What Is The Difference Between Passive And Active Equity Portfolio Management Strategies? What Is The (2024)

Business High School


Answer 1

Passive equity portfolio management aims to replicate benchmark returns while minimizing costs, while active equity portfolio management seeks to outperform the market by making active investment decisions based on research and analysis. Historically, active managers have struggled to consistently outperform their benchmarks.

Passive and active equity portfolio management strategies differ in their approach to selecting and managing investments:

1. Passive Equity Portfolio Management:

- Passive managers aim to replicate the performance of a specific market index or benchmark, such as the S&P 500.

- They construct portfolios that closely mimic the composition of the benchmark, without making active investment decisions.

- The goal is to minimize tracking error, which measures the deviation of the portfolio's returns from the benchmark's returns.

- Passive managers generally aim to provide consistent market returns and are focused on minimizing costs, such as fees and transaction expenses.

2. Active Equity Portfolio Management:

- Active managers actively select and manage investments with the goal of outperforming the market or a specific benchmark.

- They conduct research, analysis, and make investment decisions based on their judgment and expertise.

- Active managers aim to generate excess returns, commonly referred to as alpha, by identifying mispriced securities or timing the market.

- They actively adjust portfolio allocations, buying and selling securities based on their analysis of market conditions and individual securities.

In terms of performance, studies have shown that on average, active managers have struggled to consistently outperform their benchmarks after accounting for expenses, fees, and taxes. The efficient market hypothesis suggests that markets are generally efficient, making it difficult to consistently beat the market through active management. Some active managers may achieve short-term outperformance, but long-term success is challenging to sustain.

Passive strategies, on the other hand, provide cost-effective exposure to broad market returns and can be suitable for investors seeking market-like performance without active decision-making. By minimizing tracking error, passive managers aim to closely match the performance of their chosen benchmark.

To know more about outperformance, visit:



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Describe the implications of supply chain risk on supply chain


Supply chain risk can have significant implications on supply chain costs. It can lead to increased expenses, disruptions in operations, and inefficiencies in the supply chain, ultimately impacting the overall cost structure of the supply chain.

Supply chain risk refers to the potential disruptions, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities that can affect the flow of goods, services, and information within a supply chain. These risks can arise from various factors such as natural disasters, geopolitical events, supplier failures, quality issues, transportation delays, and demand fluctuations.

The implications of supply chain risk on supply chain costs are multifaceted. Firstly, supply chain disruptions can lead to increased costs due to production delays, stockouts, and the need for emergency measures to mitigate the impact of the disruption. This can result in higher inventory holding costs, expedited shipping expenses, and increased costs associated with finding alternative suppliers or logistics routes.

Secondly, supply chain risk can lead to inefficiencies in the supply chain, resulting in higher operating costs. For example, if there is a lack of visibility and coordination among supply chain partners, it can lead to inventory imbalances, excess or obsolete inventory, and increased handling and storage costs.

Furthermore, supply chain risk can also impact the quality and reliability of products or services, leading to customer dissatisfaction, product recalls, and additional costs associated with quality control measures and customer support.

To mitigate the implications of supply chain risk on supply chain costs, companies need to implement robust risk management strategies. This includes identifying and assessing potential risks, developing contingency plans, diversifying suppliers and logistics networks, improving supply chain visibility and collaboration, and investing in technologies that enable better risk monitoring and mitigation. By proactively managing supply chain risks, companies can minimize disruptions, optimize costs, and maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Learn more about geopolitical events here:



Outline the OLI view of multinational firms. In these terms,
why is Nike not a "true" multinational?


Nike's reliance on outsourcing and lack of substantial ownership of physical assets in various countries limits its ownership and location advantages, making it less aligned with the characteristics of a "true" multinational according to the OLI framework.

The OLI (Ownership, Location, and Internalization) view of multinational firms, developed by John Dunning, explains the motives and strategies behind a company's decision to expand internationally.

According to this view, a multinational firm possesses three key advantages: ownership advantages, location advantages, and internalization advantages.

In the case of Nike, while it is a global brand with operations in multiple countries, it may not be considered a "true" multinational from the perspective of the OLI framework.

Nike's primary ownership advantage lies in its strong brand, innovative design capabilities, and extensive marketing expertise. However, it does not have substantial ownership of physical assets, such as manufacturing facilities, in most countries where its products are produced.

Nike relies heavily on outsourcing and offshoring manufacturing to third-party contractors, mainly located in developing countries with lower labor costs.

This implies that Nike lacks significant location advantages, as it does not directly control or own the resources or infrastructure in those countries. Instead, it leverages the location advantages of other firms.

To learn more about ownership



T/F: intel is mentioned as a marketing research firm specializing in social media research.


The statement "Intel is mentioned as a marketing research firm specializing in social media research" is false because Intel's focus is on technology development and innovation, as opposed to marketing research for social media.

What is Intel?

Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology firm headquartered in Santa Clara, California. It is the world's second-largest and highest-valued semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue, after being overtaken by Samsung Electronics, and is the developer of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers (PCs).

Intel's product line includes microprocessors, motherboard chipsets, solid-state drives, memory chips, and other hardware components. Intel also creates software and provides network infrastructure. It has a reputation for high-quality research and innovation, as well as developing advanced computing solutions for various applications.

Intel is not mentioned as a marketing research firm specializing in social media research. They are in the business of manufacturing chips and other hardware components as well as creating software.

