Visit Wilderness (2024)

Visit Wilderness Section Sidebar Navigation

Search for a wildernessas the destination for your next outdoor adventure.

Visit Wilderness (1)

Why Visit Wilderness?

Although you can certainly appreciate wilderness from afar—online, on television, or in books—first-hand experiences in nature such ascampingorhuntingenable you to enjoy the recreational, ecological, spiritual, and health benefits that wilderness areas provide. Wilderness areas provide “outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation,” opportunities to see wildlife, a chance to renew and refresh, and the health benefits of exercising outside. You can evenbring your well-behaved dogto many wilderness areas.

Learn more about the diverse ways in which webenefit from wildernessandthreats wilderness areas face today.

';var stateAbbr = 'CA';var theWild = 'the Russian Wilderness';var newTS = '

';var newTE = '

';var agency = '{"0":["2","Forest Service"]}';var general = '

Visit Wilderness (2)


The United States Congress designated the Russian Wilderness (map of the Russian Wilderness) in 1984 and it now has a total of See Russian Wilderness breakdown of 12,521 acres.

All of this wilderness is located in California and is managed by the Forest Service.

';var currentTab = '#general';var imageLink = '';var WID = '507';

Administrative Unit

  • Forest Service
    • Pacific Southwest Region
      • Klamath National Forest, California (12,521 Official acres).

Acreage Types

Legislated Acreage

Acreage shown is taken directly from wilderness legislation. This value is the initial acreage estimate that is usually determined in the mark-up committee and staff that write the legislative text and create the wilderness boundary legal descriptions. In the past, these totals were estimated by using graphic tools such as dot grids or by adding Public Land Survey sections and fractional sections to estimate the initial acreage. This is a valid acreage estimate pending final boundary adjustment. Boundary adjustments involve land exchanges and inholdings that are resolved before the final Map of Record is filed.

Typical wilderness legislation wording regarding mapping: As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the appropriate Secretary shall file a map and a boundary description of each area designated as wilderness by this Act with the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the United States House of Representatives. Each map and description shall have the same force and effect as if included in this Act, except that the appropriate Secretary is authorized to correct clerical and typographical errors in such boundary descriptions and maps.

Official Acreage

Responsibility for reporting wilderness acreage by each agency resides in the Lands or Realty divisions. This is often in the form of an annual lands report. The administering agency determines acreage by verifying changes that result from realignment of boundaries. Inholdings may or may not be excluded from acreage estimates (Forest Service acreage figures do not include inholdings). Once final boundary adjustments have been made and the final Map of Record has been filed, accurate computation of wilderness acreage is possible through Geographic Information System (GIS) procedures.

';jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var postUrl = 'https://' + $("#domain-storage").text() + '/practitioners/law-regulation/law/';var urlLH = 'legislative-history-search/legislative-history-results.php';var urlSP = 'special-provisions-search/special-provisions-results.php';$(document).on('click', '.popup-modal-1em', function(event){ modalID = ('-origin', ''); // Sets the modalID to the target modal based on the ID of the source which has the same ID plus -origin.$('#' + modalID).show();$('body').toggleClass('modal-scroll-lock');$('#' + modalID + '-link').focus();});$(document).on('click', '.close-modal', function(event){$('#' + modalID).hide();$('body').toggleClass('modal-scroll-lock');});function goPostLHSP(typeIDArray, linkName){ // Function that post to the user to the Legislative History results for this wilderness with Bill Tracking included for LH.if (typeIDArray[0] === "lh"){postUrl = postUrl + urlLH;} else {postUrl = postUrl + urlSP;}var postForm = $('');$('body').append(postForm);postForm.submit();//alert(typeIDArray[1]);//$(this).attr('href'), '_blank'); // Attempt to open the link in a new tab if possible.}// Function that handles updating the non-general tabs for a wilderness page.var updateTab = {MAPS:function(data, sab){// Process AJAX data for the maps tab.var simple = data[0][1].split(":|:"); // NatMap, Abbr, Lat, Long.//alert(simple);//if (simple[0] !== ''){ // Check to see if there is a link for the National Forest Map Store.//$("#natMap").html('
  • National Forest Map Store
  • ');//}//$("#myTopo").html('MyTopo'); // Adds latitude and longitude to the mytopo link and adds it to the page.$("#myTopo").html('MyTopo');$("#boundary").html('Shapefile'); // Adds the wilderness name abbreviation to the GIS shapefile link and adds it to the page./*if (data[0].length > 2){ // True if there is boundary data.var bound;var boundStr = '';for (var i=2;i'+bound[0]+'';}$("#boundDesc").html(boundStr);}*/},VOLUNTEER:function(data, sab){// Process AJAX data for the Volunteer tab.linkStr = '

    ';var stateV = '';if (data[0].length == 0){linkStr += 'There are currently no organization results available for this wilderness.

