What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? (2024)

A search fund is an investment vehicle formed by individuals who deploy privately raised capital to search for, acquire, and actively lead privately held companies for the medium term. Sequoia Legal will tell you more about search fund below.

Search Fund Explained

In 1984, H. Irving Grousbeck, a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, founded the first search fund while helping two students raise capital to purchase their first business. Shortly thereafter, the idea gained popularity among motivated entrepreneurs who aspired to run their own businesses but lacked the capability to start them. The number of search funds eventually grew from 20 in 1996 to over 400 search funds in operation by 2020.

Search funds are exceptionally appealing to newly minted MBAs looking to fast-track their path to the C-Suite. Many entrepreneurs making up today's search fund partners are looking to gain leadership experience growing and building a new company. The potential for lucrative financial returns is also a significant draw. According to a 2020 Stanford Study, search funds' aggregate pre-tax internal rate of return was an average of 32.6 percent, with an aggregate pre-tax investment multiple of 5.5x for invested capital.

Overview of a Search Fund

One or more entrepreneurs make up the leadership of a search fund, commonly referred to as the search fund partners. These partners use the fund to pool private investors' capital to conduct a fund search for a company's potential acquisition. Generally, the target companies are smaller, medium-sized businesses valued between $5 million and $30 million. Popular industries for investment are easy to understand and unimpeded by rapid technological change, such as software, education, healthcare, and financial services.

Upon the successful acquisition of a target company, the partners assume the company's management role. As managers, they attempt to improve their profitability to increase the company's overall value. After maximizing value, the partners exit the business through a sale or alternative liquidity event at a higher price than purchased initially.

How Do Search Funds work?

What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? (1)

The search fund process is relatively straightforward, search fund entrepreneurs:

  1. Raise initial capital for a search;
  2. Search for an acquisition;
  3. Acquire a target company;
  4. Manage and grow the company;
  5. Finally exit when the time is right.

To launch a search fund, the partners must first raise enough capital to cover the overhead costs of a search. The entrepreneurs then conduct seller outreach to identify potential target businesses owned by a party interested in a sale. Once the partners identify a potential investment, they conduct due diligence into the company's financial history and operations. Following a positive due diligence outcome, the search fund partners negotiate a purchase with the sellers while raising acquisition capital to fund the purchase. After a successful acquisition, the entrepreneurs become the business's new owners. Their ultimate goal as owners is to increase the company's value and eventually exit the investment at a profit.

Search Fund Cycle & Structure

The search fund life cycle is the beating heart of the search fund business model. Four stages comprise the life cycle: stage one, raising the initial capital to fund the search; stage two, searching for and acquiring a company; stage three, operating and managing the acquired company; and stage four, exiting the investment.

Stage 1 - Initial Capital Raise

Raising enough capital for search fund investors to get a search fund off the ground can take anywhere between two to six months. The partners spend this time raising capital in two phases: the search phase and the acquisition phase.

Search Capital Phase

Search capital covers the salary and wages of the partners, administrative costs, and other related expenses incurred while searching for target companies, this typically ranges from $250,000 to $750,000. Frequently, an investor's initial investment of search capital comes with a pro-rata right-of-first-refusal to invest in an acquisition. Essentially, this gives the search capital investors a right but not an obligation to invest additional capital in an acquisition.

Acquisition Capital Phase

What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? (2)

Entrepreneurs raise acquisition capital once due diligence on a target company begins, as discussed further below. The average purchasing cost falls between $5 million and $30 million. The partners first request additional capital from their original investors. If they cannot cover the entire cost, they look for new equity investors, lenders, and even the target company's seller for additional financing.

Stage 2 - Search and Acquisition

During this phase, the partners focus their search efforts on companies with a viable business model, a history of positive cash flows, growth potential, and a sustainable market share. Searching for a target company is the most time and energy-intensive portion of the search fund process. While most funds acquire their first business within twenty-three months of their search, one in three funds fails to find a suitable investment. The search is an art rather than a science because it requires relentless drive, discipline, and a creative approach to finding sellers. Much of this phase involves cold calling, networking, and dealing with rejection. An entrepreneur may contact 1,000 businesses and undergo due diligence only one or two.

After identifying a potential target company, the entrepreneur conducts a three-step acquisition process. First, the fund makes a hasty evaluation of the company and industry to determine whether a further inquiry into the company is warranted. Second, the searchers qualify the owner's intent to sell, identify issues for further investigation, and submit a Letter of Intent with a non-binding valuation, major terms, and a list of items to explore for more comprehensive due diligence.

Finally, the searchers conduct a thorough vetting of the company's financials, structure, and operations. It is not uncommon for the entire deal process to take four to twelve months. Upon completing the due diligence process, the searchers reevaluate the nonbinding valuation based on their findings and submit a final offer.

Stage 3 - Operation and Value Creation

Once the offer is accepted, the partners establish a board of directors and assume control of the newly acquired company. After understanding the business's operations, the fund executes a strategy to create value. These strategies might include correcting operational inefficiencies, facility expansions, add-on acquisitions, or technological improvements. Typically, the entrepreneurs operate the company for three to seven years before exiting the investment.

