Valuing Property (2024)

With few exceptions, Tax Code Section 23.01 requires taxable property to be appraised at market value as of Jan. 1. Market value is the price at which a property would transfer for cash or its equivalent under prevailing market conditions if:

  • it is offered for sale in the open market with a reasonable time for the seller to find a purchaser;
  • both the seller and the purchaser know of all the uses and purposes to which the property is adapted and for which it is capable of being used and of the enforceable restrictions on its use; and
  • both the seller and purchaser seek to maximize their gains and neither is in a position to take advantage of the need or demand of the other.
How Property is Valued

Each appraisal district determines the value of all taxable property within the county boundaries. Tax Code Section 25.18 requires appraisal districts to reappraise all property in their jurisdictions at least once every three years. Tax Code Section 23.01 requires that appraisal districts comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) if mass appraisal is used and that the same appraisal methods and techniques should be used in appraising the same or similar kinds of property. Individual characteristics that affect the property's market value must be evaluated in determining the property's market value.

The Appraisal Foundation defines mass appraisal as "the process of valuing a universe of properties as of a given date using standard methodology, employing common data and allowing for statistical testing." USPAP's Standard 5: Mass Appraisal Development - which applies to appraisal districts performing mass appraisals - states that a mass appraisal includes

  • identifying properties to be appraised;
  • defining market area of consistent behavior that applies to properties;
  • identifying the characteristics (supply and demand) that affect the creation of value in that market area;
  • developing a model structure that reflects the relationship among the characteristics affecting value in the market area;
  • calibrating the model structure to determine the contribution of the individual characteristics affecting value;
  • applying the conclusions reflected in the model to the characteristics of the property(ies) being appraised; and
  • reviewing the mass appraisal results.

Before appraisals begin, the appraisal district compiles a list of taxable property. The list contains a description and the name and address of the owner for each property. In a mass appraisal, the appraisal district then classifies properties using a variety of factors, such as size, use, construction type, age and location. Using data from recent property sales, the appraisal district appraises the value of typical properties in each class.

Three common approaches that the appraisal district may use in appraising property are the sales comparison (market) approach, the income approach and the cost approach.

Sales Comparison (Market) Approach

The sales comparison (market) approach is based on sales prices of similar properties. It compares the property being appraised to similar properties that have recently sold and then adjusts the comparable properties for differences between them and the property being appraised. The sales comparison approach is the valuation method typically preferred in appraising single-family homes and vacant land in mass appraisal when adequate sales data are available.

Income Approach

The income approach uses income and expense data to determine the present worth of future benefits. This approach seeks to determine what an investor would pay now for a property based on its anticipated future revenue stream. The income approach is most suitable for properties frequently purchased and held for the purpose of producing income, such as apartments, retail properties and office buildings.

Cost Approach

The cost approach is based on what it would it cost to replace the building (improvement) with one of equal utility. Depreciation is applied and the estimate is added to the land value. The cost approach is especially useful for appraising properties for which sales and income data are scarce, unique properties and new construction.

Notice of Appraised Value

Tax Code Section 25.19 requires a chief appraiser to send property owners a Notice of Appraised Value by:

  • April 1, or as soon thereafter as possible for residence homesteads; or
  • May 1, or as soon thereafter as possible for any other property.

A Notice of Appraised Value is sent if:

  • the value of a property is higher than it was in the previous year (The appraisal district's board of directors can decide to send notices only if a property's value increases by more than $1,000.);
  • the value of a property is higher than the value rendered by the property owner (see Rendition section below for more information);
  • the property was not on the appraisal district's records in the previous year; or
  • an exemption or partial exemption approved for the property for the preceding year was canceled or reduced for the current year.

A Notice of Appraised Value contains:

  • a list of the taxing units in which the property is taxable;
  • the preceding year's appraised value;
  • the preceding year's taxable value;
  • the current year's appraised value;
  • the kind and amount of each approved exemption, if any, for the current and preceding year;
  • the amount of the exemption that may have been canceled or reduced for the current year, if approved in the preceding year;
  • In italics, the following statement: "The Texas Legislature does not set the amount of your local taxes. Your property tax burden is decided by your locally elected officials, and all inquires concerning your taxes should be directed to those officials."
  • a detailed explanation of how to protest;
  • the date and place the appraisal review board (ARB) will begin hearing protests;
  • an explanation of the availability and purpose of an informal conference with the appraisal office before a hearing on a protest; and
  • an explanation that the appraisal district only determines a property's value and the governing body of each taxing unit determines potential tax increases.

