You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (2024)

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You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (1)

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  • Amid the de-dollarization debate, countries are lining up backup reserve currencies for trade and payments.
  • Sanctions against Russia sound a cautionary tale over the power Washington — and the USD — wields.
  • The Chinese yuan, gold, Bitcoin, the euro, and a common BRICS currency aim to chip away at USD supremacy.


The dollar isn't going away, but other assets classes are slowly chipping away at its dominance.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (2)

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The US dollar has been the world'sreserve currencysince the second world war, playing a crucial role in the world's trade.

But countries globally are now lining up backup currencies for trade, as sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine have led tosome prominent world leaders and business figuressounding a warning over the power Washington — and the US dollar — wields.

Sanctioned countries like Russia and emerging nations like Argentina have recently startedusing the Chinese yuan for trade, primarily with China.

Even so, there's no indication the dollar's dominance could fade in the foreseeable future,simply because the currency is such an integral part of the world economy,Insider's Jennifer Sor reported on May 6.

The dollar is by far the world's most dominant reserve currency — meaning a large quantity of a foreign currency held by central banks and major financial institutes for their use from investments to payments.

In 1999, over 70% of the world's foreign exchange reserves were held in the US dollar.

But that percentage has been dropping — the dollar's share in global foreign exchange reserves fell to under 60% in the fourth quarter of 2021, theInternational Monetary Fund, or IMF,said in aJune 2022 blog post.

And despite accounting for the lion's share, or 54%, of global foreign exchange reserves in the fourth quarter of 2022, there has been a decline in the dollar's share of the total foreign reserve pie, per IMF data.

But this doesn't mean America's strategic competitors — like China — wouldn't stop challenging American hegemony. Even alternative currencies like the Swedish krona, the South Korean won, and the Australian and Canadian dollars have beenchipping away at the greenback's share.

Read further for five assets that are trying to topple the dollar's dominance.


1. Beijing has big ambitions for the Chinese yuan.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (3)


The most high-profile contender to the US dollar is the Chinese yuan — Beijing has been trying to grow international adoption of its currency for years.

In the past year,China's been payingfor almost all of its Russian oil imports in its own currency to counter-sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine war.

"It's clear from the moves China is making, like paying for almost all Russian oil imports in yuan or working with Brazil for yuan-denominated trade, that China does not want its currency to remain domestic," Abishur Prakash, theheadof The Geopolitical Business, a Toronto-based advisory firm, told Insider.

After all, having control of a currency the entire world needs amplifies a nation's power, he added.

However, the current discussion surrounding the yuan as a key reserve currency is more about geopolitical tensions and China's economic might than the yuan's actual utility as a reserve currency, Rory Green, the chief China economist at London-based consultancy TS Lombard, wrote in an April 28 note seen by Insider.

"It is important to differentiate between increased international usage of RMB and de-dollarization," Green added. He was referring to the yuan by its official name, the renminbi, or RMB.

Quite simply, the yuan is bound by restrictions – mostly because its value is still managed by Beijing.

In March 2023, the yuan accounted for just 2.3% of global payments via SWIFT, the global financial messaging system used by banks. In contrast, nearly 42% of all payments were made in the US dollar.


2. Gold is making a comeback as a store of value.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (4)

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Central banks have been snapping up gold — a traditional store of value — amid the global debate over de-dollarization.

"This geopolitical turmoil is not going away,"Karen Karniol-Tambour, the co-CIO of investment management company Bridgewater Associates, said at a conference last Tuesday.

There's "a slow-moving secular support for gold," she said, per Kitco News.

A plunge in the value of some emerging market currencies — such as the Argentine peso — has also spurred these countries to look at alternative assets for their reserves, such as gold.

Just this month, thecentral bank of Zimbabweadopted gold to back the first sale of its digital currency, the digital Zimbabwe dollar. The country wants to ease the demand for the greenback following a plunge in its local fiat currency, which was unpegged from the US dollar in 2019.

"The oldest and most traditional of assets, gold, is now a vehicle of central bank revolt against the dollar," Ruchir Sharma, chair of Rockefeller International, wrote in The Financial Timeslast month.

In the first quarter of 2023, central banks snapped up 228.4 tons of gold that were added to global reserves — a 176% increase from a year ago, per the World Gold Council, an industry organization.

