Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (2024)

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Introducing Live Transcribe video transcript

Illustrations show different styles of communication. One person signs “we” and another writes “all.” Someone types “communicate” on a phone and another says “differently.”

Animated text reads “But Live Transcribe lets you join in.”

A mobile phone using Live Transcribe enters the screen during a meeting scene. One person says “Is it all updated?” and another replies “Yep, everything’s ready.” while the phone displays captions.

Now the animated text reads “Instantly.” The mobile phone re-enters at a coffee shop and transcribes the barista saying “That’ll be $5, please.” Live Transcribe adjusts from spelling out dollars to showing the dollar sign.

Animated text reads “And have conversations with anyone, in any language” while multiple languages are displayed in the background. The Live Transcribe app logo animates as text reads “Right from your Android phone."

Now the hearing and the deaf and hard of hearing can have conversations easily, with just an Android phone.

Download now

See instant captions anywhere

Whether you’re ordering a coffee or meeting someone new, Live Transcribe helps you communicate in the moment.

Choose your languages

Pick from over 70 languages and dialects to read accurate captions in the language that’s being spoken.

Quickly switch between languages during bilingual conversations.

English (USA)

And catch important nuances

It’s powered by Google’s speech recognition technology, so the captions adjust as your conversation flows. And since conversations aren’t stored on servers, they stay secure on your device.

If it seems like someone says New York, but they’re actually talking about new Yorkshire terriers, the captions will autocorrect.

English (USA)

All right from your phone

Live Transcribe is easy to use, all you need is a Wi-Fi or network connection. It’s free of charge to download on over 1.8 billion Android devices operating on 5.0 Lollipop and above.

To start, simply use Live Transcribe anywhere, to have conversations with anyone.

English (USA)

Built with expert help

We partnered with Gallaudet University, a premier school for the deaf and hard of hearing, to make sure that Live Transcribe was helpful for everyday use.

Partners at Gallaudet helped with testing and improvements along the way.

English (USA)

A few thoughts from Gallaudet

  • Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (1)

    “We can now do things that weren't even remotely possible a few years ago, like jump into conversations at the dinner table or casually join in when the opportunity arises.”

    Christian Vogler Professor and Researcher, Gallaudet University.
  • Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (2)

    “Live Transcribe gives me a more flexible and efficient way to communicate with hearing people. I just love it, it really changed the way I solve my communication problem.”

    Dr. Mohammad Obiedat Professor, Gallaudet University

Ready to get started?

This new Android Accessibility service is available to download as an app on the Google Play store. After installing the app, turn on Live Transcribe in your phone’s Accessibility settings and tap on the app to use it.

Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (3)


If you have a Pixel 3 or above device, simply turn on Live Transcribe in your Accessibility settings.

Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (4)

Have a question or want to share your feedback on Live Transcribe?Find answers to frequently asked questions in our Help Center or contact us via Google Accessibility support.

As an expert in assistive technologies and accessibility tools, I can provide comprehensive insights into Live Transcribe, an innovative feature that facilitates communication for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Live Transcribe, developed by Google, serves as an Android Accessibility service that offers real-time speech-to-text conversion, enabling users to view live captions on their Android devices during conversations, meetings, or various social settings.

The key components and functionalities highlighted in the provided article about Live Transcribe are:

  1. Real-Time Transcription: Live Transcribe captures spoken words and displays them as text in real time on an Android phone. This feature allows individuals with hearing impairments to actively participate in conversations and comprehend spoken dialogue as it occurs.

  2. Multi-language Support: With over 70 languages and dialects available, Live Transcribe provides accurate captions in the language being spoken. Users can seamlessly switch between languages during bilingual conversations, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity across different linguistic backgrounds.

  3. Adaptive Speech Recognition: Powered by Google's speech recognition technology, Live Transcribe adjusts captions dynamically as the conversation progresses. It ensures accuracy in capturing nuances and corrects misinterpreted words or phrases, enhancing overall comprehension.

  4. Privacy and Security: Conversations transcribed by Live Transcribe remain secure as they are processed directly on the user's device without being stored on external servers. This feature ensures confidentiality and privacy for users.

  5. Accessibility and Compatibility: Live Transcribe is accessible for over 1.8 billion Android devices operating on Android 5.0 Lollipop and newer versions. It requires a Wi-Fi or network connection for real-time transcription.

  6. Partnership with Gallaudet University: Google collaborated with Gallaudet University, a leading institution for the deaf and hard of hearing, during the development of Live Transcribe. Gallaudet's expertise contributed to testing, refining, and ensuring the tool's efficacy in everyday use.

  7. Testimonials: The article includes testimonials from experts at Gallaudet University, such as Christian Vogler and Dr. Mohammad Obiedat, affirming the transformative impact of Live Transcribe on communication and its positive influence on their daily lives.

To utilize Live Transcribe, users can download the app from the Google Play Store for most Android devices or activate it in the Accessibility settings for Pixel 3 or newer devices. Additionally, Google offers a Help Center and Accessibility support for users seeking guidance or assistance.

This technology is a remarkable step forward in fostering inclusive communication, empowering individuals with hearing impairments to engage more fully in various social interactions and daily activities.

Live Transcribe | Speech to Text App | Android (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.