How does a Cloud-first strategy approach a client's migration to the Cloud? a) by focusing on a single - (2024)

The correct answer is b) by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs.

Explanation: Cloud-first strategies are operational methods in which teams shift all or most of their infrastructure to cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. They store resources—even mission-critical and secure resources—in the cloud rather than employing physical resources like server clusters. Some of the multiple services that clouds provide their clients with are scalability, configurability, reproducibility, reliability, observability, and cost savings among other things.




by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs


A cloud-first strategy allows businesses to save money on software, platforms, and infrastructure.

Instead of building their own tech stack, they subscribe to a service provider who can provide premium services at a cheaper cost.

It can be done by moving applications, infrastructure, and data to the Cloud with speed and predictability.

It keeps all the services performed by legacy systems while moving to the Cloud in a staggered approach.

It partners technology with multiple other disciplines for comprehensive business transformation.



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. the following table consists of training data from an employee database. the data have been generalized. for example, "31 . . . 35" for age represen…ts the age range of 31 to 35. for a given row entry, count represents the number of data tuples having the values for department, status, age, and salary given in that row.department status age salary countsales senior 31. . . 35 46k. . . 50k 30sales junior 26. . . 30 26k. . . 30k 40sales junior 31. . . 35 31k. . . 35k 40systems junior 21. . . 25 46k. . . 50k 20systems senior 31. . . 35 66k. . . 70k 5systems junior 26. . . 30 46k. . . 50k 3systems senior 41. . . 45 66k. . . 70k 3marketing senior 36. . . 40 46k. . . 50k 10marketing junior 31. . . 35 41k. . . 45k 4secretary senior 46. . . 50 36k. . . 40k 4secretary junior 26. . . 30 26k. . . 30k 6let status be the class label attribute(a) how would you modify the basic decision tree algorithm to take into consideration the count ofeach generalized data tuple (i.e., of each row entry)?(b) use your algorithm to construct a decision tree from the given data.(c) given a data tuple having the values "systems", "26. . . 30", and "46–50k" for the attributesdepartment, age, and salary, respectively, what would a na¨ıve bayesian classification of the statusfor the tuple be

How does a Cloud-first strategy approach a client's migration to the Cloud?
a) by focusing on a single - (2024)


How does a cloud-first strategy approach a client's migration to the cloud? ›

Answer: by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs.

How does a cloud-first strategy approach a client's migration to the cloud by enabling the client to manage their cloud transformation on their own? ›

The correct answer is b) by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs.

How does a cloud-first strategy help clients by putting a client's cloud operations entirely under the control of an external team? ›

Cloud-first strategy help clients by moving application, infrastructure, and data to the cloud with speed and predictability (option c). Teams who use cloud-first techniques migrate all or most of their infrastructure to cloud computing platforms.

How does a cloud-first strategy help clients by moving applications infrastructure and data to the cloud with speed and predictability? ›

How does a Cloud-first strategy help clients?-by splitting the client's Cloud functions among different teams that operate independently. -by altering all aspects of a business's technology, talent, and ecosystem partnerships. -by putting a client's Cloud operations entirely under the control of an external team.

What is a cloud first strategy Accenture TQ? ›

Cloud-first strategy is an approach to cloud computing that involves the adoption of cloud technologies for all new applications, platforms and infrastructure. It is a strategy that prioritizes cloud computing services over legacy IT systems.

What is the first step of cloud migration? ›

Step-by-Step Cloud Migration Process

Define business purpose for migration. Evaluate your migration costs and needs. Assess the environment and applications. Choose cloud environment (single or multi-cloud)

Which of the approaches allows you to switch from one cloud service provider to another along with the IT infrastructure? ›

Agnostic Model. You can build your application to run on any cloud provider, which means you can utilize any of the models mentioned above. This approach provides the most flexibility since you don't have to be tied to any cloud provider and can shift your approach depending on your current needs.

How does a cloud first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud TQ? ›

How does a cloud-first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud? it enables an organization to completely move to the cloud without infrastructure or support requiremenThis. it keeps all the services performed by legacy systems while moving to the cloud in a staggered approach.

What is a cloud first strategy a wearable technology that provides customers with on the spot personalized experiences? ›

'Cloud First' is an infusion of strategy designed to further organizations' ability to modernize. This is a preference to develop directly on cloud platforms, as opposed to developing on prem and migrating later.

What is a cloud first strategy a hybrid cloud service that allows multiple customers to share control of applications? ›

Cloud-first strategies are operations strategies where teams move all or most of their infrastructure to cloud-computing platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Instead of using physical resources like server clusters, they house resources—even mission-critical and secure resources—in the cloud.

