10 tips to get you through your final year at university (2024)

Are you preparing to enter your final year of university? Or perhaps you're already in the thick of it. Either way, here are some tips from a recent graduate on how to survive.

There’s no point sugarcoating it: finals are hell. Book-filled, tear-sodden and Berocca-fuelled hell. Unfortunately, there’s no escaping the stress; you just have to get your head down and think of July.

Having recently come out of my final year in one piece, I thought I’d share some advice on how you can survive it too.

1. Start early

Time snowballs exceedingly quickly and you will constantly wish you had more time. While you can’t add time on at the end, you can add it at the beginning. The earlier you start working the better. Before the start of your last autumn term, read the books, research the essays or revise something from last year.

2. Find a routine

A routine gets you into good habits and allows you to plan ahead. Have a regular bedtime, a dinner time, maybe even a meal plan, a workout time and a wake-up time. You’ll get into a strange zombie-like but productive routine and power through the year.

3. Use library resources

As part of my dissertation module, I was given a lecture on how to make the most of the university library. It completely opened my eyes and I wish I’d known all the information sooner; there are specific ways to optimise your search results in search engines and academic databases, and there is such a thing as an interlibrary loan (ILL) if your uni hasn’t got something you need. Make great use of this because original research often bridges the gap between grade boundaries.

4. Keep healthy

If ever there was a time to be operating at 100%, it’s your final year. Eat a varied diet, exercise, get your eight hours sleep a night and take supplements – omegas and multivitamins do make a difference!

5. Allow yourself to socialise

As I mentioned, you need a routine but it can render you zombie-like. Don’t be afraid to spend some time socialising in order to make you feel like you again; if partying is a part of who you are, a night out every now and then is completely allowed – just remember that this often writes off revision for the following day.

6. Offload

Talking about being stressed can relieve stress in itself so don’t be afraid to voice how you’re feeling. It’s often better to do this with non-uni friends or parents because your uni friends will be in the same boat so you can’t make it all about you. However, try and keep to weekly chats that you can make the most of rather than sporadic vents when you’re feeling a bit aggy.

7. Never compare yourself to others

Some are working harder than they let on and others are doing much less work than they say. Either way, it doesn’t matter because everybody works differently and everybody has slightly different workloads. Just remember, using someone else’s progress to make you feel better about your own is completely unproductive.

8. Keep an eye on your money

Being stressed and out of money is miserable. You want to be able to eat proper meals after a hard day at the library rather than beans on toast for the fifth night in a row. You also want to be able to buy a coffee at the library without feeling guilty. Be as thrifty as you can at the beginning of term because you’ll want all the money you can get at the end.

9. Get a good amount of sleep

Sleep is so important for making the most of your time. Don’t force yourself to use the 24hr service at the library with energy drinks and ProPlus. Always get to bed before midnight and revel in the fact that sleep is good and that being in bed is a happy necessity for final year.

10. Make plans for afterwards

Give yourself something to look forward to after exams. At times when the sun is shining and your will is wavering, it can help immensely to have plans for after this ghastly but finite period of your life. These plans could also be a job – knowing your degree will directly lead you somewhere is a very motivating feeling (well, probably anyway… I didn’t have a job lined up).

Emily Reay, University of Nottingham French and Chinese graduate

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10 tips to get you through your final year at university (2024)


How do you get through the final year? ›

Find a routine

A routine gets you into good habits and allows you to plan ahead. Have a regular bedtime, a dinner time, maybe even a meal plan, a workout time and a wake-up time. You'll get into a strange zombie-like but productive routine and power through the year.

What is the last year of university called? ›

Student classification refers to the familiar names for the four undergraduate years: freshman, sophom*ore, junior, and senior.

How can I maximize my time at university? ›

Here are ten time management strategies:
  1. Write a “to-do” list. ...
  2. Prioritise your work constantly. ...
  3. Find a dedicated study space and time. ...
  4. Budget your time to make the most of it. ...
  5. Work out your optimum study method. ...
  6. Be realistic about the time you spend studying. ...
  7. Focus on long-term goals. ...
  8. Solicit help when you need it.

How do I take everything to university? ›

The essentials you'll need are:
  1. a few mugs and glasses.
  2. a couple of saucepans and frying pans.
  3. a chopping board and some baking trays.
  4. cutlery and some chopping knives.
  5. plates and bowls.
  6. bin bags, sandwich bags, foil, and cling film.
  7. any utensils you need, like a wooden spoon, spatula, and pizza wheel.
  8. tea towels.
Apr 17, 2023

How to pass the finals in college? ›

We understand that finals are stressful, so we've provided a few key tips for making the most out of your study time this week:
  1. Prioritize! You know your classes better than anyone. ...
  2. Make a study schedule. ...
  3. Re-write your notes. ...
  4. Test your knowledge. ...
  5. Teach someone else. ...
  6. Get rid of the distractions. ...
  7. Stay healthy. ...
  8. Just do it!

