Theology Thursday: Storing Treasure in Heaven (2024)

September 27, 2018by Joshua M. Greever, PhDin [ Theology & Ministry ]

In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus contrasted what he called treasures on earth and treasures in heaven. Treasures on earth are evanescent and corruptible, whereas treasures in heaven will never pass away or suffer corrosion. What one treasures matters, because “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

The point isn’t that our hearts shouldn’t have any treasures; indeed, Jesus assumes that our hearts will place value on whatever we find. His point is, rather, that our hearts must treasure the right kinds of things because what we treasure determines our eternal destiny—the place of our treasure is where our hearts also will be.

What does it look like to lay up treasures in heaven? In its catalog of Old Testament saints, Hebrews 11:24-26 offers Moses as an example. Because God used the daughter of Pharaoh to deliver Moses from death as a baby, Moses grew up in the royal household of Egypt. As a royal son, Moses had the opportunity to enjoy the best the world of his day had to offer. Egypt was one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations in the world in the middle of the second millennium BC and as a member of the royal household Moses could have tasted Egypt’s finest and experienced a long and pleasure-filled life within its kingdom.

Given the Hebrews’ enslavement to the Egyptians at the time, there would seem to have been no compelling reason for Moses to give up the advantages of life in the royal household—his treasures on earth—in order to identify with God’s people. Nevertheless, Moses rejected his privileged status as a royal son. Why? Because (1) he saw that it was better “to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin” (2) he “considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt” and (3) he “was looking to the reward” (Hebrews 11:25-26).

That is, Moses believed in the God of Israel and trusted that belonging to God and God’s people—even in the midst of great affliction—was worth much more than any advantages sin could offer. To use Jesus’ language, Moses believed that treasures in heaven were far superior to treasures on earth and therefore, his heart led him to suffer with the people of God.

So what does it look like to lay up treasures in heaven? It means believing God’s promises and identifying with God’s people despite the sure affliction that will follow (Hebrews 10:32-34). God is faithful to his promises and what he promises his people—salvation, life and inheritance—is eternal and incorruptible.

Compared to the enduring and incorruptible reward for God’s people, even the longest, securest life of sin’s advantages will be fleeting and quickly destroyed. I urge each of you to lay up treasures in heaven with Moses, believe that God “rewards those who seek him” (Hebrews 11:6) and find your fundamental identity with God’s people.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do notnecessarily reflect the official policy or position of Grand Canyon University. Any sources cited wereaccurate as of the publish date.

Theology Thursday: Storing Treasure in Heaven (2024)


What does the Bible mean by storing up treasures in heaven? ›

So what does it look like to lay up treasures in heaven? It means believing God's promises and identifying with God's people despite the sure affliction that will follow (Hebrews 10:32-34). God is faithful to his promises and what he promises his people—salvation, life and inheritance—is eternal and incorruptible.

Which parable teaches about storing our riches in heaven? ›

“Treasures in heaven” is not a vaporous reference to kindly thoughts in God's heart or some such platitude. God's kingdom will ultimately rule on earth.

Where in the Bible does it say put your treasure in heaven? ›

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal.

What is the spiritual meaning of treasure? ›

"The search for treasure has a twofold symbolism: either the search is for earthly treasure, such as gold or jewels, usually hidden in a CAVE or underground, the finding of which brings trials and tribulations and, where greed is the motive, leads to final disaster, or the search is for spiritual treasure, symbolizing ...

How do we store our treasures in heaven? ›

How to Store Up Treasure in Heaven
  1. Being humble and pure in heart (Matthew 5:5, 8)
  2. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)
  3. Showing mercy (Matthew 5:7)
  4. Making peace (Matthew 5:9)
  5. Being persecuted for the sake of righteousness (Matthew 5:10)
Nov 22, 2021

What is the object lesson of treasure in heaven? ›

The Bible says that our hearts will be where our treasure is. That means that if we treasure things of Earth, or temporary items, we might get stuck focusing on those things, and miss out on what God has for us. But if we treasure Jesus, our hearts will rest in Him.

What is the main message of the parable of the treasure? ›

The man in the story sold everything that he owned so that he would have enough money to buy the field and get to the hidden treasure. That treasure was worth everything to him! Jesus is teaching us that being with God and being in His Kingdom is worth everything that we have! God is the real treasure!

What did Jesus say the rich man must sell in order to have treasure in heaven? ›

To which Jesus responds: “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (v. 22).

What does the Bible say about storing wealth? ›

1 Timothy 6:17-19

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."

Will there be work in heaven? ›

The Bible says, “They will rest from their labor” (Revelation 14:13). At the same time, the Bible also says that God will have work for us in heaven — and we ought to be glad for this. After all, if all we did in heaven was sit around with nothing to do, we'd get very bored.

What does the Bible mean by treasure? ›

Evidently throughout the New Testament it has a twofold usage as describing. (1) material treasure, either money or other valuable material possession, and. (2) spiritual treasure, e.g. "like unto treasure hid in a field" (Matthew 13:44); "good treasure of the heart" (Matthew 12:35).

What are the hidden treasures of God? ›

Thus, God likens hidden treasure to a collection of interwoven things: Understanding, wisdom, the fear of God, knowledge of God, and God's Word, all of which are positive and powerful factors in living God's way of life. These are all things God must give, and they are hidden until He gives them.

What does it mean to have treasure in heaven? ›

God lays up His own treasures in heaven. They are the souls of His people. Our treasures are the gifts that God has given us to use for His glory. Our treasures consist of time, talents, energy, creativity, and material wealth. Of course, all these belong to God anyway.

What can a treasure symbolize? ›

It symbolizes the discovery of something valuable and precious in your life, whether it be material wealth, personal achievements, or hidden talents.

What does treasures mean in the Bible? ›

Evidently throughout the New Testament it has a twofold usage as describing. (1) material treasure, either money or other valuable material possession, and. (2) spiritual treasure, e.g. "like unto treasure hid in a field" (Matthew 13:44); "good treasure of the heart" (Matthew 12:35).

What does the Bible mean by hidden treasures? ›

The hidden nature of the treasure may indicate that the Kingdom of Heaven "is not yet revealed to everyone." However, other interpretations of the parable exist, in which the treasure represents Israel or the Church. Buried treasure is unearthed; a fortune is within his reach.

What are the treasures of God? ›

God's treasure is those that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. All people are loved by God, but only believers are His treasured possession. Being God's treasure means that we are greatly loved. God showed His love for all people by sending Jesus (see John 3:16).

What is the meaning behind Matthew 6 21? ›

This verse states that if one places one's treasure in heaven that is where one's heart or attention will be. This is an implicit warning, which is made clear later in the chapter, that if one's treasure is on earth, one's heart and attention will also be on earthly matters, to the exclusion of God.

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