Learn more about Intel: https://brainly.com/question/14960786


Increasing returns to scale or declining average cost cause market failure because
A. there is a tendency for such markets to become monopolized.
B. one firm makes infinite profit.
marginal rates of transformation tend toward zero.
(D there is no such thing as a big enough firm.


Increasing returns to scale or declining average cost can cause market failure primarily because there is a tendency for such markets to become monopolized. This is the correct answer, which is (A).

When a firm experiences increasing returns to scale or declining average cost, it gains a cost advantage over its competitors. As a result, it can produce goods or services at a lower cost, leading to lower prices and potentially driving competitors out of the market. Over time, this can lead to a monopolistic market structure where a single firm dominates and controls the market, limiting competition and potentially exploiting consumers by charging higher prices or reducing quality. Market failure occurs when the market mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently, and the emergence of monopolies is one of the causes of market failure. Monopolies can reduce consumer welfare, hinder innovation, and limit economic efficiency. Therefore, the tendency for increasing returns to scale or declining average cost to lead to market monopolization highlights the potential for market failure.

Learn more about increasing returns to scale here:




n Glenn Stevens' article, the cash flow channel of monetary policy refers to the effect of monetary policy on:

Ca Household saving rate

bMortgage payments by households

c. The costs of debts for firms

d. All of the answers here are incorrect

e Investor risk preference


In Glenn Stevens' article, the cash flow channel of monetary policy refers to the effect of monetary policy on mortgage payments by households. This is the right option from the given alternatives. So the correct answer is option b.

Glenn Stevens is a former governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia.

The cash flow channel of monetary policy is an essential aspect of monetary policy transmission. This transmission channel focuses on the direct and indirect effects of changes in the nominal interest rate and the supply of credit on the cash flow of borrowers. The cash flow channel of monetary policy mainly influences households and firms who have debt obligations, where the change in cash flows affects the ability of borrowers to service their debt obligations.

The cash flow channel affects the cash flows of borrowers through a variety of channels, including the direct impact on debt-servicing costs, the impact on asset prices, and the impact on aggregate demand through spending and investment.

The cash flow channel is more prominent in the household sector than in the corporate sector. This is because households are generally more indebted than firms, and the debt servicing cost is a more significant fraction of household disposable income than of business profits.

The impact of the cash flow channel on the spending and investment decisions of borrowers ultimately depends on the degree of financial constraints, the availability of credit, and the level of household and firm indebtedness. Therefore, the cash flow channel of monetary policy is a crucial aspect of monetary policy transmission and can have a significant impact on the overall economy.

In conclusion, the cash flow channel of monetary policy is the effect of monetary policy on mortgage payments by households, as identified in Glenn Stevens' article. It is a crucial aspect of monetary policy transmission that affects borrowers' cash flows, spending, and investment decisions.

To know more about monetary policy



The primany reason for developing a conceptual framework was to:
O a. provide an alternative view to the accounting standards.
O b. assist to revise the accounting standards.
O c. reduce the number of accounting standards needed.
O d. enable regulators to develop accounting standards that are consistent and logically formulated.


The primary reason for developing a conceptual framework was to enable regulators to develop accounting standards that are consistent and logically formulated.

The primary reason for developing a conceptual framework was to enable regulators to develop accounting standards that are consistent and logically formulated. In 1989, the first version of the framework was released. The framework provides a foundation for determining accounting standards and accounting concepts.

The IASB uses the framework to create accounting standards that are clear and concise. It's important to note that the framework is not a set of accounting standards. The framework serves as a guide for developing accounting standards that are consistent and logical. It also serves as a guide for users of financial statements.

The framework helps users understand the financial statements and the information that is presented in them.

To learn more about financial statements visit:



Identify and discuss what data collection methods are required
at Levels 1 and 2 of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation framework.
(Please support and discuss your answers using academic


At Level 1 of Kirkpatrick's evaluation framework, is participant reaction surveys or questionnaires. At Level 2, the required data collection methods involve pre- and post-training assessments or tests.

At Level 1 of Kirkpatrick's evaluation framework, the required data collection method is participant reaction surveys or questionnaires. These surveys assess participants' satisfaction, engagement, and perceptions of the training or learning experience.

The purpose is to gather feedback on the program's content, delivery, relevance, and overall effectiveness in meeting participants' needs and expectations. Academic articles such as "Measuring Learning Effectiveness: A Review of Survey Instruments" by Sitzmann and Ely (2011) and "Evaluation of Training: A Review of Survey Instruments" by Arthur Jr. et al. (2003) discuss various survey instruments and approaches for collecting Level 1 data.

At Level 2, the required data collection methods involve pre- and post-training assessments or tests to measure learning outcomes and knowledge acquisition. These assessments evaluate participants' knowledge and skills before and after the training program to determine the extent of learning and improvement achieved.

Academic articles like "Assessing Training Program Effectiveness: A Comprehensive Model" by Alliger et al. (1997) and "A Review of Post-Training Evaluations: Implications for Evaluating Training Effectiveness" by Holton III (1996) provide insights into the design and implementation of Level 2 data collection methods.

Collecting data at Levels 1 and 2 of Kirkpatrick's framework allows organizations to assess participant reactions and learning outcomes, providing valuable insights for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs and making informed decisions for improvement.

To know more about Kirkpatrick's evaluation, refer here:



d. Debt ratio. Select the formula and then enter the amounts to calculate the debt ratio for 2021 and 2020. (Round the ratios to two decimal places, X.XX. e. Times-interest-earned ratio. Select the formula and then enter the amounts to calculate the times-interest-eamed ratio for 2021 and 2020 . (Round the ratios to fwo decimal places, X×X ) Summarize the results of your analysis.


