Why Google Glass Failed? Google Glass Failure Case Study (2024)

Have you ever wondered about the next level of revolution in technology? Well, a world-famous company had thought this through years ago. In fact, they were very near to making this revolutionary development in wearable technology. But, they failed! Must be wondering why? That company was Google, which took the initiative of bringing the most evolved technology measure.

Years ago, Google developed a smart wearable product named Google Glass. This was known to be Google "moonshot" technology. The image behind the invention was utterly brilliant but, the product didn't come to stand on its expectations. The product was highly criticized around every aspect from price to safety.

Google focused on hyping and uplifting people's expectations for its products but didn't bring out the harsh reality or its lacking in the market. This led to the major failure of Google Glass. The product's marketing campaign kept on promoting the product as the future's precursor technology.

But with so much dedication and evolved technology, how and why did the Google Glass fail? This revolutionary high potential holder product was largely rejected by the consumers from the mass-market. Google Glass failed in many elements such as health and safety concerns, extensively high price, heat issues and many more.

In this article, we have discussed these issues briefly and brought out a case study on how Google Glass failed!

Reasons for Google Glass Failure

  • Concerns over Health and Safety
  • No clear Functioning
  • Battery Issues
  • Overprice
  • Language Issues
  • Heating Issues

Marketing Lessons to learn from Google Glass Failure

Reasons for Google Glass Failure

Concerns over Health and Safety

As soon as the announcement and description of Google Glass came out among the people, there were some major concerns regarding its safety measures and how it could adversely affect our health.

People were concerned whether it would be safe to use Google Glass every day. Because as per the description, the product was expected to radiate carcinogenic radiation very close to our minds and eyes. However, other brand's products also emit many harmful radiations, but they don't make direct contact with our skin.

Moreover, Google Glass could capture any image at any time so there were some concerns raised for the privacy and piracy of lives. It could capture anything randomly without the knowledge of other people.

No clear Functioning

Why Google Glass Failed? Google Glass Failure Case Study (1)

When a new product is launched in the market, the first question that comes is what issues does this product resolve. The functioning of the product is set before its invention. You cannot build a product based on whether people would be interested or not. Because planning the functionality of any product establishes the ground goals you are achieving with that product. Marketing strategy, promotion, target marketing and everything should be pre-planned.

However, Google Glass didn't stand on any of these scenarios. It had two functions: capturing pictures very quickly and searching anything on the Internet in seconds. There wasn't any usual or practical usage of this product. Therefore, it doesn't bring any major benefits to the customers.

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Battery Issues

Why Google Glass Failed? Google Glass Failure Case Study (4)

Google Glass had a fixed battery limit of 4 hours, which means you need to keep on charging the glass after every four hours. The product could be discharged any time without your knowledge and then, it would be just useless until you charge it completely.

The energy consumption in this product was much more than usual. This would result in some major problems after purchasing. And, also there aren't any standard charging specifications. No matter how many times you charge it, it will be down after a few hours.


Even with these drawbacks, Google Glass cost around $1,500. Although people were highly disappointed with this product, Google didn't minimise the pricing. It kept on with the price of $1,500.

The concerns related to Google Glass were not just random, these issues majorly affect the usage and functioning of this product. These issues couldn't be resolved after 2-3 sales, in fact, these required some well-researched and evolved changes.

Language Issues

Google Glass only worked properly with a native English speaker from the US or UK. But when it comes to sending or commanding in any other language, Google Glass wouldn't recognise it.

The major drawback is it cannot be corrected with the keyboard (as in smartphones) because there isn't any. So it means you can only command in British or American English. That's why it would become absolutely tough to handle.

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Heating Issues

There were some critical concerning issues regarding the heating of Google Glass. When you record a video of 10-15 minutes, it becomes excessively heated because of the intensive computation working. Then, you would need to cool it down immediately otherwise it could cause some high damage not definitively wrong for health.

Marketing Lessons to learn from Google Glass Failure

Before launching any revolutionary and high-tech product, you must take a look at the lessons to be learnt from the failure of Google Glass. These lessons are widely described in the following points.

  • Underline the everyday benefits of your product boldly, with the help of paid media who strengthen your product's PR.
  • Release the product with a short and quick scheduled time to embrace the momentum of purchasing.
  • Do not repeat the mistakes done by Google in the case of Google Glass.
  • Launch your product with utter clearance on what goals you expected to achieve through your product.
  • Maintain and monitor your product advertising and marketing to get a better experience as well as the opportunity to amend the drawbacks.


Google had put a great fraction of creativity and technology with Google Glass. It did try to monetize wearable technology. But, it lacked some major elements which resulted in a complete backup for this product. Google may have some very great and interesting plans and ideas for technology but, it does lose in the basic points of checklist.