That's on the back of a year of record gold buying by central banks in 2022 as the institutions snapped up 1,136 tons of the yellow metal, the council wrote in aFebruary 2023 report.


3. Digital currencies and crypto are eyeing a slice of the USD pie.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (5)

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Digital currencies, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, are yet another asset class that's vying for the dollar's position.

China's yuan has been issued in a digital format, which had sparked a de-dollarization debate even back in 2021when it was still undergoing public testing.

The digital yuan "is a key component of an alternative to the dollar-based order that Beijing is building," Diana Choyleva, the chief economist at Enodo Economics, told Nikkei in August 2021.

Other than geopolitical rivalry, settling cross-border payments in the digital yuan could also be cheaper and easier than a dollar-based system — boosting its usage internationally, Choyleva told the media outlet.

The digital yuan is being rolled out gradually in China, with the eastern city of Changshu starting to pay public employees in the currency recently.

Even Zimbabwe launched its digital Zimbabwe dollar just this month, backed by gold.

Meanwhile, emerging nationsEl Salvador and Central African Republic have adopted Bitcoin as an official currency. El Salvador even added Bitcoin to its national reserves.

"If this trend takes hold, it can lead to a redistribution of leverage power away from the largest states and their ability to expand their balance sheets at will," wrote Andy Yee, an industry associate at the University College London Centre for Blockchain Technologies, on the University of Hong Kong's Asia Global Institute website on May 11.


4. The euro is already the world's second most commonly held reserve currency.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (6)

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While the European Union and the US are allies, it hasn't stopped the European Commission's ambition to boost the euro's use in international payments and challenge the greenback.

This is evident from a proposal in 2018 to boost the role of the euro after former US President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal unilaterally.

The bloc's aggressive stance has eased since then, but recent comments from major EU economies point to the bloc's tensions and rivalry with its most important ally.

President Emmanuel Macron of France warned against the "extraterritoriality of the US dollar," suggesting in an April interview with Politicothat Europe should cut its dependence on the greenback.

But the euro is far from overtaking the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

The single currency accounts for 20% of global foreign exchange and international debt — a far second to the greenback's share of the pie,according to the European Central Bank.

Still, "no other currency has the recognizability, stability and economic might behind it," South Africa-based money manager Vestact said in a note to clients, per Bloomberg on May 10. "The only currency that is vaguely close to being able to replace the dollar is the euro."


5. The emerging BRICS nations are eyeing a common currency.

You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (7)

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A group of emerging countries comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa called "BRICS" has also pushed for a common currency.

While the idea was floated byRussian President Vladimir Putinas early as June 2022, the concept started gaining traction again recently amid the debate over de-dollarization.

"Why can't we do trade based on our own currencies?" Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said during an April state visit to China, per The Financial Times.

"Who was it that decided that the dollar was the currency after the disappearance of the gold standard?" he added.

The BRICS group will discuss the common currency "properly" at an August meeting of the bloc's leaders in Johannesburg, Naledi Pando, South Africa's international relations and cooperation ministertold Bloomberg in an interview on May 9.

It isn't quite clear what the BRICs nations envision for their common currency, but it could be a rival to the US-dominated IMF's Special Drawing Rights, or SDR, which is an international reserve asset based on a basket of five currencies: the US dollar, the euro, the Chinese yuan, the Japanese yen, and the British pound sterling, per the IMF.

A common BRICS currency would help boost the geopolitical clout of the group of major emerging nations.

"Why would the BRICS countries need an SDR-like basket currency? One can only think this is a move to address the perceived US-hegemony of the IMF and will allow BRICS to build their own sphere of influence and unit of currency within that sphere," Chris Turner, the global markets head at Dutch bank ING wrote in a June 2022 note.

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You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy (2024)


You can't replace the dollar, but here are 5 alternative assets that are chipping away at the greenback's supremacy? ›

The Chinese yuan, gold, Bitcoin, the euro, and a common BRICS

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. › wiki › BRICS
currency aim to chip away at USD supremacy.

Will the BRICS currency replace the dollar? ›

The potential impact of a new BRICS currency on the US dollar remains uncertain, with experts debating its potential to challenge the dollar's dominance. However, if a new BRICS currency was to stabilize against the dollar, it could weaken the power of US sanctions, leading to a further decline in the dollar's value.