The debt ratio and times-interest-earned ratio for 2021 and 2020, we need the relevant financial information. Since you haven't provided any specific values, I'll provide the formulas and explain how to calculate the ratios.

a. Debt Ratio:

The debt ratio is calculated by dividing the total debt by the total assets of a company. It measures the proportion of a company's assets that are financed by debt.

Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets

The debt ratio for 2021 and 2020, you need the values for total debt and total assets for both years. Once you have those values, plug them into the formula to calculate the ratios.

Let's say the total debt for 2021 is $500,000 and the total assets for 2021 are $1,500,000. For 2020, let's assume the total debt is $400,000 and the total assets are $1,200,000.

Debt Ratio 2021 = $500,000 / $1,500,000 = 0.33 or 33.33%

Debt Ratio 2020 = $400,000 / $1,200,000 = 0.33 or 33.33%

b. Times-Interest-Earned Ratio:

The times-interest-earned ratio, also known as the interest coverage ratio, measures a company's ability to meet its interest payment obligations. It is calculated by dividing the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by the interest expense.

Times-Interest-Earned Ratio = EBIT / Interest Expense

Again, to calculate the times-interest-earned ratio for 2021 and 2020, you need the values for EBIT and interest expense for both years.

Let's assume the EBIT for 2021 is $800,000 and the interest expense for 2021 is $200,000. For 2020, let's assume the EBIT is $700,000 and the interest expense is $180,000.

Times-Interest-Earned Ratio 2021 = $800,000 / $200,000 = 4.00

Times-Interest-Earned Ratio 2020 = $700,000 / $180,000 = 3.89

Based on the calculations, the debt ratio remained constant at 33.33% for both 2021 and 2020. This indicates that the proportion of the company's assets financed by debt did not change significantly between the two years.

The times-interest-earned ratio increased from 3.89 in 2020 to 4.00 in 2021. This suggests that the company's ability to cover its interest payments improved slightly from the previous year. A higher times-interest-earned ratio indicates a better ability to meet interest obligations and signifies lower financial risk for the company.

It's important to note that the interpretation of these ratios depends on the industry and specific circ*mstances of the company. Comparing the ratios with industry benchmarks and considering other financial metrics would provide a more comprehensive analysis of the company's financial health.

Learn more about financial ,visit:



The management of Mega Toy Limited is considering making a new product, but it is unsure about how to price the product and its variable cost. The marketing department believes that the company can sell the product for N$550 per unit but it feels that if the initial market response is weak, the price may have to be 30% lower in order to be competitive with existing products. Management's best estimate of the new products costs are fixed costs of N$26 million and a variable cost of N$280 per unit. Management is also concerned about fluctuations in the variable cost per unit due to volatile raw material and labour costs. Although management expects a variable cost of N$280 per unit, it could be as much as 8% above that value. Management expects to sell about 1500000 units of the new product per year.
(a) Calculate the new product's break-even volume, assuming management's initial estimates are accurate.
(b) In the worst case scenario, how many units will the company need to sell to break even?
(c) If each of the possible price/variable cost combinations is equally probable, what is the company's expected break-even point for the new product?
(d) Based on your finding in (c) above, should management go ahead with the proposed new product? Explain why.


(a) Break-even point is the level of sales at which neither a profit nor a loss is made, but the total revenue is equal to the total cost. It is calculated as follows:

Break-even volume = fixed cost ÷ contribution per unit

Where contribution per unit = selling price per unit - variable cost per unit


Fixed cost (FC) = N$26 million

Variable cost per unit (VC) = N$280

Selling price per unit (SP) = N$550

Contribution per unit = SP - VCC

= SP - VCC

= N$550 - N$280

= N$270

Break-even volume= (FC ÷ C)

= (26,000,000 ÷ 270)

= 96,296 units

(b) In the worst-case scenario, the price may have to be 30% lower, which implies that the selling price per unit will be N$385 per unit (i.e., N$550 x 0.7).

Therefore, contribution per unit = N$385 - N$280

= N$105

Break-even volume= (FC ÷ C)

= (26,000,000 ÷ 105)

= 247,619 units

(c) If the variable cost per unit could be as much as 8% above N$280, then the highest possible variable cost is N$302.4 (i.e., N$280 x 1.08).

Break-even volume

FC ÷ (SP - VC)] = 314,009

Therefore, the company's expected break-even point for the new product

= (96,296 + 247,619 + 105,263 + 314,009) ÷ 4

= 190,047 units

Hence, the company's expected break-even point for the new product is 190,047 units

(d) Based on the expected break-even volume, it appears that management should go ahead with the proposed new product because the expected break-even volume is lower than the expected sales volume of 1,500,000 units per year.

To know more about break-even point, click here



What is correct about the marginal cost function in a standard case? marginal cost function corresponds to a total cost function abatement is on the vertical axis and marginal cost is on the horizontal axis abatement is on the horizontal axis and marginal cost is on the vertical axis the height of the the marginal cost curve at any given point represents the cost of each additional unit of abatement A,B, and D are correct A,C, and D are correct


The correct statement about the marginal cost function in a standard case is that abatement is on the horizontal axis and marginal cost is on the vertical axis.

What is the marginal cost?

The marginal cost is defined as the cost incurred by producing one additional unit of a good or service. It can be computed by calculating the change in total cost that results from producing one more unit of output. The marginal cost curve shows the relationship between the marginal cost of production and the level of output

Abatement is defined as the reduction of pollution from a given source or in a given region. It can be achieved by implementing measures such as pollution prevention, treatment, and control. The abatement cost is the cost incurred to achieve a given level of pollution reduction.

