The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (2024)

Quite frankly, making a list of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia is no easy task.

Across the length and breadth of the province there are so many villages and towns packed with history emanating from every corner, making this ranking a challenge.

We've got an abundance of towns with traces of their Roman and Muslim past, picturesque side streets and secluded squares where you can unplug and eat excellently. And all surrounded by untamed nature!

The fact is that the province of Valencia is privileged to contain a varied wealth of biodiversity within a few kilometres: you can be sunbathing on the beach and then turn up somewhere in the mountains within half an hour.

We have put together a list of several of the prettiest town in the province to give you some options to choose from, places where you can combine a charming town and stunning natural environment for a one-day getaway.

Let’s get going.


The first place on the list is a village in the Rincón de Ademuz district, between Teruel and Cuenca.

You know that bit of the Valencian Community that appears to be off the map? Well, that's where this district and the town that bears its name are located.

Ademuz is a picturesque town laid out along the slopes of Mount Zafranes and on terraces. From a distance, it is possible to make out the mantle of houses nestled together on the mountain, with Ademuz Castle at the top.

After wandering the cobbled streets, you must sample the empedrao (rice with pinto beans, ribs and blood sausage), pick up some of the excellent honey and a few apples, which are a local delicacy and come in many varieties.

And in the surrounding area, you can tour some of the seven villages and ten hamlets, or choose a hiking trail through Puebla de San Miguel Nature Reserve or along the Bohílgues River and its crystalline waters.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (1)


Any list of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia worth its salt must include Ayora, no matter what.


Well, because of its abundance of historic and artistic heritage. And its range of natural areas is no less important.

It is quite possible to say that Ayora is a historic town, wherever you may look. The most spectacular building – because of its size and because it presides over the town’s high point – is Ayora Castle.

But there is also the 16th-century Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church; Santa María la Mayor Church, dating from the 13th century; and the Cross of San Antón, a perfectly preserved Gothic style covered cross. Not much, right?

Apart from these three wonders, when you stroll through the town, you’ll want to include the medieval streets of Los Altos neighbourhood; the old Jewish quarter, Santa Bárbara; and head to El Hueco neighbourhood to admire the Renaissance style buildings.

And to enjoy the natural surroundings, be sure to fit in a hike in La Hunde Nature Reserve and Palomera Peak.


Bocairent is one of the most visited towns in the province of Valencia because of how well preserved it is, with its historical and cultural charms in plain view.

The town has literally been dug out of the rock, and its medieval quarter was declared a national area of artistic and historical importance in 1975. Its peculiar relief, with densely crowded houses clinging to the mountain, gives it a special charm.

Be prepared to climb a few hills. We assure you, the effort is truly worth it.

In addition to strolling along its characteristics side streets, don't miss the chance to admire the Covetes dels Moros, a group of some 50 window-shaped caves halfway up a vertical wall of stone. All these openings give way to interconnected accessible chambers.

As if that were not enough, the town is situated in Sierra de Mariola Nature Reserve, which offers hiking options for travellers of all abilities.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (3)


That Buñol has become famous the world round for the tomato throwing festival known as La Tomatina is indisputable. But that is also not its only attraction.

In fact, its cultural heritage includes such important sites as Buñol Castle, which dates to the 13th century and is so well preserved that it makes any visit a journey into the past.

The castle has two sections: the military and the residential. In the latter, keep an eye out for such wonders as the Gothic palace and Oscurico Room, El Salvador Church, and the mansion, which houses the Archaeological Museum.

So, start there and then check out the streets of the old town.

These are the must-sees: San Pedro Parish Church, San Luis Park and Galán Mill. And the village square to see the street where La Tomatina takes place every August.

Now that you're in Buñol, take the opportunity to do a bit of hiking and head to El Turche Cave and the pools on the River Buñol, a route featuring spectacular natural pools where you can take a refreshing dip. That's if you visit in summer, of course. In the winter, the water's a bit chilly.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (4)


Chelva is one of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia, as its many recognitions demonstrate: in 2018, it was named the second Rural Wonder of Spain, its San Antón Festival is an event of Provincial Tourist Interest, it is a Starlight Destination, and its historic district is a Property of Cultural Interest.

And all well deserved.

So, slip on some good walking shoes because every one of its neighbourhoods is worth a visit: the Moorish quarter, Benacacira; the Christian neighbourhood, Ollerías; the Jewish quarter, Azoque; and Arrabal, which is Mudejar/Morisco.

Yes, yes, a festival of cultures where you can venture into the winding side streets and discover interesting spots around every corner.

Another of its treasures is the Ruta del Agua (Water Trail) along the River Chelva, filled with natural springs and water sources. Don't be concerned if you're travelling with children or you're not a pro at mountain sport because the route is a breeze. And in summer, get out your swimsuit as you're sure to want to dive in.


Chulilla is in Los Serranos district. It is one of those Valencian towns where the houses cling to the mountain, making it difficult to understand how they could have been built in such a way.

