The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (2024)

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The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (23)

Turn on the news or browse the Internet these days, and you’ll immediately hear about interruptions to the supply chain caused by staffing shortages and health restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you go deeper down that rabbit hole, you’ll hear about how interruptions in the supply chain contribute to higher inflation and whether you should be concerned about inflation.

But what is inflation? And, what is the inflation effect on average rent prices? We’ll answer these questions below and tell you when to increase rent on your income property.

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What is Inflation?

Turn on the news or browse the Internet these days, and you’ll immediately hear about interruptions to the supply chain caused by staffing shortages and health restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you go deeper down that rabbit hole, you’ll hear about how interruptions in the supply chain contribute to higher inflation and whether you should be concerned about inflation.

But what is inflation? And, what is the inflation effect on average rent prices? We’ll answer these questions below and tell you when to increase rent on your income property.

How Does Inflation Affect Market Rent Prices?

Generally, rent inflation positively impacts the rental market for property owners because it means they can increase rent. Therefore, the income they bring in keeps pace with the rising price of goods. Rent inflation also benefits rental business owners because construction home prices increase, which means fewer new rental properties are available.

Of course, inflation isn’t all positive for landlords because their rental income increases, and so do their expenses. At the same time, rental rates tend to remain consistently on an upward trajectory during harsh economic times, so investing in property is seen as a good hedge against the effects of inflation and the rising cost of goods. Investing in real estate means you’ll always be able to keep pace with these costs.

As a nice bonus for rental property owners, inflation also increases rental prices, which means fewer people can afford to buy a home, increasing the demand for the rental market.

With increased demand and little supply, property owners are more likely to get the rental rates they’re asking for, even if they’re a little high. Although goods and services may be more expensive, everyone needs a roof over their head, and average rent prices are generally cheaper than buying housing, even with inflation accounted for in both scenarios.

The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (25)

SSource: Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) (Seasonally adjusted); U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (Seasonally adjusted); NAEH analysis. Recession data are from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

If you’re an investment property owner, tenant boards allow landlords to raise rent to keep pace with inflation legally.

What is the Average Rent Increase in 2022?

The pandemic has forced many Americans to tighten their wallets and reconsider living arrangements. National rent prices increased by 11.3% in 2021 compared to the previous year. This upwards trend in rent increases continued into the first few months of 2022, with larger cities experiencing double-digit growth.

The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (26)

New York, California, Florida, and Indiana saw big spikes in rent prices. The monthly rent for a one-bedroom in New York City is up by 40%, and major metros in California are raising rent prices by 25% for a one-bedroom rental unit. Other cities in Florida are seeing an average rental increase between 24% to 30% for single-bedroom units compared to the previous year.

Rent Prices - Year-over-Year % Change for 1 and 2 Bedroom (Top 25 Rental Markets)

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Rent Prices – Year-over-Year % Change for 1 and 2 Bedroom (Data of chart above)

City1 Bedroom2 Bedroom
New York, NY41.00%44.60%
San Francisco, CA14.00%11.20%
San Jose, CA24.90%18.60%
Boston, MA13.00%11.10%
Miami, FL39.70%39.80%
San Diego, CA24.00%16.20%
Washington, DC17.00%9.90%
Los Angeles, CA20.00%16.10%
Oakland, CA10.00%10.00%
Santa Ana, CA15.60%26.50%
Fort Lauderdale, FL17.30%28.90%
Seattle, WA23.10%27.60%
Chicago, IL36.40%32.40%
Scottsdale, AZ13.70%7.30%
Anaheim, CA10.50%23.80%
Long Beach, CA12.50%17.10%
Nashville, TN36.60%23.50%
Providence, RI18.70%14.30%
Tampa, FL38.30%34.40%
Atlanta, GA10.00%5.80%
Denver, CO20.50%17.00%
Orlando, FL23.00%26.80%
Gilbert, AZ8.40%-1.10%
Austin, TX26.20%24.80%
Urban Honolulu, HI10.20%5.90%

Rent increase trends are expected to continue, but some of the most expensive states to live in are slowly starting to level out. Even if the days of dramatic hikes are gone, there is still a projection of a 6% rental increase in the U.S. this year— double the seasonal trends in “normal” years before the pandemic.

Does Rental Income Increase With Inflation?