Learn more about marginal cost at



Compute the employer's payroll benefit expense based on the following totals found on a completed payroll register
dated November 15.
• Gross pay = $41.400.00
• Deductions: Income Tax = $6,450.00; EI = $828.00; CPP = $1,798.00
Journalize the information from a completed payroll register dated November 15.


The employer's payroll benefit expense, based on the totals found on the completed payroll register dated November 15, is $9,076.00.

To compute the employer's payroll benefit expense, we need to consider the gross pay and the deductions from the completed payroll register dated November 15.

Step 1: Calculate the total deductions

- The income tax deduction is $6,450.00.

- The employment insurance (EI) deduction is $828.00.

- The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) deduction is $1,798.00.

- Total deductions = $6,450.00 + $828.00 + $1,798.00 = $9,076.00.

Step 2: Determine the employer's payroll benefit expense

The employer's payroll benefit expense includes the amount contributed by the employer for employee benefits such as employment insurance and Canada Pension Plan.

Step 3: Finalize the answer

Based on the totals found on the completed payroll register dated November 15, the employer's payroll benefit expense is $9,076.00.

The employer's payroll benefit expense refers to the amount contributed by the employer for employee benefits, such as employment insurance (EI) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP). These contributions are in addition to the gross pay of the employees and are calculated based on the applicable rates or percentages set by the government. The employer's payroll benefit expense is an important factor in calculating the overall labor costs for a business. It ensures that the necessary funds are allocated to provide employee benefits and contribute to government-mandated programs. By accurately computing the employer's payroll benefit expense, businesses can properly manage their financial obligations and fulfill their responsibilities towards their employees and government programs.

Learn more about payroll



Calculate the qualified business income deduction?


Self-employment net income = 53,080

50% self employment tax = 3,750


The qualified business income deduction is not applicable in this scenario as the information provided does not include any income from a qualified trade or business.

The qualified business income deduction is a tax deduction available to certain taxpayers who have qualified business income from a pass-through entity or self-employment. In this scenario, the income sources mentioned (short-term capital gain income, ordinary income, and interest income) do not qualify for the deduction. The self-employment net income and self-employment tax mentioned are separate calculations and do not relate to the qualified business income deduction.

Learn more about qualified business here:



Tauros Inc provided the following data concerning its only product: The unit selling price of ₱100, current sales of 46,700 units, and break-even sales of 34,091 units.

If sales increase from ₱80,000 per year to ₱120,000 per year, and if the operating leverage is 5, then net operating income should increase by? SHOW SOLUTION

The company's margin of safety is closest to? SHOW SOLUTION


The net operating income should increase by ₱3,152,250.The company's margin of safety is approximately 27.01%. This indicates that the company's current sales exceed the break-even point by around 27.01%, providing a cushion or buffer in case of a decline in sales.

To calculate the increase in net operating income, we first need to determine the current net operating income. We can do this by subtracting the break-even sales from the current sales and then multiplying the result by the unit selling price:

Current net operating income = (Current sales - Break-even sales) * Unit selling price

= (46,700 - 34,091) * ₱100

= 12,609 * ₱100

= ₱1,260,900

Next, we can calculate the percentage increase in sales by dividing the change in sales (₱120,000 - ₱80,000 = ₱40,000) by the original sales amount (₱80,000):

Percentage increase in sales = (Change in sales / Original sales) * 100

= (₱40,000 / ₱80,000) * 100

= 50%

Since the operating leverage is given as 5, the percentage increase in net operating income will be five times the percentage increase in sales:

Percentage increase in net operating income = Percentage increase in sales * Operating leverage

= 50% * 5

= 250%

Finally, we can calculate the increase in net operating income by multiplying the current net operating income by the percentage increase:

Increase in net operating income = Current net operating income * (Percentage increase in net operating income / 100)

= ₱1,260,900 * (250 / 100)

= ₱3,152,250

To determine the margin of safety, we need to calculate the margin of safety percentage. The margin of safety is the difference between the current sales and the break-even sales, divided by the current sales, multiplied by 100:

Margin of safety percentage = ((Current sales - Break-even sales) / Current sales) * 100

= ((46,700 - 34,091) / 46,700) * 100

= (12,609 / 46,700) * 100

= 27.01%

To know more about operating income refer here



Discuss the various types of market entry methods. What are some
examples of political and legal barriers that may eliminate a
potential country from market entry?


Market entry methods encompass various strategies that businesses can employ to enter new markets.

Political and legal barriers play a significant role in determining whether a potential country is suitable for market entry, as certain regulations and government actions can restrict or eliminate access.

There are several types of market entry methods that businesses can choose from when expanding into new markets. These include exporting, licensing, franchising, strategic alliances, joint ventures, and foreign direct investment (FDI). Exporting involves selling products or services from the home country to the target market. Licensing allows a company to grant rights to another entity in the target market to produce or sell its products or services.

Franchising involves granting the rights to use the brand and business model to local franchisees. Strategic alliances and joint ventures involve forming partnerships with local companies to enter the market together. FDI entails establishing a physical presence in the target market through wholly-owned subsidiaries or acquiring existing companies.

When considering market entry, businesses must also assess political and legal barriers that may hinder their access to a potential country. Political barriers include government policies, regulations, and political instability that may limit foreign market entry.

