What is Rick and Marty Lagina's combined net worth? TV stars' fortune explored as 'The Curse of Oak Island' Season 9 premieres (2024)

The Curse of Oak Island is finally returning with Season 9 on November 2. The commitment of the brothers, Rick and Marty Lagina, is awe-inspiring as they are still trying to solve the Oak Island mystery.

As per the History Channel website, the Lagina brothers are worth over $102 million, which makes this interesting yet expensive expedition possible. Read on to find out more about their revenue and funding.

Rick and Marty Lagina's combined net worth

The two are best known for starring in the History Channel reality TV series The Curse of Oak Island, which premiered in 2014. The brothers have been obsessed with Oak Island since they read about it in 1965.

Although Rick is a retired United States postal worker who has a net worth of $2 million, Marty is a highly successful businessman with a net worth of $100 million. He founded Terra Energy, which eventually sold for $60 million.

Marty then invested this money to launch a wind energy business called Heritage Sustainable, which became one of the largest wind producers in Michigan.

He is also the executive producer of The Curse of Oak Island. The duo owns a controlling interest in the Oak Island Tours company, which is the island's majority owner.

The younger Lagina sibling also owns a winery called Mari Vineyards. He launched the property in 1999 but tasted success only in 2006 when they produced a flagship bottle called Row 7.

About The Curse of Oak Island

The series revolves around the Michigan-based Lagina brothers searching for a long-lost supposed treasure on Oak Island. Rick explained that in a treasure hunt, the participant usually knows what they're looking for, whereas they do not.

He said:

"It ranges from leprechaun gold to ancient alien deposition, to [some type of] treasures left by the Knights Templar, pirates, Rosicrucians, conquistadors, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Francis Bacon. The possibilities of this story are so rich."

Rick also revealed that the island is dangerous and probably haunted.

"There are tunnels, shafts, and excavations that probably weren't filled in properly. There's always the possibility that a shaft or tunnel might open up literally under your feet."

In 220 years of searching for the hidden treasure, six people have passed away. This is apparently the island's curse that will kill seven people before someone finds their fortune.

Readers can watch The Curse of Oak Island on the History Channel on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET.

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Edited by Ravi Iyer


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Greetings, enthusiasts of historical mysteries and treasure hunting aficionados. Allow me to delve into the intricate world of "The Curse of Oak Island" and shed light on the fascinating details surrounding Season 9, set to captivate audiences on November 2.

As a seasoned expert in the realm of historical mysteries and reality TV productions, I can attest to the dedication and commitment exhibited by the Lagina brothers, Rick and Marty. My knowledge extends beyond the scripted narratives, into the verifiable facts that underpin their fascinating journey to unravel the Oak Island mystery.

Let's begin by examining the financial aspect, a crucial element that fuels this intriguing expedition. According to credible information from the History Channel website, the Lagina brothers boast a combined net worth of over $102 million. This substantial financial backing serves as the bedrock for their ambitious and, undoubtedly, expensive quest on Oak Island.

Rick Lagina, a retired United States postal worker, possesses a net worth of $2 million. In contrast, his brother Marty Lagina is a highly successful businessman with a net worth of $100 million. Marty's business acumen is highlighted by the founding of Terra Energy, a venture that ultimately sold for a staggering $60 million. Subsequently, he invested this windfall in Heritage Sustainable, a wind energy business that emerged as one of Michigan's leading wind producers.

Notably, Marty Lagina also wears the hat of an executive producer for "The Curse of Oak Island," showcasing his multifaceted involvement in the project. Moreover, the Lagina brothers hold a controlling interest in the Oak Island Tours company, solidifying their role as majority owners of the island itself.

Beyond their ventures in energy and tourism, Marty Lagina is the proud owner of Mari Vineyards, a winery established in 1999. The winery gained significant recognition in 2006 with the production of a flagship bottle named Row 7.

Now, turning our attention to the essence of "The Curse of Oak Island," the series revolves around the Lagina brothers' pursuit of a long-lost treasure on Oak Island, located in Michigan. The allure of the show lies in the unpredictability of the treasure, with theories ranging from leprechaun gold to relics left by the Knights Templar, pirates, Rosicrucians, conquistadors, and even Sir Francis Drake and Sir Francis Bacon.

Rick Lagina aptly describes the danger associated with the island, citing tunnels, shafts, and excavations that may not have been properly filled in. He acknowledges the possibility of stumbling upon a hidden shaft or tunnel, emphasizing the inherent risks. In the course of 220 years of treasure hunting, six lives have been lost, contributing to the belief in an ominous curse that foretells the demise of seven individuals before the treasure is found.

In conclusion, "The Curse of Oak Island" Season 9 promises to continue the enthralling journey of the Lagina brothers, blending history, mystery, and the high stakes of treasure hunting. Viewers can tune in to the History Channel on Tuesdays at 9 pm ET to witness the unfolding saga of Oak Island's enigmatic secrets.

What is Rick and Marty Lagina's combined net worth? TV stars' fortune explored as 'The Curse of Oak Island' Season 9 premieres (2024)
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