This Is How Many Stocks You Should Own, According to Investing Experts (2024)

This Is How Many Stocks You Should Own, According to Investing Experts (1)

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Is there an ideal number of stocks to own?

Not exactly, according to experts—but you should have at least 20 and possibly a minimum of 60, according to a range of research and investing experts and research.

It’s a big undertaking to consider your investing timeline, risk tolerance, and how much you want to allocate to each stock. “You need to be technically savvy and understand companies and how to analyze them,” says Corbin Blackwell, certified financial planner and senior financial planner at Betterment.

However, there are low-cost and proven shortcuts to owning dozens of stocks. Let’s talk about stock diversification.

Is There an Ideal Number of Stocks to Own in Your Portfolio?

The biggest strength in any portfolio is diversification. When you have diversity, you can more easily mitigate risk and weather market downturns —as well as earn better returns over the long term.

For these reasons, you’ll need several stocks in different sectors that can balance each other out. “A small number of companies is not going to provide enough broad diversification,” says Blackwell, who speculates the average investor would need a double-digit number of stocks for appropriate diversification.

“Anything under 20 is highly concentrated, and at that point, you’re exposing yourself to single-security risk,” says Liz Young, head of investment strategy at SoFi. That means your investments could fluctuate by big margins every time one industry or company has a price change.

Some experts say that somewhere between 20 and 30 stocks is the sweet spot for manageability and diversification for most portfolios of individual stocks. But if you look beyond that, other research has pegged the magic number at 60 stocks.

A study completed from 1986 to 1999 by Ronald J. Suez and Mitchell Price of Roxbury Capital Management investment firm in California found that when portfolios have 60 stocks (or more), investors will achieve 89% diversification, meaning your portfolio is protected against volatility. Anything less than that can be detrimental to your portfolio, the research found.

Why Is It Important to Have Diversity in Your Stocks?

“You don’t want to have concentrated risk in a single company or industry,” says Young. “There are drivers that can happen in the economy and in the market – and they do not affect all sectors equally.”

Your stocks aren’t supposed to all move up or down at the same time, Young says. A diversified portfolio will have subsets in the red and others in the green, because different factors drive the market each day. Having diversity in your stock choices gives you exposure to more industries and balance during downturns. And it’s easier to predict future risk for more accurate projections.

Pro Tip

Investors should have no less than 60 stocks in their investments in order to have a well-diversified portfolio. If you don’t have time to research but want to start investing, consider a low-cost, broad-market index fund instead.

Spreading out your investments reduces your portfolio’s risk while maintaining the same expected return, says Blackwell.

When you have a portfolio heavily concentrated on a handful of companies or just a few industries, if one company or industry goes down, then your whole portfolio goes down. Diversification helps to make sure that doesn’t happen, or at least provide a cushion if one area is free falling down.

One of the best ways to mitigate risk and ensure a diverse portfolio is to invest in low-cost, broad-market index funds, such as the S&P 500 fund, a total market fund, or even funds devoted to a cross-section of the market like a technology or small cap fund.

These funds often include holdings in hundreds of companies across industries and seek to match the performance within the overall market. If you decide to invest in an index fund, you can make it the centerpiece of your portfolio and supplement with single stocks, which is the strategy that Blackwell and Young recommend.

How Often Should You Swap Stocks Out?

It depends on your goals. If you want your portfolio to last into retirement and you have a long investment horizon, somewhere between quarterly and once or twice a year is ideal. If you only want to hold stocks for a short while, you might rebalance, meaning buy and sell certain stocks to match your goals, more often, such as every year until you’ve reached your target.

It’s generally a good practice to hold all your stocks for at least a year to avoid paying short-term capital gains taxes. For tax purposes, anything you hold for less than a year is considered short-term. So unless it’s worth it to pay those taxes, you should expect to hold on to your stocks for at least a year, and potentially much longer, depending on what your future plans are for your money.

How to Start Investing Today

If you don’t have the time or energy to put research into individual stocks, index funds are a great way to achieve instant diversification. They track the overall market (or a portion of it) and allow you to invest in hundreds of companies with one transaction.Many people use them as a primary investment vehicle not only because of their efficiency, but because you don’t need any prior knowledge to start investing. They may also have extremely low fees.

Wherever you land, the best way to start is to open an investment account with a brokerage. Then you can purchase index funds or individual stocks as you build your investment plans and portfolio. Most brokerages also provide tools for ongoing research and an overall snapshot of each available company stock or index fund.

If you need more assistance in your investment portfolio, a robo-advisor can ask you a few questions about your risk tolerance and investment timeline to determine the best investment strategy for you. Most often, they’ll assemble a mix of index funds for you, and are reliable for beginner investors to get started.