Legal barriers encompass laws, intellectual property rights protection, trade restrictions, and licensing requirements that can create obstacles for businesses. For example, a country may have stringent regulations on foreign ownership, making it difficult for foreign companies to establish a presence.

Political instability, such as civil unrest or frequent policy changes, can also deter market entry due to uncertainties and risks. Additionally, intellectual property rights infringements and trade barriers can restrict market access. These political and legal barriers need to be carefully evaluated by businesses to determine the feasibility of entering a specific country.

Learn more about foreign direct investment here:



A study of the economic impact of the wine industry in New York was released in September 2017 by WineAmerica and John Dunham & Associates. The 2019 economic impact study for New York shows that the wine and grape industries have grown from 62,450 jobs in 2017 to 71,950 jobs in 2019. The industries have also generated $2.79 billion in wages and generated $6.65 billion in direct economic impact. The wineries and vineyards pay $1.07 billion in taxes to the federal government and $1.12 billion to state and local governments. How does this summary fit into Structure Conduct Performance or Marco?


The summary provided describes the economic impact of the wine and grape industries in New York, including job growth, wage generation, economic impact, and tax contributions.

The concept of Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) is a framework used to analyze the relationship between market structure, firm conduct, and firm performance. It focuses on how the structure of a market influences the behavior of firms and their performance outcomes.

In the given summary, the focus is on the performance aspect of the wine and grape industries in New York. It provides information on job growth, wage generation, economic impact, and tax contributions. These aspects highlight the positive performance indicators of the industries, such as the increase in jobs, wages, and overall economic impact. Additionally, the tax contributions to the federal government and state/local governments showcase the industries' financial contributions to public revenues.

While the summary does not explicitly provide information about the market structure or firm conduct in the wine and grape industries, it primarily emphasizes the performance aspect by highlighting the economic outcomes and contributions. Therefore, the summary fits more into the performance aspect of the SCP framework rather than the structure or conduct aspects.

Learn more about tax here:



3 - Principles of Economics 01 (BINM Group 1) True/False: CPI can reflect everyone's consumption decisions Select one: True False


CPI can reflect everyone's consumption decisions which are false. CPI (Consumer Price Index) is a measure of the average price changes of a basket of goods and services consumed by households.

CPI (Consumer Price Index) is a measure of the average price changes of a basket of goods and services consumed by households. However, it cannot reflect everyone's consumption decisions, as different households have different consumption patterns and preferences. The basket of goods and services used in CPI is based on a sample of households' expenditures, which may not be representative of all households. Additionally, households can substitute goods and services when their prices change, which may affect the CPI calculation. Therefore, CPI can provide a useful estimate of overall price inflation but may not accurately reflect the inflation experienced by every individual or household.

To learn more about CPI click here



Joanna Gaynes was an amazing high school student and so it was no great surprise when she was accepted into Prestige Private University (PPU). To entice Joanna to attend PPU, the school offered her a reduced tuition of $13,000 per year (full-time tuition would typically be $43,000 per year). PPU also has a scholarship program thanks to a large donation from William Gatos. Joanna was the Gatos Scholarship winner and will receive a scholarship for $20,000. Joanna is required to use the scholarship first to pay her $13,000 tuition and the remainder is to cover room and board at PPU. Lastly, PPU also offered Joanna a part-time job on the PPU campus as a student lab assistant in the Biology Department of PPU for which she is paid $1,500.Required: Go to the IRS website (www.irs.gov) and locate Publication 970. Review the section on Scholarships. Required: Write a letter to Joanna Gaynes stating how much of the PPU package for Joanna is taxable.


Dear Joanna Gaynes,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to inform you about the taxable amount of your PPU package that you received as a scholarship winner. As you already know, you were awarded a Gatos Scholarship for $20,000, and your tuition fee was reduced to $13,000 from $43,000 per year.

Furthermore, you were offered a part-time job on the PPU campus as a student lab assistant in the Biology Department of PPU for which you were paid $1,500. Therefore, the amount of your PPU package that is taxable is $8,500 ($20,000 - $13,000 - $1,500).According to Publication 970 of the IRS website, scholarships and fellowships are tax-free if the amount of scholarship or fellowship grant is less than or equal to the amount of qualified education expenses.

In your case, your qualified education expenses are $13,000, which is the amount of your tuition fee, and your scholarship amount is also equal to or less than your qualified education expenses. Therefore, the amount of $13,000 is not taxable as it was used to pay your tuition fee, and the remaining $7,500 is taxable income.

Hence, you are required to include this amount as income on your tax return for the year.I hope this information clears up any confusion you may have had about the taxable amount of your PPU package. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further queries.

Sincerely,[Your Name]

To know more about taxable income visit:



In which of the following company types does a manager use an operating expenses budget?
A. Service
B. Manufacturing
C. Merchandising
D. All of the above


D. In all of the above company types does a manager use an operating expenses budget.

In all types of companies, including service, manufacturing, and merchandising businesses, a manager would use an operating expenses budget. An operating expenses budget is a financial plan that outlines the projected expenses associated with the day-to-day operations of a company. It includes various costs such as rent, utilities, salaries, advertising, maintenance, and other expenses necessary to run the business.

Regardless of the nature of the company's operations, managers need to forecast and allocate funds for operating expenses to ensure proper financial management and control. This budget helps in estimating and managing costs, monitoring expenses, making informed decisions, and evaluating the financial performance of the company. Therefore, in service, manufacturing, and merchandising companies, managers utilize operating expenses budgets to effectively manage their respective operations.

