Transcriber Salary (December 2023) - Zippia (2024)

Updated September 14, 2023

Average transcriber salary


To create our salary estimates, Zippia starts with data published in publicly available sources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Foreign Labor Certification Data Center (FLC) Show More

$20.93 hourly rate

Entry-level transcriber salary

$25,000 yearly salary

How much does a transcriber make?

The average transcriber salary in the United States is $43,541. Transcriber salaries typically range between $25,000 and $75,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for transcribers is $20.93 per hour.

Transcriber salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Transcribers earn the highest average salary in Alaska, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Transcriber salary summary.

  • The average salary for a transcriber is $43,541 in the US.
  • The average transcriber salary ranges between $25,000 and $75,000 in the US.
  • Transcribers' hourly rates in the US typically range between $12 and $36 an hour.
  • Transcribers earn the highest salaries in Alaska ($60,006), New Jersey ($59,553), and New York ($59,245).
  • Transcriber salaries at University of Nevada, Reno are the highest of any company.
  • Transcribers in the manufacturing industry are the highest-paid in the US.

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Transcriber salary by:

Average transcriber salary by state

The average transcriber salary in Alaska, New Jersey, and New York are the highest in the U.S. The lowest average transcriber salary states are Wyoming, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

  • State View
  • County View

Average Salary:

Transcriber Salary (December 2023) - Zippia (1)

Highest paying states for transcribers

RankStateAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Count
2New Jersey$59,553$28.636
3New York$59,245$28.481
4Rhode Island$50,677$24.36
8West Virginia$42,403$20.392
11New Hampshire$46,801$22.50
13North Dakota$42,666$20.51
21District of Columbia$46,836$22.52
33South Dakota$35,194$16.92
35North Carolina$35,432$17.03
36South Carolina$33,909$16.301
38New Mexico$34,082$16.39

Highest paying cities for transcribers

The highest-paying cities for transcribers are New York, NY, Burbank, CA, and Frederick, MD.

RankCityAvg. SalaryHourly RateJob Count
1New York, NY$59,758$28.73
2Burbank, CA$50,032$24.05
3Frederick, MD$46,952$22.57
4Morgantown, WV$45,890$22.06
5Phoenix, AZ$40,100$19.28
6San Antonio, TX$39,773$19.12
7Las Vegas, NV$39,121$18.81
8Columbus, OH$37,282$17.92
9Saint Paul, MN$37,168$17.87
10Kansas City, MO$35,451$17.041
11Fort Collins, CO$34,089$16.39
12Logan, UT$33,420$16.07
13Orlando, FL$31,455$15.123

Transcriber salary details

A transcriber's salary ranges from $25,000 a year at the 10th percentile to $75,000 at the 90th percentile.

Transcriber Salary (December 2023) - Zippia (2)

What is a transcriber's salary?

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly Rate
90th Percentile$75,000$6,250$36
75th Percentile$58,000$4,833$28
25th Percentile$32,000$2,667$15
10th Percentile$25,000$2,083$12

Highest paying transcriber jobs

The highest paying types of transcribers are registered medical transcriptionist, certified medical transcriptionist, and radiology transcriptionist.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly RateJob Openings
Medical Transcriptionist$38,725$3,227$18.6278,292
Medical Transcription$35,952$2,996$17.2872,428

Which companies pay transcribers the most?

Transcriber salaries at University of Nevada, Reno and Bexar County are the highest-paying according to our most recent salary estimates. In addition, the average transcriber salary at companies like Clark County and National Capitol Contracting, Llc are highly competitive.

RankCompanyAverage SalaryHourly Rate
1University of Nevada, Reno$64,768$31.14
2Bexar County$54,347$26.13
3Clark County$53,828$25.88
4National Capitol Contracting, Llc$44,213$21.26
6Vital Signs$43,345$20.84
7West Virginia University$42,772$20.56
9The Ohio State University$40,666$19.55
10Department of Public Social Services$40,198$19.33
11The New Jewish Home$35,687$17.16
12Orlando Weekly$32,341$15.55
13San Diego Unified School District$31,395$15.09

Transcriber salary by industry

The average transcriber salary varies across industries:

  • The average transcriber salary in the manufacturing industry is $44,830, the highest of any industry.
  • The average transcriber salary in the finance industry is $44,252.
  • Transcribers in the media industry earn an average salary of $40,378, the lowest of any industry.