Property owners who disagree with the value in the notice, may use the Property Owner's Notice of Protest included with the notice to file a protest with the ARB.

For additional information on protests and appeals, see our Appraisal Protests and Appeals webpage.

Limitation on Residence Homestead Value Increases

The appraised home value for a homeowner who qualifies his or her homestead for exemptions in the preceding and current year may not increase more than 10 percent per year.

Tax Code Section 23.23(a) sets a limit on the amount of annual increase to the appraised value of a residence homestead to not exceed the lesser of:

  • the market value of the property; or
  • the sum of:
    • 10 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding year;
    • the appraised value of the property for the preceding year; and
    • the market value of all new improvements to the property.

Tax Code Section 23.23(e) defines a new improvement as an improvement to a residence homestead made after the most recent appraisal of the property that increases its market value and was not included in the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year. It does not include repairs to or ordinary maintenance of an existing structure, the grounds or another feature of the property. Tax Code Section 23.23(f) states that a replacement structure for one that was rendered uninhabitable or unusable by a casualty or by wind or water damage is also not considered a new improvement.

The appraisal limitation only applies to a property granted a residence homestead exemption. The limitation takes effect Jan. 1 of the tax year following the year in which the property owner qualifies for the homestead exemption. It expires on Jan. 1 of the tax year following the year in which the property owner no longer qualifies for the residence homestead exemption.


A rendition is a form that may be used by a property owner to report taxable property owned on Jan. 1 to the appraisal district. Both real and personal property may be rendered. The rendition identifies, describes and gives the location of the taxable property. Business owners must report a rendition of their personal property. Other property owners may choose to submit a rendition.

Persons filing renditions who are not the property owner, owner's employee or affiliated entity or a secured party must have the rendition notarized.

If the total taxable value of personal property is less than $2,500 in any one taxing unit, the property is exempt in that taxing unit.

  • Advantages

    A property owner who files a rendition is in a better position to exercise his or her rights as a taxpayer.

    The property owner's correct mailing address is established on record so taxing units send tax bills to the right address.

    The property owner's opinion of his or her property's value is on record with the appraisal district. The chief appraiser must send a notice of appraised value if he or she places a higher value on the property than the value listed on rendition by the property owner.

  • Deadlines

    Rendition statements and property report deadlines depend on property type or location. The statements and reports must be delivered to the chief appraiser after Jan. 1 and no later than the deadline indicated below. Allowed extensions also vary by property type or location as referenced below.

    Rendition Statements and ReportsDeadlinesAllowed Extension(s)
    Property generallyApril 15
    • May 15 upon written request
    • Additional 15 days for good cause shown
    Property regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the Railroad Commission of Texas, the federal Surface Transportation Board or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Tax Code 22.23(d).April 30
    • May 15 upon written request
    • Additional 15 days for good cause shown
  • Property Inspection

    Tax Code Section 22.07 authorizes the chief appraiser or a representative to enter the premises of a business, trade or profession to inspect the property to determine the existence and market value of tangible personal property used for the production of income and if it has taxable situs.

  • Penalties

    A penalty of 10 percent of the total amount of taxes imposed on the property for that year could be incurred for failing to timely file a rendition statement or property report.

    A penalty of 50 percent of the total amount of taxes imposed on the property for the tax year of the statement or report could be incurred for filing a false report or statement or for altering, destroying or concealing any record.

Additional Resources

Rendition Forms

Valuing Property (2024)


How do I find out what my property is worth? ›

5 ways to find out how much your house is worth
  1. Use a home value estimator. Best for: Sellers, buyers or anyone curious about the ballpark value of a home. ...
  2. Ask an agent for a comparative market analysis. ...
  3. Check your county or municipal website. ...
  4. Identify trends in the FHFA House Price Index. ...
  5. Hire a professional appraiser.
Feb 1, 2023

What is the highest and best use statement on an appraisal? ›

The Appraisal Institute defines highest and best use as “the reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible and that results in the highest value.” Appraisers typically apply four tests to determine that use.

