Why you likely have too many mutual funds or etfs (2024)

The majority of average investors have too many mutual funds or ETFs, neglecting to rebalance their retirement portfolios on a regular basis or when they switch jobs.

While having only three funds or ETFs is likely too few and accumulating 30 is far too many, retail investors are often at a loss on determining a range that would produce enough diversification. The problem with owning too many ETFs is that many of them have similar holdings of the same sector and are not in fact yielding greater diversification.

Investors often amass a large numberof funds and ETFs as they progress in their careers or embark in job hopping.Although changing jobs every few years is becoming more commonplace as the economy has shifted gears, this new phenomenon is hindering employees and the retirement money accumulated because workers can "have as many as six different 401(k) accounts," said Torsten Slok, an international economist for Deutsche Bank, a German investment bank, in a research report.Workers who are 18 to 48 years have an average of 12 jobs and half of them occur before the employee turns 25, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Why FewerThan 10 ETFs is Sufficient

Although investors have different goals, owning between six and nine ETFs can provide "adequate diversification for the long-term investor seeking moderate growth," said Rich Messina, a senior vice president of investment production management at E-Trade, a New York-based brokerage company.

As investors age and the sizeof their wealth accumulates, the number of ETFs should also increase, he said.

"Someone just starting out with a small nest egg may only be able to choose a few, while high net worth investors with complex needs may seek more and also look outside of funds for their portfolio," Messina said.

A diversified portfolio consists of domestic equity ETFs, which include large cap, mid cap and small cap, as well as international and emerging markets along with fixed income, he said.

"That is the beauty of ETFs - even one can offer an investor diversification," Messina said. "ETFs have democratized access to products and geographies once reserved only for professional investors. Foreign equities, emerging markets, commodities and bonds are now easily accessible to the retail investor through ETFs."

The average investor needs five to tenETFs and exposure to the large, mid and small markets, international and emerging markets, fixed income and possibly alternatives, said Jason Feilke, director of retirement plan services for Meridian Investment Advisors in Little Rock, Ark.

"It's important to try to consolidate those accounts so they don't get over diversified or end up with an allocation that is too conservative or too aggressive," he said.

Having Too Many Funds Dilutes Performance

Despite the number of ETFs in a portfolio, confirming that your holdings do not overlap should be your top priority, said Edison Byzyka, chief investment officer of Hefty Wealth Partners in Auburn, Ind. While two ETFs may appear to target different strategies, it is likely they could hold similar assets in their top tenlineup.

"Ensuring that those assets are diversified can be just as important as ensuring your ETFs are diversified," he said.

The average investor needs exposure from five to eight major asset classes to generate enough diversification, said David Twibell, president of Englewood, Colo.-based Custom Portfolio Group.

Purchasing one fund for each asset class is sufficient unless a fund has a highly concentrated portfolio or specializes in certain sub-sectors of the market.

When investors diversify their portfolios too much, they mistakenly believe this strategy will reduce the amount of risk or increase performance. By including numerous different funds in each asset class to cover all their bases, their performance has been diluted.

"In the end, it turns their portfolio into an expensive index fund since they have exposure to so many securities in each asset class," he said.

Even investors who have one or two index funds or ETFs of a broad-based index can have a diversified portfolio compared to owning 20 to 30 funds that are highly correlated to one another, said Brenda Wenning, principal of Wenning Investments of Newton, Mass. Determining the asset allocation in each of your funds is crucial.

"I often see portfolios with that many mutual funds and ETFs, sometimes including small cap, mid cap, large cap, growth and value funds for one asset class," she said. "Instead of having that many investments that represent three asset classes, investors should look at the correlation among the various investments and choose one to three per asset class."

The focus should be on determining the appropriate amount of allocations toward both domestic and international stock and bond markets, said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst for Bankrate, the North Palm Beach, Fla.-based financial content company.

"In this case, you can have a diversified and properly allocated portfolio with four funds: total stock market index fund, total international stock market index fund, total bond market fund and total international bond market fund," he said. "The thinner you slice the pie by adding various sectors and investment strategies, keep in mind that whatever additional return you may be shooting for can be more than given away with the higher cost investments in narrower market segments."

The Fees Add Up

A large percentage of employees fail to roll their 401(k) plan into an IRA and the unnecessary plan fees accumulate for many years, said Feilke. While employees do not have any options when it comes to fees in a 401(k) plan, they can choose investments with lower fees such as index funds or ETFs.

"It's extremely important for people to pay attention to the fees they're paying," he said. "Paying higher fees can have a huge impact on your future balance and the longer time frame you have only increases that risk."

