Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu (2024)

As competition in every field increases day by day, selection processes become tougher and more focused. The screening categories are stringent and with the current boom in population, the number of competitors has risen while the opportunities are on a downward spiral. Each course is unique and designed to groom students to be the best versions of themselves in the competitive world. Amongst all these, there are a few programs that are considered the toughest courses in the world in terms of subjects, assignments, duration, and examination. Most of the time, it is also true that the toughest courses in the world are also the ones that hold the toughest examinations, whether internally or in the form of an entrance test.Through this blog, we will give you a quick tour of the toughest courses and exams in the world. Let’s begin!

Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu (1)

Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu (2)

This Blog Includes:
  1. List of Toughest Courses in the World
  2. Toughest Courses in India
  3. Toughest Professional Courses in India
  4. Toughest Degrees in the World
  5. Toughest Engineering Courses
  6. Top 15 Toughest Exams in the World
  7. Explained: Toughest Courses in the World
    1. 1. Engineering
    2. 2. Chartered Accountancy
    3. 3. Medicine
    4. 4. Pharmacy
    5. 5. Architecture
    6. 6. Law
    7. 7. Psychology
    8. 8. Aeronautics
    9. 9. Quantum Mechanics
    10. 10. Statistics
    11. 11. Journalism
    12. 12. Nursing
    13. 13. Finance
    14. 14. Philosophy
    15. 15. Fine Arts
    16. 16. Foreign Language
  8. Which Country has the Toughest Education?
  9. FAQs

List of Toughest Courses in the World

It is a dream of students to pursue a course that can help in shaping a great career. Most of the time it doesn’t come easy to candidates. In order to be successful, students have to go through a rigorous and challenging curriculum to get lucrative salaries later. Given below is the list of toughest courses in the world that can boost your career:

  1. Engineering
  2. Chartered Accountancy
  3. Medicine
  4. Pharmacy
  5. Architecture
  6. Law
  7. Psychology
  8. Aeronautics
  9. Quantum Mechanics
  10. Statistics
  11. Journalism
  12. Nursing
  13. Finance
  14. Philosophy
  15. Fine Arts
  16. Foreign Language

Wondering about the toughest course in the world as per Guinness 2018?
It is believed that a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or BSN is the toughest course in the world as per the Guinness Book of World Records along with courses like MBBS, BCom, IAS, IPS and Engineering, etc.
But, Guinness World Records has clarified that there is no such toughest or most difficult course as they are not objectively measurable!

Toughest Courses in India

India is home to a number of excellent universities which offer a range of different courses in all fields of study. Just like these courses are known to have a difficult curriculum across the world, there are some courses considered the most difficult ones by Indian students. Want to know which are considered the toughest courses in India? Here are some of them:

  • Chartered Accountancy
  • Medical
  • Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Law
  • Pharmacy
  • Journalism
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Fine arts
  • Architecture
  • Pharmacy
  • Hospitality
  • Mass communication
  • Philosophy

Toughest Professional Courses in India

There is a wide range of professional courses that students can pursue in Indian universities which come with a plethora of lucrative job opportunities. Here are some of the toughest professional courses in India that you can pursue:

  • Computer Science
  • Management
  • Medical
  • Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Designing
  • Pharmacy
  • Mass Communication
  • Journalism
  • Tourism
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Fine arts
  • Psychology
  • Architecture

Toughest Degrees in the World

Different degrees offered by universities around the world are considered tough based on factors including their duration, syllabus and academic requirements. Here is a list of some of the toughest degrees in the world:

Do you know what the hardest courses are at Harvard University?
Mechanics and Special Relativity, Microeconomic Theory, Organic Chemistry, Honors Abstract Algebra, Engineering Thermodynamics and Social Studies are considered to be the hardest courses at Harvard!

