What is DeFi and How Will it Change Finance? The Complete Layperson‘s Guide - Interesting Facts (2024)

What is DeFi and How Will it Change Finance? The Complete Layperson‘s Guide - Interesting Facts (1)

Decentralized finance (DeFi) represents one of the most exciting innovations in the blockchain world in recent years. Powered by smart contracts and decentralized apps rather than traditional intermediaries like banks, DeFi aims to fundamentally evolve how financial services operate across lending, trading, insurance and more.

But what exactly does this buzzword mean and why should the average person care? In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep on all-things DeFi to uncover:

  • What DeFi is and the history behind this movement
  • Core differences between traditional and decentralized finance
  • Groundbreaking benefits DeFi introduces
  • Real-world DeFi use cases already making an impact
  • Predictions on how DeFi could reshape future of finance
  • Investment strategies around DeFi protocols and tokens

Let‘s get started!

What is DeFi? Background on the Movement

DeFi stands for "decentralized finance," an umbrella term for financial applications built on distributed ledger technologies like blockchain.

According to Digital Asset Research:

"DeFi refers to digital assets, protocols and smart contracts used to aggregate liquidity and allow users to interact directly without intermediaries. DeFi allows traditional financial objectives like investing, borrowing and lending to be replicated autonomously and immutably through software."

So in essence, DeFi aims to reinvent traditional financial tools without central authorities like banks or brokers intermediating transactions and controlling funds.

History Behind DeFi

The DeFi movement traces back to early blockchain networks and the advent of programmable money.

Bitcoin in 2009 introduced the seminal idea of a distributed digital currency not controlled by any government or company. Later projects like Ethereum expanded on this by allowing more complex logic and apps through smart contract programming.

The term itself "DeFi" however was first coined in August 2018 by Ethereum coders in a Telegram chat conversation. They envisioned an open ecosystem for permissionless financial services built on public blockchain infrastructure.

Growth in the early days was slow but steady until 2020 when DeFi exploded into mainstream attention in the crypto world. From early lending protocols to automated market makers for trading to insurance apps and more – developers raced to build open alternatives to legacy finance.

Total Value Locked across DeFi hit an astounding $100B less than 2 years later. For context, this exceeded the market cap of major banks like Barclays indicating serious adoption.

Centralized vs Decentralized Finance

To understand the DeFi ethos, let‘s compare some core differences against the traditional financial system:

Centralized FinanceDecentralized Finance
Power StructureControlled by banks, brokers, governmentsNo single entity controls funds or makes decisions
AccessGeographic, regulatory and paperwork restrictionsAccessible by anyone globally with internet access
SpeedSlow settlement (days)Real-time settlement (minutes)
FeesHigh overhead costs and profit marginsMinimal fees through disintermediation
Interest RatesLower rates set by institutionsHigher rates set algorithmically by supply/demand dynamics
TransparencyClosed books, obscured practicesAll data and holdings on public transparent blockchains

While traditional finance has existed for millennia, centralized control brings limitations – higher fees, growing wealth inequality, geographic access restrictions, risk of censorship/freezes etc.

DeFi flips this idea on its head by letting software and users themselves dictate financial services in a permissionless way.

No paperwork, overhead costs or institutional approval required beyond an internet connection!

Groundbreaking Benefits Unlocked by DeFi

What does this decentralized approach translate to in practical terms for users? Several major improvements:


  • Live anywhere in the world
  • Own digital assets like crypto
  • Connect wallet to app
  • That‘s it! No paperwork or bureaucracy

Platforms will not deny access based on race, geography, age, credit or identity. Requirements are purely owning tokens and paying gas fees.


All DeFi activity occurs on public blockchains. Transaction amounts, interest rates, holdings etc are visible to anyone through explorer sites like Etherscan.

No shady practices allowed. Complete transparency from start to finish.


With data publically accessible, analysts can quantify metrics like:

  • TVL (Total Value Locked)
  • Loan to Value Ratios
  • Annual Percentage Yields
  • Position concentrations
  • Network revenue

This allows in-depth tracking and risk analysis – something lacking before.


Instead of siloed services, DeFi solutions can interoperate freely.