    ';}for (var i=1;i' + linkArray[0] + '';} else if (stateV != linkArray[0]) {stateV = linkArray[0];linkStr += '

    ' + linkArray[0] + '

    ';}var quoteSafe = linkArray[2].replaceAll("'", "'");quoteSafe = linkArray[2].replaceAll('"', """);linkStr += '' + linkArray[1] + '
    ';}linkStr += '

    ';$("#volunteer-content").html(linkStr); // Update the appropriate HTML DIV with the link(s) for volunteering.},// Note: Images functionality currently not utilized.IMAGES:function(){ // Called when image library for a given Wilderness page is desired. Does not use the AJAX post the other tabs utilize.if (typeof basicArray !== 'undefined'){ // Ensure the basic pool is set.if (basicArray.length > 0){ // Ensure there is data in the basic pool.imagePost(basicArray);$("#search-options").show(); // Show the search options.initializeOptions(); // Function to initialize the images for the search options (primarily orientation).}}},AREA:function(data, sab){// Process AJAX data for the Area Management (Management & Regulations) tab.var areaStr = '';//theWild.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + theWild.slice(1) + ' is part of the ' + data[0][1] + ' million acre National Wilderness Preservation System.';//areaStr += ' This System of lands provides clean air, water, and habitat critical for rare and endangered plants and animals. ';/*if (wClosed === '0'){ // True if the wilderness is not closed.areaStr += 'In wilderness, you can enjoy challenging recreational activities like hiking, backpacking, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, rafting, horse packing, bird watching, stargazing, and extraordinary opportunities for solitude. ';}*///areaStr += 'You play an important role in helping to "secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness" as called for by the Congress of the United States through the ';//areaStr += 'Wilderness Act of 1964.';//areaStr += ' Please follow the requirements outlined below';/*if (wClosed === '0'){ // True if the wilderness is not closed.areaStr += ' and use Leave No Trace techniques when visiting ' + theWild;}*///areaStr += ' to ensure protection of this unique area.

    ';areaStr += "Wilderness managers often need to take action to limit the impacts caused by visitor activities in order to protect the natural conditions of wilderness as required by the Wilderness Act of 1964. Managers typically implement 'indirect' types of actions such as information and education measures before selecting more restrictive measures. When regulations are necessary, they are implemented with the specific intent of balancing the need to preserve the character of the wilderness while providing for the use and enjoyment of wilderness.";areaStr += '

    The following wilderness regulations are in effect for this area. Use the contact(s) available for this wilderness for more specific information about the regulations listed.';$("#area-management-content-intro").html(areaStr); // Set the introduction section to the Area Management tab.// Specific regulations: uses the :|: between columns, -!- between rows and the agency starts the data and is split off by =>=if (data[0].length >= 1){ // True if there is specific regulation data.var agencySplit; // deprecrated 2020, this now stores a generic key.var reg;var regRows;var regStr = '';if (wClosed === '0'){ // True if the wilderness is not closed.//if (stateAbbr === "AK"){ // True if the state is Alaska.$("#AKOrNotClosed").hide(); // Hide the general wilderness prohibitions (Now for all Wilderness Areas with regulations 5/24/2018).//}$("#wildRegs").show(); // Make the regulations div visible.for (var i=2;i="); // Extract the key for this loopregRows = agencySplit[1].split("-!-"); // Separate the rows.//regStr += '

    ' + agencySplit[0] + ' Information

    '; // Each Agency gets a header 3 even if this is not a multimanaged wilderness.for (var j=0;j" + regCol[0] + "" + regCol[1];} else {regStr += regCol[1];}if (j === regRows.length - 1){ // The last loop for this agency.regStr += "

    ";}}}/* // Previous Agency based regulations. Deprecated 2020.for (var i=2;i="); // Extract the agency for this loopregRows = agencySplit[1].split("-!-"); // Separate the rows.regStr += '