It's that village we all picture in our heads, where time seems to pass at a different rate. In Chulilla you will find a fabric of steep, narrow streets lined with flower-filled balconies, bakeries selling traditional products, and little bars where you can relax and sip a vermouth.

Crowning the town is the fortress, guarding over you wherever you may go.

In terms of nature, the Ruta de los Puentes Colgantes (Suspension Bridge Trail) is the highlight. But please note that if you have acrophobia, you might find it tough going because their height is almost as incredible as the scenery.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (6)


Why have we included Cofrentes in the list of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia?

Firstly, because its geographical location provides spectacular natural surroundings, making it a perfect place for adventure sports and to enjoy gorgeous views.

Cofrentes lies at the confluence of the rivers Júcar and Cabriel, surrounding the town in a loop of meanders, ravines, cliffs and a reservoir, Embarcaderos. And to top it all off, Cerro de Agras Volcano, which sends gas bubbles up to Hervideros Springs.

This spot just begs a spa, doesn't it? Well, it has one. If you spend the night, you can stay at Hervideros Spa and receive a treatment.

Apart from enjoying its spectacular environmental wealth, in Cofrentes you really must visit the castle and wander its side streets, with a layout dating from the Islamic period.

As you stroll, notice how many of the houses have a very similar façade: the door on one side and a window on the other, with a balcony above and a third level with a cambra, a storeroom where the harvest is kept.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (7)

El Palmar

Any list of the prettiest places in Valencia must include El Palmar, which can quite possibly be considered the soul of La Albufera Natural Park.

El Palmar is basically a fishing village surrounded by the waters of the lake, rice crops and farmland. It is not therefore surprising to see boats parked along the canals in front of the houses or one of the traditional cottages that survive to this day.

If you've read Cañas y Barro (or seen the series inspired by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez's novel), you can easily imagine what El Palmar is like. And if you've watched the show El Embarcadero, you will be familiar with the area.

The thing to do is take a ride in one of the traditional boats, known as albuferencs, and allow any of the delightful boatmen to tell you the story of this place and introduce you to the natural wealth of La Albufera, which has up to 250 different species of bird.

One thing to note: dusk is the golden hour for a boat ride.

Another must-do for a great day in El Palmar is to have a paella. After all, this is where the dish was created.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (8)


Requena is without a doubt one of Valencia's most special towns. It is also among the coldest, a very welcome fact in summer, when temperatures along the coast are stifling.

And it is at the end of the summer when it celebrates the Requena Fair and Grape Harvest Festival, which is listed as an event of Tourist Interest. The wine-growing tradition is part of Requena’s very DNA. This is particularly easy to see in the neighbourhoods of La Villa and Las Peñas, where there are wineries open to visitors.

The entire municipality is covered with a mantle of vines, the fruit of which is used to produce its wine.

Requena is the gateway to the Castilian plateau, and it is this feature that has made it what it is today. It has been a place of passage for different civilisations, leaving behind such spaces as the neighbourhood of La Villa, the Colegio del Arte Mayor de la Seda (Silkmakers Guildhall), the fortress and the Jewish quarter, among other sights.

Indeed, there is much to see.

If there is one thing in Requena you won't want to miss, it is the Cuevas de la Villa, 22 underground caves from the Muslim era which still house enormous clay vats used in winemaking.

And to round out this pairing of history and nature, we have the Hoces del Cabriel Nature Reserve, which lies along the natural border between Valencia and Castile-La Mancha. There are a number of hiking trails, some accessible to all ages and abilities.

And if speed is your thing, you can do a bit of rafting. What section you choose will depend on how water is being released from the Contreras Reservoir. This means that if you return another time, it is highly likely that you will find another adventure awaiting you.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (9)


To complete our list of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia, we head over to Serra, which is among the most charming towns in the entire province.

It lies in the heart of the Sierra Calderona Nature Reserve, one of the most iconic protected natural areas in the Valencian Community. Its elevation gains and ravines are a guarantee of good hiking and spectacular views everywhere you turn.

And if you’re into real mountains, plan a climb up to the Garbí Viewpoint to enjoy a panoramic view of the entire mountain range and snap a few Instagram-worthy pics.

The old quarter offers the opportunity to explore the streets and witness the traces of Muslims and Christians first-hand. The Ria, Ermita and Satarenya watchtowers still remain, along with the neoclassical Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Church.

In the outskirts, you will find the castle and its most important building, Portaceli Carthusian Monastery. This was the first monastery of the Order of Carthusians, dating from no less than 1271.

It is not surprising that they would choose to found a monastery on this spot, where tranquillity and silence reign supreme.

Although it is still inhabited by Carthusian monks and so not open to the public, the area is well worth a visit, as it adjoins a Gothic aqueduct with twelve arches, making it even more spectacular.

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (10)

And so, we have come to the end of our tour of the prettiest towns in the province of Valencia, where one day out will truly allow you to unplug. Have you decided which one you’ll start with?

