Water ranking in Europe 2020 (2024)

Europe is a very heterogeneous continent in many ways, and water is no exception.

Customs, legislation, economy or population density are some of the factors that affect the water cycle in different countries, and that make, for example, that a Swiss consumes 263% more water than a Slovakian or that a Danish pays 8700% more for water than a Bulgarian.

These data, provided by the European association of urban water cycle managers EurEau, which includes 29 European countries, allow us to have a global vision and to compare the different countries.

Household water consumption

Factors such as the type of housing, climate and habits can affect the average amount of water consumed per person.

Although there are four countries that exceed the average of 150 litres per person per day, with a surprising figure of 300 litres in the case of Switzerland, most of them are between 78 litres in Slovakia and 150 litres per person per day in Greece.

The UK ranks tenth from the top with 140 litres per person per day.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (1)

Represented on a map we can see how the countries of eastern Europe are the ones with the lowest consumption. In fact, there seems to be a gradient from eastern to western Europe, from lower to higher consumption.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (2)

Water prices

The average price of water for household use in Europe is highly variable.

It is highest in Denmark with 9.32 €/m3, followed by Norway with 7.8 €/m3.

The UK is in the middle of the ranking, with an average price of 3.5 €/m3.

Among the countries with the cheapest water are Greece with 1.23 €/m3 and Bulgaria with 1.07 €/m3.

We even have a country like Ireland, where due to historical reasons consumers do not pay a bill directly, although as in all countries, what is not collected directly has to be financed through taxes. One might think that this encourages water consumption, but this is not the case if we look at the previous ranking, in which Ireland’s household water consumption is in the middle of the ranking.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (3)

Geographically we see how the price ranges are grouped by zones. An outer ring in which Spain and Portugal are located, with cheaper water, a zone from Poland to Italy, with a medium price and a band from Finland to France with medium or high prices.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (4)

Price modified according to the cost of living

But these prices are influenced by a variable that can distort the ranking a bit: the cost of living in each country. Prices in countries with a higher income and a higher standard of living will tend to be much higher than in other countries.

To try to minimize this factor as much as possible and to make comparisons "fairer", we are going to modify these prices according to the cost of living in each country, adjusting them to the UK. In this way, the price in the UK remains unchanged, while the others are increased or reduced depending on the difference in the cost of living with the UK.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (5)

Norway has now the highest price, as it seems that part of the high price of water in Denmark was due to the high cost of living there, although it is still in second place.

In some countries, the change of position with respect to unchanged prices is more striking, as is the case of Malta, which rises from the middle of the table to third place.

The UK, which was in the middle of the ranking but closer to the top, drops down a few places to the lower third of the ranking. Bulgaria continues to be the country with the cheapest water in Europe, aside from the particular case of Ireland.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (6)

We now see more differences between nearby countries, such as Sweden and Norway. In general, we see a clear trend towards higher water costs as we move further north.

Water supply network

The length of the supply network, expressed as metres of pipe per person, can be influenced by the population density of each country and by the percentage of population served, which in the case of most of Europe is a very high percentage.

In first position we have Finland, with 19.5 metres of pipe per person, and in last position Romania with 4.3 metres. This last position is due in part, to the lack of water supply coverage in Romania, which according to EurEau in 2016 was 62%.

The UK is in the lower third of the ranking, with 6.4 metres of pipe per person.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (7)

If we look at the length of the water supply network, we see no obvious pattern in the map of Europe.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (8)

Sanitation network

In the same way as with the water supply network, we now look at the metres of sewer pipe per person.

In this case, the winner by far is Ireland with 19.1 meters per person, and in last position, Romania with only 1.96 meters. This last position, as was the case with supply, is due to the lack of coverage, which according to EurEau in 2016 was only 46%.

In this case the UK is in the middle of the ranking, with 6 metres per person.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (9)

Concerning the geographical distribution, once again we see a very heterogenous pattern when we look at the length of the sewer network in the map of Europe, as it was the case with the length of the water supply network.

Water ranking in Europe 2020 (10)

Many factors can affect the urban water cycle, and drawing conclusions is sometimes not straightforward. But by comparing different countries, we can at least have reference points and see more tangibly what the situation is like in a particular country.


Water ranking in Europe 2020 (2024)


What country in Europe has the best water? ›

Where is the best tasting water in Europe?
  • Iceland. The clue is probably in the name. ...
  • Norway. Norway, with its majestic fjords, is another winner when it comes to drinking water quality. ...
  • UK. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Sweden. ...
  • Switzerland.
Mar 29, 2021

What European country has the cleanest water? ›

Germany. Germany has a long history of passing laws that protect its natural resources, so it makes sense that Germany is home to some of the world's cleanest tap water. It also helps that Germany again gets most of its water from natural lakes and glacial snow melt.