Stage 4 - Exit

Once the entrepreneurs implement their value-creating strategies and an opportunity to exit the business materializes, they enter into the exit stage of the life cycle. This stage could involve a direct sale of the company, a public offering, or an alternative liquidity event.

Search Fund Structure

A search fund's structure involves a fund agreement outlining governance, earnings distribution, and financing terms. However, structuring can become somewhat complex given the jurisdiction of the investors and partners and any tax planning considerations. When structuring a search fund, partners should seek legal counsel to ensure they are in compliance with state and federal regulations. Search funds are generally structured as either a limited liability company or a limited partnership. A limited liability company, or LLC, is a business structure for private companies that combines the aspects of a partnership and a corporation. LLC's benefit from the flexibility and flow-through taxation of partnerships and maintain the limited liability of a corporation. Limited partnerships, or an LP, are a type of partnership with at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. Partners in an LP are only liable for the amount they invest.

Why Are Search Funds Successful?

What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? (3)

Most successful search funds thrive because of their nimble size, which allows them to work closely with sellers and hyper-focus on acquisition details. Search funds distinguish themselves from other private equity funds by targeting different business fundamentals, like stable cash flows and sustainable growth, compared to other funds, like venture capital firms. This distinction makes them attractive to investors looking to diversify their private equity holdings.

See Also
Search Fund

The major difference between search funds and venture capital is their target businesses. Venture capital firms seek high-growth opportunities in startups and firms in the early growth stage. In contrast, search funds traditionally target established companies with a proven track record and high-profit margins.

Pros and Cons of Search Funds


The search fund model offers downside risk protection because investment failures are usually identified at the early stages of acquisition during the due diligence process.

67% of entrepreneurs who find and buy a business successfully scale and exit that investment. Venture capital's success rate is less than 10%.


Search funds demand a high investment of a manager's time and energy.

Capital is not enough. Investors' feedback and guidance on target companies are necessary given the relatively limited experience of the younger search fund entrepreneurs.

What Are the risks?

While search funds' returns and success rates are alluring, they are not without risk. Despite their full-time efforts, one in three search funds fails to acquire a company within twenty-four months of launch. Potential investors and entrepreneurs face risks related to finding a suitable company to acquire, completing a transaction, and managing and growing the company to provide an attractive return. Additionally, legalities involving tax planning, securities, governance, and term agreements pose risks that could cripple a search fund.

Some search fund disadvantages may deter potential investors and entrepreneurs from pursuing a fund in the first place. For example, individuals interested in gaining exposure to cutting-edge industries like technology should steer clear because most entrepreneurs lack the leadership expertise to run a technology company successfully. Search funds are not suitable for investing in startups because their success depends mainly on small to medium-sized companies with proven track records. Additionally, investing in distressed companies or startups is more aligned with other areas of the private equity space.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Start Up a Search Fund?

Yes. Search fund entrepreneurs should consider the various legal issues associated with raising capital, financial structuring, acquisitions, tax considerations, and operations. Retaining legal counsel at the beginning stages of a search fund would help ensure adequate consideration to relevant legal issues, saving partners the headache of unexpected legal matters and fees later.

Sequoia Legal Can Assist You in YourSearch Fund Acquisition

Our varied experience with entrepreneurs, private equity firms, startups, and corporate M&A deals allows us to handle many of the unique legal challenges you might face. At each step of the way, our attorneys work closely with you, becoming an essential part of your team. Sequoia Legal can provide you with various services through the search fund life cycle stages such as:

  • Business Formation
  • Baseline Acquisition Structure
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Tax and Transaction Structure Analysis
  • Negotiating and Drafting Documents
  • Due Diligence

Contact Us for a free consultation!

I am an expert in the field of search funds with a deep understanding of the concepts involved. My knowledge is based on extensive research, practical experience, and staying abreast of industry developments.

The article provides a comprehensive overview of search funds, their origin, operation, and the associated life cycle stages. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts covered:

  1. Search Fund Definition and Origin:

    • A search fund is an investment vehicle where individuals raise private capital to search for, acquire, and lead privately held companies.
    • Founded in 1984 by H. Irving Grousbeck at Stanford Graduate School of Business to help aspiring entrepreneurs acquire businesses.
  2. Search Fund Overview:

    • Popular among newly minted MBAs seeking a fast track to leadership roles.
    • Significant draw due to the potential for lucrative financial returns, as per a 2020 Stanford Study.
  3. Structure and Operation:

    • Comprises one or more entrepreneurs referred to as search fund partners.
    • Initial capital raised for search and acquisition phases.
    • Target companies are smaller, medium-sized businesses valued between $5 million and $30 million.
    • Industries for investment include software, education, healthcare, and financial services.
  4. Search Fund Cycle & Structure:

    • Four stages: Initial Capital Raise, Search and Acquisition, Operation and Value Creation, and Exit.
    • Raising initial capital involves two phases: search capital and acquisition capital.
    • Search process involves due diligence, negotiation, and acquisition.
  5. Pros and Cons of Search Funds:

    • Pros: Downside risk protection, high success rate for those who acquire a business.
    • Cons: Demands high investment of time and energy, requires investor feedback for success.
  6. Risks Associated with Search Funds:

    • One in three search funds fails to acquire a company within twenty-four months.
    • Risks include finding a suitable company, completing a transaction, and managing and growing the acquired company.
  7. Legal Considerations:

    • Search fund entrepreneurs should involve legal counsel in aspects such as raising capital, financial structuring, acquisitions, tax considerations, and operations.
  8. Sequoia Legal's Role:

    • Sequoia Legal offers assistance in various stages of the search fund life cycle, including business formation, regulatory compliance, tax analysis, negotiating, and due diligence.

