What’s the Best Press Release Headline Length? (2024)

By Ann Wylie
August 2022

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This just in: “Readers” actually don’t do much reading.

Indeed, just 19% of participants in a Harris Interactive poll read news word-by-word. Many more skim mostly headlines (34%) or skim the article (25%).

Bottom line: 81% don’t actually read online news.

To get the word out in an online news release, then, you need to hook them with your headline.

People get most of the information in a news story from the headline. And a catchy headline, according to Harris Interactive, tops the list of elements that convince skimmers to read (54%).

Communicate to skimmers and scanners —and draw them in —with headlines. Don’t expect to reach them with paragraphs.

So how do you write a great news release headline? Step one: Keep it short. How short?

1. Don’t let your head get cut off by Google.

Best practice: Keep release headlines to 55 characters or fewer.

Why: Google’s search results display only the first 63 characters of your headline. Longer, and your headline will be truncated on search engine results pages. To avoid getting your head cut off on Google, keep headlines to 65 characters or fewer.

2. Don’t let your head get cut off by social.

How will your headline look when it shows up on Facebook, Twitter and other social sharing sites?

Best practice: To avoid getting your head cut off on social media, aim for 55 characters or less.

3. Don’t let your head get cut off by mobile.

Mobile apps and websites often truncate long headlines. To avoid getting your head cut off on mobile apps, follow the Associated Press’s guideline: Keep your headline to 40 characters or less.

4. Don’t get your head cut off by humans.

You have only a few seconds to reach mobile audiences before they swipe left or leave for another site. They want to scan at a glance, not study for a minute.

Plus, long headlines get lost below the fold or take up too much valuable real estate on mobile screens.

Best practice: To avoid getting your head cut off, keep your web head to 8 words or fewer, according to research by The American Press Institute.

But online, shorter is better. My personal preference is headlines of 6 words or less, or about 30 characters.

Head count

How are we doing? According to an analysis by SchwartzMSL of more than 11,000 releases issued over BusinessWire wire service in a 31-day period:

  • The average press release headline weighs in at 120 characters.
  • Some 79% of releases have headlines longer than 65 characters.
  • 2% of releases have headlines longer than 300 characters.
  • The longest headline was 2,141 characters long. That’s a story, not a headline!

Hey, all those extra words aren’t worth losing your head over. So when writing for today’s audiences, write headlines to go. Keep your head short.

But not too short. Google “prefers” headlines of at least 5 words. The shortest headline in Schwartz’s review: 18 characters. That’s not enough room for long-tail keywords or phrases — or to satisfy Google.

Write better news release headlines

Would you like to learn more techniques for reaching flippers and skimmers with news releases? If so, join PRSA and Ann Wylie at our writing workshopsand Mini Master Classes. You’ll learn to get the word out with media relations pieces.

What’s the Best Press Release Headline Length? (1)

Ann Wylie

Ann Wylie (WylieComm.com) works with communicators who want to reach more readers and with organizations that want to get the word out. To learn more about her training, consulting or writing and editing services, contact her at ann@WylieComm.com.

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As an expert in communication and media strategies, I can attest to the critical importance of effective headline writing in capturing the attention of online audiences. The article by Ann Wylie, dated August 2022, delves into the significant role headlines play in conveying information in the digital age.

Wylie emphasizes that a mere 19% of individuals read online news word-for-word, with the majority either skimming headlines (34%) or skimming the entire article (25%). This highlights the need for communicators to optimize their headlines to engage readers effectively. The following key concepts are highlighted in the article:

  1. Headline Importance: According to Harris Interactive, a catchy headline is the top element that convinces readers to engage with an article (54%). This underscores the need to prioritize headline quality in news releases.

  2. Headline Length Optimization: a. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Wylie recommends keeping release headlines to 55 characters or fewer to ensure visibility on Google search results, which display only the first 63 characters. b. Social Media Optimization: For social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, Wylie advises aiming for 55 characters or less to avoid truncation. c. Mobile Optimization: To cater to mobile apps and websites, headlines should ideally be 40 characters or less, following the Associated Press's guideline.

  3. Human Audience Considerations: With mobile audiences having limited attention spans, Wylie suggests keeping web headlines to 8 words or fewer. Research by The American Press Institute supports this, emphasizing that shorter headlines are more effective.

  4. Analysis of Press Release Headlines: a. Average Length: An analysis of over 11,000 releases on BusinessWire revealed an average headline length of 120 characters. b. Length Distribution: Approximately 79% of releases had headlines longer than 65 characters, with 2% exceeding 300 characters. The longest headline was an astonishing 2,141 characters, emphasizing the importance of brevity.

  5. Search Engine Preferences: While shorter headlines are recommended for online readability, Google "prefers" headlines of at least 5 words. Striking a balance is crucial to satisfy both audience preferences and search engine optimization.

  6. Training Opportunities: Ann Wylie invites individuals interested in enhancing their news release writing skills to join PRSA for writing workshops and Mini Master Classes, offering insights into effective media relations pieces.

In conclusion, the article provides actionable insights for communicators and content creators to craft compelling headlines tailored to the preferences of today's online readership. Understanding the dynamics of headline length, optimization for different platforms, and audience behavior is crucial for successful communication in the digital landscape.

What’s the Best Press Release Headline Length? (2024)
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