Toughest Engineering Courses

Engineering is undoubtedly one of the toughest courses in the world. But have you wondered which of the different specialisations within engineering are considered the toughest? Let’s take a look at this list to know about the toughest engineering courses:

Top 15 Toughest Exams in the World

In the contemporary world, students have to undergo tough competitive exams in order to pursue higher education or get a job. Listed below are the toughest exams in the world:

  • IES (Indian Engineering Services)
  • GRE (Graduate Record Exams)
  • JEE (Joint Entrance Examination)
  • GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
  • UPSC (Union Public Service Commission)
  • GAOKAO or NCEE (National College Entrance Exam)
  • California Bar Exam
  • All Souls Prize Fellowship Exam
  • USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination)
  • Mensa
  • CA Exam
  • Master Sommelier Diploma Exam
  • LNAT (National Admissions Test of Law)
  • CCIE (Cisco Certified Inter-networking Expert)
  • CFA Exam (Chartered Financial Analyst)

Fact – Which exam is most difficult in India? Amongst all the competitive exams in India, UPSC Civil Services Exam is considered to be the toughest one, followed by the Chartered Accountancy examination.

Explained: Toughest Courses in the World

1. Engineering

Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. For a student, a background in Science is crucial for a future in engineering and this begins by selecting the Science stream during the 11th-12th standard. From there, all the way to university entrance examinations, every step of an engineer is tough. Although you can rest assured that opportunities for further studies and job offers are good for engineers and probably why our elders keep pushing us toward it.

Further, applying for Engineering courses abroad, you will have to provide your GRE results and scores and for Engineering management programs, foreign universities might ask you to provide either GMAT or GRE scores.

2. Chartered Accountancy

The Chartered Accountancy course is also featured on this list because it is amongst the toughest courses in the world. Even though this course is a safe career path with well-paying opportunities, there is no denying how demanding it is or how much hard work it takes to complete it. From matching balance sheets to making sure that the accounts notebook is error-free, the life of a chartered account really is a tough one.

3. Medicine

The Medical Science courses find themselves quite aptly on a list of the toughest courses in the world. To begin with the course, Indian students have to make sure that they appear for the NEET examination. While this course takes an exceptionally long time, the entire period is spent learning rather than memorizing the toughest textbooks, definitions, and diagrams. Mind you, there is nothing a medical student can skip because everything they learn is of the utmost importance. Here are a few blogs that will help you in understanding the intricacies of pursuing a career in Medicine:

4. Pharmacy

While medicine and pharmacy walk the same line in terms of industry, both are quite different. Think of them as two sides of the same coin. Pharmacy is featured on the list of toughest courses in the world because of the structure and hard work it requires. Just like the other courses on this list, career prospects for this course have a wide scope and are always available. Whether it be a Bachelor of Pharmacy, Diploma in Pharmacy, or PhD in Pharmacy students, they all have to deal with Chemistry and Biology as a whole and this can be quite daunting to some. Furthermore, they also study aspects of Ayurveda, Physiology, Drug Formulation, Human Anatomy, and more.

5. Architecture

Grabbing a spot on the list of the toughest programs in the world, pursuing architecture courses is not as simple as it sounds. Contrary to popular assumption, it does not deal with interiors and exteriors alone; it also deals with the environment and its composition. Making use of sustainable, biodegradable materials and processes needs the sharpest and the most considerate of minds. One of the trends you’ll find here is that each of the toughest courses in the world provides ample job opportunities and the potential for a lot of growth. With more colleges dedicated solely to architecture, this course is developing a fresh perspective in the minds of the younger generation and helping them literally build our future.

6. Law

The last one to be named on the list of the toughest courses in the world, Law has more challenges than meets the eye. A career in law requires patience, an understanding of ethics, high perception skills, and a strong sense of individuality among other things. While there are no scientific equations or mathematical problems to solve in this course, students need to sharpen their memory and be on their toes at all times. Apart from humanities students, this field is among the popular career options in commerce without maths.

7. Psychology

A prominent humanities subject that also intersects with medical science, Psychology is also considered among the toughest courses in the world. Being a scientific investigation and study of the human mind, Psychology is an umbrella discipline where students get to explore human behaviour in terms of varied contexts, such as individual, social, psychological, and industrial, amongst others. Every single person experiences a different emotion every single day which makes it tough to comprehend a human’s mind. Psychologists basically study human beings across different environments such the employees, criminals, students, children, people with disorders, and every other group of people. A career in Psychology requires you to be an excellent observer and communicator along with an investigative streak and attention to detail! You can explore a plethora of courses in this field across wide-ranging branches of psychology such as:

