What the Big Mac index says about the dollar and the dong (2024)



WHEN The Economist introduced its Big Mac index 35 years ago, the ubiquitous McDonald’s hamburger cost just $1.60 in America. Now it costs $5.65, according to an average of prices in four big cities. The increase comfortably outstrips inflation over the same period.

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Indeed, the Big Mac’s birthplace is one of the priciest places to buy it, according to our comparison of over 70 countries around the world (see chart). In Vietnam, for example, the burger costs 69,000 dong. Although that sounds like an awful lot, you can get a lot of dong for your dollar and, therefore, a lot of bang for your buck in Vietnam. You can buy 69,000 dong for only $3 on the foreign-exchange market. And so a Big Mac in Vietnam works out to be 47% cheaper than in America.

What the Big Mac index says about the dollar and the dong (1)

Good to know. But the index was intended not as a shopper’s guide to burgers but as a tongue-in-cheek guide to currencies. In principle, the value of a currency should reflect its power to buy things, according to the doctrine of “purchasing-power parity”, a term coined by Gustav Cassel, a Swedish economist, in 1918. Since 69,000 dong and $5.65 have the same power to buy a burger, they should be worth the same amount. The fact that you can buy a burger’s worth of dong for 47% less than a burger’s worth of dollars suggests the dong is undervalued.

America’s Treasury certainly thinks so. Twice a year it reports to Congress on countries that might be keeping their currencies artificially cheap to boost exports and steal a competitive edge. In April it confirmed that Vietnam was one of a trio of trading partners, alongside Switzerland and Taiwan, pursuing “potentially unfair” currency practices, based on three tests of its devising. (Vietnam has a “significant” trade surplus with America, a “material” external surplus with the world, and its central bank buys a lot of dollars and other foreign currencies.) In recent months, America’s Treasury has been browbeating Vietnam to mend its ways, a process known as “enhanced engagement”.

On July 19th the two sides reached a deal. Vietnam’s central bank promised not to indulge in competitive devaluation. It also said it would gradually let the currency fluctuate more freely and it would be more open about its interventions in the currency markets. With luck this will avert harmful tariffs or any similar enhancements of the two countries’ engagement.

Lest the Big Mac index contribute to Vietnam’s difficulties, it is worth pointing out that it is common for poor countries to seem cheap relative to rich ones in any simple comparison of prices. Vietnam is not an outlier in this regard. The price of a burger is about what you would expect given the country’s GDP per person. (Taiwan, another country on the Treasury’s naughty step, is a different case. It remains surprisingly cheap, given how prosperous it has become. And Switzerland seems expensive by any measure.)

The cheapest burger we could find is in Lebanon. Although the price of a Big Mac has increased spectacularly to 37,000 Lebanese pounds, the currency has collapsed even more dramatically on the black market, where 22,000 pounds buy a dollar.

As a consequence, the Big Mac costs the equivalent of only $1.68. One reason the burger has remained so cheap may be that Lebanese importers can purchase some of the Big Mac’s ingredients at a more favourable, subsidised exchange rate. They can buy a dollar’s worth of wheat, for example, for 1,500 pounds and other foodstuffs, including cheese, at a rate of 3,900. Lebanon’s currency chaos is both a reflection of its economic disaster and a contributor to it. Even at an artificially low price, a Big Mac is small consolation.

Correction (February 2nd 2022): A previous version of the chart had incorrect data for the euro area, Russia and Venezuela. These have been updated. Sorry.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "The happiest meal"

What the Big Mac index says about the dollar and the dong (2)

From the July 22nd 2021 edition

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What the Big Mac index says about the dollar and the dong (2024)


What the Big Mac Index says about the dollar and the song? ›

In principle, the value of a currency should reflect its power to buy things, according to the doctrine of “purchasing-power parity”, a term coined by Gustav Cassel, a Swedish economist, in 1918. Since 69,000 dong and $5.65 have the same power to buy a burger, they should be worth the same amount.