Why Fewer Can BeBetter

The number of ETFs in a portfolio also depends on how willing an investor is to devote time to choosing and monitoring their funds, but it can help them cope with unexpected volatility in the markets, said C.J. Brott, founder of Capital Ideas, a registered investment adviser in Dallas.

"It definitely depends on the skill level of the investor," he said. "Knowing what you own and why tends to give investors the confidence necessary to ride out bouts of market volatility."

Owning five to six ETFs is a "great mix because having more makes it difficult to keep track of it," Brott said.

"Three core holdings reflecting various concentrations of small medium and large cap U.S. stocks should make up 50% to 70% of the portfolio," he said. "The ratios of each should vary with market and economic cycles. The other two to three ETFs should be allocated to fixed income or in a 100% equity portfolio weighting to specific U.S. S&P sectors or overseas markets."

Sticking with four ETFs and a money market account will "get most people where they need to be," said Andy Terry, a finance professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and a partner in Aptus Financial.

"I personally think that fewer is better and Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) - Get Free Report and Fidelity Total Market Index Fund Premium Class (FSTVX) are two examples which both offer total U.S. market index fund options and all that is needed to capture U.S equities," he said.

By adding any another U.S. equity fund, it constitutes as "tilting" the portfolio in some direction and making a "bet" on that sector, said Terry.

"If you own VTI and then add a small cap growth fund, you are overweighting small cap growth stocks because such stocks are already represented in VTI," he said.

Why you likely have too many mutual funds or etfs (2024)


Can you have too many mutual funds? ›

You don't need more than four to six schemes to diversify your portfolio. If you are investing a small amount, you don't need to invest in more than one or two schemes. Investing in every mutual fund category will not offer you the best return or diversification.

Can you have too many ETFs? ›

Holding too many ETFs in your portfolio introduces inefficiencies that in the long term will have a detrimental impact on the risk/reward profile of your portfolio. For most personal investors, an optimal number of ETFs to hold would be 5 to 10 across asset classes, geographies, and other characteristics.

Why is a sure reason to invest in mutual funds or ETFs? ›

Investors looking for diversification often turn to the world of funds. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), index mutual funds and actively managed mutual funds can provide broad, diversified exposure to an asset class, region or specific market niche, without having to buy scores of individual securities.

Why are there so many mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds are popular in part because they offer investors the opportunity to diversify, and therefore spread out their risk over a number of investments. Mutual funds appeal to people because they give average investors the opportunity to invest in professionally managed funds.

How many funds is too many in a portfolio? ›

There isn't a strict rule, but between five and 10 funds is usually a good idea. That lets you allocate money to different types of funds and markets without doubling up too much. It's also a manageable number to monitor and won't cost you too much in trading fees.

Can you invest in too many funds? ›

It's important to make sure that your portfolio is well-diversified, but holding too many funds means there's a risk some may overlap. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you could get back less than you invest. If you're not sure about investing, seek independent advice.

Are ETFs considered high risk? ›

ETFs are considered to be low-risk investments because they are low-cost and hold a basket of stocks or other securities, increasing diversification. For most individual investors, ETFs represent an ideal type of asset with which to build a diversified portfolio.

How many mutual funds should I have? ›

The consensus is that a well-balanced portfolio with approximately 20 to 30 stocks diversifies away the maximum amount of unsystematic risk.

What are 3 disadvantages to owning an ETF over a mutual fund? ›

So it's important for any investor to understand the downside of ETFs.
  • Disadvantages of ETFs. ETF trading comes with some drawbacks, which include the following:
  • Trading fees. ...
  • Operating expenses. ...
  • Low trading volume. ...
  • Tracking errors. ...
  • Potentially less diversification. ...
  • Hidden risks. ...
  • Lack of liquidity.

Why is a sure reason to invest in mutual funds or ETFs quizlet? ›

Unlike mutual funds, an ETF trades like a common stock on a stock exchange. ETFs experience price changes throughout the day as they are bought and sold. *ETFs typically have higher daily liquidity and lower fees than mutual fund shares, making them an attractive alternative for individual investors.

Are ETFs and mutual funds risky Why or why not? ›

Both mutual funds and ETFs are considered low-risk investments compared to cherry-picked stocks and bonds. While investing in general always carries some level of risk, both mutual funds and ETFs carry about the same level. It depends on the individual mutual fund and ETF you're investing in.

