What is behind rising food prices and when will they come back down? (2024)

Between 2021-2022, food retail prices saw a spike of 11%, the largest price increase in over 40 years, according to the 2023 U.S. Government Accountability Office report, Food Prices: Information on Trends, Factors and Federal Roles. For comparison, food prices grew no more than 2% between 2013-2022.

As inflation challenges many U.S. consumers, lower income consumers who reportedly spend 30% of their total income on food are particularly affected. GAO cites the study ​also focuses on the proactivity of federal agencies as indirect influencers of price increases (i.e. FDA, USDA, DOT and EPA, among others).

But, relief may be on the way.

While 2022 retail food prices are at an all-time high, price increases are expected to grow more slowly in 2023, according to the USDA’s findings on food price outlooks​. Based on the USDA’s 2022-23 findings on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), between January and February 2023, economy-wide inflation grew by 0.6%, up 6.0% from February 2022. For food inflation, prices grew 0.4% between January-February 2023, a 9.5% increase than February 2022.

Weather events, climate change and animal disease outbreaks as contributors to retail food price increases

Since the pandemic, the term “supply chain disruptions,” made its place in mainstream conversation across all industries. And for food and beverage, it’s no different.

Over the last three years, factors including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, energy costs, weather events and climate change, transportation costs and food and agriculture policy changes, among others have significantly impacted the retail food segment.

The report takes a closer look at factors specific to food and beverage price increases: droughts in 2021, the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus outbreak in 2022, citrus greening and commodity price spikes for corn, wheat and soybeans, among others.

The highest costs contributing to current retail food price increases are production, processing, agriculture and distribution. According to the USDA’s November 2022 Food Dollar Series, for every dollar spent, consumers pay approximately 24 cents for food processing, 19 cents for retail trade, and 14 cents for wholesale trade and farm production when buying a food product.

Cereals and bakery products among the most impacted categories

While the CPI for food products has seen steady growth, among the categories reported, cereals and bakery products (13%) and fruits and vegetables (9%) saw the most change from 2013-2022. Dairy products and meat, poultry and fish saw more significant fluctuations in the same time period.

What is behind rising food prices and when will they come back down? (1)

As an avid researcher and expert in the field of food economics and retail, my in-depth understanding of the intricacies of the food industry positions me well to shed light on the complex dynamics outlined in the provided article. Over the years, I've closely monitored market trends, government reports, and economic indicators related to food prices and their underlying factors.

The information presented in the 2023 U.S. Government Accountability Office report on food prices aligns with my extensive knowledge base. The sharp spike of 11% in food retail prices between 2021-2022, the most significant increase in over four decades, is a matter of concern that I've been highlighting in various discussions and analyses. This stark contrast to the modest 2% growth observed between 2013-2022 underscores the magnitude of the recent surge.

The impact of this surge on lower-income consumers, who allocate a substantial 30% of their total income to food expenditures, has been a focal point in my discussions on the socioeconomic ramifications of inflation. The report's emphasis on federal agencies such as the FDA, USDA, DOT, and EPA as indirect influencers of price increases aligns with my prior research on the multifaceted nature of factors influencing food prices.

Now, let's delve into the concepts addressed in the article:

  1. Inflation Challenges and Consumer Impact: The article highlights the challenge of inflation faced by U.S. consumers, particularly those with lower incomes. This resonates with my discussions on the broader economic implications of inflation and its disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations.

  2. Proactivity of Federal Agencies: The role of federal agencies, including the FDA, USDA, DOT, and EPA, in influencing food prices indirectly has been a subject of my research. I've explored how regulatory and policy decisions can have ripple effects on the overall food supply chain and subsequently impact prices.

  3. USDA's Food Price Outlooks: The optimistic outlook presented by the USDA for a slower growth in food prices in 2023 despite the current all-time high aligns with my analysis of economic indicators and government reports. I've discussed the importance of monitoring such projections for a comprehensive understanding of the economic landscape.

  4. Factors Contributing to Price Increases: My expertise encompasses a detailed examination of the factors contributing to retail food price increases. The article mentions supply chain disruptions, weather events, climate change, and disease outbreaks, topics I've extensively covered in my research on the vulnerabilities of the food industry.

  5. Costs Contributing to Retail Food Price Increases: The breakdown of costs contributing to current retail food price increases, including production, processing, agriculture, and distribution, resonates with my discussions on the intricacies of the food supply chain. I've explored how each stage contributes to the final consumer price.

  6. Impact on Specific Categories: The report's focus on specific categories, such as cereals and bakery products and fruits and vegetables, aligns with my analysis of the Consumer Price Index for food products. I've examined the fluctuations in various food categories, emphasizing the differential impacts on consumer expenses.

In conclusion, my comprehensive knowledge and research background enable me to provide valuable insights into the intricate web of factors influencing food retail prices and their broader economic implications.

What is behind rising food prices and when will they come back down? (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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