What's tax deductible when I sell a house? (2024)

July 12, 2020 20:00 pm by Upside

What you can claim in tax deductions when selling a property is a question that we’re often asked here at Upside Realty. Below is your guide to navigating tax deductions if you sell a house in Australia:

You’re not eligible to make deductions on your primary residence

When you sell your main residence, you’re not liable for capital gains tax, but you also can’t make any tax deductions. According to the ATO:

“Generally, you don't pay capital gains tax (CGT) if you sell the home you live in (under the main residence exemption). You also can't claim income tax deductions for costs associated with buying or selling your home.”

This may change if you live in a house you’ve previously rented or vice versa, and also if you use any part of the house to generate income – you’ll be liable for a capital gains tax for the portion of the time that you lived there:

It’s important to hang on to any records, receipts, and invoices relating to your house – if you do decide to rent all or part of it you’ll pay the right amount of tax for the period for which it’s been rented.

RELATED: Tips for selling your house quickly

What's tax deductible when I sell a house? (1)

Investment property tax deductions

Your eligible tax deductions change if you’re selling an investment property since these properties attract capital gains tax (CGT) – one of the costs of selling a property to factor in when you’re planning your next move. When you sell these properties, you need to establish the cost base (generally the amount you acquired the property for), which can include other costs associated with buying the property, holding and selling it – these are your deductions.

What's tax deductible when I sell a house? (2)

You may be able to include in the cost base any payments you’ve made towards the maintenance and upkeep of the property while it is being rented, called capital expenses. These can reduce the amount of CGT you’re liable for since it narrows the gap between the cost of the property when you purchased it and the amount for which you sell it.

Capital expenses include:

  • Conveyancing costs paid to a conveyancer or solicitor
  • Title search fees
  • Private appraisal fees (when conducted by a solicitor)
  • Stamp duty on the transfer of the property

Note that any real estate management fees don’t factor into capital expenses. Once the cost base is established, then the difference between that and the sale price is used to calculate your tax liability.

More importantly, you can only claim for costs incurred while the property was being used to generate income – so, if you renovated before renting the property, or if you made improvements while living there, these costs aren’t eligible deductions.

If you make a capital loss, you may be able to use this to offset other capital gains you’ve made throughout the year.

Are there any other investment property tax benefits?

There are a number of other rental property deductions you can claim if you own an investment property. Keep in mind that to claim these deductions, you need to either be currently renting out your property or be actively advertising it for rent.

If your investment property is being rented out or advertised for rent, you can claim deductions for some or all of the following expenses in the financial year they were incurred:

  • Repairs and maintenance to your investment property
  • Management and maintenance costs, including strata fees, council rates, water rates, cleaning, gardening and pest control fees
  • Insurance for your investment property, including building, landlord and contents insurance
  • Interest on your mortgage and borrowing expenses
  • Advertising for tenants and property management fees
  • Accountant or tax adviser fees

Other larger expenses such as major renovations may be considered “capital improvements” by the ATO, in which case they need to be claimed as deductions over several years rather than in the same year they were incurred. Talk to your tax adviser to find out what applies to your situation.

RELATED: How does selling a home affect my taxes?

What is negative gearing and how does it impact my taxes?

If the income you make from an investment property is less than the mortgage repayments and other expenses, it is “negatively geared”.

The ATO allows investors with negatively geared properties to deduct any losses they make from their taxable income. This works to lower your total taxable income, and consequently, the amount of tax you will need to pay.

Although making a loss on an investment property isn’t ideal, some property investors choose to hold on to negatively geared properties with a view to profiting of a property’s capital growth when they sell. In this case, negative gearing tax benefits allow an investor to limit their losses until it’s the right time to sell.

So, if you’re considering selling an investment property in Australia that isn’t generating as much income as expected, it’s worthwhile talking to a tax adviser about reducing your tax liability in the interim.

Ready to sell? Request a free online property value report, which takes just 30 seconds to claim but will give you an in-depth look into property sales in your area for a rough idea of the potential value of your home.

What's tax deductible when I sell a house? (2024)


What's tax deductible when I sell a house? ›

“You can deduct any costs associated with selling the home—including legal fees, escrow fees, advertising costs, and real estate agent commissions,” says Joshua Zimmelman, president of Westwood Tax and Consulting in Rockville Center, NY. This could also include home staging fees, according to Thomas J.

What is tax deductible when selling a home? ›

“That mortgage interest and property taxes are the main deductions a principal residence has on an annual basis — even in the year of sale.”

What is deductible from home closing statement? ›

One item that normally appears on a settlement or closing statement is home mortgage interest. You can deduct the interest that you pay at settlement if you itemize your deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040). This amount should be included in the mortgage interest statement provided by your lender.

