Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online   (2024)

For many gamers, GTA Online is all about making money. Having more money in the game lets players afford expensive weaponry and vehicles. For gamers who are competitive about the game, it is absolutely necessary to have a good arsenal of weapons and vehicles to dominate the lobby.

While there are many ways to make money in GTA Online, some businesses are more profitable than others. There are some businesses that are cheap to buy but don't pay out well, while others need a considerable amount of investment to begin but soon end up paying for themselves.

5 best money-making businesses in GTA Online

With many new players joining the game every day, it can get confusing for them as to what businesses are worth buying and which ones are just a waste of money at this point.

Here is a list of the top five most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online:

5) Nightclub

Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online (2)

The nightclub is a passive business in GTA Online that has one of the most rewarding operations. Players can buy the cheapest nightclub in the game for GTA$1,080,000, and that investment is returned at $40,000 per hour.

The nightclub doesn't require restocking supplies as many passive businesses in the game. To put a cherry on top, owning a nightclub lets the player buy a Terrorbyte, which is basically an operations center where players can store the Oppressor MK II.

4) Vehicle Warehouse

Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online (3)

The Vehicle Warehouse is one of the best active businesses in GTA Online. Players can effectively earn $80,000 every 20 minutes if everything is done right.

In order to complete the Vehicle Warehouse missions, players need to be a CEO and own a vehicle warehouse. In order to make money with this business, players need to steal vehicles and sell them from the warehouse.

3) Bunker

Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online (4)

The Bunker is one of the best passive businesses in GTA Online. Owning a bunker in GTA Online provides players more benefits than just having a business.

Players can store their Mobile Operations Center and the Anti-Aircraft Trailer in the bunker. The bunker also makes $79,000 per hour of passive money for players in GTA, giving it the third position in this list.

2) Auto shop

Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online (5)

The Auto shop is the newest business added to GTA Online, which came as a part of the Los Santos Tuner update. Players can own an autoshop and modify their vehicles there as well as do the auto shop missions.

Although the auto shop missions don't bag much money, it is the contract missions that the property provides where players can make anywhere between $150,000 to $300,000 per hour.

1) Arcade

Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online (6)

The Arcade is a business that was added to GTA Online during The Diamond Casino Heist update. The arcade machines do not pay as much as expected, but that's not the main reason this business is at the top of the list.

Owning an arcade lets players start the Diamond Casino Heist, which helps players make at least a million dollars within 90 minutes. Buying the master control terminal in the arcade lets players operate all the other businesses from the PC there, and that's one of the biggest benefits of owning an arcade.

Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.

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Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online   (2024)


Top 5 most profitable businesses to run in GTA Online  ? ›

GTA Online's Best Businesses in 2023: Meth Lab

You'll be looking at a range of $170,000 to $350,000, depending on how many upgrades your Meth Lab has. We recommend investing in upgrades and maxing each business out, as you will earn the most amount of money this way in GTA Online.

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GTA Online's Best Businesses in 2023: Meth Lab

You'll be looking at a range of $170,000 to $350,000, depending on how many upgrades your Meth Lab has. We recommend investing in upgrades and maxing each business out, as you will earn the most amount of money this way in GTA Online.

What is the most profitable way to make money in GTA 5 Online? ›

This means it's now up to you if you want to take the safer route, or risk confrontations with other players for greater rewards.
  1. Heists. Potential profits: $400k per hour. ...
  2. Special & Vehicle Cargo. ...
  3. Auto Shop Robbery Contracts. ...
  4. Agency Security Contracts. ...
  5. Payphone hits. ...
  6. VIP Work. ...
  7. Gunrunning/Motorcycle Club. ...
  8. Time Trials.
Jun 15, 2023

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The Nightclub is undoubtedly the best passive money-making business in the game. Similar to the Agency and Arcade, it also has a Safe that stores the business' profits. As expected, the Nightclub generates the most amount of money, up to $50,000 per in-game day.

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Cocaine Lockup is the most profitable option among all five MC Businesses.

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Redwood Cigarettes is by far the best investment, as after 72 in-game hours, players could see the potential for 300% more money than they invested.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.