How would you convince a client to transition to our cloud solutions? ›

Convincing Accounting Clients to Move to the Cloud
  1. Step 1: Become an Expert. In order to educate your clients about the benefits of the cloud, you'll have to understand the subject inside and out. ...
  2. Step 2: Start the Conversation. ...
  3. Step 3: Show Rather Than Tell. ...
  4. Step 4: Start Small. ...
  5. Step 5: Address Issues as They Occur.

What are the approaches for cloud migration in cloud computing? ›

These three approaches are lift and shift, application refactoring, and re-platforming –each of which we'll get into, discussing their purpose and migration process.

What are the key points to consider while migrating an application to the cloud? ›

5 Key Considerations for Cloud Migration
  • Infrastructure stack. In the public cloud, infrastructure is provided as a service. ...
  • Cloud Workload Analysis. ...
  • Cloud Data Protection. ...
  • Cloud Service Accessibility. ...
  • Cloud Security and Compliance.

What are the points to be consider before migrating your application to cloud? ›

Once you choose a cloud services provider, you have to consider realistic costs and timelines. You must manage expectations and your cloud migration project in a manner that fits your budget. Every industry vertical will have different demands, resources, and perceptions of appropriate cloud migration costs.

What are key success factors for a cloud first strategy? ›

Seven critical success factors for a safe and compliant “Cloud First” strategy
  • 1) Responsibility. ...
  • 2) Divide and conquer. ...
  • 3) Compliance. ...
  • 4) Automation. ...
  • 5) Security Guidelines. ...
  • 6) Training. ...
  • 7) Security Awareness. ...
  • As safe as the strictest client.
Nov 17, 2021

How does a cloud-first strategy help plan? ›

A cloud-first strategy is a business strategy in which organizations transfer all of their internal processes to a shared cloud infrastructure to save on IT costs. They essentially replace all of their current software and digital platforms for a single integrated cloud service provider.

Which benefit does the cloud provide to startup companies without access to large funding Accenture TQ? ›

The ability to pay-as-you-go and create environments with little upfront cost.

What is Accenture doing to demonstrate our commitment to the cloud space in TQ? ›

Accenture invested much to bring cloud migration, application, and infrastructure together. Also, COVID-19 helps Accenture in the growth of cloud-first service. Accenture is also planning to change its investment plan for speedy growth. The company also has segmented digital, cloud, and security-related services.

What is the first step in data migration? ›

1. Identify the data format, location, and sensitivity. Before you begin the data migration process, identify what data you're migrating, what format it's currently in, where it lives, and what format it should be in post-migration. By identifying this information, you'll be armed with knowledge going into the project.

What is the first stage of migration? ›

Migration typically happens in three stages: Assessment, Migration, and Optimization. During the assessment phase, time is taken to determine what can be migrated, its current configuration, what will be impacted, and to map dependencies.

Which of the following is the first step in a cloud migration project AWS? ›

Phase 1: Prepare. Phase 2: Plan. Phase 3: Migrate. Phase 4: Operate and optimize.

What are the two approaches for migrating virtual servers? ›

There are two different techniques of migration, first is pre-copy migration and the second is post-copy migration technique.

Which migration strategy should be used to quickly move an application from local a data center to the cloud? ›

Rehost. This strategy is also known as lift and shift. Using this strategy, you move your applications from your source environment to the AWS Cloud without making any changes to the application. For example, you migrate your application stack from on-premises to the AWS Cloud.

What steps do you take to migrate an application from one platform to another? ›

Application migration steps: Strategic milestones
  1. Determine the application's portfolio.
  2. Define security and compliance requirements.
  3. Outline the cloud resources already used.
  4. Explain the state of the current computing system, including the existing on-premises storage and network infrastructures.
Oct 6, 2020

How does a cloud-first strategy approach a client's migration to the cloud TQ answer? ›

The correct answer is b) by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs. Explanation: Cloud-first strategies are operational methods in which teams shift all or most of their infrastructure to cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure.

How does a cloud-first strategy help clients migration to the cloud TQ? ›

by bringing multiple services together to serve the client's business needs. Explanation: A cloud-first strategy allows businesses to save money on software, platforms, and infrastructure. Instead of building their own tech stack, they subscribe to a service provider who can provide premium services at a cheaper cost.

Which of the following is the first step in managing the security risk associated with wearable technology in the workplace? ›

Risk management for wearables

The first step is deciding if employees should be permitted to wear such devices in the workplace, and under what circ*mstances they can be worn.

How cloud First strategy helps clients? ›

How Does a Cloud-First Strategy Help Clients? The bottom line: A cloud-first strategy enables clients to take an active approach to cloud migration, rather than simply “making the shift” to get it over with for survival's sake.

Which type of cloud computing delivers a single application through the browser to customer using a multitenant architecture? ›

Private cloud computing uses multitenant architecture in much the same way that public cloud computing does.

What is hybrid and Multicloud approach? ›

A hybrid cloud becomes multi-cloud when there are more than one public cloud service combined with private cloud resources. Hybrid Cloud is a combination of public and private clouds, usually to orchestrate a single IT solution between both.