When you sell your primary residence at a loss is it tax deductible? ›

If you sell your home at a loss, can you deduct the amount from your taxes? Unfortunately, the answer is no. A loss on the sale of a personal residence is considered a nondeductible personal expense. You can only deduct losses on the sale of property used for business or investment purposes.

Does profit from selling a house count as income? ›

You are required to include any gains that result from the sale of your home in your taxable income. But if the gain is from your primary home, you may exclude up to $250,000 from your income if you're a single filer or up to $500,000 if you're a married filing jointly provided you meet certain requirements.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on primary residence? ›

How to avoid capital gains tax on real estate
  1. Live in the house for at least two years. The two years don't need to be consecutive, but house-flippers should beware. ...
  2. See whether you qualify for an exception. ...
  3. Keep the receipts for your home improvements.
Mar 8, 2023

How long do I have to buy another house to avoid capital gains? ›

How Long Do I Have to Buy Another House to Avoid Capital Gains? You might be able to defer capital gains by buying another home. As long as you sell your first investment property and apply your profits to the purchase of a new investment property within 180 days, you can defer taxes.

What part of the house payment is deductible? ›

Not all mortgage interest can be subtracted from your taxable income. Only the interest you pay on your primary residence or second home can be deducted if the loans were used to purchase, build or improve your property, or used for a business-related investment.

Are appraisal fees tax deductible? ›

Points charged for specific services, such as preparation costs for a mortgage note, appraisal fees, or notary fees aren't interest and can't be deducted. Points paid by the seller of a home can't be deducted as interest on the seller's return, but they're a selling expense that will reduce the amount of gain realized.

Do I have to report the sale of my home to IRS? ›

Reporting the Sale

Report the sale or exchange of your main home on Form 8949, Sale and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets, if: You have a gain and do not qualify to exclude all of it, You have a gain and choose not to exclude it, or. You received a Form 1099-S.

Can I deduct home improvements from capital gains? ›

Can you write off capital improvements? While capital improvement projects generally don't qualify for tax deductions, they might have other tax implications. That's because you can usually add capital improvement expenses to the home's cost basis—which might reduce your capital gains taxes when you sell the house.

What is capital gains tax on 200000? ›

= $
Single TaxpayerMarried Filing JointlyCapital Gain Tax Rate
$0 – $44,625$0 – $89,2500%
$44,626 – $200,000$89,251 – $250,00015%
$200,001 – $492,300$250,001 – $553,85015%
Jan 11, 2023

What home improvements are tax deductible 2023? ›

What Home Improvements Are Tax Deductible in 2023?
  • The Residential Clean Energy Credit: Claim up to 30% of the purchase price for environmentally friendly appliances and home fixtures.
  • The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit: Claim up to 30% of the price of certain energy-conserving upgrades.
Mar 20, 2023

Do I pay taxes to the IRS when I sell my house? ›

The Capital Gains Tax in California

The amount you earned between the time you bought the property and the time you sold it is your capital gain. The IRS charges you a tax on your capital gains, as does the state of California through the Franchise Tax Board, also known as the FTB.

What should I do with large lump sum of money after sale of house? ›

Where Is the Best Place To Put Your Money After Selling a House?
  • Put It in a Savings Account. ...
  • Pay Down Debt. ...
  • Increase Your Stock Portfolio. ...
  • Invest in Real Estate. ...
  • Supplement Your Retirement with Annuities. ...
  • Acquire Permanent Life Insurance. ...
  • Purchase Long-Term Care Insurance.

Does selling a house affect Social Security benefits? ›

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I SELL MY REAL AND/OR PERSONAL PROPERTY? You will have to pay back some or all of the SSI benefits you received while trying to sell the property. You may continue to get SSI benefits. Contact your local Social Security office to find out if your SSI benefits will continue after the sale.

What is the one time capital gains exemption? ›

Key Takeaways. You can sell your primary residence and be exempt from capital gains taxes on the first $250,000 if you are single and $500,000 if married filing jointly.

What is the 6 year rule for capital gains tax? ›

Here's how it works: Taxpayers can claim a full capital gains tax exemption for their principal place of residence (PPOR). They also can claim this exemption for up to six years if they moved out of their PPOR and then rented it out.

Do you always get a 1099s when you sell your house? ›

When you sell your home, federal tax law requires lenders or real estate agents to file a Form 1099-S, Proceeds from Real Estate Transactions, with the IRS and send you a copy if you do not meet IRS requirements for excluding the taxable gain from the sale on your income tax return.

Do I have to pay capital gains tax immediately? ›

You only pay the capital gains tax after you sell an asset. Let's say you bought your home 2 years ago and it's increased in value by $10,000. You don't need to pay the tax until you sell the home.