Which city in Europe has the best water quality? ›

That's why it is a matter of huge pride to confirm that Stockholm's water has been ranked the best of any city in Europe, beating Bern, Oslo and Munich into second, third and fourth places respectively.

What is the water quality in Europe? ›

The share of excellent bathing water has been stable in recent years. In the period 2015-2021, the share of bathing water having an excellent status in Europe has been stable at 85-88% for coastal bathing water; and at 77-81% for inland bathing water.

Does Europe have better water than us? ›

European bottled waters generally contained higher mineral levels than North American tap water sources and North American bottled waters. For half of the tap water sources we examined, adults may fulfill between 8% and 16% of their Ca2+ DRI and between 6% and 31% of their Mg2+ DRI by drinking 2 liters per day.

Can Americans drink the water in Europe? ›

The tap water throughout most of Europe is completely safe to drink. The taps in hotels, homes, restaurants and cafés all run with potable water. Of course, there's always room for common sense.

Who has the freshest water in the world? ›

In a study published by the World Bank in 2021, Norway was found to have the cleanest water in the world. The cleanliness of such water comes from a few factors: first, the amount of clean surface precipitation that reaches Norway each year keeps it clean.

What are the 3 cleanest countries in the world? ›

Plan your next foreign tour to the cleanest countries in the...
  1. #1 Denmark. Environmental Performance Index score: 77.90.
  2. #2 United Kingdom. Environmental Performance Index score: 77.70. ...
  3. #3 Finland. Environmental Performance Index score: 76.50. ...
  4. #4 Malta. ...
  5. #5 Sweden. ...
  6. #6 Luxembourg. ...
  7. #7 Slovakia. ...
  8. #8 Austria. ...
Feb 7, 2023

What is the water capital of Europe? ›

Finland has more than 188,000 lakes and the water is the cleanest in the world.

Which is the No 1 quality water in the world? ›

1. Finland. The bulk of Finland's water comes from its 168,000 lakes, and the remainder comes from Finland's rivers and tributaries. Lake Päïjänne, where the water is reportedly so clean you can drink it straight from the source, supplies most of the country's water.

Who has the best water in the US? ›

Number of Water Quality Violations by State
#StateNumber of Water Quality Violations
2District of Columbia7
47 more rows

Which city has the cleanest water in Europe? ›

For the cleanest water in Europe: The Lobau River, Austria

Austria has the cleanest bathing water in Europe, according to the European Environment Agency. Nearly 98 per cent of its bathing areas - where people regularly swim - were given an 'excellent' rating last year.

Why is the water so clear in Europe? ›

Water is exchanged at the slowest of rates making the med as clear as a swarovski crystal. Limited water exchange = limited food for tiny organisms called phytoplankton aka algae, and it's these little dudes who play the lead role in water clarity. The Mediterranean is classified as “oligotrophic”.

What is Germany's water quality? ›

The quality of drinking water in Germany is good or very good. It is regularly monitored at short intervals and complies with the stringent quality requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance.

Does the US have good water quality? ›

The United States has one of the safest water supplies in the world. Over 90 percent of Americans get their tap water from community water systems, which are subject to safe drinking water standards.

Is Europe more healthy than the US? ›

American adults are less healthy than Europeans at all wealth levels. The poorest Americans experience the greatest disadvantage relative to Europeans. The United States spends 2 to 3 times more than European countries on medical care per capita.

Is the US a water rich country? ›

USA is the third country in the world which has largest freshwater reserve. There are more than 100 lakes; and Lake Superior, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, and Lake Erie are the major lakes. What is Water footprint?

Where is the cleanest water in America? ›

The top 10 states with the cleanest water in 2021 are:
  • Minnesota.
  • New Hampshire.
  • Connecticut.
  • Vermont.
  • Kansas.
  • Missouri.
  • Oregon.
  • Massachusetts.
Mar 11, 2022

What city in America has the best tasting water? ›

The best bottled water in the U.S. went to Grand Springs from Alton, Virginia, which placed second to a bottler in Sardinia, Italy. The best sparkling water in the world, Mountain Valley Spring Water Sparkling, hails from Hot Springs, Arkansas.

What is the purest drinking water? ›

Distilled water is the PUREST drinking water possible.

Tap water is loaded with many types of suspended pollutants, chemicals, toxins and other contaminants. Bottled water is usually plain tap water that has been minimally filtered to get rid of the bad odor and taste.

Can Americans drink the water in Paris? ›

Yes, tap water in Paris is perfectly safe to drink and is readily available wherever you go, even at public water fountains. As long as taps aren't labeled eau non potable—meaning “not for drinking” in French—everything else is potable. In fact, drinking water from the fountains of Paris has been encouraged.