This Is How Many Stocks You Should Own, According to Investing Experts (2024)


How many number of stocks should I own? ›

The average diversified portfolio holds between 20 and 30 stocks. Diversifying your portfolio in the stock market is an investing best practice because it decreases non-systemic, or company-specific, risk by ensuring that no single company has too much influence over the value of your holdings.

How many stocks is too many in a portfolio? ›

Depending on which research you pull, you can find arguments suggesting that anywhere between 10 and 60 individual stocks will make up a well-diversified series of investments. However, for investors looking for a rule of thumb, we would suggest considering this from a budget-first perspective: Invest with funds.

Is there a limit to how many stocks you can own? ›

While there is no actual limit to the amount of shares you can purchase in a company, it's possible that there will be rules or restrictions that may interfere with your ability to buy as many shares as you want.

How many shares of a stock do you need? ›

The traditional minimum number of shares an investor can purchase from the open market is one. However, when using dividend reinvestment plans, roboadvisors, and fractional shares, an investor has access to percentages of whole shares.

What percentage of stocks should I own? ›

The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks. Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

How many stocks should I own with $100 K? ›

A good range for how many stocks to own is 15 to 20. You can keep adding to your holdings and also invest in other types of assets such as bonds, REITs, and ETFs. The key is to conduct the necessary research on each investment to make sure you know what you are buying and why.

What is the rule of 10 in stocks? ›

A: If you're buying individual stocks — and don't know about the 10% rule — you're asking for trouble. It's the one rough adage investors who survive bear markets know about. The rule is very simple. If you own an individual stock that falls 10% or more from what you paid, you sell.

How much is too much in stocks? ›

Concentrated positions of company stock can carry more market risk than a diversified portfolio, coupled with career risk tied to the company. Holding more than 5% to 10% of your portfolio in company stock is a level of concentration that merits attention. Trimming a position of company stock requires careful planning.

How many stocks is too much diversification? ›

There's no absolute cutoff point that distinguishes an adequately diversified portfolio from an over-diversified one. As a general rule of thumb, most investors would peg a sufficiently diversified portfolio as one that holds 20 to 30 investments across various stock market sectors.

How many stocks is best to invest in? ›

Most experts tell beginners that if you're going to invest in individual stocks, you should ultimately try to have at least 10 to 15 different stocks in your portfolio to properly diversify your holdings.

How many stocks and shares can I have? ›

Technically there's no limit to the amount of stocks and shares ISAs you can hold, so you can open a new one with a different provider each tax year if you wish.

Can you be invested in too many stocks? ›

Over diversification is possible as some mutual funds have to own so many stocks (due to the large amount of cash they have) that it's difficult to outperform their benchmarks or indexes. Owning more stocks than necessary can take away the impact of large stock gains and limit your upside.

How many shares should you start with? ›

The commonly accepted standard for new companies is 10 million shares. When you build a venture-backed startup designed to scale, you will need to issue shares to an increasing number of employees. Authorizing 10 million shares means it will be unlikely you'd ever need to offer someone a fraction of a share.

Is 10 shares of a stock enough? ›

Most people might to aim to hold between 10 and 20 stocks. Even those can take a lot of time to manage, though, so consider a low-fee, broad-market index fund, such as one that tracks the S&P 500, for much of your money. Learn more by searching for the terms “index fund” and “Motley Fool” using Google.

What age should you get out of the stock market? ›

You probably want to hang it up around the age of 70, if not before. That's not only because, by that age, you are aiming to conserve what you've got more than you are aiming to make more, so you're probably moving more money into bonds, or an immediate lifetime annuity.

Should you be 100% stocks? ›

The main argument advanced by proponents of a 100% equities strategy is simple and straightforward: In the long run, equities outperform bonds and cash; therefore, allocating your entire portfolio to stocks will maximize your returns.

How much should your first stock be? ›

You don't need a lot of money to start investing. In fact, you could start investing in the stock market with as little as $10, thanks to zero-fee brokerages and the magic of fractional shares. Here's what you need to know about how to transform even a small amount of money into the beginnings of an investment empire.

How many stocks should I own with 5000? ›

For a beginning portfolio of about $3,000, just two stocks are sufficient. For a portfolio of $5,000 to $20,000, three stocks can be a manageable load. For accounts up to $200,000, four or five stocks are enough. Even those who have more than a million dollars to invest should limit themselves to six or seven stocks.

How much should I invest in stocks to be a Millionaire? ›

$1 Million the Hard Way

If you're starting from scratch, online millionaire calculators (which return a variety of results given the same inputs) estimate that you'll need to save anywhere from $13,000 to $15,500 a month and invest it wisely enough to earn an average of 10% a year.