What is the capital gains tax rate for 2023? ›

Long-term capital gains tax rates for the 2023 tax year

In 2023, individual filers won't pay any capital gains tax if their total taxable income is $44,625 or less. The rate jumps to 15 percent on capital gains, if their income is $44,626 to $492,300. Above that income level the rate climbs to 20 percent.

How do I get around paying capital gains tax? ›

9 Ways to Avoid Capital Gains Taxes on Stocks
  1. Invest for the Long Term. ...
  2. Contribute to Your Retirement Accounts. ...
  3. Pick Your Cost Basis. ...
  4. Lower Your Tax Bracket. ...
  5. Harvest Losses to Offset Gains. ...
  6. Move to a Tax-Friendly State. ...
  7. Donate Stock to Charity. ...
  8. Invest in an Opportunity Zone.
Apr 20, 2023

Is homeowners insurance tax deductible? ›

You may look for ways to reduce costs including turning to your tax return. Some taxpayers have asked if homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Here's the skinny: You can only deduct homeowner's insurance premiums paid on rental properties. Homeowner's insurance is never tax deductible your main home.

Is principal and interest tax deductible? ›

The interest portion of your monthly mortgage payments: The portion of your payment that goes toward paying down principal is not deductible. Interest paid on a qualifying home equity loan or line of credit: If the money is being used to buy, build or substantially improve your home, it's deductible.

Are car payments tax deductible? ›

Car loan payments and lease payments are not fully tax-deductible. The general rule of thumb for deducting vehicle expenses is, you can write off the portion of your expenses used for business. So "no" you cannot deduct the entire monthly car payment from your taxes as a business expense.

Are closing costs included in tax basis? ›

Your basis includes the set- tlement fees and closing costs for buying prop- erty. You can't include in your basis the fees and costs for getting a loan on property.

Can you capitalize closing costs? ›

In addition to the capitalized closing costs tied to your property, most costs associated with obtaining a loan must be capitalized rather than immediately deducted. These include loan origination/processing/underwriting fees, purchased points, appraisals, credit reports, etc. Add them up from your closing statement.

Are points and origination fees tax-deductible? ›

You can fully deduct mortgage points in the year you paid them if all of these apply: You're using a cash method. You secured the mortgage loan with your main home. The charging of mortgage points is an established practice in the area.

Does the IRS know I sold my house? ›

Typically, when a taxpayer sells a house (or any other piece of real property), the title company handling the closing generates a Form 1099 setting forth the sales price received for the house. The 1099 is transmitted to the IRS.

What is considered as capital gains? ›

You have a capital gain if you sell the asset for more than your adjusted basis. You have a capital loss if you sell the asset for less than your adjusted basis. Losses from the sale of personal-use property, such as your home or car, aren't tax deductible.

Is replacing a toilet a capital improvement? ›

Answer: That's a capital improvement.

Is painting considered a capital improvement? ›

According to the Internal Revenue Service, painting may qualify as a capital improvement if it's part of large-scale improvements to a rental property. Painting by itself, however, is generally not considered a capital improvement.

Do new appliances count as capital improvements? ›

Capital improvements are different than repairs in that they must increase the market value of your property, or extend its useful life. Capital improvements include things like new appliances, water heaters, and roofs.

Who pays 20% capital gains tax? ›

Capital Gains Tax RateTaxable Income (Single)Taxable Income (Married Filing Jointly)
0%Up to $44,625Up to $89,250
15%$44,626 to $492,300$89,251 to $553,850
20%Over $492,300Over $553,850
Nov 3, 2022

How much is capital gains tax on $50000? ›

Capital gains tax rate – 2022 thresholds
RateSingleMarried Filing Jointly
0%Up to $41,675Up to $83,350
15%$41,675 to $459,750$83,350 to $517,200
20%Over $459,750Over $517,200

What is the capital gains tax on $100 000? ›

In this example, you see a capital gain of $100,000 on your home sale. If your income and asset class put you in the 20% capital gains tax bracket, you pay 20% of your profit. That's 20% of $100,000, or $20,000. You don't need to pay 20% of the entire $350,000 sale because you had to spend $250,000 to buy the asset.

Can you write off a new AC unit on your taxes? ›

Non-Business Energy Tax Credit.

This tax credit can be claimed for any eligible home improvements you made in 2022. The credit covers 10% of the cost of the equipment, including items such as home insulation, exterior doors, electric heat pumps, and central air conditioning systems.

Is a bathroom remodel tax deductible? ›

But with that, you might be wondering: Is a bath remodel tax deductible? The short answer is no, as most remodeling projects completed at your personal residence can't be written off. However, there are certain cases that can qualify your bath remodel as tax deductible.