To know more about budget;



1 The Solow Model (8 marks)

An economy has the per-worker production function y = Ak^α where y is output per worker and k is capital per worker; A = 8 and α = 1/3. Capital accumulation follows:

k = sy − (n + δ)k

The saving rate s is 0.15, the depreciation rate δ is 0.04, and the population growth rate n is 0.01.

A. What are the steady-state values of capital per worker, output per worker, and consumption per worker?

b. Repeat Part (a) for a saving rate of 0.25 instead of 0.15.

c. Repeat Part (a) for a population growth rate of 0.02 (with a saving rate of 0.15).


A. The Solow model shows steady-state values for the economy with a saving rate of 0.15, depreciation rate of 0.04, and population growth rate of 0.01, resulting in capital per worker of 3.5, output of 1.654, and consumption of 1.238. B. Increased saving rate leads to 4.375 capital per worker, 1.895 output, and 1.421 consumption per worker. C. Increase population growth rate to 0.02, maintain saving rate, and steady-state values change: capital per worker, output per worker, and consumption per worker.

A. In the Solow model, the steady-state occurs when the capital per worker remains constant over time. The capital accumulation equation shows that the change in capital per worker (Δk) is determined by investment (sy) minus depreciation and population growth ((n + δ)k).

In the steady-state, Δk = 0, so we can set the accumulation equation to zero and solve for k. Plugging in the given values, we get 0.15y - (0.01 + 0.04)k = 0. Solving for k, we find k = 3.5. Using the production function y = Ak^α, we can calculate [tex]y= 8(3.5)^{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex] ≈ 1.654. Finally, consumption per worker (c) is calculated as c = (1 - s)y, which gives us c = (1 - 0.15)×1.654 ≈ 1.238.

B. Increasing the saving rate (s) leads to higher investment, which increases the capital per worker in the steady-state. Using the same approach as in part A, we set the accumulation equation to zero and solve for k.

Plugging in the new saving rate of 0.25, we find k = 4.375. Similarly, using the production function, we calculate [tex]y= 8(4.375)^{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex] ≈ 1.895. Finally, consumption per worker (c) is obtained as c = (1 - s)y, which gives us c = (1 - 0.25)1.895 ≈ 1.421.

C. An increase in the population growth rate (n) leads to a higher depreciation and dilutes the capital per worker in the steady-state. Using the same approach as before, we set the accumulation equation to zero and solve for k.

Plugging in the new population growth rate of 0.02, we find k = 3.75. Using the production function, we calculate [tex]y= 8(3.75)^{\frac{1}{3} }[/tex] ≈ 1.737. Finally, consumption per worker (c) is obtained as c = (1 - s)y, which gives us c = (1 - 0.15)1.737 ≈ 1.306.

In summary, with a saving rate of 0.15, the steady-state values are: k = 3.5, y = 1.654, and c = 1.238. With a saving rate of 0.25, the values are: k = 4.375, y = 1.895, and c = 1.421. With a population growth rate of 0.02 and a saving rate of 0.15, the values are: k = 3.75, y = 1.737, and c = 1.306.

Learn more about Solow model here:



For tax purposes a partnership is considered to be a conduit
entity TRUE or FALSE


False. For tax purposes, a partnership is not considered to be a conduit entity. Unlike certain other types of entities, such as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) or a Qualified Intermediary (QI), a partnership is not classified as a conduit entity.

Instead, a partnership is treated as a separate tax entity, meaning it is subject to its own tax obligations and requirements. The partnership itself files an annual tax return and is responsible for reporting its income, deductions, and other relevant information.

The partners of the partnership then receive their respective share of the partnership's income and deductions and report them on their individual tax returns. Therefore, a partnership is not simply a pass-through entity but has its own tax identity and responsibilities.

To know more about Real Estate Investment Trust :



What is the indirect quote of 1.42 AUD/USD?
1.429 USD/AUD
0.704 USD/AUD
0.914 USD/AUD
1.024 USD/AUD


The indirect quote refers to the exchange rate expressed in terms of the foreign currency per unit of the domestic currency. In this case, we are given the direct quote of 1.42 AUD/USD and need to determine the corresponding indirect quote.

The answer should be selected from the options provided: 1.429 USD/AUD, 0.704 USD/AUD, 0.914 USD/AUD, or 1.024 USD/AUD.

Answer: The indirect quote for 1.42 AUD/USD is 0.704 USD/AUD.

To convert a direct quote to an indirect quote, we take the reciprocal of the given rate. In this case, the reciprocal of 1.42 AUD/USD is approximately 0.704 USD/AUD. This means that for every 1 AUD, you would receive approximately 0.704 USD.

The indirect quote is commonly used when the domestic currency is the base currency and represents the value of the domestic currency in terms of the foreign currency. In this case, the indirect quote tells us how many units of the foreign currency (USD) are needed to acquire one unit of the domestic currency (AUD).

Learn more about foreign currency here:



SCP Corporation is currently evaluating it's working capital. During the company's evaluation, the management discovered that the inventory would usually take about 45 days before being sold on a credit and would take another 60 days to collect the payment from the buyers. On the other hand, the company pays it's accounts payables at an average of 35 days resulting to a cash conversion cycle of 70 days. The management thinks that $700,000 funds committed to its working capital is too high.
1. As the financial adviser of the company, identify and discuss 3 possible strategies on how the company can lower the committed resources in its working capital?


