The State Bar of California (2024)

'); FetchFAQs(_idThisPortal, _idThisTab, _idThisModule, _idCatID, _BaseCulture, _CurrentCulture, _PageNo, themename, _strNoQMsg, _strQIDToOpen, _strPermalinkTag, _strPermalinkText, _strExpandCollapseAllText, _strFAQAJAXEffect, _strFAQTooltip, _strShowOnlyOneFAQ, _strShowAllFAQExpanded, "", _DisableLocalization,"",_strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); if (ddl[0] != undefined) { for (i = 0; i < ddl[0].options.length; i++) { if (ddl[0].options[i].value == _idCatID) { // Item is found. Set its property and exit ddl[0].options[i].selected = true; break; } } } } else { var plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + object + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + object + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).empty().html('

' + _strSelCatMsg + '

'); handlepaging(_idThisModule, 0, 0, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix); } return false; } jqDCCAJAX(document).ready(function() { var vrtempSearchText=''; var IsEditable='False'; var lnkEditText='edit'; var idFAQHolder = null; var chkExpCollAll = "false"; var strQIDToOpen = '350'; var idThisModule = '10957'; var idThisPortal = '0'; var idThisTab = '5374'; var ThemeNameToSuffix = '_CourtResponsive'; //Please select a category to view questions var DisableLocalization = 'True'; var strSelCatMsg = 'Please select a Category'; var strNoQMsg = 'No Questions found!'; var strShowOnlyOneFAQ = 'false'; var strClearResults='Clear Results'; var PermaLinkQuestionID='350' ; //TODO: have to work on this one on 9th Nov var strPermalinkTag = ''; var strPermalinkText = 'permalink'; var strExpandAllText = ''; var strCollapseAllText = ''; var strExpandCollapseAllText = ''; var strShowAllFAQExpanded = 'False'; var strFAQAJAXEffect = 'fadein'; var strSearchMsg = 'Search results for "[searchterm]"'; var strFAQTooltip = 'Click to expand/collapse'; var _strDisplayFAQNumbering='False'; var _TabId= 5374; var _permalinkImg=''; var _showfirstquestionjexpanded='true'; if ((strExpandAllText != '') && (strCollapseAllText != '')) { strExpandCollapseAllText = strExpandAllText + ':::' + strCollapseAllText; } else { strExpandCollapseAllText = ''; } if (strExpandCollapseAllText == 'undefined') { strExpandCollapseAllText = ''; } jqDCCAJAX('#dnn_ctr10957_ViewFAQ_txtSearchFAQ').keydown(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { jqDCCAJAX('#dnn_ctr10957_ViewFAQ_imgSearch').click(); return false; } return true; }); // click on search button jqDCCAJAX('#dnn_ctr10957_ViewFAQ_imgSearch').click(function() { var IsEditable='False'; var lnkEditText='edit'; var faqSearch = jqDCCAJAX('#dnn_ctr10957_ViewFAQ_txtSearchFAQ'); if (faqSearch.val() != "") { vrtempSearchText=faqSearch.val(); var plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div#dnn_ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent').find('td#dnn_ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).html('

'); FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, -1, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, faqSearch.val(), DisableLocalization, strSearchMsg,strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); faqSearch.val(''); var parents = jqDCCAJAX('div#dnn_ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent'); parents.find('tr[id*=rowVisible]').hide(); parents.find('td[id*=SearchContents]').show(); } }); //web service function values, calling web service as well var idCatID = '-1'; jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').val(idCatID); var BaseCulture = 'en-US'; var CurrentCulture = 'en-US'; var PageNo = '1'; idFAQHolder = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(idFAQHolder).html('

'); var idCatDDl = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').val(); if (idCatID != null) { if (idCatID != '0') { FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, idCatID, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, "",DisableLocalization,"",strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); } else { var plchldr =null; if (idCatDDl && idCatDDl.length > 0) { plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).empty().html('

' + strSelCatMsg + '

'); handlepaging(idThisModule, 0, 0, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix); } else { plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).empty(); //var pageRow = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('tr[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_rowPaging"]'); handlepaging(idThisModule, 0, 0, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix); // pageRow.hide(); } } } if (strShowAllFAQExpanded) { ShowAllFAQExpanded(idThisModule, ThemeNameToSuffix, strShowAllFAQExpanded); } idThisModule = '10957'; jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').change(function() { var IsEditable='False'; var lnkEditText='edit'; var idCatID = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').val(); //save cookie for the seelcted cat //catid=CheckAndCreateCookie(idThisModule,idCatID,1); var BaseCulture = 'en-US'; var CurrentCulture = 'en-US'; var PageNo = 1; var ThemeNameToSuffix = '_CourtResponsive'; var strSelCatMsg = 'Please select a Category'; var strNoQMsg = 'No Questions found!'; idFAQHolder = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(idFAQHolder).html('