    ' + agencySplit[0] + ' Information

    '; // Each Agency gets a header 3 even if this is not a multimanaged wilderness.for (var j=0;j" + regCol[0] + "" + regCol[1];if (j === regRows.length - 1){ // The last loop for this agency.regStr += "

    ";}}}*/regStr += ''; // Used to be learn about regulations but moved to all Wilderness areas.$("#regulations").html(regStr);} else { // Closed Wilderness areas do not follow the same formatting.$("#AKOrNotClosed").hide(); // Hide the general wilderness prohibitions as the wilderness is closed to the public.var closeData = data[0][2].split(":|:"); // Split the data so that we get the narrative at index 1 (Closed wildernesses only have 1 narrative.if (closeData.length === 2){ // Should only be 2 but future changes could cause this to change.regStr += '

    ' + closeData[1] + "

    ";} else { // Default case (covers most closed Wildernesses).regStr += '

    ' + theWild.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + theWild.slice(1) + ' is closed to public visitation to protect wildlife and natural resources.

    '}$("#closedWild").html(regStr);}}},CONTACTS:function(data, sab){// Process AJAX data for the Contacts tab.;var simple = data[0][1].split("-|-"); // Split into data rows.var noContact = false;if (data[0].length > 2){ // True if there is Wilderness Contact data.var wcArray = [];var wcStr = '

    For questions about ';if (wClosed === '0'){ // True if the wilderness is not closed.wcStr += 'or recommendations for planning your next visit to ';}wcStr += theWild + ", you will need to contact ";if (data[0].length > 3){ // True if there is more than one contact.wcStr += "one of the managing offices";} else {wcStr += "the managing office";}wcStr += ' listed below by phone or email.

    ';for (var i=2;i

    '; // Start a header 3 for each wilderness contact.if (wcArray[1].length === 0 && wcArray[2].length === 0){ // No first or last name provided.wcStr += wcArray[0]; // Title} else {wcStr += wcArray[3]; // Contact Type}wcStr += '

    '; // Close the header 3 for a wilderness contact.if (wcArray[1].length !== 0 && wcArray[2].length !== 0){ // If either First or last name is provided.wcStr += wcArray[1] + " " + wcArray[2] + "" + wcArray[0] + "";}wcStr += wcArray[4] + "";if (wcArray[5].length !== 0){wcStr += wcArray[5] + "";}if (wcArray[6].length !== 0){wcStr += wcArray[6] + "";}wcStr += wcArray[7] + ", " + wcArray[8] + ", " + wcArray[9] + "";if (wcArray[12].length !== 0){wcStr += "Phone: " + wcArray[12] + "";}if (wcArray[13].length !== 0){wcStr += "Fax: " + wcArray[13] + "";}wcStr += "Email: ";if (wcArray[14].length !== 0) {wcStr += '' + wcArray[14] + '';} else {wcStr += "Not Available";}if (wcArray[10].length !== 0) {wcStr += "Restrictions: " + wcArray[10] + "";}if (wcArray[11].length !== 0) {wcStr += "Remarks: " + wcArray[11] + "";}wcStr += "

    "; // Close the column.}wcStr += "

    "; // Close the row.$("#contacts-content").html(wcStr);} else {noContact = true;}// Wilderness URL's (Can have multiple links or none at all).if (simple.length > 0 && simple[0] != ''){var wuStr = '

    ';if (!noContact){ // True if there is contact information.wuStr += "


    "; // If there is contact information than the links get there own section titled Websites. Otherwise they just use the Contact header.}for (i=0;i

    ' + slink[1] + ''; // Add the link plus the link description.if (slink[2].length > 0){ // There is a URLDescription.wuStr += slink[2] + "";}wuStr += "";}wuStr += "