How many mutual funds is too many mutual funds? ›

You don't need more than four to six schemes to diversify your portfolio. If you are investing a small amount, you don't need to invest in more than one or two schemes. Investing in every mutual fund category will not offer you the best return or diversification.

What are the top two reasons people invest in mutual funds? ›

Nearly half of U.S. households own mutual funds.* Here are some of the reasons they're so popular:
  • Diversification. Mutual funds give you an efficient way to diversify your portfolio, without having to select individual stocks or bonds. ...
  • Low cost. ...
  • Convenience. ...
  • Professional management.

Why are mutual funds very high risk? ›

Mutual Funds invest in securities, be it equity or debt, whose values fluctuate along with market movement. This makes them risky because NAV of the fund depends on the individual security values held in the fund's portfolio.

Do I have too many investment accounts? ›

There's nothing wrong with opening multiple brokerage accounts. In fact, it may be beneficial.

How many stocks and ETFs should I have? ›

The number of stocks you should own depends on factors like time horizon and risk appetite. While there is no "perfect" portfolio size, the generally agreed upon number is 20 to 30 stocks. A diversification strategy ensures that your money stays safe if one or a few assets dip.

How much of your portfolio should be in one ETF? ›

International ETFs.

According to Vanguard, international ETFs should make up no more than 30% of your bond investments and 40% of your stock investments.

What happens if you invest in too many stocks? ›

Over diversification is possible as some mutual funds have to own so many stocks (due to the large amount of cash they have) that it's difficult to outperform their benchmarks or indexes. Owning more stocks than necessary can take away the impact of large stock gains and limit your upside.

Is it possible to have too many stocks? ›

In fact, owning too many stocks can be detrimental to your portfolio, increasing your costs while not necessarily reducing your risk. “Over-diversification” can limit returns with no perceivable advantage of further risk reduction. With every stock you add to your portfolio, you lower its risk profile.

How much is too much diversification? ›

There's no absolute cutoff point that distinguishes an adequately diversified portfolio from an over-diversified one. As a general rule of thumb, most investors would peg a sufficiently diversified portfolio as one that holds 20 to 30 investments across various stock market sectors.

What is the problem with ETFs? ›

With little natural trading volume, an investor's sell order in a declining market could be filled at a poor (below net asset value) price. In other words, the ETFs could harm investors in rocky markets, even as do-it-yourself strategies are easily unwound or adjusted at fair prices.

Which is riskier ETF or mutual fund? ›

In terms of safety, neither the mutual fund nor the ETF is safer than the other due to its structure. Safety is determined by what the fund itself owns. Stocks are usually riskier than bonds and corporate bonds come with somewhat more risk than U.S. government bonds.

What is the risk of mutual funds? ›

All funds carry some level of risk. With mutual funds, you may lose some or all of the money you invest because the securities held by a fund can go down in value. Dividends or interest payments may also change as market conditions change.

Is it good to have 4 mutual funds? ›

There is no rigid rule to recommend a certain number of funds. Also, there is no one scientifically derived precise number of funds that one can have. The rationale for investing in more funds is to diversify. This helps in offsetting the risk of some of the investments turning bad or performing poorly.

What is an ETF vs mutual fund? ›

With a mutual fund, you buy and sell based on dollars, not market price or shares. And you can specify any dollar amount you want—down to the penny or as a nice round figure, like $3,000. With an ETF, you buy and sell based on market price—and you can only trade full shares.

How many ETFs are there? ›

Number of ETFs globally 2003-2022

The number of exchange traded funds (ETFs) worldwide grew markedly during the period from 2003 to 2022. There were 8,754 ETFs globally in 2022, compared to 276 in 2003. As of 2022, ETFs worldwide managed assets up to almost 10 trillion U.S. dollars.

What are the pros and cons of mutual funds vs ETFs? ›

Quick Reference Comparison
ETFsMutual Funds
PricingDetermined by marketNet asset value (NAV)
Tax EfficiencyUsually tax efficient due to less turnover and fewer capital gainsNot as tax efficient due to more turnover and greater capital gains
Automatic InvestingNot availableYes, for investments and withdrawals
9 more rows
7 days ago

What is a disadvantage of mutual funds? ›

Mutual Funds: An Overview

Disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution. Here's a more detailed look at both the advantages and disadvantages of this investment strategy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds and ETFs? ›

Mutual funds are bought and sold at net asset value (NAV) and only at the end of the trading day. However, like stocks, ETFs are bought and sold at a market price and can be traded intraday. ETFs also typically have lower initial costs and lower expense ratios than mutual funds.

