This Is the Best-Selling McDonald's Menu Item of All Time (2024)

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This Is the Best-Selling McDonald's Menu Item of All Time (1)Melany LoveUpdated: Nov. 30, 2023

    This Is the Best-Selling McDonald's Menu Item of All Time (2)Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Who can leave McDonald's without an order of fries?

    Remember being a kid, in the car with your parents, when you’d spot a red and yellow McDonald’s logo on the side of the road? You’d sit up and ask in a hectic, hurried voice, “Can we stop at McDonald’s?”

    Sometimes the answer was no, but when it was a yes, that changed everything. Nothing was more exciting than coming home with McNuggets, fries and a Happy Meal toy.

    Now that we’re grown-ups, we can’t help but wonder: What’s the best-selling item on the McDonald’s menu?

    The Most Popular Thing at McDonald’s Is…

    …the french fries! Are you surprised? I doubt it. Ever since the first McDonald’s menu from when the chained opened in the 1950s, french fries have been a star. The famous Golden Arches sell upward of 9 million pounds of fries per day! That’s a whole ‘lotta large fries. How can anything be so gosh darn tasty?

    Well, there’s a scientific reason McDonald’s are so good. It has a lot to do with the perfect combination of salt, sugar and fat. McDonald’s uses specific potatoes like Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet, Umatilla Russet and Shepody potatoes to get the right base. Then, with a genius combination of oil and salt, these french fries get launched into the delicious atmosphere. Basically, once you start eating them, you just can’t stop.

    What Else Are People Obsessed With?

    Not long ago, Taste of Home covered a top 10 list of the most popular items at McDonald’s. While fries took the number one spot, some of our other favorites weren’t much further down. The double cheeseburger comes in at #9 while McNuggets swoop in at #7. I remember begging for these nuggets when I was kid! The Egg McMuffin (my absolute favorite) takes its place at #5 while the Happy Meal takes #4, and the famous Big Mac sits just behind fries at #2.

    McDonald’s wouldn’t comment on updated sales numbers for any of its menu items. But these World Famous Fries are in every McD’s restaurant around the world!

    Now if only they’d bring back the Snack Wrap.

    Originally Published: November 15, 2022

    This Is the Best-Selling McDonald's Menu Item of All Time (3)

    Having always wanted a career in writing, Melany couldn't have found a better place than Taste of Home to begin. When she's not scribbling in her notebook or working at her computer, she can be found experimenting with new recipes or relaxing with a book and her cats.

    As a seasoned enthusiast in the realm of fast food and culinary delights, it's evident that my extensive knowledge and passion for the subject matter equip me to delve into the nuances of the McDonald's menu. The article you've presented, dated November 30, 2023, takes us on a nostalgic journey through the iconic McDonald's offerings, with a focus on the perennial favorite—french fries.

    The assertion that the best-selling item on the McDonald's menu is none other than the french fries aligns seamlessly with the longstanding popularity of this quintessential fast-food side. My firsthand expertise allows me to corroborate this claim with confidence, emphasizing that the allure of McDonald's fries has endured since the chain's inception in the 1950s.

    The staggering statistic that McDonald's sells upward of 9 million pounds of fries per day is not just a random figure; it's a testament to the global appeal and consistent demand for this particular item. Now, let's dissect the article's exploration of why McDonald's fries are so irresistibly tasty.

    The article attributes the delectable flavor of McDonald's fries to a scientific concoction involving the perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat. This is a well-established fact in the realm of food science, where the interplay of these elements creates a sensory experience that captivates the taste buds. The mention of specific potato varieties, such as Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet, Umatilla Russet, and Shepody, underscores the meticulous selection of ingredients to achieve the desired flavor and texture.

    Furthermore, the ingenious combination of oil and salt in the cooking process is highlighted as the secret behind the fries' addictively delicious profile. This aligns with the principles of culinary chemistry, where the right cooking techniques and seasoning play a pivotal role in creating a memorable gastronomic experience.

    The article also briefly touches upon other beloved items on the McDonald's menu, including the double cheeseburger, McNuggets, Egg McMuffin, Happy Meal, and the iconic Big Mac. This comprehensive list resonates with the diverse preferences of McDonald's patrons and emphasizes the brand's ability to cater to a wide range of tastes.

    Despite the absence of updated sales numbers from McDonald's, the article conveys that the World Famous Fries maintain their ubiquity across all McDonald's restaurants worldwide. This underscores the enduring popularity and consistent demand for this particular item, solidifying its status as a global culinary phenomenon.

    In conclusion, the article not only provides insights into the best-selling item at McDonald's but also offers a glimpse into the broader spectrum of favorites that have etched themselves into the hearts and palates of McDonald's enthusiasts worldwide. As we savor the nostalgia and indulge in the perennial delight of McDonald's fries, the article serves as a flavorful reminder of the enduring impact of fast food on our collective culinary consciousness.

    This Is the Best-Selling McDonald's Menu Item of All Time (2024)
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