What are the 4 ways to value a property? ›

Top 4 Methods of Real Estate Appraisal
  • Sales Comparison Approach. The sales comparison approach assumes that prior sales of similar properties provide the best indication of a property's value. ...
  • Cost Approach Appraisal. ...
  • Income Approach Appraisal. ...
  • Price Per Square Foot.
Feb 22, 2022

What is the most accurate home value estimator? ›

The most accurate home value estimator is Redfin as it uses historical pricing data and also considers real-time demand and market trends. Redfin estimates are more accurate than Zillow, and the interface is intuitive, making it easy to find exactly what you're looking for.

How accurate is Zillow Zestimate? ›

How accurate is the Zestimate? The nationwide median error rate for the Zestimate for on-market homes is 2.4%, while the Zestimate for off-market homes has a median error rate of 7.49%. The Zestimate's accuracy depends on the availability of data in a home's area.

What adds the most value to an appraisal? ›

How to Increase Home Value for Appraisal
  • Improve your house's curb appeal. ...
  • Mow and clean up your yard. ...
  • Examine the exterior of your home. ...
  • Document all of your home upgrades. ...
  • Give your home a deep cleaning. ...
  • Patch up any imperfections. ...
  • Let the appraiser do their job. ...
  • Be open to the appraiser's questions.

How do you write an impressive appraisal? ›

How To Write A Self-Appraisal?
  1. Understand the use of self-appraisal. ...
  2. Highlight your accomplishments. ...
  3. Gather data to showcase your achievements. ...
  4. Align yourself with the team and company. ...
  5. Reflect objectively on challenges. ...
  6. Ask for growth opportunities. ...
  7. Ask for anything you require to improve. ...
  8. Get a second opinion.
Apr 2, 2023

What decreases property value the most? ›

It's best to be aware of what hurts property value so you can protect your home and get the most ROI when it comes time to sell.
  • 1) DIY projects gone wrong.
  • 2) Lack of curb appeal.
  • 3) Unsightly interior wall paint.
  • 4) Lack of upkeep.
  • 5) Wall to wall carpeting.
  • 6) Excessive clutter can hurt property value.
  • 7) Unpleasant smells.
Oct 9, 2020

What is the most widely used method of valuing real estate? ›

The most popular of the property valuation methods is the sales comparison approach. Also known as the market data or comparable sales approach, this method is mostly used for land and residential real estate, especially single-family homes.

What are the three types of property value? ›

You should know the difference between these three values; in particular: Market Value, Assessed Value and Replacement Cost of a property.

Which property value site is most accurate? ›

Zillow is the best overall home value estimator available. It is user-friendly and requires no log-in details. Its home value estimator is called the Zestimate, which provides an approximate value for your home based on public and user-submitted data.

How accurate are Redfin estimates? ›

The Redfin Estimate is highly accurate, with a current median error rate of just 2.10% for homes that are for sale, and 6.43% for off market homes. This means that when a home that is currently on the market sells, the Redfin Estimate will be within 2.10% of the sales price half of the time.

How accurate is Chase home value estimator? ›

Home value estimators like Chase's are usually not accurate or reliable enough to make a major financial decision like setting a list price on a home. But they can still be useful for an idea of what your property is worth.

How do you know if a house is overpriced? ›

5 Signs That A House Is Overpriced
  1. It Doesn't Match The Price Of Similar Listings. ...
  2. It's Been On The Market For A Long Time. ...
  3. The List Price Doesn't Align With The State Of The Home. ...
  4. The Price Doesn't Match Your Calculations. ...
  5. The Home Hasn't Received Much Attention.
May 9, 2023

Why are Zillow estimates so high? ›

The first thing to consider is when you bought the property. If you recently purchased your home within a year or two, the Zestimate might be higher than expected. The housing market has been hot and unpredictable for the past few years, which means home values have jumped up as buyers fight for properties.

Is zestimate close to appraisal? ›

How Accurate Is Zestimate vs Appraisal? A professional real estate appraisal is far more accurate than a Zillow Zestimate. You should keep in mind that Zestimate is just an estimate based on available data, and will often miss vital information on a home's condition and renovations.

Are Google Maps property lines accurate? ›

Are property lines on Google Maps accurate? No. Google Maps are not that accurate, and you shouldn't rely on them as a source for factual information regarding property lines. Much like a plat map, they only provide a general idea of where property lines exist.

