What Is Edge Computing & Why Is It Important? | Accenture (2024)

Combined withcloud, edge will enable businesses to reimagine experiences. The potential applications of edge have expanded far beyond just manufacturing and IoT. Edge can be incorporated to drive rapid decision-making and improve user experiences by increasing relevance at each touchpoint. Now, edge is helping create new insights and experiences, enabled by the larger cloud backbone.

Some benefits of edge computing include:

Rapid response:Data transmission takes time. In some use cases—like self-driving cars or telesurgery—there isn’t time available to wait for data to make a round trip to the cloud and back. Edge makes sense for these cases where there are requirements for real-time or extremely rapid results.

High data volume:While the cloud can handle very high data volumes, there is a significant cost of transmission and physical limitations of network capacity to take into account. In these cases, it might make more sense to process the data at the edge.

Privacy:Users may prefer (or be required) to keep control of sensitive data locally without sending it to the cloud.

Remote areas:Some use cases are “remote” in the sense of connectivity, whether actually remote (like an offshore oil drilling platform) or practically remote (involving mobile or transportation-related scenarios using edge).

Cost sensitivity:Processing data in different parts of the cloud continuum involves different cost profiles, which can be optimized to minimize total cost across the system as a whole.

Autonomous operations:Where connectivity to the cloud is not possible—or likely to be intermittent or unreliable—users may need end-to-end processing within the local environment to keep operations up and running.

The prime advantage of edge computing is clear: User experience improves because relevance increases with edge. Additionally, edge unlocks valuable data to shape new opportunities and innovation for the future. More sensors generate more data, and there is more processing at the location where the data is created—which is faster, more reliable and safer. Integrated with knowledge from the cloud, the system yields better predictions and more relevant information, repeating in a cycle of continuous improvement.

Other characteristics of edge use cases include:

Intelligent machines and real-time productivity:Edge lets users process data with velocity, enabling robots and sensors to make split-second decisions and complete tasks in smarter, faster and safer ways. This is revolutionizing everything from smart signage to assembly-line quality assurance.

Optimized close to consumption:Digital production and consumption is optimized for the best experience and lowest cost, making edge work for content delivery, for example, or on an offshore oil well.

Experience with extended reality:These use cases can incorporate digital twins and optimize rich experiences in healthcare, the workforce and entertainment, from smart health to mixed-reality gaming.

Privacy and security by default:By processing sensitive data on the edge, these use cases improve reliability and protect privacy. Examples include wearable health devices and the processing of regulated data.

Always-on and untethered:Edge allows for decision-making and processing independent of connectivity for mission-critical and remote applications, like POS or autonomous operations.

Edge computing examples

Let’s dive into a couple of examples of edge use cases that are already happening today and will only improve with a greater 5G rollout and other innovations.

Retail:A flexible, customer-centered experience that is at the heart of a Store of Tomorrow concept, a new integrated vision for the near future of retailing.Edge technology will be a core retail capabilityin the near future and is a key enabler component for the human-centered experiences at the heart of this model. One of the applications of edge is frictionless store checkout. Long lines are the bane of shops: 86% of consumers have left a store because of them, resulting in an estimated $37.7 billion in missed sales annually in the United States.

An edge network in the store processes data collected by on-site cameras using AI that is trained to recognize inventory items, allowing customers to walk out of the store past a kiosk that accurately charges their accounts without waiting in line. Retailers can provide a superior customer experience, prevent theft and better manage their inventories and supply chains.

Healthcare:Robot-assisted surgery makes the experience easier for surgeons and the procedures less invasive and shorter for patients. Edge computing in this context results in several small changes that add up to having a big impact: The incisions are smaller and the surgeon no longer needs to stand, has a better view of the site and can use controls that are more natural and intuitive.

What Is Edge Computing & Why Is It Important?  | Accenture (2024)


What is edge computing and its benefits? ›

Edge computing is an incredible tool for businesses that need to reduce latency and provide a seamless experience for their customers. While many organizations can benefit from edge computing, it's particularly popular for streaming services, mobile applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

What is example of edge computing? ›

Edge computing is already in use all around us – from the wearable on your wrist to the computers parsing intersection traffic flow. Other examples include smart utility grid analysis, safety monitoring of oil rigs, streaming video optimization, and drone-enabled crop management.

What is edge computing in one word? ›

Edge computing is a distributed computing framework that brings enterprise applications closer to data sources such as IoT devices or local edge servers. This proximity to data at its source can deliver strong business benefits: faster insights, improved response times and better bandwidth availability.

What problems does edge computing solve? ›

Edge computing can reduce processing times and improve application performance, but the architecture has its issues.