What is the Big Mac Index simple explanation? ›

The purpose of the Big Mac index is to calculate an implied exchange rate between two currencies. In order to calculate the Big Mac index, the price of a Big Mac in a foreign country (in the foreign country's currency) is divided by the price of Big Mac in a base country (in the base country's currency).

What the Big Mac Index tells you about currency wars? ›

The Big Mac index tells us that the value of the Canadian dollar will fall over the long run. If the exchange rate is less than the PPP, the currency of the country is undervalued. Over time, the currency rate will adjust and the cost of a Big Mac will be the same in both countries.

What is the Big Mac Index quizlet? ›

The "Big Mac Index" measures the PPP between nations using the price of a Big Mac as the benchmark. The Big Mac Index suggests, in theory, changes in exchange rates between currencies should affect the price consumers pay for a Big Mac in a particular nation, replacing the "basket" with the famous hamburger.

What does it mean when the US dollar index goes up? ›

Simply put, if the USDX goes up, that means the U.S. dollar is gaining strength or value when compared to the other currencies. Similarly, if the index is currently 80, falling 20 from its initial value, that implies that it has depreciated 20%.

What does it mean when the dollar is inflated? ›

Inflation increases the price of goods and services over time, effectively decreasing the number of goods and services you can buy with a dollar in the future as opposed to a dollar today.

What does it mean if a currency is undervalued? ›

undervalued currency. Definition English: A currency with an exchange rate lower than it ought to be. A currency may be undervalued, for example, when its purchasing power, supply and demand are all strong, but its price is still comparatively low.

How much is a Big Mac in 2023? ›

For example, in the United States, the average cost of a Big Mac is around $5, while in Norway, it can cost more than $6.

What does the Big Mac Index show how the law of one price? ›

The Big Mac Index is an example of how we measure the law of one price, which states that in the absence of any transport costs and trade tariffs and if free competition and price flexibility are present, then identical goods will cost the same price regardless of where you purchase them (once converted into a common ...

What is the highest the dollar index has ever been? ›

Historically, the United States Dollar reached an all time high of 164.72 in February of 1985. United States Dollar - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on March of 2023.

What happens to currency when there is war? ›

Understanding Currency Wars

In a currency war, sometimes referred to as competitive devaluation, nations devalue their currencies in order to make their own exports more attractive in markets abroad. By effectively lowering the cost of their exports, the country's products become more appealing to overseas buyers.

Will the war affect currency? ›

Effect of War on Currencies

History has shown than war rebuilding efforts must often be financed with cheap capital resulting from lower interest rates, which inevitably decrease the value of domestic currency.

How the Big Mac Index is calculated? ›

To calculate the Big Mac index, you divide the price of a Big Mac in one country (in its local currency) by the price of a Big Mac in the US, to arrive at an exchange rate.

Does the Big Mac Index measure inflation? ›

With the latest data in December 2021, the cost of a Big Mac was $5.81. This $3.45 increase in the cost of a Big Mac is the effect of inflation over the past 25 years.

How does the Big Mac Index work as a measure of economic performance? ›

The Big Mac Index compares the prices of Big Macs across different countries to verify whether the same basket of goods and services used to produce the same Big Mac costs the same in the 2 countries at the current exchange rate.

Will the dollar get stronger in 2023? ›

The US dollar has eased from its peak level, but exchange rate volatility will remain elevated in 2023 on the back of global macroeconomic uncertainty. However, although the dollar is likely to decline further in 2023, it is expected that exchange rate volatility will remain elevated.

Why is the dollar going up when inflation is going up? ›

The US dollar is used in approximately 90% of foreign transactions worldwide. This means that during periods of global economic distress (like we are currently experiencing), the dollar generally rises because investors consider it a relatively safe haven.

What happens when the U.S. dollar gets stronger? ›

Strong Dollar: An Overview

A strengthening U.S. dollar means it can buy more of a foreign currency than before. For example, a strong dollar benefits Americans traveling overseas but puts foreign tourists visiting the U.S. at a disadvantage.

Should you hold cash during inflation? ›

Because there is no chance of a decline in value, “cash is the best option, even if inflation is a risk factor,” she says.