What is the 80/20 rule in stock trading? ›

In investing, the 80-20 rule generally holds that 20% of the holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio's growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio's holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

What is the golden rule of stock? ›

Warren Buffett once said that the only two rules of successful investing are (1) Never Lose Money and (2) Never Forget Rule 1. Buying and selling stocks in the share market (share market) is such a simple activity that almost anyone can do it.

What is the 50 80 rule in stocks? ›

A stealthy probability of the 50/80 rule is very important to compound money and not losses. Once a stock establishes a major top, there's a 50% chance that it will fall by 80% and 80% chance that it will fall by 50%. This is a warning about being aware of the first loss to hit the radar.

Should I move my retirement savings out of the market 2022? ›

Investors favored fixed income during 73% of total trading days in 2022. Yet the best choice for investors — especially those with many years or decades before they'll tap their retirement savings — is probably to stay put, according to financial advisors.

How much should a 70 year old have in stocks? ›

If you're 70, you should keep 30% of your portfolio in stocks. However, with Americans living longer and longer, many financial planners are now recommending that the rule should be closer to 110 or 120 minus your age.

Which stocks are best for beginners? ›

Best Stocks To Buy For Beginners In India

Bajaj Finserv Ltd. Infosys Ltd. Jubilant Food Ltd.

How many stocks make a well diversified portfolio? ›

We show that a well-diversified portfolio of randomly chosen stocks must include at least 30 stocks for a borrowing investor and 40 stocks for a lending investor. This contradicts the widely accepted notion that the benefits of diversification are virtually exhausted when a portfolio contains approximately 10 stocks.

Can you become millionaire investing stocks? ›

Becoming a stock market millionaire may be a lofty goal, and it's something not everyone will be able to achieve. But it isn't impossible. By investing consistently, choosing the right investments, and keeping your money in the market for as long as possible, you have a better chance of generating long-term wealth.

What is a good stock portfolio? ›

For years, many financial advisors recommended building a 60/40 portfolio, allocating 60% of capital to stocks and 40% to fixed-income investments such as bonds.

Do you pay tax when you sell shares? ›

If you make a capital gain on the sale of shares, then subject to the exceptions set out below you will usually be liable to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT). Your gain is usually the difference between what you paid for your shares and what you sold them for.

How many stocks and shares can I open? ›

You can only pay into one stocks and shares ISA in each tax year, but you can open a new ISA with a different provider each year if you want to.

How many stocks can I buy and sell on the same day? ›

There are no restrictions on placing multiple buy orders to buy the same stock more than once in a day, and you can place multiple sell orders to sell the same stock in a single day. The FINRA restrictions only apply to buying and selling the same stock within the designated five-trading-day period.

How long should you stay invested in a stock? ›

Though there is no ideal time for holding stock, you should stay invested for at least 1-1.5 years. If you see the stock price of your share booming, you will have the question of how long do you have to hold stock? Remember, if it is zooming today, what will be its price after ten years?

Is it worth owning 1 share of a stock? ›

The Bottom Line. Assuming you choose a reliable company, it is worth investing in one share of stock. Your money is more likely to grow in the stock market than in a savings account, and you may enjoy stock splits, dividends, and other developments that increase your wealth effortlessly.

Is 60 stocks too many? ›

Some experts say that somewhere between 20 and 30 stocks is the sweet spot for manageability and diversification for most portfolios of individual stocks. But if you look beyond that, other research has pegged the magic number at 60 stocks.

Can I buy 1 share of Amazon stock? ›

If your heart is set on Amazon and you can't afford to buy a full share at the current trading price, look at brokers that offer those fractional shares mentioned above. That will allow you to buy a portion of one share of Amazon to get started.

How much is 1 share in stocks? ›

On the other hand, a share of stock is a unit of ownership in the business. The number of shares determines how big of a piece of ownership in a business you have. If a company has 100,000 outstanding shares of stock and you own 1,000, you have a 1% equity ownership stake in the company's business.

Is buying 1 share of Amazon worth it? ›

Price and valuation

Amazon stock is up 73% year to date, as the pandemic sent more and more shoppers online and Amazon rose to the occasion. If you would think of putting $3,000 into any one company, buying one share of Amazon is an excellent choice.

How many stocks should a beginner buy? ›

Most experts tell beginners that if you're going to invest in individual stocks, you should ultimately try to have at least 10 to 15 different stocks in your portfolio to properly diversify your holdings.

How many stocks does Warren Buffett own? ›

Berkshire Hathaway owns positions in more than 40 stocks.
Top stocks that Warren Buffett owns by size.
American Express (NYSE:AXP)151,610,700$23.1 billion
9 more rows

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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