For example, lending platforms leverage prices from DEXs while payment apps integrate with NFT marketplaces and so on. The sum becomes greater than individual parts.

Minimized Fees

Disintermediating institutions should reduce fee leakage significantly. No server costs or sales team expenses. Just pure peer to peer activity.

Early data indicates superior annual returns:

Financial ActivityLegacy SystemDeFi System
Saving Account0.06% APYUp to 20% APY
Trading0.04-0.5%+ fees<0.3% fees
Cross Border PaymentsHigh fixed + % feesPennies at cost
Collateralized Loans~5%+ interest rate1-10%+ interest rates

As the above indicates, decentralized alternatives on average offer better rates and fees all without paperwork or institutional gatekeepers.

Real World DeFi Use Cases Making an Impact

Now that we‘ve covered the "why", let‘s analyze some popular categories leveraging these benefits to drive mainstream utility:

Lending & Borrowing

DeFi lending resembles traditional financial services like mortgages, credit cards and personal loans – but without relying on banks as an intermediary.

Instead, users supply crypto assets to liquidity pools that algorithms programmatically lend out to borrowers.

Top platforms in the space include:

ProtocolTotal Value LockedUnique Users
Aave$8.9 Billion305,000+
Compound$5.5 Billion213,000+
Maker$4.2 Billion264,000+

Key stats:

  • Over 1 million total borrowers across platforms
  • >20% $ users entered last 6 months indicating still early adoption
  • Supported assets continue expanding beyond just crypto into tokenized real world assets

For lenders, these protocols resemble high yield savings accounts with algorithms setting rates. Supplying ETH over the past year would have earned 5-13% APY based on market demand.

On the borrow side, loans get approved instantly with no credit check using crypto holdings as collateral. This grants short term access to cash without selling positions.

However it doesn‘t come without risk…

Liquidations & Volatility Management

A core challenge is loans require overcollateralization to account for crypto‘s volatility.

For example borrowing $1000 stablecoins against $1500 of ETH.

If ETH‘s price falls below a threshold like 110% of outstanding borrow amount, the platform will auto liquidate collateral. This guarantees lenders don‘t lose exposure even if borrowers default.

While risks accompany loans, borrowing remains popular for short term funding needs. Especially during market downturns rather than capitulating and selling low.

Trading & Investing

Decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and PancakeSwap are exploding in popularity by offering token trading without intermediaries. 24hr volumes frequently exceed billions of dollars daily.

Unlike centralized platforms, DEX users retain custody so no risk of account freezes. Fees are generally lower too and access remains permissionless to anyone globally.

Passively investing in DeFi is also accessible now through "yield farming" liquidity pools and index tokens. No manual trading or research required.

By leveraging composability, new solutions around trading, exposure management and passive wealth generation gain tremendous utility absent in traditional finance before.


Payment rails continue advancing to allow fast, low cost transfer of value globally. Unlike cumbersome bank wires with high fees, networks like Ripple, Stellar and more enable instant settlement.

Solutions keep evolving around commerce like point of sales systems with stablecoin integration making adoption easier for merchants.

Use cases like remittances and cross border trade stand to gain tremendous efficiency through such technological breakthroughs.

While volatility remains a near term barrier, proof of concepts indicate a vibrant ecosystem emerging around global payments and liquidity transfer.

Coverage of insurance, tokenized assets and other DApps continues

DeFi Growth Statistics Paint a Compelling Picture

In just a few short years, DeFi has surged from a niche concept to mainstream recognition with hundreds of applications and billions in value flooding the ecosystem.

Some adoption metrics make the growth trajectory hard to ignore:

  • Over $140 Billion in crypto assets locked across DeFi apps at time of writing (DeFi Llama)

    • ~60% of total value on Ethereum; remainder spans Solana, BSC, Polygon and more
    • Grew 100x from $1 Billion just years back indicating exponential growth
  • Monthly active DeFi app users doubled in past year (DappRadar) with nearly 2 million as of 2022

    • Shows steadily rising awareness and engagement
  • Top platforms like Uniswap see 400-800 thousand active users monthly out of which 30% entered last 6 months pointing to strong momentum (Dune Analytics)

Beyond raw adoption figures, what‘s equally if not more compelling are the new financial use cases and opportunities emerging from this technological movement:

  • Access global lending pools without paperwork
  • Use crypto as collateral for instant loans
  • Trade complex derivatives permissionlessly
  • Insure smart contracts against hacks/failures
  • Gain portfolio exposure and earn yield passively

These expand the horizons on what‘s possible with programmable money compared to legacy systems.