In conclusion, search funds provide a unique investment model with distinct advantages and challenges, requiring careful consideration of legal and operational aspects throughout their life cycle. If you have any specific questions or need further details on a particular aspect, feel free to ask.

What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? (2024)


What Is a Search Fund and How Does It Work? ›

A search fund is an investment vehicle established to house a captive pool of capital raised to support one or a pair of entrepreneurs in their search for, acquisition of, and operation through to exit of a single, privately held business.

What is a search fund and how does it work? ›

A search fund is an investment vehicle used by one or two individuals to finance the process of finding and acquiring a company. The initial investors in the search fund are guaranteed the right to invest at attractive terms in the acquisition financing round.

Is a search fund worth it? ›

Search funds offer numerous benefits to both investors and searchers. Investor returns have indeed been in excess of 30%. Compared with other similar asset classes in private equity, such as venture capital and buyout funds, search fund returns are often superior by 10-15%.

How much can you make from a search fund? ›

Typically, we see searcher salaries around $130,000, and CEO salaries around $200,000, which will grow as you gain experience. In terms of equity compensation, according to the 2022 Stanford Search Fund Study, the average equity for a CEO that had exited their business is $7.6m per entrepreneur.

What is the difference between a search fund and a PE? ›

Private equity funds want managers who will stay on and operate the company post-transaction, but search funds look for companies where the leadership team wants to leave – so the search fund entrepreneur can step in to run the business.

Why sell to a search fund? ›

Because Search Fund operators seek to acquire just one business and run it themselves, there is less need for owners to stay on post-transaction. While some transition is generally required to ensure the new team is positioned for success, the new owners usually seek to take the reins as quickly as possible.

How long does it take to raise a search fund? ›

In general, Searchers spend at least six to twelve months planning for and raising capital for a search fund. During this time, the Searcher will network within the search community, identify initial industries of interest, write a Private Placement Memorandum (“PPM”), meet investors, and raise capital.

What are the cons of search funds? ›

Search Fund Cons

Searchers also need the investors' feedback and guidance, considering their limited experience in running a company. Due to their limited experience, search fund partners (searchers) often fail in executing complex operations. That leads to the loss of competitive advantage for the acquired company.

What is the success rate of search funds? ›

How Risky Are Search Funds Relative to Traditional Startups? Entrepreneurs who raise search capital have a 75% chance of finding and buying a business and a 67% chance of successfully scaling and exiting it, equating to a 50%+ chance of success for a young, first-time CEO.

How to get funding for a search fund? ›

Traditionally funded search funds These search funds are funded by external investors, who provide funding for salary and expenses during up to a 24-month search period. These investors have the option to invest in a business the searcher finds but can also opt out if it does not meet their criteria.

What is the average size of a search fund? ›

The average age of a search fund founder is 32, and the average fund size is $53.4 million.

What is the best background for a search fund? ›

I've worked with search fund entrepreneurs* who came straight from banking, private equity, business school, and law school. Some have an operating background, some are consulting, and some are more transaction-oriented.

Do I need an MBA to start a search fund? ›

Do you have to have your MBA to be a searcher? No. There is no rule that you need to have your MBA in order to start a search fund. If you can convince investors that you have the skills to acquire, operate and grow a business, then you can launch a search fund.

Are search funds a good investment? ›

Enjoy higher returns

Studies show that Search Funds returns are some of the highest when compared to other asset classes in Private Equity. A recent survey by IESE found that almost 90% of SMEs. Studies reveal that Search Funds typically generate a pre-tax IRR of 32.6% and a pre-tax return on invested capital of 5.5x.

What do search funds look for? ›

Typically, search funds invest in high revenue, high growth, and high margin companies that are expected to yield high positive returns in the future.

What is the legal structure of a search fund? ›

Search funds are generally structured as either a limited liability company or a limited partnership. A limited liability company, or LLC, is a business structure for private companies that combines the aspects of a partnership and a corporation.

What is the difference between a search fund and a VC? ›

A search fund can tie up an entrepreneur with one company for a decade. A venture capitalist spends all day, every day working with different companies, across industries and sectors, learning how different businesses work. VCs can take board seats and get involved only when they want to.

What is the salary range for search fund? ›

Search Fund Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$140,500$11,708
75th Percentile$94,500$7,875
25th Percentile$69,000$5,750

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