As the financial adviser of SCP Corporation, there are three possible strategies that can be implemented to lower the committed resources in its working capital:

1. Inventory Management: SCP Corporation can focus on improving its inventory management practices to reduce the amount of funds tied up in inventory. This can be achieved by implementing just-in-time (JIT) inventory systems, where inventory is replenished only when needed. By closely monitoring demand and streamlining the supply chain, the company can minimize excess inventory levels and free up working capital.

2. Accounts Receivable Management: To accelerate the collection of payments from buyers, SCP Corporation can implement effective accounts receivable management strategies. This includes establishing clear credit terms and policies, conducting timely and proactive follow-ups on outstanding payments, and offering incentives for early payments or penalties for late payments. By reducing the collection period, the company can improve its cash flow and reduce the funds committed to accounts receivable.

3. Accounts Payable Optimization: SCP Corporation can also explore opportunities to optimize its accounts payable process. This can be done by negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers, such as extended payment terms or early payment discounts. Additionally, implementing efficient accounts payable systems and processes can help streamline invoice processing and payment authorization, ensuring timely payments while taking advantage of available payment terms. By extending the accounts payable period, the company can retain cash for a longer duration and reduce the funds committed to accounts payable.

1. Inventory Management: Inventory represents a significant portion of working capital for many businesses. By implementing effective inventory management practices, SCP Corporation can avoid overstocking and reduce carrying costs. This includes analyzing historical sales data, monitoring market trends, and collaborating with suppliers to ensure timely and accurate inventory replenishment. By maintaining optimal inventory levels and reducing excess stock, the company can minimize the amount of funds tied up in inventory.

2. Accounts Receivable Management: Efficient management of accounts receivable is crucial for improving cash flow and reducing the collection period. SCP Corporation can establish clear credit policies, conduct thorough credit checks on customers, and set appropriate credit limits. Regular follow-ups on outstanding payments and timely invoicing can help expedite the collection process. Offering incentives for early payment, such as discounts or rewards, can motivate customers to settle their dues promptly. Effective communication with customers regarding payment expectations and potential penalties for late payments can also encourage timely payments.

3. Accounts Payable Optimization: SCP Corporation can explore opportunities to optimize its accounts payable process to extend payment terms and conserve cash. Negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers, such as longer payment periods or installment options, can provide the company with additional time to generate revenue from its inventory before paying suppliers. Streamlining accounts payable processes, including automating invoice processing and payment authorization, can reduce administrative inefficiencies and ensure timely payments within the agreed-upon terms.

By implementing these strategies, SCP Corporation can effectively lower the committed resources in its working capital. This can improve cash flow, reduce financing costs, and enhance overall financial performance. However, it is important to consider the potential impact on relationships with suppliers and customers, as well as the overall operational efficiency of the company.

To know more about financial adviser click here:



Government rather than private business provides national defense because

It is a benefit and not a cost.

It is a cost and not a benefit.

Not all who benefit from it would pay for it.

If some benefit from it, less is available for others.


The government steps in to provide national defense and finances it through taxation or other means to ensure that the costs are shared by the entire population, regardless of their direct contribution.

c. not all who benefit from it would pay for it.

the main reason why the government, rather than private business , provides national defense is that not all individuals who benefit from national defense would voluntarily pay for it if it were left to the private sector. national defense is considered a public good, which exhibits two characteristics: non-excludability and non-rivalry.

non-excludability means that it is difficult to exclude individuals from benefiting from national defense once it is provided. for example, if a country is protected from external threats by a national defense system, all citizens within that country will benefit from the security and stability provided, regardless of whether they contribute financially to its provision.

Learn more about business here:



modern organization value diversity yet diversity may pose several
discuss ways in which diversity may pose a risk to
a) employees
b) the organization


a) Employees may face risks from diversity in terms of communication challenges, unconscious biases leading to exclusion, and increased conflict among diverse team members.

b) The organization may be at risk due to higher turnover, decreased employee satisfaction, internal conflicts, and missed business opportunities if diversity is not effectively managed.

a) Employees may be at danger from diversity in a number of ways. First off, communication issues caused by language or cultural limitations or both may cause misunderstandings and reduced productivity in diverse teams. Second, it's possible for unconscious prejudices and stereotypes to persist inside a variety of organizations, which can lead to exclusion and discrimination against particular people or groups. Thirdly, diversity may generate stress and conflict among workers with various viewpoints and backgrounds, which could impede teamwork and collaboration.

b) The organization may also be at risk as a result of diversity. Higher employee turnover and lower employee satisfaction in a diverse workforce can have an adverse effect on the performance of the entire organisation. Ineffective management of diversity may also cause internal disputes that impede collaboration, imagination, and innovation.

Learn more about employees and organization here:



All other things held constant, the higher a firm's Cash Balance, the higher the firm's Enterprise Value (True False)


False. The higher a firm's Cash Balance does not necessarily result in a higher Enterprise Value.

Enterprise Value is a measure of a company's total value, which includes its equity value (market capitalization) and its debt. While a high Cash Balance can be an indicator of financial strength and liquidity, it does not directly impact the overall value of the firm. Enterprise Value is calculated by adding a company's market capitalization (equity value) to its total debt and subtracting any cash and cash equivalents. Cash Balance, which represents the amount of cash and cash equivalents held by a company, is already factored into the Enterprise Value calculation. Therefore, increasing the Cash Balance alone does not lead to a higher Enterprise Value. Other factors, such as profitability, growth prospects, risk profile, and market conditions, play a significant role in determining a firm's Enterprise Value.

