The Top 12 FBAR Reporting Mistakes to Avoid – Late FBAR (2024)

1. Failure to File

The most common FBAR reporting mistake is simply failing to file. In many cases, Americans living and working outside the United States, recent immigrants, foreign citizens who are residents in the US, and US children who received gifts or bequests from their foreign parents are simply unaware of their FBAR filing obligations.

US persons with ownership or signature authority over foreign financial accounts should obtain complete copies of their account records and fully educate themselves regarding FBAR reporting obligations and seek advice from experienced US tax legal counsel.

Those who fail to resolve prior reporting errors remain exposed to substantial penalties and possible criminal prosecution. The IRS has not been sympathetic to uninformed foreign accountholders who failed to investigate their reporting obligations. In some cases, US courts have imposed a penalty equal to 50% of the highest account balance for each year that remained open under the 6-year statute of limitations. Many who deliberately concealed foreign bank accounts have been prosecuted.

2. The $10,000 reporting threshold is NOT determined on an account-by-account basis.

FBAR reporting is required if the aggregate value of the US person’s foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.

The reporting threshold is determined on an aggregate basis by adding the highest reported balance of every foreign account that the US person owned or over which he or she had signature authority during the calendar year. Thus, signature authority over a corporate account with a maximum annual account balance of $7,000 and maintenance of a personal account with a maximum annual account balance of $7,000 requires filing an FBAR reporting both accounts because the aggregate value of the accounts exceeds $10,000.

3. An account with a balance under $10,000 MAY need to be reported on an FBAR.

A person required to file an FBAR must report all of his or her foreign financial accounts, including any accounts with balances under $10,000. Likewise, if the reporting obligation is triggered because a person has mere signature authority over corporate accounts with a maximum aggregate balance of more than $10,000, all personally maintained foreign accounts must also be reported, regardless of size.

4. The FBAR filing obligation is NOT ONLY triggered only if the maximum aggregate balance exceeds $10,000 at year-end.

The reporting obligation is triggered if the maximum aggregate balance exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. The regulations permit an account holder to rely on the balance reported in a periodic (i.e., monthly) statement, as long as the statement “fairly reflects” the maximum account balance during the year. For an account holding foreign currency, the FBAR instructions provide that an account holder should convert the monthly foreign currency balance to US dollars using the Treasury’s financial management service rate (select Exchange Rates under Reference & Guidance at for the last day of the calendar year.

The FBAR filing thresholds and other requirements for reporting foreign assets are different from those applicable to filing IRS Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets. Form 8938 is filed annually with a US Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040) and requires information reporting on a variety of “specified foreign financial assets,” as defined therein.

5. Failure to Report Beneficial Ownership

As a general rule, any US person who has “signature or other authority” over, or is the owner of record of or holder of legal title to, a foreign financial account is required to file an FBAR, if the aggregate value of that person’s or entity’s foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. Under the regulations, the test for whether a person has signature or other authority over an account is whether the foreign financial institution will “act upon a direct communication from that individual regarding the disposition of assets in the account.” If the financial institution or account holder requires authorization from more than one individual, every individual who is authorized to direct the bank regarding the disposition of an asset is considered a signatory. If an account is in a person’s name or if he or she can sign a check, withdraw funds, direct investments, issue instructions to the bank (alone or in conjunction with another person), etc., then he or she is required to file an FBAR.

The obligation to file an FBAR extends well beyond signatories and legal account holders and includes any US person who has a “financial interest” in a foreign financial account. The term “financial interest” is broadly defined in the regulations and generally includes a US person who is a beneficial owner of the assets in the account, even though he or she may not be identified as the legal account holder in the records of the financial institution or able to communicate directly with the financial institution. Thus, a US person is required to file an FBAR if the owner of record or holder of legal title of the account is acting on the person’s behalf as an agent, nominee, attorney or in some other capacity.

6. Failure to Report Life Insurance, Retirement and Other Nontraditional Financial Accounts

The definition of “financial account” is far broader than a traditional checking or savings account at a bank, and also includes, inter alia, certificates of deposit, passbook accounts, securities (investment) accounts, accounts with a person that acts as a broker-dealer for futures or options transactions, and mutual funds or similar pooled funds. Notably, the definition also expressly includes an insurance or annuity policy with a cash value.