8. Aeronautics

Aeronautics is a branch of engineering which studies the working and the mechanisms of an aircraft and spacecraft. It is another essential mention in our list of toughest courses in the world since it explores the intricate and meticulous designing and development of engines, systems and equipment of aircraft vehicles. However, to bring life to their designs, Aeronautical Engineers study different software like ground control software, flight software, etc. Since they undertake a great risk, they analyze the reliability of the aircraft using mathematical and quantitative means. A career in Aeronautical Engineering requires the individual to possess a higher level of intelligence, a technical understanding of engines, and quick calculations. Aeronautical engineers are risk-takers who require keen observation and great calculative abilities. To study aeronautical engineering one must excel in math and physics.

9. Quantum Mechanics

Telescopium constellations, one of the newly discovered black holes was successfully found in this constellation with the help of quantum mechanics. This subject introspects the different forces of nature. It has given the world an insight into the elements and the physical nature of objects. It helps humans explore what lies inside the microscopic particles-atoms and subatoms which makes it one of the toughest courses in the world. In very basic terms, quantum physics helps us understand why water is fluid and a solid is hard? How do atoms interact in a solid and liquid state? People who study Quantum Mechanics should be very well-versed in the manipulation of complex numbers, integral calculus, basic probability, functional integration and analysis and much more.Interested in pursuing a career in Quantum Physics? Then, you will have to study a bachelor’s as well as a master’s in Physics which will help you master the basic and advanced elements that this subject offers!

10. Statistics

What you might assume as simply the collection, representation and interpretation of data are actually way more complex than it looks which makes Statistics a worth-mentioning contender in our list of one of the toughest courses in the world. The collection of data itself has types like sampling, observational, randomized sampling, etc. To accurately represent the data various theories and methods are applied depending on the type of data and population. There are various statistical methods like t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, etc. Statistics is applied in almost all fields to represent any data like social and scientific research subjects. To study statistics, one must be good at logic, reasoning and maths. It also requires a strong memory to store many formulas and understand their application.

11. Journalism

Journalism is another intriguing and challenging field that requires you to put your personal biases at bay. Journalism features in our list of the toughest courses in the world because one has to make sure that the news broadcast has been fact-checked, unbiasedly represented and accurate which is rarely the case most of the time! For writing and publishing real facts, journalists face a lot of issues due to the scams and threats they encounter sometimes. News is always on the go and journalists have to make sure they keep up with it and provide people with the most necessary and important news which needs instant attention. A journalist needs to have an exceptional and bold communication manner, good and catchy writing styles, curiosity, being truthful and sharp memory. The various types of journalism are:

  • Investigative Journalism
  • Online journalism
  • Opinion Journalism
  • Sports journalism
  • Photojournalism
  • Entertainment journalism
  • Political Journalism

12. Nursing

Nursing is also a key mention among the toughest courses in the world which mainly requires patience, knowledge of medical care, a strong stomach and willing altruistic nature. It is widely known that a good gesture helps people recover from a dire situation. Nurses assist doctors, therapists, patients and their families. You need to have good GPAs in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Psychology and other important subjects. They need to have spontaneous effective skills to solve and prevent problems a patient faces.

13. Finance

This sought-after area of study in the Commerce stream relates to every aspect of monetary management and establishment. To build a promising career in Finance, one needs to have the analytic ability, unique funding methods, etc. as well as the knowledge of financial management, accounting, and risk management, amongst others which makes it one of the toughest courses in the world. People explore various ways to invest their money and gain profit. The 3 main types of finance are public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. Every type requires a separate investment style which is based on the various possible outcome of profit. It helps people understand the science of money and risk, profit and loss.