Why are countries ditching the U.S. dollar? ›

The US dollar has been the world's reserve currency for decades, but its dominance is fading. Sanctions against Russia have spurred other countries into considering backup currencies for trade. US monetary policies, the strong USD, and structural shift in the global oil trade also contribute.

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Some say it will be the euro; others, perhaps the Japanese yen or China's renminbi. And some call for a new world reserve currency, possibly based on the IMF's Special Drawing Right or SDR, a reserve asset.

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And in times of international stress, investors flock to U.S. Treasuries as a way to stabilize the value of their assets. "I do not expect to see the U.S. dollar lose its status as the world's reserve currency anytime soon, nor even see a significant decline in its primacy in trade and finance," Waller said.

Is BRICS a threat to USD? ›

The major market - oil - still uses dollar as its reference point and the status quo seems to have been maintained. Overall, a new BRICS currency, if and when it comes into play, doesn't seem to have a rapid effect on de-dollarisation in the near future.

What is BRICS currency backed by? ›

The emphasis on gold backing in the proposed BRICS currency cannot be understated. In a world where fiat currencies are often subject to fluctuations influenced by market sentiment, economic indicators, and political developments, a gold-backed currency provides a stable anchor.

What countries want to get rid of the U.S. dollar? ›

This is an effort by a growing number of countries to reduce the role of the U.S. dollar in international trade. Countries like India, China, Brazil, Malaysia and Bolivia, among others, are seeking to set up trade channels using currencies other than the almighty dollar.

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We expect 2024 to be a year of diverging trends for the dollar. It will likely move lower on a broad trade-weighted basis early in the year but stabilize as the year progresses. Although we expect a general downward drift for the dollar, performance of individual currencies will likely vary widely.

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A collapsing dollar typically leads to inflation, which can inflate your home's nominal value but also increase everything else dramatically. This means while your home might be worth more on paper, everyday expenses like groceries, utilities, and repairs become so much more expensive.

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In the past year, however, China has stepped up its efforts to settle trade with other countries in CNY. "It is highly unlikely that the US dollar-dominated global reserve system will break and another currency will take the place of the US dollar."

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Will There Be a Single World Currency? While the U.S. dollar is often seen as the de facto world currency, to have one truly global currency would require a level of comparability between countries which does not currently exist and isn't likely to for some time to come.

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The Iranian Rial is considered the world's lowest currency due to factors such as economic sanctions limiting Iran's petroleum exports, which has resulted in political instability and depreciation of the currency. 2. Which currency holds the title of the highest valuation globally?

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What To Own When the Dollar Collapses
  1. Traditional Assets. ...
  2. Gold, Silver, and Other Precious Metals. ...
  3. Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies. ...
  4. Foreign Currencies. ...
  5. Foreign Stocks and Mutual Funds. ...
  6. Real Estate. ...
  7. Food, Water, and Other Supplies. ...
  8. Stability and Trust.
Dec 14, 2023

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FAQ. What is the safest currency in the world? The Swiss franc (CHF) is generally considered to be the safest currency in the world and many investors consider it to be a safe-haven asset. This is due to the neutrality of the Swiss nation, along with its strong monetary policies and low debt levels.

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Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

The Kuwaiti dinar is the strongest currency in the world, with 1 dinar buying 3.26 dollars (or, put another way, $1 equals 0.31 Kuwaiti dinar). Kuwait is located on the Persian Gulf between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and the country earns much of its wealth as a leading global exporter of oil.

Can BRICS defeat dollar? ›

The bric would not so much snatch the crown off of the dollar's head as shrink the size of the territory in its domain. Even if the BRICS de-dollarized, much of the world would still use dollars, and the global monetary order would become more multipolar than unipolar.

How much is $1 dollar to BRICS? ›

You can convert 1 USD to 0.074659 BRICS. Live USD to BRICS calculator is based on live data from multiple crypto exchanges. Last price update for USD to BRICS converter was today at 21:33 UTC .

What countries are dropping the US dollar? ›

This is an effort by a growing number of countries to reduce the role of the U.S. dollar in international trade. Countries like India, China, Brazil, Malaysia and Bolivia, among others, are seeking to set up trade channels using currencies other than the almighty dollar.

How much is a BRICS dollar worth in dollars? ›

Latest BRICS to USD Converter Rate

The current price of 1 BRICS Chain in US Dollar is 13.39 USD.

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