What Makes a Real Estate Agent Stand Out? - Virtuance (2024)

Becoming a top real estate agent isn’t easy and never happens overnight. But by building a reliable presence in the real estate community and using a few other tricks of the trade, you’ll be a household name in no time.

Beyond generating more leads, selling property quicker, and making more money, becoming a top agent solidifies your career in real estate. On average, 85% to 90% of agents fail in the first five years. In this article, we’ll go over how to stand out as a real estate agent and what it takes to be a good agent.

Why it’s important to stand out in real estate

According to the National Association of Realtors, there are approximately three million active real estate licenses in the United States. That’s a lot of competition, and being another number isn’t a selling point for why homebuyers should trust you.

So what can you do? Upping your game with these four suggestions will help you to set yourself apart as a real estate agent.

1. Have a website

If you work with a large agency, you may already have a page on their website.But having a domain with your own content makes it easy if you ever want to branch out. It also shows potential clients that you are your own person, not a brand name.

You are the brand and have the potential to craft something great.Plus, it shows initiative in making your business work for you.

Before making a website, read all about site optimization for desktop and mobile users and digital marketing. Remember, more Millennial and Gen Z homebuyers are looking for homes, meaning that the first place they’ll look for a good real estate agent is through the web.

2. Communicate

Being a good real estate agent means always being in touch with your clients—past, present, and future.

Present clients looking for their next home are always in need of consistent communication with you. You know from experience that when a dream house listing pops up, you have to be quick to land a tour and make an offer before anyone else can.

Landing future clients is also about making connections long before you need to sell a home. Create free resources to distribute, such as brochures or ebooks with common questions or needs of your clients.

This can include topics like applying for a mortgage, buying and flipping a home, or selling a home quickly. Also, think of niche topics you can offer as your area of expertise and show why you’re the best person to consult. Always offer to fill in the info gaps by offering your services.

3. Find your community

Some of the most well-known real estate agents stand out because they are actively involved in their community. You may even see some sponsoring big events.

You may not have the tools to sponsor the local fair (yet), but making yourself known to the people who live in the area establishes you as a local, trustworthy name.

Start off with community events like a movie night, a block party, or volunteering at a local charity. You can show off your infectious personality and real estate expertise everywhere you go.

The more connections you make, including with other real estate agents, the better.

4. Use professional photography

It’s true people have used their smartphones to capture gorgeous photographs and striking videos.

But nothing beats the power of a professional real estate photographer who knows the ins and outs of how to create the best visual presentation of your house listings without clients setting foot in the door.

When you hire a pro, you are guaranteed consistency and quality without compromise.

How Virtuance can help you stand out in real estate

Virtuance’s photography services cover the time-consuming tough parts for you by organizing professional photographers and videographers for your next listing.

HDReal® photo-processing algorithms enhance pro photos to make your listings truly pop. Best of all, continuously using our services saves time and effort while attracting future clients with stunning virtual open houses and drone photography.


What Makes a Real Estate Agent Stand Out? - Virtuance (2024)


What Makes a Real Estate Agent Stand Out? - Virtuance? ›

Overall, being a dynamite communicator, having an online and community presence, and using professional photography to showcase your listings make for great, modern real estate agents.

What makes best real estate agent? ›

Top Ten Traits of a Real Estate Agent
  1. Knowledge is power.
  2. Build a network of connections. ...
  3. Understand the local housing market. ...
  4. Attention to detail. ...
  5. Engaging personality. ...
  6. Interest in houses and architecture. ...
  7. Hustle and tenacity. ...
  8. Honesty and integrity. ...

How do I make my real estate listing stand out? ›

Follow these tips from real estate experts on how to make your online listing a standout.
  1. Hire a pro (or two!) ...
  2. Stage it. ...
  3. Create a shot list. ...
  4. Be honest. ...
  5. Keep it simple (and clean) ...
  6. Go 3-D. ...
  7. Take a sunset stroll. ...
  8. Know that there's no such thing as too many photos.

What is the toughest thing for real estate agent? ›

The 5 Hardest Things About Being a Realtor
  • Uncertainty about real estate market. This is perhaps one of the biggest uncertainties realtors have to deal with on a daily basis. ...
  • Constantly being on the go. ...
  • Commission is by no means a guarantee. ...
  • Being underpaid for hard work. ...
  • Dealing with difficult clients.

Do attractive real estate agents do better? ›

3: Good news for those trying to sell your home: "the effect on house prices of having an attractive listing agent is about twice as large as that of an attractive selling agent." 4: Just because your selling agent is attractive doesn't mean that your property will sell faster; in fact, it's quite the opposite.