    "; // Close the column and row.$("#contacts-url").html(wuStr); // Write the url contact information to the webpage.} else if (noContact){ // True if there is no URL data and there was no contact information.$("#contacts-content").html("We apologize but the contact information for " + theWild + " is temporarily incomplete. Please contact us below to request contact information for this Wilderness.");}},};// Function to handle AJAX calls to fetch data missing from tabs when viewed the first time.function tagPost(keyterm, updateTab, sab){var urlString = "https://" + $("#domain-storage").text() + "/practitioners/php-assets/wildtabs.php"; // URL-CATCHif (keyterm in updateTab){ // Ensure the term exist before making an Ajax post.$.ajax({type: "POST",url: urlString,cache: false,data: {id:WID, key:keyterm},success: function (data){//alert(keyterm + data);updateTab[keyterm](data, sab); // Function that handles updating a tab after the AJAX call returns.},failure: function (request, status, error){console.log("Error: The system was unable to update the " + keyterm + " section completely.");},});}}var targetPool = { // Note: Any targets with a '-' must be split on the dash and only the index 0 is a key. The '#' must also be stripped.contacts:[false, "CONTACTS"],location:[true, "LOCATION"],maps:[false, "MAPS"],area:[false, "AREA"],laws:[true, "LAWS"],trip:[true, "TP"],images:[true, "IMAGES"],volunteer:[false, "VOLUNTEER"],}; // Value of true means no database call is needed (either has already been made or was not required).$('body').on('click', 'a.splh-link', function(event) { // Trigger when a legislative history or special provisions link is clicked.event.preventDefault(); // Prevents the default behavior of the link.goPostLHSP('-'),; // Calls a function that handles the rest of the link. Passes an array of the element id split into type and PLID.});$('body').on('click', 'a.external-link', function(event) { // Trigger when an external link is clicked.event.preventDefault(); // Prevents the default behavior of the$(this).attr('href'), '_blank'); // Attempt to open the link in a new tab if possible.});$('body').on('click', 'a.left-nav-innerlink', function(event) { // Trigger when a left navigation link is clicked.var target = $(this).attr('href');var targetLink = target+"-link";var currentTabLink = currentTab+"-link";var leftNav = $(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas"); // The intersection of classes represents the container for the left navigation.var targetCheck = ((target.substring(1)).split('-'))[0];/*if (targetCheck === "images"){ // Images does not use the same logic as the other wilderness tabs as it requires the wilderness library.if (!targetPool[targetCheck][0]){ // True if images has not been seen and a database call needs to be made.targetPool[targetCheck][0] = true; // Set the value for true. If the tagPost fails the page will not recall.updateTab[targetPool[targetCheck][1]](); // AJAX call to fetch image library content for this wilderness.}} else */if (targetCheck in targetPool){ // True if the target is in the target pool (not all targets have to be in the pool, i.e. general).if (!targetPool[targetCheck][0]){ // True if this target has not been seen and a database call needs to be made.targetPool[targetCheck][0] = true; // Set the value for true. If the tagPost fails the page will not recall.tagPost(targetPool[targetCheck][1], updateTab, stateAbbr); // Update the database for the given tab (asynchronous).}}if (target !== currentTab){ // We don't need to do anything extra if the tab clicked is the same tab.if (!(currentTab in heightSaver)){ // Check if we have tracked the current tab (not the new ones) height.heightSaver[currentTab] = leftNav.height();}$(target).show();if (target !== "#general"){$(targetLink).addClass("activepage");$(targetLink).closest("li").addClass("active");}if (currentTab != "#general"){$(currentTabLink).removeClass("activepage");$(currentTabLink).closest("li").removeClass("active");}$(currentTab).hide();currentTab = target;// Check height of the left navigation.if (currentTab in heightSaver){if (leftNav.height() !== heightSaver[currentTab]){leftNav.height(heightSaver[currentTab]);}}}if ($("#maincontent").height() < 350){$("#maincontent").height($(".row.page_content").height());var saved = $(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").html();$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").html("
    ");$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").html(saved);}$("#space-saver").hide();$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));});if (typeof wilderness !== 'undefined'){// Update the top navigation$("ol.breadcrumb").find("").html('Visit Wilderness').removeClass('active');$("ol.breadcrumb").append('

  • '+wilderness+'
  • ');// Update the left navigation$("ul.toggleMenuDropdown").append('

  • '+wilderness+''+leftNavUL+'
  • ');// Remove the default page for visit wilderness and replace with one that has the wilderness-page-row class in it with new H1let googleSearch = $("div.content-detail-sec.wc-green-back").prop("outerHTML");$('div.content-detail-sec').last().parent().parent().parent().attr("id", "savecontent");//attr('id', 'savecontent');$('div.content-detail-sec').last().attr("id", "savecontent2");$('div.content-detail-sec').last().parent().parent().parent().attr("class", "");$('div.content-detail-sec').last().attr("class", "");$('div.content-detail-sec').remove();$('#savecontent').addClass('content-detail-sec');$('#savecontent2').addClass('content-detail-sec');$('#mainContent').append('

