Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (2024)

My road trip plans with my Starlink Residential connection with portability enabled have sprouted a query as to whether I can install my Starlink router outside.

A router, by conventional standards, is supposed to be cozy inside four walls and a roof, but considering its specifications I have always wanted to install the router in the wilderness.

So can you safely install the Starlink router outside?

Second-generation Starlink routers are rated to withstand the same weather conditions as their accompanying Starlink dish, so they can be installed outside as long as its operating temperatures are within limit. The first generation Starlink router that came with the round Starlink dish is not meant for outdoor use.

Here is a brief sheet of various specs of the Starlink router that cater towards it being able to resist outdoor conditions:

Environmental rating (IP Rating)IP54
Water resistanceYes
Protection against water splashes from all directions
Dust resistanceYes
Protection against limited amounts of dust and other particles
Operating temperatures-22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C)

Can the Starlink Router Be Installed Outside?

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (1)

The second-generation Starlink routers have an environmental rating of IP54, which is the same as the regular Starlink dishes.

The second generation refers to the Starlink router that comes with the rectangular dish. The router that came with the beta circular dish models is not IP54 rated and not meant for outdoor use.

This means that technically, it should be safe to keep your Starlink router outside in the wilderness with enough trust that you keep your Starlink dish outside.

Even though the Starlink router is rated to withstand weather as much as the Starlink dish, it is still not recommended to expose it to sustained weather conditions.

This is due to the fact that there are more electronic components inside a Starlink router than a typical Starlink dish.

By design, even if both the Starlink dish and the Starlink router are exposed to similar weather conditions, other factors such as heat and cold internally wreak havoc on the Starlink router.

The IP54 rating is only meant to signify the degree of protection of the Starlink router and dish against solid (dust, etc) and liquid (water, etc) particles.

It bores no relation to components such as heat, humidity, and other catalysts factoring towards electronic damage.

Drawbacks of Installing a Starlink Router Outside

From a completely functional point of view, this setup doesn't pose too many advantages to a lot of users, and in reality sprinkles in plenty of drawbacks.

Given below are a few drawbacks of such a setup and how it could potentially affect your Starlink connection:

Low Coverage

A typical internet router, including the Starlink router, is meant to be situated in the middle of the area it is meant to cover.

If this router is kept outside, you will be having access only to only a part of the signal, effectively cutting the coverage in half, with the other half being wasted.

Even if this is for a situation where you intend to use the wasted half by accessing it outdoors from the other end, it still is wasted coverage for most cases.

Potential Security Hazard

The wasted signal can pose to be a major security hazard as it has the potential to go beyond your home or workspace.

This means that your neighbors can potentially have easier access to your network, and can initiate attacks on your WiFi to gain access.

Low Speeds

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (2)

Having restricted coverage can result in the network not being able to maintain proper link speeds.

This leads to a situation where your WiFi will provide you with much lower speeds depending on this link speed, even if you are technically closer to your router.

Lack of Ethernet Access

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (3)

The slow speeds can be negated by using an ethernet cable, therefore hardwiring your router to the device you want to access the internet.

But since the router is kept outside, it might be difficult to wire in the ethernet cable provided in the Starlink hardware kit, which might be short enough for your needs.

Lack of Power Plug Access

You will need to power your Starlink router, and you will have to choose an outdoor location for your Starlink router that has access to power.

This can be a tough chore, as you don't have the freedom to expand all the cables just to get your Starlink router in a particular spot outside the four walls of your home.

Alternative to Keeping the Starlink Router Outside

The drawbacks can seem like a set of difficult obstacles that might be too overwhelming to counter, but there are ways around them that can prove to be effective.

If you are willing to look over the downsides and are keen on installing your Starlink router outside your home, you can consider the following fixes to the above-mentioned problems:

Powerline a Secondary Router or Access Point

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (4)

Powerline networking can be an essential tool to improve the coverage and speeds of your existing outdoor router solution.

Basically, you connect your Starlink router to an access point or third-party router inside your home in a wired fashion.

This is also more commonly called a mesh network. Starlink also sells mesh nodes in case you are looking for official ones.