As blockchain infrastructure continues maturing around scalability, security and more – such financial applications should become robust alternatives gradually.

Expert Predictions on DeFi‘s Future Impact

Industry leaders and researchers remain bullish on DeFi‘s long term disruptive potential even if a slow multi-year adoption curve persists – which is healthy for sustainable integration.

Let‘s examine what financial and crypto experts forecast around decentralized finance:

"Just as e-commerce is now 15% of retail sales, we think that in the long run, as much as 50% of the $540 trillion global financial services sector could plug into this new financial cloud" – Antony Lewis, R3

"We predict that more than $50 billion of assets will be custodied through DeFi applications by 2023" – Alex Kern, Fidelity Digital Assets

"DeFi will allow asset managers to launch decentralized funds which have much lower cost structures than traditional structures, and retail investors will invest in crypto assets through UITF-like structures that make it easier to track performance" – Changpeng Zhao, Binance

"My view is that over the next three to five years that amount ($140 Billion currently locked in DeFi) could grow to over $10 Trillion" – Anne Richards, Fidelity International

Ambitious estimates for sure but most experts concur – the pace of financial innovation unlocked by open source protocols will change industry dynamics forever. Incumbents who dismiss or avoid this do so at their own peril.

DeFi Token Economics – Investing in Disruption

Beyond utilizing DeFi apps to lend, trade or borrow – another way to gain exposure is investing in protocol tokens themselves. Most platforms issue governance and utility tokens to incentivize activity.

Let‘s examine popular token dynamics:

Governance Rights

Owning protocol tokens grant holders voting shares akin to company stock. Users can vote on changes like new feature proposals or key parameter adjustments.

Cashflows & Revenues

Fees generated on platforms get redirected to treasuries and token holders through buybacks or staking rewards.

Discounted Fees

Paying fees using native tokens offer discounts over alternatives. This incentivizes demand for the asset.

Launch Privileges

Holders often gain exclusive or early access to new products and features before others. Vital for power users on platforms.

Not every token unlocks the same benefits however – so due diligence around studying lite papers remains vital before investing.

With total cryptocurrency market cap exceeding $1 Trillion dollars now, most growth lies ahead. And DeFi stands poised as a chief vertical analysts expect to drive mainstream utility and adoption over blockchain applications through the 2020s based on innovation potential.

Conclusion – DeFi Poised for Greatness

In closing, decentralized finance represents one of the most ambitious and revolutionary movements within fintech and crypto. Leveraging blockchain‘s innate strengths around transparency, auditability and accessibility – DeFi aims to gradually reshape financial services in a more open, efficient manner.

From borrowing to trading to insurance and more – innovative platforms are launching constantly to drive this future powered purely by aligned incentives and user needs rather than profit-driven institutions.

As scalability and volatility limitations get tackled over time, such disruptive solutions carry enormous potential to achieve global mainstream stays and evolve finance forever. The building blocks lie in place for an open financial system that lives up to crypto‘s original designation as "the internet of money".

Exciting times lie ahead as this technology matures! I hope you enjoyed this introductory guide to understanding decentralized finance at a deeper level. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any other questions in the comments below!

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What is DeFi and How Will it Change Finance? The Complete Layperson‘s Guide - Interesting Facts (2024)


How will DeFi change finance? ›

Using DeFi allows for: Accessibility: Anyone with an internet connection can access a DeFi platform, and transactions occur without geographic restrictions. Low fees and high interest rates: DeFi enables any two parties to negotiate interest rates directly and lend cryptocurrency or money via DeFi networks.

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know About DeFi
  • Ethereum is the second most valuable network and the first smart contracting network. By being the first platform, more DeFi protocols prefer launching on Ethereum. ...
  • USDT is a multi-chain stablecoin that's crucial for DeFi. ...
  • Are you interested in learning more about DeFi?
Apr 20, 2022

What is interesting to you about DeFi? ›

With DeFi, you can do most of the things that banks support — earn interest, borrow, lend, buy insurance, trade derivatives, trade assets, and more — but it's faster and doesn't require paperwork or a third party.

