Why Textbooks are Important - Rasmed Publications Ltd (2024)

By rasmed on November 15th, 2021

Why Textbooks are Important - Rasmed Publications Ltd (1)

Teaching and learning require some aids to make the process easier. One of these aids is the textbook which is very important and the focus of this article. A textbook isa book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it.

Textbooks are an essential tool for the educational system. Unfortunately, some people argue that they are a waste of money and are not important in the learning process. However, this is not true as they have quite a number of uses and benefits for both teachers and students alike. See them below

Benefits of Using Textbooks

  1. Textbooks serve as a guide to the prescribed curriculum and syllabus. They ensure that topics covered are similar across different schools and states.
  2. It transmits knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to the teacher and student alike.
  3. It provides guidelines for teaching and learning. So, the teacher knows what is expected when teaching particular topics. They also know th best approach to help students assimilate better.
  4. Textbooks save time and energy when searching for information since it is a source of the material. They are an easily accessible reference point. It is a readily available source of information.
  5. Using textbooks makes teaching various subjects systematic as it is arranged according to themes. For this reason, it is easier for students to follow the lessons and understand them better.
  6. They play major roles for weak students to achieve good grades as they are able to read on their own in more details..
  7. It is a reliable point of reference. Because they are properly researched and therefore credible, while most information on the internet are added randomly.
  8. Provides students with several examples, activities and experiments related to the topics so they can understand better.
  9. Textbooks are illustrated so students are able to picture and visualize concepts.
  10. They are a footpath and lighthouse as they provide detailed information and also provides references in case students or teachers require further information.

Textbooks are important and beneficial for teachers and students. They should be made available and accessible to students and teachers. This would make the teaching process much easier and students can learn better and more extensively.

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Why Textbooks are Important - Rasmed Publications Ltd (2024)


Why are textbooks so important? ›

Textbooks are a fundamental written source of knowledge and often represent a factor in educational research that explains differences in students' knowledge at different levels of the education system (Oakes & Saunders, 2004).

Why is a textbook a good source? ›


Academic books are a trusted source of information because they are written by experts and usually edited by peers before they can be published.

Are textbooks trustworthy? ›

Yes, textbooks are viewed as reliable tools in education, providing credible information that supports students' understanding of critical concepts and aids in cementing student learning.

Why are the review questions at the end of a textbook chapter important? ›

The review questions will help you confirm your understanding of the material. Textbooks often highlight or bold new terms. Glossaries are usually at the back of textbooks and give definitions and explanations of important terms in the text.

Are textbooks actually helpful? ›

Some textbooks are well-researched, comprehensive, and provide valuable resources for both students and teachers. They can effectively present information, provide exercises and activities for practice, and support learning objectives.

Why are college textbooks important? ›

College educators use textbooks as a reference and aid in discussions. Students refer to textbooks as a tool to understand the subject better, highlight important points, and refresh their memory for examinations.

Are textbooks better for learning? ›

Students learn more effectively from print textbooks than screens, study says.

Why do schools still use textbooks? ›

After surveying the textbooks himself, Grissmer said, he grasped why teaching from them is producing better grades for students. “It encourages a broad base of knowledge, history, geography, science, arts—whatever kids need to understand the world they live in,” he said. A similar effect has been found in math.

Why are textbooks better than online? ›

People who read print text comprehend more, remember more, and learn more than those who read digital text. The brain interprets printed and digital text in different ways, and people generally read digital text 20-30% slower than print. [26] [27] According to Pulitzer Prize…

Is it illegal to find textbooks online? ›

Copyright law infringement

Copyright laws protect original “works of authorship” that are affixed to a physical medium. This means that there must be special permission from an original author or owner to copy, distribute or alter an intellectual property (IP).

Is a textbook biased? ›

Yes, textbooks can indeed contain opinions and biases from their authors. While textbooks are expected to present factual information and educational content, it's important to recognize that authors are individuals with their own perspectives, beliefs, and biases.

Why are textbooks so expensive? ›

Publisher Profits

Companies can get away with charging higher prices because there are no smaller, independent companies that can jump in and offer a better price. Additionally, college students make for an essentially captive audience; books are required materials, so they must purchase them.

Which is a disadvantage of e-books? ›

The constant glare and flickering of screens can also induce eyestrain, making it challenging for readers to focus and retain information effectively. In contrast, print books, with their ink-on-paper format, offer a more natural reading experience that is less likely to strain the eyes.

What are the 4 steps of active reading? ›

Think of an active reading session as being made up of four separate stages: (1) previewing, (2) reading to organize, (3) reading to find significant facts and (4) summarizing. Previewing helps set up a framework in your long-term memory, allowing you to absorb topics, ideas and vocabulary within the text more readily.

What are the three stages of active reading? ›

Active reading involves these steps:
  • Preparing.
  • Reading.
  • Capturing the key ideas.
  • Reviewing.

Do students learn better with textbooks? ›

Researchers estimate that if a student spends ten hours reading in print in their free time, their ability to comprehend will likely be six to eight times greater than if they read on digital devices for the same amount of time.

Why textbooks are better than technology? ›

People who read print text comprehend more, remember more, and learn more than those who read digital text. The brain interprets printed and digital text in different ways, and people generally read digital text 20-30% slower than print.

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