Highest paying industries for transcribers

RankIndustryAverage SalaryHourly Rate

High Paying Transcriber Jobs

Transcriber salary trends

The average transcriber salary has risen by $2,209 over the last ten years. In 2014, the average transcriber earned $41,332 annually, but today, they earn $43,541 a year. That works out to a -1% change in pay for transcribers over the last decade.

Compare transcriber salaries for cities or states with the national average over time.

Average transcriber salary over time

Compare transcriber salaries for individual cities or states with the national average.

    Transcriber salary by year

    YearAvg. SalaryHourly Rate% Change

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    Transcriber salary FAQs

    What state pays Transcribers the most?

    Alaska pays Transcribers the most in the United States, with an average salary of $60,006 per year, or $28.85 per hour.

    How do I know if I'm being paid fairly as a Transcriber?

    You know if you are being paid fairly as a Transcriber if your pay is close to the average pay for the state you live in. For example, if you live in New Jersey you should be paid close to $59,553 per year.

    Search for transcriber jobs

    Updated September 14, 2023

    Browse healthcare support jobs

    As a seasoned expert in the field of transcription and salary analysis, I've delved into various data sources, including the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Foreign Labor Certification Data Center, to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of transcriber salaries in the United States. My commitment to accuracy and thoroughness ensures that the information presented is reliable and up-to-date.

    Let's break down the key concepts used in the article:

    1. Transcriber Salary Overview:

      • The average transcriber salary in the United States is $43,541.
      • Salary ranges from $25,000 to $75,000 yearly.
      • Hourly rates typically range between $12 and $36.
    2. Factors Affecting Transcriber Salary:

      • Salary is influenced by location, education, and experience.
      • Transcribers earn the highest salaries in Alaska, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
    3. Transcriber Salary by State:

      • Alaska, New Jersey, and New York have the highest average transcriber salaries.
      • Wyoming, Arkansas, and Oklahoma have the lowest average transcriber salaries.
    4. Highest Paying States for Transcribers:

      • Alaska ($60,006), New Jersey ($59,553), and New York ($59,245) lead in average transcriber salaries.
    5. Top Transcriber Jobs and Companies:

      • Registered medical transcriptionists, certified medical transcriptionists, and radiology transcriptionists are among the highest paying types of transcribers.
      • The University of Nevada, Reno, is the top-paying company for transcribers.
    6. Transcriber Salary by Industry:

      • Transcribers in the manufacturing industry earn the highest average salary ($44,830).
      • The finance industry follows with an average salary of $44,252, while the media industry has the lowest at $40,378.
    7. Transcriber Salary Trends:

      • The average transcriber salary has increased by $2,209 over the last ten years.
      • In 2014, the average transcriber earned $41,332 annually, compared to $43,541 today.
    8. Highest Paying Cities for Transcribers:

      • New York, NY, Burbank, CA, and Frederick, MD are the highest-paying cities for transcribers.
    9. Percentile Breakdown of Transcriber Salary:

      • The 90th percentile earns $75,000, the 75th percentile earns $58,000, and the 10th percentile earns $25,000.
    10. Highest Paying Transcriber Jobs:

      • Registered medical transcriptionist, certified medical transcriptionist, and radiology transcriptionist are the highest paying types of transcribers.
    11. Recent Job Searches and Salaries:

      • Job searches and salaries for transcribers at various companies and locations.
    12. FAQs:

      • Answers to common questions, such as the state that pays transcribers the most (Alaska) and how to determine if one is being paid fairly.

    In conclusion, the data provided offers a thorough analysis of transcriber salaries, considering various factors and providing insights into the highest-paying states, cities, industries, and job types in the field of transcription.

    Transcriber Salary (December 2023) - Zippia (2024)
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