economy and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Over the next two decades, successful VC firms will forge strategic partnerships with other investors, startups, academia, government agencies, and industry stakeholders. By leveraging collective expertise, networks, and resources, VC firms can access deal flow, share due diligence costs, mitigate investment risks, and accelerate portfolio growth. Furthermore, collaboration fosters a supportive ecosystem that nurtures innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable economic development.


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6 Keep learning

The future is unpredictable. As a VC, you need to keep learning and updating your skills, knowledge, and mindset. You need to stay curious and humble, and always ask questions. You need to read, listen, watch, and attend relevant sources of information and education. You need to seek feedback and mentorship from others, and offer it as well. You need to experiment, iterate, and pivot as you go. Learning will help you stay relevant, agile, and ahead of the curve.

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  • Commit to continuous improvement to stay ahead of the innovation curve. As founders continue to drive growth, venture partners must align and match that intensity of execution.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (110) You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (111) 7

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  • Jaswant Singh Investor @ Angel Investor | Investments

    Deep dive into areas like AI, quantum computing, and synthetic biology. Understand how these technologies will disrupt industries and identify startups poised to benefit.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (120) 3

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • This is an industry where you need to build success based on a few principles: Resilience, Planning and Analysis (&Luck).You must be a strong fundraiser. Get ready to a 90% of NO's. Have a clear vision, a clear niche and be consistent on your LPs archetypes (No a-holes rule). Also your planning abilities will be essential. You need to plan fundraising, you need to plan your dealflow and also plan your economics.Finally make sure you have a solid process to analyse your deals, make your choices and record why. To survive the next 20 years, focus first 3-4 years to raise and deploy your Fund I. Then following 4-6 raising your second fund and gaining distributions from your Fund I and then the rest 10 year with your Fund II and III.


    You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (129) 3

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  • Al Anany 📔 Founder | Helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into cashflow 💸 | Portfolio clients include $120M-raised | Business Consultant

    Not even the world's greatest investor knows what'll happen in twenty years. You can study the behavior of us humans and accordingly invest in proper assets that you believe are part of the future.


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Venture Capital You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (139)

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You’re a Venture Capitalist. How will you survive the next 20 years? (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Views: 5936

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.