Technology is evolving but, with this evolving technology, you must keep in mind that the requirements of consumers are fulfilled. The evolution of technology is in the hands of companies like Google but, the question is, whether the future is products like Google Glass or others?


What does Google Glass do?

Google Glass was a wearable computer that could function as a hands-free smartphone, letting users access the mobile internet browser, camera, maps, calendar, and other apps by voice commands.

When was Google Glass launched?

Google Glass was launched for public retail on 15 May 2014. The early prototype version "Glass Explorers" was launched in the US in 2013.

How much money did Google Glass lose?

Google lost around $895 million on moonshot projects - Google Glass.

Why did Google Glass fail?

One of the biggest reason Why Google Glass failed is because it lacked the clarity on why the product exists. The designers did not clearly define or validate, what solutions Google Glass would give for its users, or how customers would use the glasses.

What were the main reasons for Google Glass failure?

The main reasons for Google Glass failure were the issues in the wearable device:

  • Concerns over Health and Safety
  • No clear Functioning
  • Battery Issues
  • Overprice
  • Language Issues
  • Heating Issues
Why Google Glass Failed? Google Glass Failure Case Study (2024)


Why Google Glass Failed? Google Glass Failure Case Study? ›

The product garnered considerable criticism, with concerns about its price, safety, and privacy. Google Glass seemed to lack the "cool" factor often associated with successful technology product rollouts.

What caused Google Glass to fail? ›

Google Glass is a pair of smart glasses that are wearable and voice-activated. The device was released in 2013 and displayed information to the user in a head-up display. Google Glass ultimately failed due to price, battery issues and functionality.

Why did Google Glass fail privacy? ›

One of the biggest reasons for the failure of Google Glass was the privacy concerns and the resulting public backlash that accompanied its rollout. The Google Glass was equipped with a camera that users could activate at any point in time without necessarily notifying those around. People rightfully freaked out.

What is the weakness of Google Glass? ›

Google warns potential Glass users they may feel eye strain or develop a headache when wearing the device — just like when wearing normal glasses. Google also warns people who've had Lasik surgery to consult with their doctor about the potential negative impact Glass may have on their eyes.

What is the purpose of Google Glass short answer? ›

Google Glass is a wearable, voice- and motion-controlled Android device that resembles a pair of eyeglasses and displays information directly in the user's field of vision. Google Glass offers an augmented reality experience by using visual, audio and location-based inputs to provide relevant information.

Why does Google have so many failed products? ›

There are many reasons why so many Google products have failed, including lack of uniqueness, lateness to market, poor marketing efforts, and bad user interfaces.

How can Google Glass be improved? ›

5 Ways to Make Google Glass Better
  1. Build Glass killer apps.
  2. Make Glass wearers social incasts.
  3. Stop Glass hijacking.
  4. Let Glass fold small.
  5. Boost Glass power.
May 3, 2013

How does Google violate privacy? ›

Google tracks and records your every move, including the location data of your photos. That means someone could pinpoint precisely where you were standing when you took a picture. It's pretty invasive.

Does Google actually respect privacy? ›

Your privacy is protected across Google with built-in security designed to automatically stop threats before they reach you.

How is Google Glass controlled? ›

Activate Glass: Tap the touchpad to turn the display on. Swipe forward and back: Swipe forward to move right on your timeline, swipe backwards to move left through items on your timeline. To quickly navigate your timeline, swipe with two fingers, and you'll see a zoomed out view of the timeline.

What is Google's biggest weakness? ›

Over-dependence on Ad Revenue

Although Google's reliance on ads as a source of revenue has brought a ton of fortune to the company, it also chimes in as one of its biggest weaknesses.

How many people use Google Glass? ›

Taking the public release into account, it seems reasonable to say that fewer than 300,000 people currently own Glass.

Are there health concerns with Google glasses? ›

What Are the Health Risks of Wearing Google Glass? Wearing heads-up displays such as Google Glass can contribute to eye fatigue and may cause visual confusion, according to ophthalmologist and entrepreneur Sina Fateh, who has filed more than 30 patents related to heads-up displays.

What is Google Glass used for today? ›

With the help of voice dictation, you can effectively type out both text messages and emails. Voice and video calls – Google glasses can be used for both voice calls and video chats.

What technology used in Google Glass? ›

The operating system used in glass will be googles Android.It have two features virtual reality and augmented reality. Virtual reality applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world and in imaginary world.

How much do Google glasses cost? ›

Google Glass Pricing

Currently, the headset costs $999, but is expected to drop over the next year to compete with other vendors entering the smart glass market.

