Track the ISS: How and where to see it (2024)

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To track and see the International Space Station (ISS) from Earth you just need to know where and when to look.

Track the ISS: How and where to see it (1)

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  • Where and when to see the ISS
  • Photographing the ISS
  • Additional Reading

The International Space Station (ISS) is a multi-nation laboratory, orbiting 248 miles (400 kilometers) above our heads. It perhaps comes as no surprise that it's easy to see and track the ISS from Earth.

The colossal structure reflects sunlight and appears as a bright white pinpoint of light in the sky. According to NASA, the ISS will typically be the brightest object in the sky (except for the moon), and can even be spotted from the middle of a city.

The ISS is therefore a great skywatching target for those living in urban and rural areas alike. Spotting the ISS requires no specialist equipment as it can be seen with the naked eye. All you need to know is where to look and when.

Related: Smartphone astrophotography: How to take pictures of the night sky

Where and when can I see the International Space Station?

NASA's spot the station widget (below) is a great tool for quickly finding out upcoming ISS viewing opportunities. Simply pop in the location you wish to know for ISS sighting opportunities and let the widget work its magic. It will tell you the time of the ISS flyover along with how long it is visible, the maximum height it will reach in the sky and which direction it will appear and disappear from your field of view.

"The International Space Station's trajectory passes over more than 90% of Earth's population," according to a statement from NASA. The ISS zips around Earth at an average speed of 17,500 mph ( 28,000 km/h), completing 16 orbits per day. As the ISS orbits with an inclination of 51.6 degrees, if you live beyond 51.6 degrees north or south of the equator the ISS will never appear directly overhead.

The ISS is only visible because it reflects sunlight. It isn't bright enough to be seen in the middle of the day and the best time to view the ISS is either at dawn or dusk. Viewing opportunities of the ISS can vary between one sighting a month to several a week, depending on your location and the orbit of the ISS.

In addition, NASA's Spot the Station website is a great place to explore ISS sighting opportunities in your area. You can even sign up for email or text alerts for when the space station is flying over so you'll never miss a viewing opportunity again. Though it's worth noting you will only get NASA's Spot the Station alerts when the ISS is passing over with a maximum height of at least 40 degrees, this is because the ISS will be visible above most landscapes at this height.

If you would like to know where the space station is right now, ESA's live map has got you covered. The informative map shows where the ISS is as well as it's speed and altitude.

Photographing the International Space Station

Track the ISS: How and where to see it (2)

The ISS makes for a fun and interesting observing target in the night sky. With its location and movement tracked with great accuracy as well as night sky alerts from NASA's Spot the Station website, it's perhaps one of the easiest objects to spot in the night sky.

Related: How to photograph the ISS

Budding astrophotographers from around the world have caught beautiful long-exposure photographs that show the ISS appearing to streak across the sky. To the ground observer, the ISS passing overhead will appear as a bright point of light moving quickly across the sky, similar to a plane but brighter and without the flashing lights.

If you would like to have a go at photographing the orbiting observatory, consider our best cameras for astrophotography and the best lenses for astrophotography.

Track the ISS: How and where to see it (3)

Additional Reading

If you would like to track the ISS along with other Earth-orbiting satellites, check out the N2YO website. Heavens-Above is also a good place to find more ISS tracking information as well as other astronomy resources. Both sites ask you to put in location information and generate tables with viewing times and directions to look to serve as a guide.

You can learn more about the International Space Station with ESA. Check out Transit Finder to plan observations of transit events of the ISS in front of the sun and moon.Warning: NEVER look at the sun with binoculars, a telescope or your unaided eye with out special protection. Astrophotographers and astronomers use special filters to safely observe the sun while photographing ISS transit, solar eclipses or other sun phenomena. Here's our guide on how to observe the sun safely.


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Daisy Dobrijevic joined in February 2022 having previously worked for our sister publication All About Space magazine as a staff writer. Before joining us, Daisy completed an editorial internship with the BBC Sky at Night Magazine and worked at the National Space Centre in Leicester, U.K., where she enjoyed communicating space science to the public. In 2021, Daisy completed a PhD in plant physiology and also holds a Master's in Environmental Science, she is currently based in Nottingham, U.K.

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Track the ISS: How and where to see it (2024)


Track the ISS: How and where to see it? ›

If you would like to track the ISS along with other Earth-orbiting satellites, check out the N2YO website. Heavens-Above is also a good place to find more ISS tracking information as well as other astronomy resources.

What time can I see the International Space Station tonight? ›

Tonight's Viewing

You can spot the International Space Station at 8:55 pm starting low in the southwestern sky.

How do I view ISS on Google Earth? ›

The ISS Street View imagery can be accessed from the Street View gallery, Google Earth Voyager, Google Arts & Culture, the Google Expeditions app, and the Google Daydream app. The imagery set can also be accessed from desktop via the Planets Runway.