14. Philosophy

I think, therefore I am. Philosophy is considered a world of its own. Philosophers go in-depth to understand the existence, knowledge, values and reasoning. This subject covers every bit of knowledge there exists which makes it one of the toughest courses in the world. The study of Philosophy includes religion, nature, aesthetics, the universe, and mathematics. A philosopher needs wisdom to be able to question various dynamics. The curiosity of famous historic philosophers has helped the world achieve rational and relevant knowledge which requires critical thinking abilities.The four branches of philosophy are:

  • Theoretical Philosophy
  • Practical Philosophy
  • Logic
  • History Of Philosophy

15. Fine Arts

Fine Arts refers to those forms of creative arts which are aesthetically and visually pleasing and it has also been proven to be the most effective form of communication. A person needs to make their art so conversible for people to understand which makes it one of the toughest courses in the world. Fine arts requires a person to have a creative mind and a creative eye that can form wonders. Fine arts exist in various aesthetic forms: painting, multimedia and animation, design, architecture, dance, music, theatre and many more. A person who addresses these forms of art has unceasing imagination. For learning any fine art, a person must be able to have an abstract form of expression. You can pursue a varied range of Fine Arts courses in specialisations like:

16. Foreign Language

Another essential feature among our list of toughest courses in the world, a foreign language isn’t just the ‘second language’ of a person. It’s a language that isn’t spoken in the particular country of the speaker. Foreign language courses require the dedication and interest of a person. One should be aware of the past culture and development of the language to understand the application better. Learning a foreign language requires a person to form new cognitive patterns. The best foreign languages to learn apart from English are:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Korean
  • Italian

Which Country has the Toughest Education?

Classrooms hold the future of a country. Every other nation be it developed or developing, strives to deliver the best quality education in its schools and universities. If the students will learn to manage the hardest possible obstacles at an early age, it will be easy for them to overcome the upcoming hurdles in higher education. Thus, some countries intend to deliver the toughest possible education in their schools and colleges. You may find multiple toughest courses and exams in the below-mentioned countries which have avail toughest education-


1. Is MBBS the toughest course in the world?

Ans. MBBS is among the toughest courses in the world because of its long duration and extensive syllabus.

2. Which university course is the hardest?

Ans. Some of the hardest university degrees include:

3. Which is more difficult: CA or MBBS?

Ans. Both CA and MBBS are almost equally difficult – you have to work hard and study extensively in order to complete both these degrees.

4. Is engineering the toughest course in the world?

Ans. Engineering is one of the toughest courses in the world that can be pursued by students of the science stream.

5. Which is the toughest professional course in India?

Ans. The list of toughest courses in India is a long one, however, out of all, courses in the field of Engineering as well as Chartered Accountancy are considered to be the toughest.

6. Is CA the toughest course in India?

Ans. Yes, Chartered Accountancy (CA) is one of the toughest courses in India. It is mostly pursued by students belonging to the commerce field.

7. Which country has the hardest education system?

Ans. South Korea, Japan, and Singapore are a few countries which have one of the hardest education systems.

8. Which country has the hardest math?

Ans. The United Kingdom, The United States of America, etc are the countries having one of the best education systems. But when it comes to having the hardest math, China and South Korea top the list.

9. Which country is #1 in education?

Ans. The country with the best education system is the USA, followed by The United Kingdom.

10. Which country has the toughest education?

Ans. The following countries are well known for their toughest education system across the globe:
1. South Korea
2. Japan
3. Singapore
4. Hong Kong
5. Finland

Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu (3)

Even though these are some of the toughest courses and exams in the world, Leverage Edu can help you pave the way to these courses by easing the admission process. All you got to do is believe in your dreams and strive to crack these tough exams!

Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu (2024)


Toughest Courses in the World [Latest Curated 2022 List] | Leverage Edu? ›

Countries with the toughest education systems include - Germany, Finland, the USA, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Canada and others.

Which is the most difficult courses in world? ›

Explained: Toughest Courses in the World
  1. Engineering. Considered one of the toughest courses in the world, engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. ...
  2. Chartered Accountancy. ...
  3. Medicine. ...
  4. Pharmacy. ...
  5. Architecture. ...
  6. Law. ...
  7. Psychology. ...
  8. Aeronautics.

What is the number 1 hardest subject? ›

Top 10 Most Difficult School Subjects
  1. 1 Physics. For the majority of people, physics is very tough because it is applying numbers to concepts that can be very abstract. ...
  2. 2 Chemistry. ...
  3. 3 Foreign Language. ...
  4. 4 Math. ...
  5. 5 Calculus. ...
  6. 6 English. ...
  7. 7 Biology. ...
  8. 8 Trigonometry.

Which country has the hardest study? ›

Countries with the toughest education systems include - Germany, Finland, the USA, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Canada and others.