What is the best free property line app? ›

LandGlide® is the most advanced and comprehensive parcel data and property line map application. Using GPS to pinpoint your location, access key parcel data anywhere. - Hover over a property to instantly view details. - Search for properties by owner, address, or parcel numbers.

Does Google Earth show property lines? ›

It's important to note that while Google Maps does have the ability to show property lines, this information isn't always available for a variety of reasons. Sometimes Google just doesn't have access to that data, at which point it can't display it.

What negatively affects home appraisal? ›

Updating appliances or any major systems, like plumbing, electrical or HVAC, can be costly, so if yours are outdated, it could affect the overall value of the home. And if the interior hasn't been changed for decades, it may not appeal to buyers, which can also cause the value to decrease.

What not to say to an appraiser? ›

In his post, he lists 10 things as a Realtor (or even homeowner), you should avoid saying to the appraiser:
  • I'll be happy as long as it appraises for at least the sales price.
  • Do your best to get the value as high as possible.
  • The market has been “on fire”. ...
  • Is it going to come in at “value”?
Mar 25, 2019

Does cleanliness affect a home appraisal? ›

Appraisers are trained to overlook clutter. Stray clothes, scattered toys, unwashed dishes, unmade beds, disorganized closets, and other items that suggest you actually live in your house should not affect an appraisal if they don't affect its structural integrity.

What can cause an appraisal to fail? ›

Some common problems that can lower an appraised value include miscalculation of square footage or failure to include out buildings or recent renovations.

What is the most common type of value sought by appraisers? ›

By far the most common and usual objective of real estate appraisal is to estimate market value. The type of value to be estimated in any appraisal dictates the data to be gathered and used in the appraisal, as well as the analytical valuation techniques to be employed.

Does paint affect appraisal? ›

Do Appraisers Look at Paint? Some appraisers will, and others won't. If the paint is chipping, you have unsightly wallpaper, rooms are half-painted, or you've painted over a poorly patched hole, these things could hurt your home appraisal. Paint is more likely to be a factor with a VA appraiser.

What could have been better in appraisal examples? ›

Some examples of areas you might be able to improve on might be timekeeping, leadership, knowledge of certain areas of the business, etc. The best answer to this question won't just identify an area of weakness, but will also show the steps you're already taking to address that weakness.

What do you think went well in appraisal answers? ›

Sample Answers can include the following:
  • Increased revenue/sales or achieved sales targets.
  • Giving a great presentation at work.
  • Organizing a successful event at the office.
  • Mentoring a coworker.
May 22, 2023

What is positive performance appraisal example? ›

You are very punctual and have shown excellent work behaviors in every aspect of the job.” "Shows a strong work ethic by consistently staying until all daily tasks are completed.” "You consistently go above and beyond by exceeding your quarterly goals.”

What affects home value the most? ›

A home's value is affected by local real estate trends, the housing market, the home's condition, age, location and property size.

At what age does a house start losing value? ›

If you haven't renovated your home in the past 30 years or so, it won't show well when you put it on the market. In other words, it won't get the same price as a similar home that's been maintained and updated.

What are the four factors that influence value? ›

The current and future importance consumers place on the four factors of value (Desire, Utility, Scarcity, and Effective Purchasing Power) represents Demand and Supply of the product or service.

What is the most appropriate approach to value? ›

Cost Approach to Value

It is the most reliable approach for valuing unique properties. The cost approach provides a value indication that is the sum of the estimated land value, plus the depreciated cost of the building and other improvements.

What is the most appropriate valuation method? ›

The “comps” valuation method provides an observable value for the business, based on what other comparable companies are currently worth. Comps is the most widely used approach, as the multiples are easy to calculate and always current.

What is the most simple valuation method? ›

1. Market Capitalization. Market capitalization is the simplest method of business valuation. It is calculated by multiplying the company's share price by its total number of shares outstanding.

What is the difference between market value and property value? ›

Why do appraised and market value differ? Because the appraised value is what a professional appraiser believes a property is worth versus the market value, which is what the buying public is willing to pay.

What is the difference between a property and a value? ›

Answer 514b01191a82dd7c0f001e8f

easy. Property is like color,font-size,font-family.In real life,just imagine property is like you own a car.It has color,size, brand or so on.So we can call it property or aspect of a selector(car). Value is like the value you will give for the property.