What is a hybrid cloud a combination of a both hybrid and private cloud B both public and private cloud C Two public clouds d two private clouds? ›

A hybrid cloud is a mixed computing environment where applications are run using a combination of computing, storage, and services in different environments—public clouds and private clouds, including on-premises data centers or “edge” locations.

What is the first step in planning a migration to the cloud? ›

The first step is to identify the application or workload you want to move to the cloud. Next, figure out how much data needs to be moved, how quickly the work needs to be done and how to migrate that data.

What are the 5 process to simply cloud migration? ›

5 cloud migration steps for moving data-intensive workloads to the cloud
  • Step 1: Assess your existing environment and build a business case for migration. ...
  • Step 2: Evaluation setup for your new environment. ...
  • Step 3: Execute and validate the migration. ...
  • Step 4: Decide whether to scale up the experiment.
May 5, 2022

Which is the best approach for data migration? ›

Keep these best practices to keep in mind when embarking on a data-migration initiative:
  • Determine the project's scope. ...
  • Ensure that the migration plan is compatible with existing policies. ...
  • Establish a migration time frame. ...
  • Validate and test data post-migration. ...
  • Audit and document every step of the process.

What are the four key part considered in migration to the cloud in order? ›

The migration journey

For most data center migrations, leveraging this repeatable framework can help identify assets, minimize risk using a multi-phased migration approach, enable deployment and configuration, and finally, optimize the end state.

What is the process of cloud migration? ›

Cloud migration is the process of moving digital business operations into the cloud. Cloud migration is sort of like a physical move, except it involves moving data, applications, and IT processes from some data centers to other data centers, instead of packing up and moving physical goods.

What are critical steps that must be taken prior to performing a migration to the cloud? ›

8 Steps for Successful Cloud Migration
  • Develop a Cloud Strategy. ...
  • Determine Costs. ...
  • Choose the Best Provider. ...
  • Choose the Right Cloud Environment. ...
  • Ensure Security and Compliance. ...
  • Create Migration Plan. ...
  • Execute Migration. ...
  • Conclusion.

What is cloud migration strategy process and tools? ›

A cloud migration strategy is the high-level plan an organization adopts to move existing on-premises and/or co-located application workloads and their associated data into the cloud.

What are three 3 factors that must be considered before migrating an application to the cloud? ›

Factors to Consider Before Cloud Migration
  • Migration Architecture. The first step before migrating to the cloud is building a robust migration architecture. ...
  • Cloud Platform Assessment. ...
  • Total Cost. ...
  • Cloud Provider. ...
  • Security.
May 21, 2021

How does a cloud first strategy differ? ›

Cloud-first strategies are operations strategies where teams move all or most of their infrastructure to cloud-computing platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Instead of using physical resources like server clusters, they house resources—even mission-critical and secure resources—in the cloud.

How does a cloud first strategy help clients? ›

How does a cloud-first strategy help clients? Cloud platforms are "always-on," which means that customers, suppliers, and employees can access them at any time. Whereas physical hardware, no matter how well-made, can fail with no immediate overlay or backup, cloud-based storage includes these features.

What are the approaches for cloud migration? ›

These three approaches are lift and shift, application refactoring, and re-platforming –each of which we'll get into, discussing their purpose and migration process.

What are the phases of cloud migration approaches for cloud migration? ›

Phase 1: Prepare. Phase 2: Plan. Phase 3: Migrate. Phase 4: Operate and optimize.

What is a customer first strategy? ›

A customer first strategy is a business plan centered around meeting customer needs and creating delightful brand experiences. These plans use special services or features that enhance the company's value in the customer's eyes.

How does a cloud first strategy approaches? ›

A cloud-first strategy is a business strategy in which organizations transfer all of their internal processes to a shared cloud infrastructure to save on IT costs. They essentially replace all of their current software and digital platforms for a single integrated cloud service provider.

What are the 5 stages of migration? ›

The Stages of Migration
  • The stimuli that lead individuals to migrate.
  • Preparations to move.
  • Departure.
  • The transit to a new environment.
  • Arrival.
  • Acclimation to a new location.
  • Reception of immigrants into the new environment.
  • Establishment of a new identity.

What is the first core strategy before starting on data migration process? ›

6 Key Steps in a Data Migration Strategy
  1. Explore and Assess the Source. Before migrating data, you must know (and understand) what you're migrating, as well as how it fits within the target system. ...
  2. Define and Design the Migration. ...
  3. Build the Migration Solution. ...
  4. Conduct a Live Test. ...
  5. Flipping the Switch. ...
  6. Audit.

What are the four stages of migration? ›

emigration: leaving one country to move to another. immigration: moving into a new country. return migration: moving back to where you came from. seasonal migration: moving with each season or in response to labor or climate conditions.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.