What do people want most in a real estate agent? ›

There are a number of things most people expect when engaging with a real estate professional. They should be friendly, understand the local real estate market, have a fair degree of experience and advise you on the best practices related to buying or selling property.

What are the three most important things in real estate? ›

The three most important factors when buying a home are location, location, and location. Too often I hear people talking about making decisions based on the home itself, instead of the location, and that is a mistake.

How do you attract high end real estate clients? ›

Here are 11 ways to get clients in real estate:
  1. Buy Real Estate Leads. ...
  2. Engage With Your Community. ...
  3. Ask Existing Clients for Referrals. ...
  4. Create a Website. ...
  5. Post On Social Media. ...
  6. Specialize In a Niche. ...
  7. Try Cold Calling. ...
  8. Host Open Houses.
May 12, 2023

How do you force value in real estate? ›

An investor can force appreciation by increasing rental income, increasing property value, or a combination of both. By running rent comparables, an investor can analyze if the existing rent is below market.

How do I attract more buyers to my listing? ›

Attract Traffic to Your Property—How To Make Buyers and Agents...
  1. Make Your Home Easy To Show.
  2. Offer a Competitive Buyer's Agent Commission.
  3. Increase Traffic Through Market Exposure.
  4. Host an Open House Extravaganza.
  5. Make a Limited-Time Offer.
  6. Drop Your Price as the Last Resort.
Apr 12, 2022

What do realtors struggle with? ›

Real estate professionals face a different set of challenges from most careers. In the real estate industry, you are required to know about a lot of different areas like law, negotiations, social media, sales, and business development. All while continuing to find new clients to help your business grow.

What is the number one killer of deals in the real estate industry? ›

Experienced real estate professionals know there are hundreds of ways a deal can fall apart, from credit and financing problems to appraisals to just plain cold feet. But certainly, one of the more common deal killers is the home inspection.

What type of real estate agents make the most? ›

The highest-paid real-estate agent is a luxury broker.

Luxury brokers earn an average salary of $142,000 per year with commissions reaching up to $10M annually.

Do looks matter as a real estate agent? ›

In real estate where you are your own boss, nobody is going to tell you what to wear. Instead, it will be reflected in your income. Your appearance is the first impression. Real estate is a business based on meeting people and clients are going to feel more comfortable with agents who look the part.

Why do realtors love their job? ›

The ability to help people. When you work as a real estate agent, you're helping people make the most important financial decision of their lives. You're also helping them find homes where they will create cherished memories for years to come. This gives many real estate agents a high amount of job satisfaction.

Why do people love being a realtor? ›

I have the opportunity to work with a lot of different people with different backgrounds, different interests, different income levels, and different needs. I love getting to know each individual; I love building rapport with each individual; I love earning the trust of each individual.

What personality type is a real estate agent? ›

Most real estate agents are associated with the ENTP personality. ENTP stands for extraversion, intuition, thinking, and perceiving.

What makes you the most money in real estate? ›

Key Takeaways. The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation—an increase in the property's value that is realized when you sell. Location, development, and improvements are the primary ways that residential and commercial real estate can appreciate in value.

Why is being a real estate agent so stressful? ›

High pressure environment

As a real estate agent, you're under a lot of pressure to get your clients the best deal. There is no room for error; if you don't close the sale and get them their dream home, it's going to be on your shoulders.

What are the 5 P's in real estate? ›

These five elements are Plan, Process, People, Property, and Profit.
  • Plan: The first P in real estate is Plan. ...
  • Process: The second P in real estate is Process. ...
  • People: The third P in real estate is People. ...
  • Property: The fourth P in real estate is Property. ...
  • Profit: The final P in real estate is Profit.

What are the three C's of real estate? ›

They evaluate credit and payment history, income and assets available for a down payment and categorize their findings as the Three C's: Capacity, Credit and Collateral.

What is the number one rule in real estate? ›

For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price. If you want to buy an investment property, the 1% rule can be a helpful tool for finding the right property to achieve your investment goals.

How do most real estate agents get their leads? ›

You can start with individuals you know in the community and attend local events like open houses to meet new people and find qualified leads. Many real estate professionals rely on referrals, so any time you meet someone new, always give them your business card in case they know someone looking to buy or sell a home.