Can Americans drink the water in Italy? ›

The short answer is yes. Drinking water from the tap in Italy is considered safe. Tap water in the major cities and towns around Italy is safe for consumption, and there are thousands of old-style water fountains dotted around cities, like Rome, where you can fill up water bottles.

Is the water in the US different from Europe? ›

European bottled waters generally contained higher mineral levels than North American tap water sources and North American bottled waters. For half of the tap water sources we examined, adults may fulfill between 8% and 16% of their Ca2+ DRI and between 6% and 31% of their Mg2+ DRI by drinking 2 liters per day.

Where is the purest water on earth? ›

While there are a few places that boast extremely clean water, such as Canada, Iceland, Antarctica, or even Upstate New York, the team of scientists determined that the cleanest water in the world was in the Patagonia region of Chile, Puerto Williams.

Which country has the dirtiest tap water? ›

  • 10 Countries with the Worst Water Quality in the World (2022 DALY score): Lesotho — 7.3. Guinea-Bissau — 6.8. Eritrea — 6.4. Madagascar — 6.0. Burundi — 5.4. Togo — 5.2. Nigeria — 5.0. Niger — 1.5. ...
  • 180 Countries Ranked by Water Quality (2022 DALY score): Rank. Country. Score. 1 (tie) Finland. 100.0. 1 (tie) Iceland.

What town has the best water on earth? ›

The City of Dunsmuir is known as “The Best Water on Earth” for good reason. The water delivered to the greater Dunsmuir area is pure spring water.

What is the top 1 dirtiest country in the world? ›

World Air Quality Report
54 more rows

What country has the best hygiene? ›

About 35% of Finland's energy comes from renewable energy resources. Finland ranks first in the world for Environmental Health (99.3) and Air Quality (98.8), as well as achieving perfect 100s for Sanitation & Drinking Water and Heavy Metals Exposure.

What is the cleanest nationality in the world? ›

Finland ranks first in the world for Environmental Health (99.3) and Air Quality (98.8). Its Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is 78.9.

What is Europe's sunniest capital? ›

1. Alicante, Spain: For a daily dose of vitamin C. Located on Spain's southeast coast, Alicante has the highest number of sunny hours in Europe. With an average of 349 hours of sunshine per month (an average month has 730 hours in total, including nighttimes), it's a dream destination for sun lovers.

Does Europe have good drinking water? ›

However, instead of creating a hard and fast rule that you are best to avoid tap water in Europe, know that in many countries, including all Western European countries, the water is perfectly safe to drink. So, save on buying and using plastic bottles and bring along a reusable water bottle on your trip instead.

Is Europe in a water shortage? ›

A study using satellite data confirmed earlier this year that Europe has been suffering from severe drought since 2018. Rising temperatures are making it difficult to recover from this deficit, leaving the Continent stuck in a dangerous cycle where water becomes ever more precarious.

Is US tap water safe to drink? ›

The United States has one of the safest and most reliable drinking water systems in the world. Every year, millions of people living in the United States get their tap water from a public community water system. The drinking water that is supplied to our homes comes from either a surface water or ground water source.

What is the most expensive water in the US? ›

What is the most expensive water bottle in the US? The most expensive water bottle in the US is the Bling H2O The Ten Thousand. It is a 750 ml water bottle covered in ten thousand Swarovski Crystals and can be custom-ordered in a nearly limitless array of colors.

How clean is NYC tap water? ›

NYC tap water is some of the best in the country, and its quality is comparable to most bottled water. However, the water used in bottles sold in the store is regulated differently from the water from the tap. Water bottles are regulated by the FDA, whereas the EPA regulates tap water.

What is the healthiest water in America? ›

Mineral, structured, and pure spring water are some of the healthiest water you can drink because they're clean and contain all the essential minerals your body needs. Filtered water removes contaminants but might also remove essential minerals.

What of bottled water in the USA is actually tap water? ›

Most bottled water is actually tap water—about sixty four percent by some estimates. Many bottled water brands simply repackage tap water, and make a killing on it. Coca-Cola owns Dasani, PepsiCo owns Aquafina and LIFEWTR, Nestle owns PureLife and Poland Spring, among others.

Why is New York tap water so good? ›

New York City drinking water is world-renowned for its quality. Each day, more than 1 billion gallons of fresh, clean water is delivered from large upstate reservoirs—some more than 125 miles from the City—to the taps of nine million customers throughout New York state.

What is Europe's cleanest lake? ›

Lake Annecy originates from around 18,000 years ago, as a result of the melting of glaciers in the Alps.