What is the difference between value and worth of a property? ›

Value refers to both the emotional and monetary cost of that item. Worth refers only to the monetary cost of an item. The worth of an item tends to stay the same, but the value of that item can fluctuate depending on the person, and that item's significance to them individually.

What is the Zillow scandal? ›

Realtor Accuses Zillow of Manipulating the Housing Market to Pump Up Prices. One TikTok user caused a scandal by claiming that Zillow is buying up houses in order to sell them and manipulate the housing market. Thanks in large part to HGTV, everyone is well aware of what it means to flip a house.

How much equity do I have in my home? ›

You can figure out how much equity you have in your home by subtracting the amount you owe on all loans secured by your house from its appraised value. This includes your primary mortgage as well as any home equity loans or unpaid balances on home equity lines of credit.

Is ownerly legit? ›

Ownerly is a legitimate company that provides information for a fee. It was founded in 2018 by Josh Levy and Ross Cohen, and has its headquarters in New York City. In 2020 it was named one of HousingWire's Tech100 Real Estate winners.

Is Zillow Zestimate or Redfin more accurate? ›

Redfin is more accurate when valuing homes.

Both Zillow and Redfin give homes an approximate value, but the Zestimate provided by Zillow has proven slightly less accurate than Redfin's estimate. Final numbers depend significantly on the local market and demand for a property in your particular location.

Is there a huge difference between Redfin and Zillow estimates? ›

Redfin's home value estimator is more accurate than Zillow's when it comes to pinpointing the sales price. According to Redfin, its estimates are approximately 74% accurate within 5% of the sales price for listed homes. By comparison, Zillow is only 67% accurate within 5% of the sale price for listed homes.

Why is Zillow estimate so much higher than Redfin? ›

Most of the time, Zillow and Redfin have different estimates for your house because they have slightly different approaches to calculating home values. However, if there's a big gap between your Zestimate and Redfin Estimate, it may mean that one company has inaccurate information about your home.

Why not to trust Zillow? ›

The Zillow algorithm pulls information from tax records and previous MLS listings on the house. That alone is an issue because many times the county records' square footage is wrong and the old listing information may not be up to date. Zestimates don't factor in any updates you've made or the location of the property.

What mistake did Zillow make? ›

Zillow, an online real estate marketplace, recently shuttered its Zillow Offers business because of failed iBuying algorithms. A derailed algorithm on property valuations led the company to reduce the estimated value of the houses it purchased in Q3 and Q4 by more than $500 million.

Why does Zillow undervalue my house? ›

If your home has more value-factors (bigger square footage, better condition, more amenities, etc) than the comparables that are pulled, then your Zestimate is likely to be lower than actual value.

Is 50% home equity good? ›

Being equity rich means having at least 50% equity in your home, or owning more than half your home's market value outright. That's a positive financial position to be in for a number of reasons. It means you can feel relatively safe and sheltered from the risk of going underwater on your mortgage, for example.

What is the monthly payment on a $50000 home equity loan? ›

Loan payment example: on a $50,000 loan for 120 months at 7.50% interest rate, monthly payments would be $593.51. Payment example does not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums.

How can I get equity out of my house without refinancing? ›

Sale-Leaseback Agreement. One of the best ways to get equity out of your home without refinancing is through what is known as a sale-leaseback agreement. In a sale-leaseback transaction, homeowners sell their home to another party in exchange for 100% of the equity they have accrued.

What website gives you value of your home? ›

A Zestimate is Zillow's estimated market value for a home, computed using a proprietary formula including public and user-submitted data, such as details about a home (bedrooms, bathrooms, home age, etc.), location, property tax assessment information and sales histories of the subject home as well as other homes that ...

Does it cost money to use ownerly? ›

Is Ownerly free? Ownerly is a home value estimator that offers access to various data points regarding real estate, home insurance, and property taxes. You can access this data with a seven-day trial for $1. After seven days, your subscription costs will increase to $29.99 per month.

How accurate are online appraisals? ›

It's easy to get an online home appraisal, but you need to remember they only provide a rough estimate of your home's value. Even the most accurate home value estimators are only able to be within 4-6% of a property's true value.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.