What is DeFi for dummies? ›

Peer-to-Peer Transactions: DeFi enables direct peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries. Users can lend, borrow, trade, and invest in various financial instruments directly with other users, often through smart contracts – self-executing contracts coded on the blockchain.

How will DeFi change the world? ›

Meanwhile, DeFi leverages the power of Blockchain's transparency and decentralization to eliminate these intermediaries. Specifically: Governments or banks (CeFi) will be replaced by decentralized blockchains. CeFi assets will be replaced by tokens located in the Blockchain ecosystem and they are decentralized.

How does DeFi affect the financial industry? ›

As more users embrace DeFi, traditional banks may face a decline in their role as financial intermediaries. Access to Financial Services: DeFi promotes financial inclusion by providing access to financial services to individuals who are underserved or unbanked by traditional banking systems.

What are the pros and cons of DeFi? ›

While DeFi has many advantages, such as increased accessibility and transparency, it also has its fair share of disadvantages, such as high volatility and security risks. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of DeFi and how they impact the future of finance.

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Market Concentration and Governance Issues

Despite the ideal of decentralization, DeFi is susceptible to market concentration, where dominant platforms may exert undue influence over the market, leading to high fees and limited competition​​.

What problems DeFi solves? ›

Because DeFi transactions are recorded on a decentralized blockchain, they are resistant to hacking and other forms of fraud. In contrast, traditional finance systems are often vulnerable to cyber attacks and other forms of security breaches. Thirdly, DeFi offers greater accessibility.

What is the main purpose of DeFi? ›

Decentralized finance (DeFi) is an emerging model for organizing and enabling cryptocurrency-based transactions, exchanges and financial services. DeFi's core premise is that there is no centralized authority to dictate or control operations.

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Complexity and User Error: DeFi can be complex and challenging to understand, even for experienced users. One small mistake, like sending funds to the wrong address or interacting with the wrong smart contract, can lead to a total loss of funds.

What is DeFi and its benefits? ›

What Are the Benefits of Decentralized Finance? Decentralized finance leverages key principles of the Ethereum blockchain to increase financial security and transparency, unlock liquidity and growth opportunities, and support an integrated and standardized economic system. Programmability.

How does DeFi make money? ›

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) protocols are applications on the Ethereum blockchain that offer financial services such as trading, lending, and borrowing. They generate revenue through various methods, including transaction fees, interest from loans, and trading fees.

What is an example of DeFi? ›

As an example, DeFi applications like Uniswap and SushiSwap have revolutionized the way cryptocurrencies are exchanged; both are decentralized exchanges that allow users around the world to swap and exchange a wide variety of digital assets, such ERC20 tokens, an Ethereum token standard for fungible tokens, in the ...

What is the difference between DeFi and crypto? ›

The biggest differentiator between DeFi and Bitcoin is their concept. While DeFi is a decentralized financial services system, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Simply put, DeFi is the environment that facilitates Bitcoin transactions between two individuals or parties.

How will DeFi disrupt traditional finance? ›

DeFi allows for greater financial freedom by enabling individuals to take control of their own assets and manage their own financial affairs. With DeFi, people can access financial services without the need for intermediaries such as banks, and can make transactions without the need for a central authority.

How will DeFi affect banks? ›

Improve Financial Inclusion: DeFi can provide access to financial services to the unbanked and underbanked, promoting financial inclusion and economic growth. Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency: DeFi can reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency by automating processes and eliminating intermediaries.

How will DeFi impact the capital markets? ›

Issuer companies can dematerialize assets through digital securities in DeFi, and investors can invest through digital subscriptions. Further, DeFi enables compliance for all securities and accelerated investor onboarding, allowing issuers better control over the issued securities.

How are blockchain crypto and DeFi changing finance? ›

Because DeFi is generally open source, anyone with the internet can view, audit the source code and see all the transactions. Blockchain data is immutable, which means once the information is on the network, it cannot be altered, creating a trustless financial system that relies on code.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.