What app can I use to see the ISS? ›

Explore the night sky
  • The most used satellite tracker. ISS Detector is available on iPhone and Android.
  • Track many other satellites. Find Hubble, HAM radio satellites, planets, comets and many more. ...
  • ISS and Tiangong. ISS Detector can track both the ISS and the Chinese SpaceStation Tiangong.
  • Fast and Easy. ...
  • Be surprised.

What will the International Space Station look like at night? ›

The ISS essentially looks like a starlike point of light that moves across the sky from west to east. However, it is not visible from every location every night.

Is the space station visible every night? ›

It can only be seen when it is dawn or dusk at your location. As such, it can range from one sighting opportunity a month to several a week, since it has to be both dark where you are, and the space station has to happen to be going overhead.

How do you know if ISS is visible? ›

NASA's spot the station widget (below) is a great tool for quickly finding out upcoming ISS viewing opportunities. Simply pop in the location you wish to know for ISS sighting opportunities and let the widget work its magic.

Does Google sky map show the space station? ›

Using the Street View feature of Google Maps, you can now check out what is inside the International Space Station. Here is all you need to know. Google Maps is being used by almost everyone to check directions.

How many miles up is the space station? ›

The International Space Station maintains an orbit approximately 250 miles (400 kilometers) above sea level, while the Hubble Space Telescope operates at an altitude of about 340 miles (550 kilometers).

What is the best free ISS tracker app? ›

ISS Spotter makes it easy for you to spot the International Space Station (ISS). You can see the forecast of visible passes and set alarms to be on time to view the ISS. The built in compass and tools will allow you to spot the ISS easily.

What is the best ISS tracker? ›

ISS Detector. The free ISS Detector app by RunaR is a personal favorite. The free version for Android and iOS tracks the ISS. An inexpensive extension pack will track additional a great many satellites, planets, and even comets.

Why can't I see the ISS? ›

Space Station is only visible when it's illuminated by sunlight. During the day, the sky is too bright to see it and as we look up late at night, ISS flies through Earth's shadow so there's no sunlight falling on the station for us to see it.

Do people live on the International Space Station? ›

The space station has been continuously occupied since November 2000. An international crew of seven people live and work while traveling at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes. Sometimes more are aboard the station during a crew handover.

What are the blinking lights on the ISS? ›

If you have an ISS-Above with a PiGlow / Ledborg / Blinkstick or Blink(1) they indicate an approximate time until the next pass of the ISS by flashing either red (more than an hour) green (less than one hour) and blue (less than 10 minutes).

Can you see Earth from the ISS? ›

From the window of the ISS, the surface of the Earth looms large. Indeed, in the daytime, you can clearly see major landforms. Subsequently, at night, from Earth orbit, you see the lights of Earth's cities. Earth in daylight, from the International Space Station in 2012.

What is the big white star in the sky tonight? ›

You're seeing a bright white “star” in the post-sunset evening sky and you're wondering what it is—and why it's there. It's not a star at all. It's Venus, the brightest object in the night sky aside from the Sun and Moon.

What is the brightest star in the sky right now? ›

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. UPDATE: This article was published in January 2022—if you're reading this in August/September 2022 then here's what you need to know about the very bright “star” in the east after dark.

Why does the ISS suddenly disappear? ›

When visible, the ISS appears so bright because of sunlight reflected from its acre of solar panels onboard. As it moves across the sky, we see it suddenly disappear as it enters the Earth's shadow.

What color does the ISS usually appear as? ›

As you look up, you'll be looking for an object that appears like a fast-moving plane in the night sky. It will be a steady stream of white light, no blinking. And while you don't always need a telescope to see the ISS, you can certainly use one!

What color is the ISS in the sky? ›

To spot the ISS, look for a bright, white spot of light moving quickly across the sky.

Can you see the ISS with your own eyes? ›

Did you know that you can see the International Space Station ( ISS ) in the night sky as it passes over your area at a distance of approximately 400 km from Earth? To the naked eye, the Space Station looks like a big white dot that moves quickly across the sky without changing direction, unlike aircraft, for example.

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Can you see any cities from space? ›

Using binoculars, astronauts could even see roads, dams, harbors, even large vehicles such as ships and planes. At night, cities are also easily visible from the higher orbit of the ISS.

Is there a Google Earth for space? ›

Google Earth on desktop lets you explore even more advanced scenes from space, so there's reason to believe the mobile version will only improve as time goes on.

How much do astronauts get paid? ›

How much does a Nasa Astronaut make? As of Jun 5, 2023, the average annual pay for a Nasa Astronaut in the United States is $46,585 a year.

How long is 1 hour in space? ›

One hour on Earth is 0.0026 seconds in space.

Thus, upon calculation we find that one hour on Earth is equivalent to seven years in space. Einstein's theory of Special Relativity stands as a explanation to this calculation.

