Revealed: Dutch are least hygienic Europeans (2024)

Fifteen October is Global Handwashing Day. By which we don’t mean: wait until then to lather up your paws. Now that would be counterproductive! Because unwashed hands spread diseases – often deadly diseases.

Consider the fact that washing hands with soap reduces infant mortality for pneumonia (and other respiratory diseases) by up to 25%, and for diarrhea (and other intestinal diseases) by up to 50%.And consider the grim toll of those two eminently preventable diseases: they kill 3.5 million under-fives each year. In other words, improving hand hygiene is the easiest, cheapest and most effective way to reduce the mortality of young children.

Wash your hands before eating, and after going to the toilet. That is the simple message of Global Handwashing Day, which was first held in 2008. It’s a noble and worthwhile cause – even if it is rather self-servingly sponsored by some of the world’s largest soap-producing companies (1).

The Day, every year on 15 October, is focused mostly on developing countries like Ethiopia, Nigeria, India and the Philippines, where basic hygiene (or a lack of it) is a more critical factor in determining whether children survive than in the developed world.Improving hand hygiene requires an increase in awareness, the application of peer pressure, and a change in culture.

But it’s not just the developing world that needs cleaner hands. As this map shows, some countries in Europe too have a definite problem with (not) washing hands. The map shows the result of a Gallup poll from 2015. Question: Do you automatically wash your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet?

Revealed: Dutch are least hygienic Europeans (1)

See Also
Europe PMC

Cleanest respondents are the Bosnians (96%), followed by the Turks (94%). These high scores are no doubt relatable to wudu, the Islamic procedure for washing hands (and mouth, nostrils, arms, head and feet) as a means of ritual purification, for example prior to prayer.

Other Balkan peoples are among the most hygienic in Europe, but quite a bit below the Bosnians and Turks: Kosovans (also mainly Muslims) are at 85%, equalled by the Greeks and followed by Romanians (84%), Serbians (83%) and Macedonians (82%). The only other European people with this level of post-bathroom cleanliness are the Portuguese (85%).

The next batch of countries is again about 10 percentage points lower, in the seventies. Iceland, Sweden and Germany lead the pack (78%), then come Finland (76%), the UK (75%), Ireland (74%) and Switzerland (73%). Bulgaria (72%) is a relatively dirty spot in the otherwise clean Balkans. The Czech Republic (71%) is less eye-catching, surrounded by schmutzig Central Europe. And Ukraine, also 71%, seems spotless, compared to those (relatively) filthy Russians.

Dropping to the sixties, Poland has the highest score (68%); followed by Estonia (65%) and their slightly dirtier neighbour Russia (63%). France (62%), Spain (61%) and Belgium (60%) are all languishing at the bottom of the sixties. Austria (65%), surrounded by cleaner neighbours on almost all sides, can look down on Italy (57%).

But who is the dirtiest of them all? Surprise, surprise: it’s the Dutch. They generally benefit from a reputation for order and cleanliness, but as it turns out, that is largely undeserved. As this poll shows, fully half of all Netherlanders do not wash their hands with soap when returning from the bathroom. No other country in Europe does worse (to be fair: not all countries were surveyed).It would seem the Dutch could benefit from this device, as invented by cartoonist Gary Larson.

Revealed: Dutch are least hygienic Europeans (2)

Handwashing map of Europe found here at Jakub Marian’s excellent cartography website. Gary Larson cartoon found hereon Pinterest.

Strange Maps #886

Got a strange map? Let me know at [emailprotected].

(1) Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Unilever – but also UNICEF, USAID and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, among others.

Revealed: Dutch are least hygienic Europeans (2024)


Who are the most hygienic people in Europe? ›

ECJ EUROPEAN Cleaning Journal

And Bosnia & Herzegovina is the continent's most hygienic country with 96 per cent of the population claiming to automatically wash their hands after a bathroom visit.

What country has the lowest hygiene? ›

Niger is the country with the least access to sanitation services worldwide. In 2022, some 65 percent of Nigerien population still defecated in the open. This was followed by neighboring country Chad, where about 63 percent of the people defecated in the open.

What percentage of Europeans wash their hands? ›

However, a previous survey conducted in 2015 of the general population's hand hygiene habits after using the toilet estimated that the European hand hygiene compliance rate was around 70% overall, with Bosnians reporting to have the highest compliance rate at 96% and the Dutch the least likely at 50% [29].

What nationality is the most hygienic? ›

  1. Denmark. With a total EPI score of 77.9, Denmark is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country, according to the 2022 EPI Results. ...
  2. United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is the second-cleanest country in the world, receiving an EPI of 77.7. ...
  3. Finland. ...
  4. Malta. ...
  5. Sweden. ...
  6. Luxembourg. ...
  7. Slovenia. ...
  8. Austria.

Why are the Dutch so clean? ›

Between 1500 and 1800 numerous travelers reported on the habit of housewives and maids to meticulously clean the interior and exterior of houses. We argue that it was the commercialization of dairy farming that led to improvements in household hygiene.

Who is the cleanest culture in the world? ›

The EPI, as of 2022, identified Denmark, Luxembourg, and Switzerland as the leading cleanest countries in the world.
  • But these rankings might vary if we look at more specific indicators. ...
  • Moreover, cultural norms and attitudes towards cleanliness, waste management, and littering impact a country's cleanliness.
Jul 15, 2023

Which countries do people shower less? ›

Download Table Data
CountryPeople Who Take At Least One Shower Per WeekPeople Who Take At Least One Bath Per Week
South Africa0%0%
9 more rows

What country has the best food hygiene? ›

RankCountryOverall score
61 more rows

How often do Europeans wash their clothes? ›

In Europe 71% of people do their laundry between one and three times per week.

How many Americans don t wash their hands after using the bathroom? ›

Over half (58%) of US adults say they always wash their hands with soap after going to the restroom at home. A quarter (25%) say they wash with soap most of the time after a trip to the bathroom at home, while 10% do this some of the time and 4 percent rarely do.

How long does the average American wash their hands? ›

It takes 15 to 20 seconds of vigorous hand washing with soap and water to effectively kill the germs, the CDC says, yet the study found that people are only washing their hands, on average, for about 6 seconds.

Which European country has the healthiest people? ›

Sweden is the country that lives more healthy years across the EU block (women live, on average 72.7 healthy years, and men 72.8 healthy years. Swedes are followed by Italians and Maltese people, 68.7 vs 67.2 and 70.7 vs 70.2 healthy years without a disability, respectively.

Which civilization was the most hygienic? ›

In reality, the Vikings were, perhaps, some of the most hygienic people of their age. Viking travelers raided and settled around the British Isles for about 200 years, beginning around 800 A.D., bringing with them novel ideas such as thorough weekly bathing, daily hair combing, and regularly changing their clothing.

Are people in Europe healthier than Americans? ›

Portion sizes in Europe are generally smaller, reducing the probability of overeating. European food standards are stricter, with many additives found in American foods banned in Europe. The availability and affordability of fresh, local produce in Europe also support healthier eating habits.

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