Who benefits from inflation? ›

Inflation benefits those with fixed-rate, low-interest mortgages and some stock investors. Individuals and families on a fixed income, holding variable interest rate debt are hurt the most by inflation.

Who benefits from a weak dollar? ›

A weaker dollar also makes U.S. goods and services (and assets) relatively less expensive for foreign buyers, which benefits U.S. producers that export goods.

Who benefits from undervalued currency? ›

The Bottom Line. Currency devaluations can be used by countries to achieve economic policy. Having a weaker currency relative to the rest of the world can help boost exports, shrink trade deficits and reduce the cost of interest payments on its outstanding government debts.

What happens if the dollar becomes worthless? ›

Demand for the dollar and U.S. Treasurys would plummet. Interest rates would skyrocket. Investors would rush to other currencies, such as the yuan, euro, or even gold. It would create not just inflation, but hyperinflation, as the dollar would lose value to other currencies.

What is the most undervalued currency? ›

The most undervalued world currencies in July 2022, according to the Big Mac Index, were the currencies of Indonesia (a burger there is 54.6% cheaper than in the United States), Romania (55.7% cheaper) and Venezuela (65.8% cheaper).

Are Big Macs buy one get one for a dollar? ›

As part of the BOGO deal, anyone can buy a Big Mac, a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets, or a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, and get a second one for $1. In addition to the BOGO $1 deal, Fellow Chewer Steve also reports McDonald's is offering large soft drinks for $1.59 – $1.69 in Colorado.

Is Big Mac Index a good indicator? ›

Example of the Big Mac Index

Nevertheless, economists consider the index to be a fairly accurate real-world indicator of local economic purchasing power, since the pricing of a Big Mac, like most consumer goods, must take into account local costs of raw materials, labor, taxes, and business premises.

What is undervalued currency Big Mac Index? ›

The Big Mac PPP (purchasing power parity) is an annual survey started in 1986 by The Economist that examines the relative over or undervaluation of currencies based on the relative price of a Big Mac across various countries of the world.

What should I own if a dollar crashes? ›

Here are the Top Recommended Assets to Own When the Dollar Collapses
  • Gold And Silver Coins.
  • Gold IRAs.
  • Real Estate Investments.
  • Foreign Bonds.
  • Collectables Such as NFTs.
  • Food Storages.
  • Own Foreign Currency.
Dec 14, 2022

What country can the U.S. dollar go the farthest? ›

Peru. It takes roughly 3.72 Peruvian soles to make one U.S. dollar (as of Mar. 8, 2022).

What is the strongest currency in the world? ›

The U.S. dollar is considered to be the most powerful or strongest currency in the world. There are a variety of reasons for this. The U.S. economy and government are consistently stable and strong. The have been for a long time.

Should I keep cash during war? ›

It's always a good idea to have some extra cash on hand. Generally speaking, you should have anywhere from three to six months worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, but you should have this anyway — in good times and in bad times.

Can US currency be destroyed? ›

In the United States, burning banknotes is prohibited under 18 U.S.C. § 333: Mutilation of national bank obligations, which includes "any other thing" that renders a note "unfit to be reissued".

Can you go to jail for destroying US currency? ›

If you are convicted of damaging U.S. bills or coins, you may face fines, jail time, or both. For bills, the maximum fine is $100 and the maximum jail sentence is six months. For coins, the prison sentence can be up to five years.

What is safest currency in the world? ›

Top 10 Stable Currencies of the World
  • United States Dollar (USD) ...
  • Australian Dollar (AUD) ...
  • Swiss Franc (CHF) ...
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD) ...
  • Japanese Yen (JPY) ...
  • European Euro (EUR) ...
  • British Sterling Pound (GBP) ...
  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
Dec 20, 2022

Should I keep my money in USD? ›

Having dollars as savings saves you exchange rate costs and volatilities. For those who travel internationally frequently, saving in dollars can provide cost benefits because sourcing them comes at a higher level of purchasing power overseas.