How to wow real estate clients? ›

What the best real estate agents know about wowing their clients
  1. Connect them to businesses you trust. ...
  2. Give them your business. ...
  3. Help them network. ...
  4. Send over dinner on moving day. ...
  5. Welcome them home. ...
  6. Offer them a tour of the community. ...
  7. Provide them with a “best of …” bag. ...
  8. Remember significant events.
Jun 30, 2021

What is cold calling in real estate? ›

A real estate cold calling script is a pre-written dialogue for talking to potential clients over the phone. It helps real estate agents generate new leads, build a rapport with prospects and encourage potential customers to use your services.

What are the 4 forces affecting value of real estate? ›

There are four forces that influence real property values.
  • •Social Forces.
  • •Economic Forces.
  • •Physical and Environmental.
  • •Governmental Forces.

What four main elements determine real estate value? ›

The Four Essential Elements of Value are:
  • Scarcity: How much is there of it?
  • Transferability: Can it be sold?
  • Utility: Can it be used?
  • Demand: Does anybody want it?

What are the four elements that create value in real estate? ›

Explanation: The production of real estate requires the inputs of the four factors or agents of production: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What is the secret to a fast sale of a property? ›

One of the most effective ways to sell your home fast is to price it competitively. If you price it too high, you detract prospective buyers out price out potential bidders. In addition, it make take longer to settle the negotiation process if prospective buyers want your price to come down.

How do I get my listing noticed? ›

Share your listing in social media.

You may be already using social accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to alert your community about listings. Make sure your various profiles appear clean and are up-to-date across all of your networks.

How can I sell my stuff on offer up faster? ›

The more details, the better! The items that sell fastest on OfferUp have lots of great photos, clear titles, accurate descriptions, and fair prices. Transparency is key. If your item has defects or is showing its age, make sure to include that in the description for a problem-free sale.

What is unethical realtor behavior? ›

If your real estate agent is giving you legal or financial advice (other than the value of your home and timing of selling in light of the market), they're acting outside the scope of their own expertise, violating Article 11 of the NAR Code of Ethics.

What are 4 risks that may impact a real estate agency? ›

Which strategies should I consider in my real estate risk management plan?
  • An injury during a showing.
  • Breach of contract.
  • Ethics violations.
  • Accidents while driving for work.
  • Data breaches.
  • Housing market volatility.
  • Employee injuries.
  • Damaged or stolen business equipment.
Nov 15, 2022

Is it hard to be successful as a realtor? ›

Real Estate Agent Job Duties

Becoming successful and making a sustainable income as a real estate agent or broker is hard work. In most cases, it requires a substantial commitment of time, effort, and even money.

What is the most common contingency in real estate? ›

Some of the most common real estate contingencies include appraisal, mortgage, title and home inspection contingencies. Many home buyers also include a sale of prior home contingency, which allows them to withdraw an offer if they are unable to sell their current home within a specified timeframe.

Is it common for real estate deals to fall through? ›

Deals can fall through for any number of reasons. An inspection may reveal something unacceptable about the home, or the buyer's mortgage application may be denied. In some cases, a title search may turn up legal issues with the home, or an appraisal may come back significantly lower than the agreed upon sale price.

What is the most probable selling price in real estate? ›

Market value is the most probable price that a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.

How much do top 1% realtors make? ›

Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's safe to say that a top producer would have to sell at least one home per month to qualify. Top producers earn around $112,610 a year to start, according to the BLS. 1 Mega-stars could earn $500,000 per year and up.

What is realtor salary? ›

Do estate agents have to be honest? ›

So, if you're trying to buy a home and someone else makes an offer, the estate agent must tell you about any other offers. Beyond that, estate agents are legally required not to show any bias against any buyers. They have a duty to treat all buyers the same and must not discriminate.

Can realtors have colored hair? ›

Some firms may not allow crazy hair colors, tattoos, and piercings, but for the most part, people in the marketing industry aren't looked down upon for any of these. As a real estate agent, you can basically look and dress however you want as long as you still have a sense of professionalism.

What do you wear to an open house? ›

Dress Comfortably, but Avoid the Sweats

With all these activities, you are going to be moving around a lot and making many first impressions. It's a good idea to be comfortable during your visit and wear casual clothing that represents you in a positive light. Acceptable casual attire includes: Nice T-shirts.

Why do you want to be successful in real estate? ›

Becoming a real estate agent gives you access to the American Dream, i.e. the freedom to pursue success and prosperity. As a small business owner, you have: A flexible daily schedule - You decide what you'll do and when you'll do it. A flexible vacation schedule - You can go on vacation and return whenever you chose.