What is the pros and cons of edge computing? ›

Advantage and Disadvantage of Edge Computing
  • Response Time and Latency. A company's every millisecond is critical to its success. ...
  • High Security and Less Risk. The data stored in the cloud has a high risk of being hacked. ...
  • Lesser Transmission Costs. ...
  • Scalability and Versatility. ...
  • Infrastructure costs. ...
  • Data Loss.
Sep 7, 2021

Is edge better than cloud? ›

Besides latency, edge computing is preferred over cloud computing in remote locations, where there is limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. These locations require local storage, similar to a mini data center, with edge computing providing the perfect solution for it.

What is the primary reason for edge computing? ›

Edge computing is transforming how data generated by billions of IoT and other devices is stored, processed, analyzed and transported. The early goal of edge computing was to reduce the bandwidth costs associated with moving raw data from where it was created to either an enterprise data center or the cloud.

What is the difference between edge and cloud computing? ›

The edge refers to devices at or near the physical location of either the user or the source of the data. Cloud computing is the act of running workloads within clouds, while edge computing is the act of running workloads on edge devices.

What devices are edge computing? ›

There are five main types of edge computing devices: IoT sensors, smart cameras, uCPE equipment, servers and processors. IoT sensors, smart cameras and uCPE equipment will reside on the customer premises, whereas servers and processors will reside in an edge computing data centre.

What are types of edge computing? ›

In that case, some of the standard edge types include sensor edge, device edge, router edge, branch edge, local area network edge, enterprise edge, datacenter edge, cloud edge, and mobile edge.

Which industry uses edge computing? ›

The manufacturing sector applies Edge Computing for many reasons. It helps monitor manufacturing, apply machine-learning processes, detect production errors, and use real-time analytics to improve product quality. Additionally, Edge Computing helps monitor the environment of manufacturing plants through sensors.

How do you explain edge computing? ›

Edge computing is an emerging computing paradigm which refers to a range of networks and devices at or near the user. Edge is about processing data closer to where it's being generated, enabling processing at greater speeds and volumes, leading to greater action-led results in real time.

What is another name for edge computing? ›

Fog computing is a term for computing that takes place at distributed physical locations, closer to the users and data sources. Fog computing is a synonym for edge computing.

What is an edge in simple words? ›

the outer or farthest point of something: the edge of a cliff/table. They walked down to the water's edge.

How edge computing will change the world? ›

Although edge computing helps reduce latency by putting compute resources close to the endpoints generating data, the speed of 5G combined with edge computing further reduces latency to support use cases where near-real-time processing is critical.

Which situation would benefit the most by using edge? ›

Which situation would benefit the most by using edge computing?
  • the coordination and exchange of information between geographically distant areas;
  • real-time data processing on the territory.
Jul 13, 2022

What is negative about edge computing? ›

Disadvantages of Edge Computing

Cost and Storage – Even though cloud storage expenses are lower, there's an additional cost on the local end. Much of this comes from creating storage capacity for edge devices.

Is edge the same as 5G? ›

5G increases speeds by up to ten times that of 4G, whereas mobile edge computing reduces latency by bringing compute capabilities into the network, closer to the end user.

Who is best at edge computing? ›

While AWS and Microsoft Azure are the top edge computing companies, there are other players as well, such as ClearBlade, EdgeConneX, Section, and many more.

What will replace Microsoft Edge? ›

Top 10 Alternatives to Microsoft Edge
  • Chrome.
  • Mozilla Firefox.
  • Brave.
  • Apple Safari.
  • Opera.
  • Chromium.
  • Iron.
  • Focos.

Should I use Edge or Google? ›

Both of these browsers fare well in the speed category, but most testing sites have shown Edge to be faster than Chrome. If you tend to open a lot of tabs, Edge has been shown to use less memory per tab than Chrome in all of the tests that I've seen, so this can be a big advantage.

Is Microsoft Edge outdated? ›

Support for the legacy version of the Microsoft Edge desktop app ended on March 9, 2021. The Microsoft Edge Legacy application will no longer receive security updates after that date.

Is edge computing safer than cloud computing? ›

However, by restricting the transmission of sensitive data to the cloud, edge computing enhances privacy as data is less likely to be intercepted while in motion. Cloud computing platforms are inherently more secure due to vendors' and organizations' centralized implementation of cutting-edge cybersecurity measures.

Is edge computing part of AI? ›

Simply put, Edge AI is a combination of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence. AI algorithms are processed locally, either directly on the device or on the server near the device. The algorithms utilize the data generated by the devices themselves.

Is edge computing the same as IoT? ›

Edge devices can be considered part of the IoT when the object has enough storage and compute to make low latency decisions and process data in milliseconds. The terms IoT device and edge device are sometimes used interchangeably.