Why do people choose mutual funds over stocks? ›

The primary reasons why an individual may choose to buy mutual funds instead of individual stocks are diversification, convenience, and lower costs.

Why do people choose mutual funds? ›

Risk Diversification — Buying shares in a mutual fund is an easy way to diversify your investments across many securities and asset categories such as equity, debt and gold, which helps in spreading the risk - so you won't have all your eggs in one basket.

What is the importance of investing in mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds help investors diversify unsystematic risks by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks across different sectors. While individual stocks have both unsystematic and systematic risks, mutual funds are only subject to systematic risk or market risk.

Why are ETFs more cost effective than mutual funds? ›

ETFs have transparent and hidden fees as well—there are simply fewer of them, and they cost less. Mutual funds charge their shareholders for everything that goes on inside the fund, such as transaction fees, distribution charges, and transfer-agent costs.

What are the pros and cons of investing in ETFs? ›

Pros vs. Cons of ETFs
Lower expense ratiosTrading costs to consider
Diversification (similar to mutual funds)Investment mixes may be limited
Tax efficiencyPartial shares may not be available
Trades execute similar to stocks
Feb 3, 2023

What happens when mutual funds get too big? ›

These funds concentrate their assets on a relatively small number of thinly traded stocks. If the fund attracts too much money, the fund manager may have trouble purchasing additional large blocks of thinly traded shares without driving up their prices by doing so.

How many people use mutual funds? ›

Majority of American Households Own Mutual Funds, Ownership Occurs Across All Ages and Incomes. Washington, DC; October 31, 2022—According to new research published today by the Investment Company Institute (ICI), 68.6 million, or 52.3 percent of, households in the United States owned mutual funds in 2022.

How many stocks are usually in a mutual fund? ›

For instance, most mutual funds hold well over 100 securities. For someone with a small sum to invest, building and managing a portfolio containing that many securities could potentially be highly impractical, if not impossible.

What attracts investors to mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds offer diversification or access to a wider variety of investments than an individual investor could afford to buy. There are economies of scale in investing with a group. Monthly contributions help the investor's assets grow. Funds are more liquid because they tend to be less volatile.

What are the two main reasons that people invest? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

Which of the following is a good reason to invest in mutual funds through one large fund family company? ›

Lower costs: Because you have multiple funds within the same family, selling and buying shares across the family will generally cost less than investing in funds with different companies. Some funds will even allow shareholders to invest in other mutual funds within the mutual fund family at lower minimum levels.

Are all mutual funds high-risk? ›

All Mutual Fund schemes do not carry the same risk when it comes to returns on investment. Equity schemes have the potential to deliver superior returns over the long term that can create wealth.

Which is more risky mutual funds or stocks? ›

Mutual funds tend to be less risky than individual stocks, because they are more diversified — meaning they contain a mix of investments.

What is more risky mutual fund or equity? ›

In this sense, mutual funds are seen as a 'safer' bet in comparison to equity stocks, due to their low risk quotient. Returns - While mutual funds offer investors very decent returns over a period of time, equity stocks have the potential to bring the investor extremely high returns over a much shorter period of time.

Is 10 mutual funds too much? ›

Ideally, 6 to 8 funds are good enough to build your MF portfolio. As the size of the portfolio increases, you may invest in a maximum of 10 funds to reduce the risk of being overdependent on any particular fund or fund house. However, the funds you are investing in are across equity, debt and hybrid categories.

Is it smart to have multiple mutual funds? ›

While mutual funds are popular and attractive investments because they provide exposure to a number of stocks in a single investment vehicle, too much of a good thing can be a bad idea. The addition of too many funds simply creates an expensive index fund.

How many mutual funds should I own? ›

It's best to hold at least three or four mutual funds with different styles and objectives if you're like most investors. They should reduce volatility by combining fund types that don't share the same features. Stock funds may decline a great deal in value in a bear market.

What percentage of your portfolio should be in mutual funds? ›

It is crucial to implement 50:30:20 rule in your financial plan. One should invest at least 20% of their salary in mutual funds and can later increase whenever possible.

What is the average 10 year return on mutual funds? ›

What Is a Good 10-Year Return on a Mutual Fund? The best-performing large-company stock mutual funds have produced returns of up to 17% in the last 10 years. It should be noted that average annualized returns have been higher than usual — at 14.70% during this time frame — driven by a multi-year bull market.

What is a good 10 year return on a mutual fund? ›

For stock mutual funds, a “good” long-term return (annualized, for 10 years or more) is 8% to 10%. For bond mutual funds, a good long-term return would be 4% to 5%.

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