'); if (idCatID != null) { if (idCatID !== '0') { FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, idCatID, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, "", DisableLocalization,"",strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); } else { var plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).empty().html('

' + strSelCatMsg + '

'); handlepaging(idThisModule, 0, 0, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix); } } //Search results for "[searchterm]" return false; }); //click on the pager buttons jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('a.faq_jq_pager').click(function() { var IsEditable='False'; var lnkEditText='edit'; idThisModule = '10957'; var idCatID = '-1'; //** new var parent = jqDCCAJAX('div#dnn_ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent'); var searchRow= parent.find('td[id*=SearchContents]'); var idddlCat = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').val(); idFAQHolder = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(idFAQHolder).html('

'); if (idddlCat != null) { if (idddlCat.length > 0) { idCatID = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('select[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_ddlAllCategory"]').val(); } } var BaseCulture = 'en-US'; var CurrentCulture = 'en-US'; var PageNo = jqDCCAJAX(this).data("PageNo"); var ThemeNameToSuffix = '_CourtResponsive'; var strSelCatMsg = 'Please select a Category'; var strNoQMsg = 'No Questions found!'; idFAQHolder = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(idFAQHolder).html('

'); if (idCatID != null) { if (idCatID != '0') { if(searchRow.css("display") == "none") FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, idCatID, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, "", DisableLocalization,"",strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); else FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, -1, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, vrtempSearchText, DisableLocalization,strSearchMsg,strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); } else if(idCatID =='0' && idddlCat.length > 0) { if(searchRow.css("display") == "none") FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, idCatID, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded, "", DisableLocalization,"",strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,"",_showfirstquestionjexpanded); else FetchFAQs(idThisPortal, idThisTab, idThisModule, -1, BaseCulture, CurrentCulture, PageNo, ThemeNameToSuffix, strNoQMsg, strQIDToOpen, strPermalinkTag, strPermalinkText, strExpandCollapseAllText, strFAQAJAXEffect, strFAQTooltip, strShowOnlyOneFAQ, strShowAllFAQExpanded,vrtempSearchText, DisableLocalization,strSearchMsg,strClearResults,_strDisplayFAQNumbering,IsEditable,lnkEditText,_TabId,PermaLinkQuestionID,_permalinkImg,_showfirstquestionjexpanded); } else { var plchldr = jqDCCAJAX('div[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ModuleContent"]').find('td[id$="ctr' + idThisModule + '_ViewFAQ_tdPlaceholder"]'); jqDCCAJAX(plchldr).empty().html('

' + strSelCatMsg + '

'); handlepaging(idThisModule, 0, 0, 1, ThemeNameToSuffix); } } return false; }); });

I am an expert in web development, specifically in the context of Content Management Systems (CMS) and dynamic web applications. My expertise encompasses front-end technologies, back-end systems, and integration of various modules and functionalities.

Analyzing the provided code snippet, it appears to be JavaScript code related to a web application. The code is interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM) and making AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests to fetch Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for a specific module or component within a CMS. The code seems to be part of a larger system that involves handling user interactions, searching for FAQs, and displaying the results dynamically.

Here's a breakdown of the key concepts and technologies used in the code:

  1. JavaScript and jQuery:

    • The code heavily relies on JavaScript and the jQuery library for DOM manipulation and event handling.
    • Various jQuery selectors are used to target specific HTML elements in the DOM.
  2. AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML):

    • The code employs AJAX techniques to fetch data asynchronously from the server without requiring a full page reload.
    • The FetchFAQs function is likely a custom AJAX function for retrieving FAQs based on different parameters.
  3. DOM Manipulation:

    • The code dynamically updates the content of HTML elements within the DOM based on user interactions and data retrieval.
  4. Event Handling:

    • Event listeners are attached to elements such as buttons and dropdowns to trigger specific actions when user events occur, like clicking or changing the dropdown selection.
  5. Web Services:

    • The code interacts with web services, making requests to fetch FAQs and update the content dynamically.
  6. FAQ Search:

    • The code includes functionality for searching FAQs. It captures user input, initiates a search when the "Search" button is clicked, and updates the displayed FAQs accordingly.
  7. Dropdown Selection:

    • There is a dropdown menu (select element) that allows users to select a category for FAQs.
  8. Paging:

    • The code handles pagination, allowing users to navigate through different pages of FAQs.
  9. Localization:

    • The application seems to support localization based on the selected culture.
  10. Permalink and Tooltip:

    • The code includes features related to permalinks and tooltips, possibly for sharing specific FAQs or providing additional information.
  11. Conditional Rendering:

    • The code conditionally renders content based on certain criteria, such as whether search results are displayed or not.

In summary, the code is part of a dynamic web application that manages and displays FAQs. It utilizes JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX to provide an interactive and responsive user experience. The code showcases expertise in front-end development, asynchronous data fetching, and integration with web services.

The State Bar of California (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.