What is the clearest river in Europe? ›

The waters of Tirino river

The Tirino is considered the cleanest river in Europe thanks to its crystal clear waters that flow into the Navelli plain, right in the heart of Abruzzo.

Why is California ocean water not clear? ›

Earth spins

In the Pacific Ocean — a body of water that extends from the east coast of Japan, the Philippines, and Australia all the way to the west coast of the US, western Mexico, and Chile — this has a side effect of turning some waters brownish-gray.

Why do people in Europe drink bottled water? ›

Europeans, who are notorious water connoisseurs, generally pay to drink bottled water with their meals — for taste, not health. At restaurants, your server just can't understand why you wouldn't want good bottled water to go with your good food. Luckily, it's never expensive to order a half-liter of bottled water.

Why is Miami water so clear? ›

Coral reefs act as a barrier to break up moving water. This results in calmer water near the shore that is free from sediments and nutrients, giving the water a clear appearance. Another reason the water appears clear is that it is free from algae. Warm temperatures prevent algae from growing.

Is bathroom water drinkable in Germany? ›

The answer is yes, you can drink the tap water in Germany! In fact, it's some of the cleanest and safest water in the world. The German government has strict regulations about water quality, and the country has an excellent water treatment infrastructure.

Why does water taste different in Germany? ›

Depending on the region where you live in Germany, the water might taste different. Of course, the taste is subjective to each person; however, it also has to do with the amount of minerals in the water. The more minerals the tap water has, the harder it is.

Can you drink tap water in London? ›

Is London Tap Water Safe to Drink? Technically, London's drinking water is safe to drink as it meets the water quality standards. However, many Londoners claim that their water tastes “bitter” and are hesitant to drink from their taps.

What country has the best ocean water? ›

1. The Maldives. The Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, have around 1,190 islands and sandbanks. A lagoon with crystal clear water encircles all the islands, which are protected by a reef structure that is home to an array of underwater life.

Which country has the most fresh water? ›

Brazil has highest freshwater resources in the world which is accounts for approximately 12% of the world's freshwater resources. It is just because Amazon region this country contains 70% of the total freshwater. Russia has second largest freshwater reserve which is approximately 1/5 of freshwater in the world.

What city has the best water in the world? ›

Aside from creating amazing inventions such as the Swiss Army Knife and Velcro, Switzerland is also home to cities such as Bern, which has some of the best water in the world. About 40 percent of the water comes from natural springs, such as ones found in the Alps.

Where is bluest water in the world? ›

Peyto Lake, Alberta, Canada

This lake in Banff National Park owes its brilliant hue to the icy meltwater and silt from the Peyto Glacier and the Wapta Icefields. The sky-blue lake is best viewed from the Bow Summit near Alberta's Lake Louise, which is where most of the postcard shots of the gem-colored lake are taken.

Where is the prettiest water in the US? ›

10 Places Where You Can See the Bluest Water in the U.S.
  • 01 of 10. Crater Lake, Oregon. ...
  • 02 of 10. Tenaya Lake, California. ...
  • 03 of 10. Devil's Den, Florida. ...
  • 04 of 10. Lanikai Beach, Hawaii. ...
  • 05 of 10. Lake Tahoe, Nevada and California. ...
  • 06 of 10. Molokini, Hawaii. ...
  • 07 of 10. Jenny Lake, Wyoming. ...
  • 08 of 10. Havasu Falls, Arizona.
Mar 5, 2023

Where is the prettiest ocean water in us? ›

Beaches With Clear Water: The Best in the United States
  • Waimea Bay Beach Park, Hawaii. ...
  • Crandon Park Beach, Florida. ...
  • Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia. ...
  • Clearwater Beach, Florida. ...
  • Carmel Beach, Carmel by The Sea, California. ...
  • Cannon Beach, Oregon. ...
  • Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada. ...
  • Clear Water, Clear Skies, Good Times.
Mar 25, 2022

Who are the cleanest European people? ›

The Bosnians are the cleanest Europeans. Fifteen October is Global Handwashing Day. By which we don't mean: wait until then to lather up your paws.

Where in Europe has the best beaches? ›

  • Sicily, Italy. Cefalù in Sicily, Italy. ...
  • Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Playa de las Teresitas in Tenerife, Canary Islands. ...
  • Santorini, Greece. Oia in Santorini, Greece. ...
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia. Banje Beach in Dubrovnik, Croatia. ...
  • Nice, France. Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France. ...
  • Amalfi Coast, Italy. ...
  • Rhodes, Greece. ...
  • Malta.
Feb 19, 2023

What is the most unpolluted country in Europe? ›

The Most Polluted Countries. According to GreenMatch's findings, Turkey is the most polluted, and Sweden is the cleanest European country.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.