In many circ*mstances, foreign retirement accounts must be reported on FBARs. Narrow exceptions apply to foreign financial accounts that are held by an IRA and to participants in certain tax-qualified retirement plans. When in doubt, the account should be reported to avoid the risk of substantial penalties.

7. Failure to File by a US LLC, Partnership, Disregarded Entity or Estate

The federal tax treatment of an entity is not determinative of whether the entity has an FBAR filing requirement. Corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, trusts and estates formed or organized under the laws of the United States all fall within the definition of a US person required to file an FBAR. Thus, a Nevada or Delaware LLC treated as a disregarded entity is still required to file an FBAR if it maintains foreign financial account(s) with a maximum aggregate balance of more than $10,000. This is the case even if the owner of the LLC is foreign (i.e., not a US taxpayer). When in doubt, the entity should file to avoid the risk of substantial penalties.

8. Failure to File an Individual Report by the Majority Owner of a Business Entity

A US person who owns, directly or indirectly, “(i) more than 50% of the total value of shares of stock or (ii) more than 50% of the voting power of all shares of stock” of a US or foreign corporation is treated as the owner of the corporation’s foreign financial accounts for FBAR reporting purposes and is required to file an FBAR on his or her own behalf reporting the corporation’s foreign financial accounts.

The rules apply similarly to a majority partner in a partnership or majority owner of any other entity. A US person who owns, directly or indirectly, “(i) an interest in more than 50% of the partnership’s profits (e.g., distributive share of partnership income taking into account any special allocation agreement) or (ii) an interest in more than 50% of the partnership capital” is treated as the owner of the partnership’s foreign financial account(s) for FBAR reporting purposes and is required to file an FBAR on his or her own behalf reporting the partnership’s foreign bank accounts. FBAR reporting is also required regarding the foreign financial accounts of any other entity (including a disregarded entity for tax purposes) in which a US person owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the voting power, total value of equity interest or assets, or interest in profits.

Significantly, these personal filing obligations are separate from any obligation that the business entity in which the person holds a majority interest may have. Accordingly, if the corporation, partnership or other entity is a US person, then the entity itself may also be required to file an FBAR. If either the entity or signatory files an FBAR, such a filing does not relieve the majority owner of his or her personal FBAR filing obligations.

9. Failure to File by the Trustee, Grantor or Beneficiary of a Trust

Several rules related to US and foreign trusts cause confusion. First, as noted above, a US trust that maintains foreign financial account(s) with a maximum aggregate balance in excess of $10,000 must file an FBAR. This reporting obligation applies even if the trust is treated as a disregarded entity for US federal income tax purposes (such as a US grantor trust). Second, any US person who has signature or other authority over a US or foreign trust’s foreign financial account(s) (e.g., a US trustee) is also required to file an FBAR in his or her capacity as a signatory on the account.

In addition to the basic requirements noted above, a US person who (i) is the trust grantor and (ii) has an ownership interest in the trust for US federal tax purposes is treated as the owner of the trust’s foreign financial account(s) for FBAR reporting purposes and must file an FBAR reporting the trust’s foreign bank accounts. This is a personal filing obligation and is in addition to the trust’s filing obligations.

The rules for a trust beneficiary are slightly different. A US person who is the beneficiary of a foreign or US trust is treated as the owner of the trust’s foreign financial accounts for FBAR reporting purposes and is required to file an FBAR reporting the trust’s foreign bank accounts if the person has a greater than 50% present beneficiary interest in the assets or income of the trust for the calendar year. However, under the regulations, such a beneficiary may avoid FBAR reporting if the trust, trustee or agent of the trust is a US person who files an FBAR disclosing the trust’s foreign financial account(s). This limited exception only applies to beneficiaries and does not apply to grantors or trustees. When in doubt, the beneficiary should file an FBAR reporting the trust’s account(s) to avoid the risk of substantial penalties.

10. Filing of Joint FBARs by Spouses, Except in Limited Circ*mstances

Spouses are permitted to file a joint FBAR only in limited circ*mstances. The FBAR instructions permit one spouse to file on behalf of the other only if all of the following three conditions are met: “(1) all the financial accounts that the non-filing spouse is required to report are jointly owned with the filing spouse; (2) the filing spouse reports the jointly owned accounts on a timely filed FBAR electronically signed; and (3) the filers have completed and signed FinCEN Form 114a Record of Authorization to Electronically File FBARs.” In other words, if the nonfiling spouse owns or has signature authority on an account that the filing spouse is not required to report, then both spouses must file separate FBARs.