What is the hardest course for you at school? ›

  • Physics 1. As one of the hardest high school classes, Physics I includes not only algebra but scientific inquiry and physics. ...
  • Environmental Science. ...
  • Chemistry. ...
  • U.S. Government and Politics. ...
  • U.S. History. ...
  • Human Geography. ...
  • European History. ...
  • Statistics.

What is the top 10 hardest course? ›

Here is a list of the 10 most challenging courses in the world all students should know about.
  • Medicine. One of the toughest courses in the world is the study of medicine. ...
  • Engineering. Engineering is one of the toughest courses in the world. ...
  • Chartered Accountancy. ...
  • Pharmacy. ...
  • Law. ...
  • Architecture. ...
  • Psychology. ...
  • Statistics.
Mar 6, 2023

What is the most rare course in the world? ›

Weirdest degrees to study at university
  • Viticulture and Oenology. ...
  • Horology. ...
  • Air Transport with Helicopter Training. ...
  • Ethical Hacking. ...
  • Brewing and Distilling. ...
  • Ethnobotany. ...
  • Animal Behaviour and Psychology. ...
  • Baking Science and Technology.
Feb 16, 2023

What is the highest degree in the world? ›

While a doctorate is the highest education level, some fields may stop at a master's. The phrase "terminal degree" refers to the highest degree in a field.

What subjects do students struggle with the most? ›

It's no surprise that mathematics is often considered to be one of the most challenging subjects for students. Recent surveys report that 37% of teens aged 13-17 found math to be harder than other subjects – the highest ranked overall.

What is the hardest major in college? ›

Top 15 Hardest College Majors Table of Contents
  • Chemistry.
  • Environmental Economics and Policy.
  • Environmental Earth Science.
  • American Studies.
  • Nuclear Engineering.
  • Energy Engineering.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Applied Mathematics.

What country has the highest GPA? ›

While the highest GPA is 4.00 in US, it is 4.5 in Korea, 10 in Vietnam and 13 in Denmark, indicating that the same letter grades not only have different values in different nations but there are also different scale lengths as well.

Which is world's toughest exam? ›

Top 10 Toughest Exams in the World
  • Gaokao Exam in China.
  • IIT JEE Advanced.
  • Civil Services Exam (CSE)/UPSC.
  • GATE.
  • GRE.
  • Master Sommelier Diploma Exam.
  • ICAI CA Exams.
  • CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)

What is the hardest high school exam in the world? ›

Gaokao (China)

The Gaokao is the feared university entrance exam at age 18, which lasts for 10 hours over two days of incredibly complex questions. Each year, millions of students in China take the gaokao, taken by students in their third and final year of high school typically from June 7 to June 8 or 9.

What is the most failed course in high school? ›

Students who don't complete Algebra 1 have just a one in five chance of graduating from high school. This is a statistic that particularly affects students who are Black, Latino, English learners, or experiencing poverty, putting them at a disadvantage for future careers and higher earnings.

What is the hardest medical course? ›

MBBS or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is the toughest medical course that requires you to study for at least 5 years. After the first 5 years, you can choose your specialization and master it in the next 3 years. Further, you can specialize more in the field for 3 years or so.

What is the hardest year 12 subject? ›

Maths and science extension, chemistry and English as an additional language or dialect were the most difficult subjects in which to achieve band 6 in last year's Higher School Certificate, while maths standard and music needed the lowest scaled marks, an analysis by Catholic Schools NSW has found.

What's the easiest subject? ›

Top 10 Easiest School Subjects
  1. 1 Gym. Ya it is if you care some girls don't understand that dressing out is important at my school. ...
  2. 2 Art. I am quite good at drawing. ...
  3. 3 Music. I have perfect pitch, so obviously, this one is really easy for me. ...
  4. 4 Math. It's easy. ...
  5. 5 English. ...
  6. 6 Science. ...
  7. 7 Health. ...
  8. 8 Spelling.

Is science the hardest subject? ›

As an educational discipline, science is considered one of the most challenging subjects to learn. The intimidation factor for science courses — especially at the higher education level — turns many students away from taking them.

What is the most oldest subject? ›

The first study subject established was the so-called "general studies" with seven disciplines – grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy – completed by theology, medicine and jurisprudence.

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.