The prettiest towns in the province of Valencia (2024)


What is the prettiest village in Valencia? ›

The most beautiful villages in Valencia you can't miss
  • Albufera of Valencia. Just a few kilometers south of the city, the Albufera is an impressive freshwater lake surrounded by rice fields and a nature reserve. ...
  • Xàtiva. ...
  • Peñíscola. ...
  • Morella. ...
  • Jávea. ...
  • Bocairent. ...
  • Gandía. ...
  • Cullera.

What is the best seaside town near Valencia? ›

The town of Oliva has some of the best beaches in Valencia. Terranova beach is ideal for a family trip, thanks to its tranquillity and golden sands. 5.

What are the 3 provinces of Valencia? ›

From north to south, the Region of Valencia comprises the provinces of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante.

What is the hilltop town near Valencia? ›

Xátiva. Xàtiva is a lovely little town, just about 60 kilometres (37 miles) south of Valencia. Its most notable feature is definitely the massive mediaeval castle, a two-fortification complex that develops along the crest of a 300-metre tall hill (990 feet), just above the town.

What is the nicest area in Valencia? ›

Where to live in Valencia? Best Neighborhoods in Valencia
  • Barrio La Seu. La Seu, part of the Ciutat Vella (old town), is probably the oldest and more central neighborhood of the city. ...
  • Barrio Del Carmen. ...
  • Barrio De Russafa. ...
  • Benimaclet. ...
  • Quatre Carreres. ...
  • El Cabanyal. ...
  • El Grau.

Where do wealthy people live Valencia? ›


The are to the south of Calle Colón is the most popular residential area for the Valencian bourgeoisie. Ensanche is an area of tree lined streets with classical facades very similar to Ruzafa but much more gentrified.

Where to visit Old Town Valencia? ›

More attractions near Valencia
  • Silk Exchange (La Lonja de la Seda)
  • Valencia Plaza del Mercado.
  • Valencia Central Market (Mercado Central de Valencia)
  • Plaza de la Reina.
  • Valencia Cathedral (Seu)
  • Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
  • Admiral's Baths (Baños Arabes del Almirante)
  • House of San Vicente Ferrer.

What is the best city beach in Valencia? ›

Valencia's most beautiful beaches
  1. La Patacona. What is it? ...
  2. La Malvarrosa. What is it? ...
  3. El Puig. What is it? ...
  4. El Saler. What is it? ...
  5. L'Arbre del Gos. What is it? ...
  6. Port Saplaya. What is it? ...
  7. La Escollera. What is it? ...
  8. Marenyet. What is it?
Apr 10, 2024

What part of Valencia is the old town? ›

Valencia has a history stretching over 2000 years back, and has been home to Roman, Visigoth and Muslim settlements. The city center is also sometimes referred to as 'Casco Antiguo' or 'Ciutat Vella', both of which are Spanish translations of 'old town'.

What is the old town area of Valencia called? ›

The Old town of Valencia, Spain, originally called “Ciutat Vella” used to be a fief where Romans resided, delimited by a great wall in the XIV century. Travelling through the charming streets of district 0 feels like going back in time to the Middle Ages: traditions and history can be smelled in every corner.

Has Valencia got an old town? ›

In the heart of Valencia Old Town, the magnificent Palace of the Marqués de Dos Aguas has played host to the National Museum of Ceramics since 1954.

Where do Americans live in Valencia? ›

Valencia is a city where foreigners do not form isolated "foreigner ghettos.". Rather, they live among locals with comparable economic status and lifestyles. Many expats prefer to live in the central areas, but this may change depending on the weather, especially for digital nomads, who may be tempted by the beach.

What is the walled town near Valencia? ›

The walls of Alzira (Alcira) is one of the monuments to see in the autonomous community of Valencia. It is located 45 kilometers from Valencia capital, 35 kilometers from Gandia and 22 from Xativa.

What neighborhood to stay in Valencia? ›

Most visitors to Valencia will enjoy staying in the Old Town, or Ciutat Vella, as this is where many of the main sights are located. Ruzafa and El Cabanyal are ideal for a more local experience, while L'Eixample is great for shopping and Benimaclet is the most international neighborhood. Is Valencia a walkable city?

What is the luxury street in Valencia? ›

International and exclusive brands on the Golden Mile

Haute couture, jewellery and exclusive decoration await you on Valencia's golden mile. It is made up of Poeta Querol, Marqués de Dos Aguas, Plaza del Patriarca streets and some adjacent ones, and is home to the most exclusive and luxurious boutiques in the city.

What is worth seeing in Valencia? ›

Hemisfèric, Science Museum, Umbracle, Oceanogràfic, Palau de les Arts, Ágora and the Assut d'or Bridge are seven monumental buildings that make up the City of Arts and Sciences. They are so special that each one will impress you. Discover them all!

What is the Colourful street in Valencia? ›

A waltz down Cabanyal's Carrer de la Reina reveals rows of old fisherman's houses plastered in colourful tiles, from squares laid like a chessboard to chintzy florals to trippy geometric patterns. Not only did tiles let owners show their personalities, they also help protect buildings from the salty sea air.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.