The requirement to prepare and retain the Form 114a authorization is not well-known. Treasury’s instructions to Forms 114 and 114a specifically state that if a spouse files a joint FBAR, the nonfiling spouse must formally designate the filing spouse as his or her “third-party preparer” by signing and retaining the Form 114a authorization (duly executed by both spouses). The better practice is for each spouse to file separate FBARs, which avoids the risk that the IRS might later determine that either spouse failed to meet the FBAR requirements.

11. Failure to File by Minor Children

Minor children who are US citizens or residents must file FBARs if they are the owners or signatories of foreign financial account(s) that meet the $10,000 aggregate threshold. All the same filing requirements discussed above apply equally in the case of a minor child. The FBAR instructions explain: “Generally, a child is responsible for filing his or her own FBAR. If a child cannot file his or her own FBAR for any reason, such as age, the child’s parent, guardian or other legally responsible person must file it for the child.”

12. Failure to Comply with Bank Secrecy Act Record Retention Requirements

In addition to filing an FBAR, a US person who falls within the FBAR filing requirements is also obligated to maintain certain information and records relating to foreign financial accounts for five years. The records that must be retained include the following: (1) the name of the account holder; (2) the account number; (3) the name and address of the financial institution; (4) the type of account; and (5) the maximum value of each account during the reporting period. A complete and accurate FBAR (that includes all of the above information) will satisfy these record retention requirements. Nevertheless, the better practice is to retain complete copies of bank statements for all foreign financial accounts to support the FBAR for at least six years from the due date of the FBAR, which is the limitations period. The penalties for failing to maintain adequate foreign account records are the same as those for failing to file a timely and accurate FBAR.

The IRS’ various voluntary disclosure programs to become compliant with FBAR errors. Our law firm has successfully assisted thousands of persons with FBAR filing issues.

The Top 12 FBAR Reporting Mistakes to Avoid – Late FBAR (2024)


What are reasonable cause for late filing FBAR? ›

Reasonable cause relief is generally granted when the taxpayer exercised ordinary business care and prudence in determining his or her tax obligations but was nevertheless unable to comply with those obligations.

What is the penalty for mistake in FBAR? ›

A person who wilfully fails to file an FBAR or files an incomplete or incorrect FBAR, may be subject to a civil monetary penalty of $100,000 or 50% of the balance in the account at the time of the violation, whichever is greater. Willful violations may also be subject to criminal penalties.

What happens if I have more than $10000 in a foreign bank account? ›

A United States person that has a financial interest in or signature authority over foreign financial accounts must file an FBAR if the aggregate value of the foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. The full line item instructions are located at FBAR Line Item Instructions.

Does late FBAR filing trigger an audit? ›

Will this action automatically get you audited by the IRS? Short answer: no. However, not filing an FBAR may increase the risk of an audit.

What triggers an FBAR audit? ›

If the IRS suspects that you have $10,000 or more in one or more foreign financial accounts and have not filed a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR), or if they believe you misreported assets and income on the FBAR, you may be subject to audit.

How many years can you be audited for FBAR? ›

If you have fulfilled the FBAR (foreign bank accounts reports) reporting requirements up till now then the IRS has 3 years to audit your expat returns. If it's not up to date then the 3 years are extended to 6 years.

What is the largest FBAR penalty? ›

Specifically, Section 5321(a)(5) of the Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) authorizes the Treasury to impose a civil penalty for any non-will failure to file FBARs “not to exceed $10,000.” 31 U.S.C.

How do I fix a mistake on the FBAR? ›

File an Amended FBAR

According to the FBAR instructions, a person who previously filed an FBAR but mistakenly provided incomplete or inaccurate information on the form can file an amended FBAR. FinCEN Form 114 includes a box for providing a brief explanation of the error.

Is a FBAR violation a felony? ›

A willful violation of the FBAR requirements is a felony, punishable by five years in prison, a fine of $250,000, or both. Willfully failing to file an FBAR is a violation that is subject to criminal penalty under 31 U.S.C. § 5322. In all cases, the IRS has the burden of proving willfulness.

How does IRS track foreign bank account? ›

Through FATCA, the IRS receives account numbers, balances, names, addresses, and identification numbers of account holders. Americans with foreign accounts must also submit Form 8938 to the IRS in addition to the largely redundant FBAR form.