    ');$(googleSearch).insertBefore($("#upper-p-link"));// Add content to the row for displaying the wilderness area.let pCount = document.querySelector('#description-pass');let descriptionStart = '

    ';let descriptionEnd = '

    ';if (pCount !== null){descriptionStart = '';descriptionEnd = '';}$(".wilderness-page-row").html('




    ');//$("#description-pass").remove(); // Remove the redundant content.//$("#lnt-pass").remove(); // Remove the redundant content.if ($("#maincontent").height() < 100){$("#maincontent").height($(".row.page_content").height());if ($(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height() < $(".row-fluid.content-container.row-offcanvas.row-offcanvas-left").height()){$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($(".row-fluid.content-container.row-offcanvas.row-offcanvas-left").height());}}if (window.location.hash){ // If on page load there is a hash address.$(window.location.hash + "-link").click(); // Trigger a click event on the hash address.}$("#space-saver").hide();$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));} else if (typeof WID !== 'undefined' && WID !== null) {$("#maincontent").html('

    Sorry, we couldn\'t locate a wilderness with that ID value. Please try your search again and if you feel you reached this page in error, please contact us below.

    ');}/* else {$("#maincontent").html('

    Search for a wilderness as the destination for your next outdoor adventure.

    Visit Wilderness (3)

    Why visit wilderness?

    Although you can certainly appreciate wilderness from afar—online, on television, or in books—first-hand experiences in nature such as camping or hunting enable you to enjoy the recreational, ecological, spiritual, and health benefits that wilderness areas provide. Wilderness areas provide “outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation,” opportunities to see wildlife, a chance to renew and refresh, and the health benefits of exercising outside. You can even bring your well-behaved dog to many wilderness areas.

    Learn more about the diverse ways in which we benefit from wilderness and threats wilderness areas face today.

    ');if ($("#maincontent").height() < 100){$("#maincontent").height($(".row.page_content").height());if ($(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height() < $(".row-fluid.content-container.row-offcanvas.row-offcanvas-left").height()){$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($(".row-fluid.content-container.row-offcanvas.row-offcanvas-left").height());}}//$("#space-saver").hide();//$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));}*/// $("#acreage-explain").html(acreageModalLink); // Adds the modal link to the page.if (typeof acreageModal !== 'undefined'){$("#modal-space").html(acreageModal); // Adds the modal contents to the page. Default is hidden.}if (WID !== null){document.title = wilderness; // + " | Wilderness Connect"; // Update the title to reflect the current wilderness area.titleSaver = document.title;const canonical = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]');if (canonical !== null) {canonical.href = canonical.href + '?ID=' + WID;}} else {const canonical = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]');canonical.remove();titleSaver = "Visit Designated Wilderness in the United States of America";}$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));});/*$("a#contacts > img").attr('src', 'https://' + $("#domain-storage").text() + '/images/icons-for-wilderness-pages/contacts.png').load(function() { $(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));});*/if (imageLink !== ""){$("img#wilderness-page-image").attr('src', imageLink).on('load', function() { $(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));});}jQuery(window).on('load', function(){let tempDesc = "";if (typeof wilderness !== "undefined"){tempDesc = "Learn more about the United States Congress designated " + wilderness + ". Including maps of the wilderness area, contacts, rules and regulations on visiting, how to volunteer, images, acreage, and laws.";document.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]').setAttribute("content", wilderness); // Corrects the og:title.} else {tempDesc = "Visiting Designated Wilderness Areas in the United States.";}document.title = titleSaver; // Corrects the title (if needed)document.querySelector('meta[property="og:description"]').setAttribute("content", tempDesc); // Corrects the og:description.$('meta[name=description]').remove();$('head').append( '

    ' );$("#space-saver").hide(); // Space saver is an empty div with a set height value.$(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom")));setTimeout(function() { $(".dept_leftnav.span3.sidebar-offcanvas").height($("#maincontent").height() + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-top")) + parseInt($("#maincontent").css("padding-bottom"))); }, 2500);});// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close itwindow.onclick = function(event) {if ( == document.getElementById(modalID)) {document.getElementById(modalID).style.display = 'none';document.body.className = document.body.className.replace('modal-scroll-lock','');}}

    Visit Wilderness (2024)
    Top Articles
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    Article information

    Author: Rubie Ullrich

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5789

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Rubie Ullrich

    Birthday: 1998-02-02

    Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

    Phone: +2202978377583

    Job: Administration Engineer

    Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

    Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.