How long does it take to get from the ISS to Earth? ›

The International Space Station orbits Earth 16 times in 24 hours at an average altitude of 420 km. It can take astronauts anywhere from 4 hours to 3 days to reach the Space Station, depending on the spacecraft used and the mission parameters.

Can you use your phone on the ISS? ›

It has no phone number in the traditional sense, and astronauts have to leave their smartphones at home. For private calls, the space station has an internet-connected phone system that works through a computer, which astronauts can use to call any number on Earth. Phones on the ground cannot call them back, however.

What does a satellite look like in the night sky? ›

Viewing is best away from city lights and in cloud-free skies. The satellite will look like a star steadily moving across the sky for a few minutes. If the lights are blinking, you probably are seeing a plane, not a satellite. Satellites do not have their own lights that make them visible.

Does GPS work on the ISS? ›

ISS uses the GPS position and velocity solution as the ISS navigation state. The ISS's attitude determination filter combines the GPS receiver attitude information with ring laser gyro data available from the ISS rate gyro assembly (RGA) to produce the ISS attitude solution.

What is the best antenna to talk to ISS? ›

A typical ground station for contacting the ISS station includes a 2-meter FM transceiver and 25-100 watts of output power. A circularly polarized crossed-Yagi antenna capable of being pointed in both azimuth (North-South-East-West) and elevation (degrees above the horizon) is desirable.

How many people are on the ISS right now? ›

As of September 12, 2021, 244 individuals have made 403 spaceflights to the ISS, including the seven people currently at the ISS (Expedition 65).

What is happening on the ISS right now? ›

Currently, the crew of Expedition 58 are conducting scientific experiments in areas such as life sciences, physical sciences, technology development, remote sensing and education. One major focus right now is discovering ways to protect astronauts from radiation.

How often can I see the ISS? ›

The space station does not take the same track or orbital path for each orbit and this change provides good visible passes roughly every 6 weeks in each location on Earth.

Why is there no fridge on the ISS? ›

“A normal fridge on Earth is also hot in the back. We can't have that in space. Warm air doesn't rise in microgravity; it stays stationary and can cause things to overheat, so you must get rid of heat some other way.

Is there a time difference on the International Space Station? ›

For example, time goes slower at the ISS, lagging approximately 0.01 seconds for every 12 Earth months passed. For GPS satellites to work, they must adjust for similar bending of spacetime to coordinate properly with systems on Earth.

What dates can Texas see the International Space Station? ›

Sign Up Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
DateVisibleMax Height*
Date: Tue May 30, 9:59 PMVisible: 4 minMax Height: 49°
Date: Wed May 31, 9:11 PMVisible: 6 minMax Height: 27°
Date: Wed May 31, 10:47 PMVisible: 2 minMax Height: 19°
Date: Thu Jun 1, 9:58 PMVisible: 4 minMax Height: 43°
5 more rows

Do you need a telescope to see the space station tonight? ›

The best thing about ISS-spotting is that you don't need a telescope – in fact a telescope is pretty useless for ISS-spotting because the ISS moves so quickly it's very hard to keep it in a telescope's high magnification eyepiece.

Is there anyone on the International Space Station right now? ›


How long is 1 minute in space on Earth? ›

How far do you think light travels in a minute? To figure this out, multiply the distance that light travels in a second by 60 because there are 60 seconds in a minute. So light can travel 18,000,000 kilometers in one minute!

How many times can you see the space station in one night? ›

There are two daily time windows when the station is visible: morning and evening twilight – the period just before sunrise and the period just after sunset. This when the background sky is dark enough but ISS is still catching enough light from the sun for us to see it.

How long is 1 hour in space on Earth? ›

One hour on Earth is 0.0026 seconds in space.

Thus, upon calculation we find that one hour on Earth is equivalent to seven years in space. Einstein's theory of Special Relativity stands as a explanation to this calculation.

How far can you see from the International Space Station? ›

So how much of the Earth can we see at one time? When you are standing on the ground, the horizon is a few miles away. When in a tall building, the horizon can be as far as about 40 miles. From the ISS, the distance to the horizon is over 1,000 miles.

What part of Texas is NASA located? ›

Located in Clear Lake, Texas, just outside Houston, the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) is the seat of human spaceflight operations for the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

How long is day and night on International Space Station? ›

At this speed, the ISS orbits the Earth every 90 minutes, which gives the crew 16 sunrises and sunsets every day. Since humans have been living and working on the space station, it has orbited Earth tens of thousands of times.

Is International Space Station is going to shut down? ›

It is one of the most iconic pieces of space hardware in history, but the days of the International Space Station are now officially numbered. NASA has announced that the curtain will finally fall on the ISS in 2031.

How many humans are in space right now? ›

As of June 9, 2023 there are 10 people currently living and working in space.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.