How much money can I put in the bank without it getting flagged? ›

Does a Bank Report Large Cash Deposits? Depositing a big amount of cash that is $10,000 or more means your bank or credit union will report it to the federal government. The $10,000 threshold was created as part of the Bank Secrecy Act, passed by Congress in 1970, and adjusted with the Patriot Act in 2002.

How much money can you put in the bank without being flagged? ›

Banks must report cash deposits totaling $10,000 or more

When banks receive cash deposits of more than $10,000, they're required to report it by electronically filing a Currency Transaction Report (CTR). This federal requirement is outlined in the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).

How many years does the IRS look at in an audit? ›

Generally, the IRS can include returns filed within the last three years in an audit. If we identify a substantial error, we may add additional years. We usually don't go back more than the last six years.

What is the silent disclosure of FBAR? ›

In other words, the term “FBAR quiet disclosure” refers to a process where taxpayers who have not properly reported foreign accounts and assets, or who have failed to file a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) with the U.S. Treasury Department, can come into compliance without fear of prosecution from ...

How can I avoid IRS audit? ›

How to avoid a tax audit
  1. Be careful about reporting all of your expenses. Reporting a net annual loss—especially a small loss—can put you on the IRS's radar. ...
  2. Itemize tax deductions. ...
  3. Provide appropriate detail. ...
  4. File on time. ...
  5. Avoid amending returns. ...
  6. Check your math. ...
  7. Don't use round numbers. ...
  8. Don't make excessive deductions.
May 11, 2023

How much money triggers an audit? ›

High income

Audit rates of all income levels continue to drop. As you'd expect, the higher your income, the more likely you will get attention from the IRS as the IRS typically targets people making $500,000 or more at higher-than-average rates.

What happens if you get audited and don't have receipts? ›

You may have to reconstruct your records or just simply provide a valid explanation of a deduction instead of the original receipts to support the expense. If the IRS disagrees, you can appeal the decision.

Who gets audited by IRS the most? ›

Who gets audited by the IRS the most? In terms of income levels, the IRS in recent years has audited taxpayers with incomes below $25,000 and above $500,000 at higher-than-average rates, according to government data.

Is the FBAR deadline extended for 2023? ›

FBAR Deadline for 2022 FinCEN Form 114 is October 2023

Unless the IRS modifies the deadline, the FBAR automatic extension should still be valid — which means the FBAR filing due date is still on automatic extension until October. Technically, the FBAR is due to be filed in April.

Do I need to report a foreign bank account under $10000? ›

A person required to file an FBAR must report all of his or her foreign financial accounts, including any accounts with balances under $10,000.

What is the penalty for not reporting a foreign bank account? ›

On February 28, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 opinion, determined that taxpayers who non-willfully fail to file annual Foreign Bank Account Reports (FBARs) face a maximum $10,000 penalty for each report they failed to file.

What is a good reason for filing late? ›

A reasonable excuse is something that stopped you meeting a tax obligation that you took reasonable care to meet, for example; Your partner or close relative passes away just before the filing deadline. You are diagnosed with a serious illness.

What happens if FBAR is filed late? ›

What happens if you file FBAR late? There is no late FBA R penalty but there are non-filing penalties. If it is determined that you were willful, the penalty can be up to 50% of the value of the account.

What is reasonable cause for failure to file Form 5472? ›

Reasonable cause generally means that a taxpayer exercised ordinary business care and prudence but nevertheless failed to comply with its tax obligations. The regulations applicable to Form 5472 penalties contain some guidance on the reasonable cause standard.

How can I avoid late filing? ›

Top tips: How to avoid late account filing penalties
  1. Plan early. Know when you need to file your company accounts and start planning early. ...
  2. File online. Most companies can file accounts electronically. ...
  3. Email reminders. ...
  4. Avoid rejection. ...
  5. Paper accounts – allow up to five days.

Is it better to file early or late? ›

For most, the best choice is to file taxes early — or at least as soon as you can. This way: The IRS may process your return and agree on your tax liability sooner. You will know sooner if you owe and have more time to save money.

What are the consequences of late filing? ›

If you do not file income tax returns on or before the due date, you would be required to pay interest at the rate of 1% for every month, or part of a month, on the amount of tax remaining unpaid as per section 234A.

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