Which product of Google is failed? ›

Google Wave

A communication and collaboration platform that was launched in 2009 and discontinued in 2010. Google Wave was a communication and collaboration platform that was launched by Google in 2009 and discontinued in 2010.

How many projects failed in Google? ›

These are just the ones that came to mind. The official Killed By Google tracker counts 194 separate projects discontinued since 2006, although the site's creators admit that they may have missed a few.

How many Google projects have failed? ›

Alphabet's failed experiments so far

According to killedbygoogle.com, there are over 225 projects that Google has launched and since closed (or will be shut down). Some of the most notable ones you might know include: Google Talk: Originally, this was a messaging service for both text and voice.

Why was Google Glass so expensive? ›

"IHS has noted this before in other electronic devices, but this is most dramatically illustrated in Google Glass, where the vast majority of its cost is tied up in non-material costs that include non-recurring engineering expenses, extensive software and platform development, as well as tooling costs and other upfront ...

What is the difference between Google Glass 1 and 2? ›

The resolution of the Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 camera has been improved compared to the predecessor. While the first version had a resolution of 5 MP for photos and 720p for videos, Google has increased it to 8 MP and 1080p for the Enterprise Edition 2.

How many Google glasses were sold? ›

In the second quarter of 2014, the portal Businessinsider.com estimated a figure of more than 800,000 units, a figure that some analysts consider excessive. At the end of 2013, the consultancy Juniper Research estimated sales in 2018 of 10 million devices. There are many doubts about the future of this device.

Who won the Google lawsuit? ›

(Reuters) - Alphabet's Google LLC won a jury trial on Tuesday in a long-running patent lawsuit in Delaware federal court over features in Google's smartphones and apps.

Does Google block all illegal content? ›

We don't accept content that is illegal or depicts illegal activity. This includes: Images or any other content that infringes on anyone else's legal rights, including copyright.

What is happening with the Google lawsuit? ›

Between September 2022 and January 2023, Google has settled a series of sweeping privacy lawsuits, resulting in nearly $600 million in historic settlement payouts to states and affected users. So what happened with each lawsuit, and what can you expect if Google violated your privacy?

What is the safest browser? ›

Chrome may be the most secure browser on the internet, but t's also one of the worst for user privacy. Google Chrome is available for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux.

Is Google actually watching you? ›

They aren't really a search company anymore – they're a tracking company. They are tracking as much as they can for these annoying and intrusive ads, including recording every time you see them, where you saw them, if you clicked on them, etc.

Can anyone see what I search on Google on my phone? ›

Yes, they can.

The people who can access this information could be your boss or family member if they control the network. It is best to use security tools: VPNs, HTTPS proxies, and the Tor browser to keep your searches private from them.

Can you wear Google Glass while driving? ›

No state has a statute that specifically forbids Google Glass while driving. Most states, however, do have laws forbidding texting while driving. 36 And about two-thirds of states have statutes forbidding television or video screens from being in front of a driver while a vehicle is moving.

How much Google lost on Google Glass? ›

How much money did Google Glass lose? Google lost around $895 million on moonshot projects - Google Glass.

What is the hardest Google interview question? ›

Sample Google Tough Interview Questions for Practice

How would you describe AdWords to a 6-year-old? Would it be good for Google to charge Gmail users? How would you explain the importance of HTML to your grandmother? How many ways are there to find a needle in a haystack?

Why is Google so shady? ›

Criticism of Google includes concern for tax avoidance, misuse and manipulation of search results, its use of others' intellectual property, concerns that its compilation of data may violate people's privacy and collaboration with the US military on Google Earth to spy on users, censorship of search results and content ...

Who is Google's biggest rival? ›

Google's competition varies because of its cross-cutting products and services. Some of its main competitors include streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, along with autonomous car makers like Nissan and Tesla.

How long can Google Glass record? ›

Glass defaults to recording video clips of ten seconds. To continue recording past the default limit, do either of the following while the video is in progress: Press the camera button.

What age range is Google Glass for? ›

Google says kids under 13 shouldn't use Google Glass, the company's upcoming futuristic internet glasses. Google's website says: "Don't let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision."

Who was Google Glass target market? ›

On the one hand, a research made by GfK Global discovered that the Glass appealed to millennials, who showed the intent of purchase towards wearable technologies[v].

What is the risk of smart glasses? ›

Even for those smart glasses without cameras, the privacy risk is great. These glasses pass on sensitive notifications to your vision. A hacker gaining control of your device could read notifications from your social media, email, and text messages.

What are Google glasses made of? ›

Display: The Explorer version of Google Glass uses a liquid crystal on silicon (based on an LCoS chip from Himax), field-sequential color system, LED illuminated display.