What are the pros and cons of being a realtor? ›

The Pros and Cons of a Real Estate Career
  • Pro #1. Achieving Freedom. ...
  • Pro #2. Feeling Responsible. ...
  • Pro #3. Being Respected. ...
  • Pro #4. Excitement. ...
  • Con #1. Having Nothing to Do. ...
  • Con #2. Doing the Wrong Things. ...
  • Con #3. Weird Working Hours. ...
  • Con #4. Irregular Income.

What is fun about being a real estate agent? ›

Pros of being a real estate agent

Setting your own hours and making your own schedule gives you more time to spend with your friends and family, providing a greater work-life balance and increased job satisfaction.

What are some fun facts about real estate? ›

14 fun facts you (probably) never knew about houses
  • Sears used to sell mail-order houses. ...
  • A creaking house is related to temperature—not age. ...
  • Homes with black front doors sell for the highest price. ...
  • Brass doorknobs can disinfect themselves. ...
  • The typical homeowner stays in their house for 13.2 years.
Jan 3, 2023

Why do you want to be a real estate agent essay? ›

I want to become a real estate agent because I have a passion for helping people and pointing them in the right direction. I want to help them with everything from inspections, property analysis, repairs, moving, cleaning, packing, everything involved in a sales transaction, I want to help people with it.

How do you succeed as a real estate agent? ›

How to succeed as a real estate agent in 11 ways
  1. Improve communication skills. ...
  2. Partner with other local agents. ...
  3. Find a publicist. ...
  4. Host open-house events. ...
  5. Pitch a realty story to a news outlet. ...
  6. Use email marketing. ...
  7. Keep in contact with past clients. ...
  8. Create social media profiles.
Dec 19, 2022

Who is the richest realtor in LA? ›

Josh Flagg is one of the world's most successful real estate agents and has helped hundreds of buyers find their dream home in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, resulting in over $3 Billion of closed real estate transactions.

Why are some realtors better than others? ›

A good real estate agent knows exactly what to look for and can give you valuable insight on your sale or purchase. During open houses, they'll be able to point out problems, benefits, or questions that need to be asked that you likely wouldn't have thought of.

What are the 4 personality types in real estate? ›

There is D - Driver (Red), I - Influence (Yellow), S - Steadiness (Green), C - Conscientious (Blue). In this real estate agent training podcast, you will learn about the 4 different personality types.

What are the seven characteristics of real estate? ›

Real estate has seven specific characteristics related to its economic impact or physical nature. They are scarcity, improvements, location, investment permanence, uniqueness, immobility, and Indestructibility. A real estate property can be classified into residential, commercial, industrial, or land.

What personality type is the most realistic? ›

ESTJ. Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible.

How do first year real estate agents succeed? ›

Grit - How to Survive Your First Year of Real Estate
  1. Get Your Mind Right. ...
  2. Choose Your Broker and Your Mentors Carefully. ...
  3. Create a First-Year Budget. ...
  4. Learn Everything You Can About Your Market. ...
  5. Find Your Niche. ...
  6. Set S.M.A.R.T. ...
  7. Create an Effective Routine. ...
  8. Prospect.

How to succeed as a real estate agent in 2023? ›

How to Be a Successful Real Estate Agent in 2023
  1. Stay on top of the market. ...
  2. Leverage your brokerage. ...
  3. Create goals and stay accountable. ...
  4. Streamline your brand aesthetic. ...
  5. Win every listing. ...
  6. Generate high-converting leads. ...
  7. Focus on social media. ...
  8. Pick up the phone.
Apr 13, 2023

What is the average LA realtor salary? ›

On average, real estate agents make $84,459 per year according to salaries reported by Indeed users.

What is the life of a real estate agent? ›

A typical day might involve spending time at the office, meeting with clients, staging and showing homes, and scheduling appraisals and inspections. Other tasks include generating leads, researching, marketing, and accompanying clients to property closings.

Who is the highest paid realtor in the world? ›

Ben Caballero, a current Guinness World Record title holder and No. 1-ranked real estate agent in the U.S., set a new record for home sales in Dallas-Ft.

Why do people love being a Realtor? ›

I have the opportunity to work with a lot of different people with different backgrounds, different interests, different income levels, and different needs. I love getting to know each individual; I love building rapport with each individual; I love earning the trust of each individual.

Why are real estate agents so happy? ›

The ability to help people. When you work as a real estate agent, you're helping people make the most important financial decision of their lives. You're also helping them find homes where they will create cherished memories for years to come. This gives many real estate agents a high amount of job satisfaction.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.