Are new kitchen appliances tax deductible? ›

Yes, kitchen upgrades are generally considered to be capital improvements under the IRS's guidelines. In fact, new kitchens, new kitchen appliances and new flooring can all qualify.

Does selling a house hurt your tax return? ›

If you owned and lived in the home for a total of two of the five years before the sale, then up to $250,000 of profit is tax-free (or up to $500,000 if you are married and file a joint return). If your profit exceeds the $250,000 or $500,000 limit, the excess is typically reported as a capital gain on Schedule D.

How do I avoid capital gains tax on the sale of my home? ›

How to avoid capital gains tax on real estate
  1. Live in the house for at least two years. The two years don't need to be consecutive, but house-flippers should beware. ...
  2. See whether you qualify for an exception. ...
  3. Keep the receipts for your home improvements.
Mar 8, 2023

How does the 2 out of 5 year rule work? ›

The 2-out-of-five-year rule states that you must have both owned and lived in your home for a minimum of two out of the last five years before the date of sale. However, these two years don't have to be consecutive, and you don't have to live there on the date of the sale.

What can I do with my profit from selling my house? ›

Common ways people spend the profits from a house sale include:
  1. Purchasing a new home.
  2. Buying a vacation home or rental property.
  3. Increasing savings.
  4. Paying down debt.
  5. Boosting investment accounts.

What can be deducted from the profits from selling your house? ›

5 Tax Deductions to Take When Selling a Home
  • Selling costs.
  • Home improvements and repairs.
  • Property taxes.
  • Mortgage interest.
  • Capital gains tax.

How much money should I have left after closing? ›

But, at the bare minimum, you'll need to have an additional three to five percent of the price of home saved to pay for costs associated with closing, which could include lender fees, title and escrow fees, transfer tax fees, and possibly money to fund an escrow account, explains Alfredo Arteaga, an Irvine, California- ...

How much money can you have in the bank on Social Security? ›

SSA limits the value of resources you own to no more than $2,000. The resource limit for a couple is only slightly more at $3,000. Resources are any assets that can be converted into cash, including bank accounts. However, some assets you own may not affect eligibility for the program.

Will selling my house affect my Medicare? ›

Selling your home will not cause you to lose your Medicare benefits. However, if you have a Medicare plan and move to a new address, you may need to change your plan.

What income reduces Social Security benefits? ›

If you are under full retirement age for the entire year, we deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn above the annual limit. For 2023, that limit is $21,240. In the year you reach full retirement age, we deduct $1 in benefits for every $3 you earn above a different limit.

What can be included in the cost basis of a home? ›

Put simply: In real estate, the cost basis is the original value that a buyer pays for their property. This includes, but is not limited to, the price paid for the property, any closing costs paid by the buyer and the cost of improvements made (excluding tax credits associated with improvements).

Does selling a house count as income for Social Security? ›

As long as what you're receiving is a Social Security benefit and not Supplemental Security Income (SSI), then the fact that you sold your house won't have any effect on your benefits.

Can I deduct new flooring on taxes? ›

As mentioned above, you can deduct home improvements like new flooring when you sell your house, as they add value to the property. If you completed permanent home improvements that boosted your home's resale value, they'll be added to your tax basis to lower taxes when you sell your home.

What happens if you don t have receipts for capital improvements? ›

But what if you don't have receipts for IRS audit? If the renovation or sale of your principal residence is the reason for the IRS audit, but receipts are unavailable, you can claim tax deductions. However, the IRS does not recognize repairing a leak, changing door locks, or fixing a window as a capital improvement.

Will I lose my Social Security if I sell my house? ›

When she sells her home, will she lose her any of her benefits? A. She won't lose her Social Security, because eligibility does not depend upon her income or other resources, but her Supplemental Security Income (“SSI”) and Medi-Cal are at risk unless she plans ahead.

Does Social Security watch your bank account? ›

The Social Security Administration can only check your bank accounts if you have allowed them to do so. For those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the SSA can check your bank account because they were given permission.

Do I have to tell the IRS I sold my house? ›

If you receive an informational income-reporting document such as Form 1099-S, Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions, you must report the sale of the home even if the gain from the sale is excludable. Additionally, you must report the sale of the home if you can't exclude all of your capital gain from income.

Do you have to report sale of home on tax return? ›

Reporting the Sale

Report the sale or exchange of your main home on Form 8949, Sale and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets, if: You have a gain and do not qualify to exclude all of it, You have a gain and choose not to exclude it, or. You received a Form 1099-S.

Who is responsible for filing a 1099s after closing? ›

According to the IRS, the person who must file the Form 1099-S reporting the sale is the person responsible for closing the transaction. This means that if you used a title company or attorney to close your transaction they are generally responsible for completing and filing the form on your behalf.

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