What is the U.S. dollar currency war? ›

The U.S.' Currency War

The United States doesn't deliberately force its currency, the dollar, to devalue. Its use of expansionary fiscal and monetary policy has the same effect. For example, federal deficit spending increases the debt. That exerts downward pressure on the dollar by making it less attractive to hold.

Which country has the most expensive Big Mac? ›

Switzerland has the highest average McDonald's Big Mac price in the world, with an average transaction of $6.80 USD equivalent.

How does the Big Mac Index determine whether a currency is overvalued or undervalued? ›

The Big Mac Index shows the price of the iconic burger in different currencies, which gives us a baseline for what the exchange rate should be. This can then be used to judge whether a currency is over or undervalued by comparing the implied rate and the real exchange rate.

How much was a Big Mac meal in 2000? ›

In 2000, it was $4.23 in March 2022 dollars.

What is the best index to measure inflation? ›

The most well-known indicator of inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the percentage change in the price of a basket of goods and services consumed by households.

Has the Big Mac gone up in price? ›

And over the past 10 years, the price of a Big Mac has increased by around 40%, according to the Economist's Big Mac Index, which was created to measure the American dollar's buying power when compared to other currencies.

What affects the Big Mac Index? ›

In theory, the price of a Big Mac is the result of many local economic factors, such as the price of the ingredients, local wages, or how much it costs to put up billboards and buy TV ads. These variables are what make the Big Mac Index so valuable.

What does the Big Mac Index show knowledge check? ›

The Big Mac Pay Gap Index is an interactive tool for understanding what the pay gap means for you. It shows you how much more a Big Mac would cost you after adjusting the menu price to reflect the pay gap you may face.

What does it mean when the dollar index falls? ›

However, when the dollar index goes down, money flows out of the US, which helps prop up the prices of stocks, commodities and other emerging market assets, other things remaining the same.

How do you analyze the Big Mac Index? ›

To obtain the Big Mac PPP exchange rate between two countries, the price of a Big Mac calculated in the country's currency is divided by the price of Big Mac in another country. The value obtained will be the exchange rate. This value is then compared with the actual exchange rate.

What is the law of one price Big Mac Index? ›

Technically, the Big Mac Index is more of a test of the Law of One Price, an economic law that says “In an efficient market all identical goods must have only one price.” Purchasing Power Parity generally applies to a basket of goods.

Is the dollar weakening 2023? ›

The dollar may well weaken over the course of 2023, more in the second half of the year. The dollar has already peaked against major currencies as the Fed approaches its likely destination and backs off from 75 basis point hikes. But it remains sky high and considerably 'overvalued'.

What to invest in if dollar collapses? ›

What to do When the Dollar Crashes: 8 Smart Investments
  • Gold, Silver, and Other Precious Metals. ...
  • Gold IRAs (Secret of Top Investors) ...
  • Collectibles. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Food Storage. ...
  • Foreign Currencies. ...
  • Survivalist Supplies. ...
  • Foreign Bonds.
Dec 14, 2022

What happens to the stock market if the dollar collapses? ›

The share price is based on the value of the company as a whole. If the dollar collapsed, the actual price share price may increase as a result of hyperinflation but the real value of your shares when compared with other currencies would decrease.

What is Big Mac Index undervalued currency? ›

The Big Mac PPP (purchasing power parity) is an annual survey started in 1986 by The Economist that examines the relative over or undervaluation of currencies based on the relative price of a Big Mac across various countries of the world.

Who benefits and who is hurt by a strong U.S. dollar? ›

The dollar is strong because the US economy is healthier than those of many other countries and because the Federal Reserve keeps raising interest rates. A strong dollar hurts stocks of US companies that operate internationally and may help stocks of companies that export products to the US.

Can the government limit prices? ›

Governments can impose such regulations on a broad range of goods and services or, more commonly, on a market for a single good. Governments can either control the rise of prices with price ceilings, such as rent controls, or put a floor under prices with policies such as the minimum wage.

Is the law of one price realistic? ›

Understanding the Law of One Price

It ensures that buyers have the same purchasing power across global markets. In reality, purchasing power parity is difficult to achieve, due to various costs in trading and the inability to access markets for some individuals.

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