What Direction Should Starlink Dish Face? (2024)

Mostly up. While the exact direction that a Starlink satellite dish should face will depend on where you are located, it will most likely need to be pointing somewhere between 15 and 35 degrees from being pointed straight up and angled to the north.

How can you find out what direction to point the Starlink dish?

Starlink internet customers are encouraged to download an app to assist with installation. The app can determine the optimal angle and direction for the satellite dish to face and detect if there are too many obstructions in the install location. If you live in a heavily wooded area, you may have to check many different install locations before finding something that works. This may include the additional purchase of mounting equipment if no suitable locations on the ground are available. If you cannot find a location free from obstacles and cannot remove them, you may not be able to use Starlink internet.

Will you need to change the direction you point the Starlink dish?

As more satellites are launched, the optimal angle for your satellite dish may change, but it is still likely to be pointed somewhat to the north and mostly up. That is, if you live in the northern hemisphere. So far, Starlink has not been made widely available to people living in the southern hemisphere. When it is, they may find that their satellite dishes need to be pointed somewhat to the south.

Either way, if you’re concerned about whether you will be able to use Starlink internet because of nearby obstructions, the easiest thing to do is download the app and check.

What Direction Should Starlink Dish Face? (2024)


What direction does a Starlink need to face? ›

While the exact direction that a Starlink satellite dish should face will depend on where you are located, it will most likely need to be pointing somewhere between 15 and 35 degrees from being pointed straight up and angled to the north.

Does Starlink need 360 view of sky? ›

Starlink required field of view of the sky /siting your Starlink. Starlink requires a 100 degree cone unobstructed view of the sky.

Does Starlink need a clear line of sight? ›

Choose an open space: The Starlink antenna needs a clear line of sight with the sky in order to receive the best signal strength. Make sure to choose an open space that is free from any trees, buildings, and other obstructions.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.