Learn more about market capitalization here:



a new mortgage agent has been asked for arrange a complex mortgage involving several private investors and private developers .this new agent does not know how to proceeds and needs assistance .Given the scenario who is responsible for ensuring that the mortgage agent is compliant and abides by all of the legislation and regulation ?


The regulatory authority or governing body responsible for overseeing mortgage agents is generally responsible for ensuring compliance and adherence to legislation and regulations in the mortgage industry.

They provide guidelines, rules, and oversight to ensure that mortgage agents operate within the legal framework and meet their obligations. This could be a government agency, such as a financial regulatory authority or a professional association that governs the mortgage industry. The specific authority may vary depending on the jurisdiction or country where the mortgage agent operates.

Learn more about regulatory here:



Suppose the index model for stocks A and B is estimated from the excess returns with the
following results:
rA = 2% + 0.7RM + eA, rB = 2% + 1.5RM + eB, σM = 20%, and the regression R2 of stocks A
and B is 0.30 and 0.25, respectively. Answer the following questions. Total: 20 marks.
(a) What is the variance of each stock? (5 marks)
(b) What is the firm-specific risk of each stock? (5 marks).
(c) What is the covariance between the two stocks? (5 marks)


In the given index model, the variance of each stock, the firm-specific risk of each stock, and the covariance between the two stocks need to be determined.

(a) The variance of each stock:

Variance of stock A = βA² * Variance of the market = (0.7)² * (0.20)²

Variance of stock B = βB² * Variance of the market = (1.5)² * (0.20)²

(b) The firm-specific risk of each stock:

Firm-specific risk of stock A = Variance of stock A * (1 - R² of stock A)

Firm-specific risk of stock B = Variance of stock B * (1 - R² of stock B)

(c) The covariance between the two stocks:

Covariance between stock A and stock B = βA * βB * Variance of the market

In the absence of the values of βA, βB, and the specific errors (eA, eB), the final numerical calculations cannot be performed. However, the steps above outline the formulas to compute the variance, firm-specific risk, and covariance for the given index model.

To know more about stock, click here:



without ethical behavior, the quality of products and services would ______. multiple choice question. not be affected increase decrease


In the context of ethical behavior and its impact on the quality of products and services, it is important to note that ethical behavior plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the quality of products and services.

Ethical behavior ensures that organizations adhere to moral and legal standards, prioritize customer satisfaction, and act responsibly towards stakeholders.

Without ethical behavior, the quality of products and services would be affected negatively. Unethical practices such as cutting corners, using substandard materials, misleading advertising, or compromising safety can lead to a decline in product quality. Similarly, unethical behavior in service-oriented industries can result in poor customer service, lack of transparency, and overall deterioration in service quality.

On the other hand, ethical behavior promotes trust, integrity, and accountability, which are vital for delivering high-quality products and services. By following ethical standards and practices, organizations demonstrate their commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and long-term success.

Learn more about ethical behavior here:



Tanner-UNF Corporation acquired as a long-term investment $250 million of 50% bonds, dated July 1, on July 1, 2018. Company management has the positive intent and ability to hold the bonds until maturity. The market interest rate field) was 7% for bonds of similar risk and maturity. Tanner-UNF paid $210.0 million for the bonds. The company will receive interest semiannually on June 30 and December 31. As a result of changing market conditions, the fair value of the bonds at December 31, 2018, was $220.0 million Required: 1. & 2. Prepare the journal entry to record Tanner-UNF's investment in the bonds on July 1, 2018 and interest on December 31, 2018, at the effective market) rate. 3. At what amount will Tanner-UNF report its investment in the December 31, 2018, balance sheet? 4. Suppose Moody's bond rating agency downgraded the risk rating of the bonds motivating Tanner-UNF to sell the investment on January 2, 2019, for $200.0 million. Prepare the journal entry to record the sale. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below.


On July 1, 2018, Tanner-UNF Corporation records the acquisition of the bonds by debiting the Investment in Bonds account and crediting the Cash account for $210.0 million.

On July 1, 2018, when Tanner-UNF acquires the bonds, it records the transaction by debiting the Investment in Bonds account (long-term investment) for $210.0 million and crediting the Cash account for the same amount, representing the cash paid for the investment. On December 31, 2018, Tanner-UNF receives interest on the bonds. The interest revenue is calculated based on the effective market rate of 7% and recorded by debiting the Cash account for the interest received and crediting the Interest Revenue account for the same amount.

The investment in the bonds will be reported on the December 31, 2018, balance sheet at fair value, which is $220.0 million. Fair value reflects the changing market conditions and represents the estimated value of the investment at that point in time. If Tanner-UNF sells the investment on January 2, 2019, due to the risk rating downgrade by Moody's, the company records the sale by debiting the Cash account for $200.0 million (proceeds from the sale) and crediting the Investment in Bonds account for the same amount (removing the investment from the books). The difference between the sale price and the carrying value of the investment ($220.0 million) would result in a loss on sale, but it is not mentioned in the question.

Learn more about Investment here



A. li consulting co.'s adjusted trial balance shows the drawing account has a debit balance of $2,000. the journal entry to close this account will include which of the following entries:


The given situation is that li consulting co.'s adjusted trial balance shows the drawing account has a debit balance of $2,000. The journal entry to close this account will include the following entries:

Debit Drawing account with $2,000 Credit Owner’s capital account with $2,000Explanation:The capital account is debited because the drawings decrease the owner’s capital in the business. The opposite will happen if the owner contributes funds to the business, and the capital account will be credited to reflect an increase in the owner’s capital investment in the business.

To know more about business: https://brainly.com/question/18307610


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