Does Netflix use edge computing? ›

Edge computing comes into play for really any app but especially for streaming services, such as Hulu or Netflix.

Is Alexa an edge device? ›

Amazon's new Echo devices are more like edge computing hardware in enterprises where the AI processing is going local.

Is edge computing a hardware or software? ›

Edge computing is about placing computer workloads (both hardware and software) as close as possible to the edge—to where the data is being created and where actions are occurring. Edge computing environments give customers faster response times, greater data privacy, and reduced data transfer costs.

What skills are needed for edge computing? ›

Edge computing: 5 must-have career skills
  • 5 skills for a job in edge computing. ...
  • Programming, application development, application architecture. ...
  • Networking and connectivity. ...
  • Infrastructure (compute, storage, data protection) ...
  • Platforms (operating systems, virtualization, containers) ...
  • Security.
Nov 1, 2022

What are the 3 types of computing? ›

On the basis of data handling capabilities, there are three types of computer which are Analogue Computer, Digital Computer, Hybrid Computer.

What are the three types of edges? ›

No matter your medium, you have access to three types of edges in your paintings: hard, soft, and lost.

Who Leads in edge computing? ›

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (NYSE:HPE) is a leading provider of edge computing solutions. Thee company offers a range of edge computing solutions designed to meet the needs of customers in numerous industries, including retail, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance.

Who invented edge computing? ›

The origin of edge computing can be traced back to the 1990s, when Akamai launched its content delivery network (CDN). The idea back then was to introduce nodes at locations geographically closer to the end user for the delivery of cached content such as images and videos.

How does 5G work with edge computing? ›

5G can dramatically increase network speed compared to 4G, while Edge computing reduces latency by bringing compute capabilities closer to end-users, ultimately making them more accessible. This article explores how Edge computing and 5G are complementary technologies that stand to benefit each other.

How many types of edge are there? ›

There are four types of edges, three of which have some internal buffer.

Why is it called edge? ›

Edge got his name from an Albany, New York radio station. He was driving there when he heard a rock station whose name was Edge, and it stuck with him. The name ended up being a good choice as he was loved by fans from near the beginning of his career.

What is the difference between node and edge? ›

The nodes represent different entities (e.g. proteins or genes in biological networks), and edges convey information about the links between the nodes.

What is an example sentence for edge? ›

They peered over the edge of the roof. The fabric was frayed at the edge. He made us all nervous by standing so close to the edge of the cliff. She sat on the edge of the counter, swinging her legs.

Which of these is one of the main benefits of edge computing? ›

Performing computations at or near the source of data is faster, more efficient, and safer than even the best cloud-only computing solutions.

Which would benefit the most by using edge computing? ›

Which situation would benefit the most by using edge computing?
  • the coordination and exchange of information between geographically distant areas;
  • real-time data processing on the territory.
Jul 13, 2022

What are the main features of edge computing? ›

Edge computing technology offers fast data processing and analysis, fast response speed enabling real-time services. It provides users with a variety of fast response services, especially in automatic driving intelligent manufacturing, video monitoring, and other location awareness; rapid feedback is critical.

What situation would benefit the most by using edge computing? ›

Any situation that requires a blend of local compute-like and cloud compute-like capabilities would benefit the most by using edge computing. Such use cases include, but are not limited to, advanced predictive maintenance, remote patient monitoring and video analytics for security.

How does edge computing works? ›

Edge computing is a local source of processing and storage for the data and computing needs of IoT devices, which reduces the latency of communication between IoT devices and the central IT networks those devices are connected to.

Why edge computing is the future? ›

“The whole point of edge computing is to get closer to devices, to reduce the amount of data that needs to be moved around for latency reasons, to get closer so that responses are faster.” The use of edge computing provides results more quickly than the cloud.

Why edge computing is becoming popular in recent years? ›

Edge Computing brings computation and data storage closer to the devices where it's being gathered, rather than relying on a central location that can be thousands of miles away. This is done so that data, especially real-time data, does not suffer latency issues that can affect an application's performance.

What language is used in edge computing? ›

Besides, JAVA is object-oriented, which allows you to develop apps for both cloud and edge nodes. Its interoperable functionalities and availability of extensive libraries, make JAVA an ideal programming language for IoT development.

Who provides edge computing? ›

Akamai Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:AKAM) has one of the largest edge computing platforms in the world. This network is spread over 135 countries and covers more than 1,400 networks. Some of the use cases for this network include optimizing visual media and delivering better web based experiences.

Which technology is used in edge computing? ›

Explore 5G and edge computing solutions

Edge computing with 5G creates tremendous opportunities in every industry. It brings computation and data storage closer to where data is generated, enabling better data control and reduced costs, faster insights and actions, and continuous operations.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.