Get Extension Cables

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (5)

If you are going to place your router on the other side of a wall, it is expected to procure a lot of cable work.

Extension cables can significantly help you in your quest to ensure that your setup stays as usable as possible.

A proprietary cable that you should look into is the Starlink cable, which connects the Starlink dish with your Starlink router.

If the cable proves to be too short for your needs, you can purchase the Starlink extension cable which provides double the length of the stock Starlink cable.

The ethernet and AC cables are more commonly available options, and you will be able to find extensions of the same at your nearby electrical cable store.

Final Thoughts

Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (6)

If you have any further queries regarding the installation of a Starlink router outside, you can contact Starlink support.

I hope my article on whether you can install your Starlink Router outside has been a worthwhile read.

Have a good day!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the maximum reach of the Starlink router?

Starlink router is rated to have a range of up to 2000 sqft or 185m², which can be further extended by using Starlink's mesh nodes.

How many devices can be connected to the Starlink router?

Starlink routers can handle up to 200 devices at once without much hassle.

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Can You Install a Starlink Router Outside? - BlinqBlinq (2024)


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Installing the Starlink router inside is preferred, but it can be placed outside as long as the environment stays within the specifications given by Starlink.

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The router should be placed in an area that is not obstructed by walls or other objects, as this can cause interference and slow down the connection. The router should also be placed in an area that has a clear view of the sky, so that the Starlink satellite can be contacted more easily.

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Securely mount your Starlink Mesh or Wifi Router with this wall-mounted holder. The rugged mount clamps your router in place with a heavy-duty zip tie to prevent it from falling or being knocked off a traditional shelf-style mount.

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Even though the Starlink router is rated to withstand weather as much as the Starlink dish, it is still not recommended to expose it to sustained weather conditions. This is due to the fact that there are more electronic components inside a Starlink router than a typical Starlink dish.

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Place Your Starlink Router High Up: The higher you can place your Starlink router, the stronger the signal will be. Try to mount it on a wall or set it up on a shelf in the middle of your home.

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The router is designed to receive signals from the Starlink satellites, which orbit at an altitude of around 340 miles. This means that the router has a range of up to around 600 miles in all directions, depending on the location of the user.

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The Starlink dish can be up to 150 feet from the house if you purchase the 150 ft extension cable from Starlink. The included cable is 50 ft.

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If you need to elevate your Starlink dish, a number of mounting options are available to help. Whether you want to put your dish on your roof, on the side of your house, or even in the middle of a field, here are the accessories that let you do it.

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For my initial setup, I simply led the cable through an open window: It's a simple (and temporary) solution, but it works fine. Other options include drilling a hole through an exterior wall. Starlink sells accessories for routing cable through standard walls and another for bypassing masonry or concrete.

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Unfortunately, even if you are assigned a static IPv6 address from Starlink, the default router that comes with Starlink doesn't support port forwarding. Luckily, you can simply bypass the Starlink router and use a 3rd party router that supports port forwarding.

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How many devices can Starlink handle at one time? As standard, Starlink can support up to 200 devices but with ClubWiFi's network technology this can be considerably increased to up to 8000 devices securely on a public network.

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Starlink's Bypass (or Bridge) mode allows users to completely disable the built-in Starlink WiFi router functionality. Bypass mode is primarily aimed at those who want to use their own router and not the one that comes in the hardware kit.

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Starlink Wifi Router
Wi-Fi TechnologyIEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac standards
Environmental RatingIP54, configured for indoor use
RangeUp to 185m² (2000sqft)
Operating Temperature-30°C to 50°C (-22°F to 122°F)
4 more rows

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Weatherproofing: Wireless routers are not typically designed to be used in outdoor environments, and may not be weatherproof. If you plan to install a router outside, it is important to ensure that it is protected from the elements, such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.

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If you live in a wooded area with lots of trees, you can still use Starlink with some careful mounting considerations. Because the Starlink phased array antenna has a wide field of view to track satellites, any trees or other obstructions will cause performance issues.

How far away can Starlink router be? ›

The router is designed to receive signals from the Starlink satellites, which orbit at an altitude of around 340 miles. This means that the router has a range of up to around 600 miles in all directions, depending on the location of the user.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.