How accurate is Google medical? ›

Summary: Turning to Google for medical advice or self-diagnosis may be doing more harm than good. A new study reveals online symptom checkers are only accurate about one-third of the time.

Is Google Glass still functional? ›

Google on Wednesday announced that it has stopped selling its Glass Enterprise smart glasses, adding that it will also stop supporting its software on September 15. The move brings an end to a product that was first sold back in 2013.

Does Google Glass have GPS? ›

Works with Android and iPhones

Google Glass works not only with Android phones but also with the iPhones. Aside from the inbuilt GPS chip, Google Glass is dependent on internet connectivity through Wi-Fi or mobile data connection to deliver its features.

What are the benefits of smart glasses? ›

You'll be able to see your phone apps, and notifications and even use some apps from a binocular viewing angle. This feature is useful in viewing movies in cinematic view, 3D map view, navigation, and also in gaming. Some smart glasses have the capacity of playing virtual reality-like gaming.

Why does Google Glass fail? ›

Google Glass is a pair of smart glasses that are wearable and voice-activated. The device was released in 2013 and displayed information to the user in a head-up display. Google Glass ultimately failed due to price, battery issues and functionality.

Is Google Glass augmented reality? ›

Google will immediately stop selling its augmented reality glasses, the Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2, the company announced on a support page Wednesday. The announcement marks the second time in the past 10 years that Google has discontinued the head-mounted optical display.

What type of innovation was Google Glass? ›

Google glass is a type of wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD).

What is the future of Google Glasses? ›

This week, Google announced that it has stopped selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition, marking another end-of-life for the Glass product that was originally meant to start an augmented reality revolution.

How much is Google Glass in the US? ›

The new glasses cost $999, but that price may be lower for some firms depending on the business and contracts with Google. That's far less than Microsoft's HoloLens 2, which is also used by businesses and even the U.S. military, but starts at $3,500.

Do Google glasses take pictures? ›

From the Home screen, say "ok glass, take a picture." Press the camera button above your right eye to capture a picture.

How do I reset my Google Glass? ›

Tap the touchpad to activate Glass. From the Home screen, swipe backward on the touchpad until you see the Settings bundle. Tap into the Setting bundle and swipe forward until you see the Device Info card. Tap again and swipe forward until you see Factory Reset.

How much money was invested in Google Glass? ›

The company didn't disclose the price, although the Globe and Mail, which first reported on the deal last week, spoke with sources who pegged the price at around $180 million. North had raised just under $200 million from investors, according to Crunchbase, meaning the reported sale price would barely break even.

How much did it cost to make Google Glass? ›

Owners of Google Glass pay US $1500 for a prototype that costs Google just $152.47 in hardware and manufacturing costs, according to a recently published analysis by a technology research firm.

Will Google Glass come back? ›

Google ends enterprise sales of Google Glass, its augmented reality smartglasses. Google has stopped selling its Glass Enterprise smart glasses, the company announced on Wednesday on its website. The move is the end of the line for one of the first and most recognized smart glasses product lines from a tech company.

Why did Google Glass fail marketing? ›

The product garnered considerable criticism, with concerns about its price, safety, and privacy. Google Glass seemed to lack the "cool" factor often associated with successful technology product rollouts.

What if I had invested $1,000 in Google? ›

Those lucky enough to get an allocation of shares have been pleasantly rewarded. A $1,000 investment could have purchased 11.76 shares of Google stock in the IPO. Google underwent stocks splits of 2-for-1 in 2014 and 20-for-1 in 2022. The 11.76 shares would now be a total of 470.4 shares after the stock splits.

Who owns Google Glass? ›

Google Glass
Google Glass Explorer Edition
Also known asProject Glass
TypeOptical Head-Mounted Display (OHMD), Peripheral Head-Mounted Display (PHMD), Wearable technology, Head-up display
18 more rows

What is the profit margin on smart glasses? ›

Smart glass products like Google Glass are wearable computers with a head-mounted display. Though those estimates suggest Google Glass commands a roughly 90% profit margin, IHS cautions that is likely not the case.

What technology is used in Google Glass? ›

It can have both the two features virtual reality and augmented reality. It consists of 4G technology, android system, eye tap, smart clothing and wearable computing. Keywords 4G technology, Android system, Augmented reality, Eye tap,Virtual reality,Smart grid technology ,Wearable computer . referred to as Glass.

Is it possible to buy Google Glass? ›

Thank you for over a decade of innovation and partnership. As of March 15, 2023, we will no longer sell Glass Enterprise Edition. We will continue supporting Glass Enterprise Edition until September 15, 2023. For more information visit our Help Center.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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