How do I pass all my finals? ›

  1. Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate. ...
  2. Don't Be an Insomniac, Get Some Sleep! ...
  3. Find a Space Conducive to Studying. ...
  4. Create a Playlist That Helps You Focus. ...
  5. Get Rid of Distracting Devices. ...
  6. Don't Be Afraid to Experiment With a Mix of Study Methods. ...
  7. Write Out Practice Test Questions. ...
  8. Work with a Study Group.

What is 2 years of college called? ›

An associate degree is a two-year degree typically offered at community colleges, technical colleges, and career colleges. However, some four-year universities offer them as well.

What do you call a student in his last year? ›

In the United States education, a senior is a student in the fourth year of study, either in high school or college/university.

What are 4 years of college called? ›

Designed to be completed in 4 years, bachelor's degree programs provide in-depth knowledge and skills across a wide variety of career paths to help you stand out in today's competitive job market. Bachelor's degrees are in high demand.

How do you keep up with college workload? ›

Follow these tips to get back on track with managing your college workload:
  1. 1.) Start your work early. ...
  2. 2.) Make to-do lists. ...
  3. 3.) Use a digital planner. ...
  4. 4.) Prioritize what needs to be done first. ...
  5. 5.) School comes first. ...
  6. 6.) Pick one day per week to organize. ...
  7. 7.) Find a study buddy. ...
  8. 8.) Take breaks.

How can I motivate myself to study? ›

How to find the motivation to study
  1. Remember your 'why'
  2. Set clear goals.
  3. Celebrate small study goals.
  4. Set up a study plan.
  5. Avoid procrastination.
  6. Create an encouraging study space.
  7. Fake it till you make it.
  8. Get lost in music.

How do you keep all A's in college? ›

Upgrade Your GPA: Top Strategies for Becoming a Straight-A...
  1. Organize Your Class Materials. ...
  2. Never Miss a Class. ...
  3. Sit at the Front. ...
  4. Participate. ...
  5. Review Notes Immediately After Class. ...
  6. Set Up a Distraction-Free Study Area. ...
  7. Form a Study Group. ...
  8. Avoid Cramming for Exams.
Sep 10, 2021

How can I make university less stressful? ›

How to Manage Stress in College: 7 Key Tips
  1. Get Enough Sleep. Getting both quality sleep and enough sleep offers a variety of health benefits, including reducing stress and improving your mood. ...
  2. Eat Well. ...
  3. Exercise Regularly. ...
  4. Don't Rely on Stimulants. ...
  5. Set Realistic Expectations. ...
  6. Avoid Procrastinating. ...
  7. Identify a Stress Outlet.

How do you absorb everything you study? ›

10 Proven Study Tips to Retain Information
  1. Teach Someone Else. If you can't easily explain a concept to someone else, you may not understand it well enough. ...
  2. Know When You're Most Alert and Attentive. ...
  3. Focus on One Topic at a Time. ...
  4. Write it Down. ...
  5. Make it Interesting. ...
  6. Take a Break. ...
  7. Use Mnemonic Devices. ...
  8. Study in Groups.
Mar 24, 2022

How do you pass the finals in high school? ›

How to Study for Finals
  1. Make a finals game plan. ...
  2. Start early. ...
  3. Study in this order: a) definitely b) probably c) might be on the final. ...
  4. Give yourself more time to study for your toughest classes. ...
  5. Form a study group. ...
  6. Talk it out. ...
  7. Get creative with study aids. ...
  8. Study your notes.

How do you get through the last semester of school? ›

Here are a few insights I've gained about staying motivated in the last semester(s) of your undergrad.
  1. Make a schedule. Plan your days and make use of time effectively. ...
  2. Avoid procrastination. ...
  3. Talk about it. ...
  4. Tell people to go away. ...
  5. Start a study group. ...
  6. Think about the future.
Apr 10, 2019

Do colleges care about final year grades? ›

The important thing to know is that colleges do look at your senior year grades. So, a weaker performance in senior year than in previous grades can impact your application and college admissions decisions.

What do I need to get in final year to get a first? ›

Do you want to get a first class degree at university? Usually, that means you will need to get 70% or more overall in your assessments and exams. But, some unis could give you a first if you averaged as a very high 2:1, and you've produced work at uni which scored over 70%.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.