The Sims 4: Comprehensive Guide to Roommates (2024)

The latest update in The Sims 4 universe brings a groundbreaking addition - the ability to have roommates beyond the confinements of university housing. With this innovative feature, players can now enjoy the company of roommates who contribute financially to your household, revolutionizing gameplay dynamics and storytelling possibilities.

Introducing Roommates

This game-changing update allows players to invite friends or place advertisem*nts for potential roommates. To initiate the process, simply click on a friend, navigate to the Roommate menu, and select "Ask to be New Roommate." Alternatively, you can post an advertisem*nt via a cell phone or computer under the household menu.

Selecting the Ideal Roommate

Once the advertisem*nt is placed, a range of random Sims will express interest in becoming your roommate. Take the time to interact and get to know these potential housemates by engaging in conversations and learning about their unique traits. Choose wisely as each Sim possesses distinct personalities, from tidy individuals who maintain impeccable cleanliness to free-spirited souls fond of impromptu gatherings.

Moving In and Living Together

Upon finding a suitable match, opt for "accept as new roommate," enabling them to move in swiftly. Ensure adequate space and a clean room for their belongings. The beauty of this system lies in the diversity of behaviors exhibited by roommates, mimicking real-life scenarios. Some may contribute to household chores diligently, while others might bring chaotic energy with untidy habits and spontaneous gatherings.

Financial Contributions and Benefits

A significant advantage of having roommates is the financial support they offer. Periodically, these roommates contribute funds towards household expenses, which proves instrumental in managing bills and rent payments, particularly for those residing in apartments.

Managing Roommate Dynamics

Intriguingly, roommates may decide to move out independently, triggered by various in-game interactions or situations. Players have the autonomy to ask a roommate to leave via the roommates' social menu or choose to live solo.

Unveiling Roommate Notes

Occasionally, players may discover amusing notes left by roommates near their beds, adding a touch of humor and realism to the gameplay. These notes might range from reminders about household chores to humorous anecdotes, enhancing the overall immersive experience.

Embracing the Roommate System

The addition of roommates in The Sims 4 elevates gameplay, offering unparalleled storytelling avenues and gameplay flexibility. This exciting feature not only diversifies in-game interactions but also introduces a new layer of depth and realism to the simulation.


The inclusion of roommates in The Sims 4 introduces a dynamic element that significantly enhances the gaming experience. With financial contributions, diverse behaviors, and interactive dynamics, roommates enrich the narrative possibilities and immerse players in a more lifelike simulation. Explore this new facet of The Sims 4 and embark on unique storytelling adventures within the game.

The Sims 4: Comprehensive Guide to Roommates (2024)


Can roommates share bed Sims 4? ›

You need to have a bed per person (even if you have 2 married Sims, they each need their own bed) , plus any toddlers or pets or Butlers you have each need their own adult bed … and then you need the extra bed(s) for any roommates.

What is the roommate limit in Sims 4? ›

The same applies for roomates, you can have up to 10 sims living in your house including roomates.

Do you have to control roommates Sims 4? ›

"Roommates are NPC's meaning they can't be controlled." To qualify as a potential roommate (not controlled) the Sim needs to be homeless and in their own single Sim household.

Can I marry my roommate in Sims? ›

Roommates can get married, although I believe marrying a roommate will bring them into the main household as a playable character, but teens can't get married, or even be in a romantic relationship with an adult, in Sims 3.

Can siblings share a double bed in Sims 4? ›

Though it seems logical for siblings to sometimes share a bed in real life it does not happen in game. There is an option now (added to base game) to upgrade beds. This allows players to use the cheaper beds and upgrade them to provide a more positive moodlet and better comfort relief.

How do you assign a bed to a roommate in Sims 4? ›

Easy. Click on the bed and assign it to someone else. Bed assignments can be changed at any time. Please only PM me when asked to do so.

Why can't Sims share a bed? ›

This might sound dumb but hover over the bed and see if the sims are assigned one side or the other. It sometimes causes an issue for me when I click the wrong side of the bed. Also, if one sim is in bed already, make sure you click on the empty side when you want to send the other sim to sleep.

When can two Sims share a bed? ›

Description: If the relationship value between two Sims is higher than or equal to this tunable, they will agree to relax or sleep in the same bed. I seem to have set this to 4 accidentally and that's why only engaged or married sims could sleep in the same bed.

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