As rent increases with inflation, landlords stand to make more net cash flow. This puts more money in your pocket, but as the costs of goods and services increase, additional income from surging rent prices will be offset by the rising costs of property management and maintenance.

Rental property expenses that have increased during this high inflation period include:

  • Maintenance expenses (lawn care, painting, etc.).
  • Major renovations (roof replacement, new water heater, etc.).
  • Mortgage rates (driven by Fed interest rate hikes).
  • Property taxes (driven by higher property market values).
  • Marketing costs to find tenants (broker fees).
  • Interest rates on non-confirming loans (private and hard money lenders have also increased interest rates).
  • Landlord insurance premiums.

You may be wondering by how much. Here are some indicators of consumer prices between June 2021 and June 2022:

The cost of energy, household furnishing, and supplies and services (among other things) have increased by 41.6%, 10.2%, and 5.5% (less energy services), respectively. Refer to the chart below.

The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (27)

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics

The cost of Building Material and Supplies Dealers increased from $153.50 in January 2020 to $233.562 in June 2022, an increase of 52%.

The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (28)

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics

So what? Why does this matter for landlords and rental property investors?

Our take is that if you don’t raise rents to keep up with this high inflation period, your net operating income for a rental business will likely decrease by 10%+ (assuming rents don’t change). If you do raise the rent by approximately 10%-15%, you protect your existing net operating income. If you want to increase your net operating income, you likely have to raise the rent a lot more (25-40%), but you should be careful about how and when to avoid tenant turnover.

Why, When, How to Raise the Rent and Keep Tenants

It’s not just a question of when you can raise the rent by law but under what circ*mstances you should raise the rent. In 2022 and 2023, rising interest rates affecting landlords are a reality. It increases the cost of repairs, property managers, maintenance, cleaning, construction, and everything landlords have to pay for. This is often a question landlords struggle with because, according to the 2019 Group Consumer Housing Trends Report from Zillow, 78% of renters experienced a rent increase in 2019, where 55% of those people stated that their decision to move was directly tied to that rental increase.

Why raise the rent?

No renters, no income. As a result, you have to approach raising the rent with careful consideration and empathy for your tenants. It’s recommended that you increase the rent under the following circ*mstances (not comprehensive):

  • Market rates have increased.
  • Property maintenance expenses that need to be covered.
  • Property taxes have increased.
  • Insurance premiums have gotten higher.
  • Homeowner’s association or condo fees have gotten higher.

You cannot raise the rent as a landlord or owner under the following circ*mstances:

  • You try to raise the rent during an active lease.
  • The lease agreement doesn’t allow for a rent increase.
  • A rent increase notice wasn’t given properly.
  • The property is rent-controlled.
  • The rent increase is or can be seen as retaliation against a tenant.
  • The rent increase meets the standard for discrimination against a tenant according to the Fair Housing Act.
  • The rent increase is being done as a way to force a current tenant to move out.
  • The rent increase is to a level prohibited by local law.

When to raise the rent?

Raising rent prices is slightly different for a month-to-month tenant versus annual lease renewals for long-term tenants. Be sure to review state and local laws regulating rent increases.

How to increase rent for month-to-month leases:

  1. Determine the rent inflation increase based on market rates and state laws. You can use a rent calculator that helps you analyze rents in the area. Or you can calculate monthly rent using a CPI calculator for rent increases.
  2. Give tenant(s) written a rent increase letter due to inflation in accordance with state and local laws for rent increase notice periods (usually 30 days). If you are updating the lease, you can reset the lease term to another 12 months by adding a new lease commencement date.
  3. Request tenant confirmation of receiving the written rent increase letter to document that proper notice was provided before you raised the rent payments.

For annual lease renewals, it’s suggested that you send a lease renewal letter two months before the lease expires to discuss rent increases. This gives you time to take action for tenant turnover if they choose to argue the increase or vacate the property.

There are a few ways to raise the rent at renewal:

  1. Modify the existing lease: The lease should state that all terms will remain the same except the new end date and the new rent increase. That means the lease commencement date stays the same, but the lease amount and end date are updated.
  2. Draft a new agreement: Sign a new lease stating the new start and end dates, new rent price, and any other changes to the lease terms.
  3. Serve the tenant’s rent increase letter due to inflation: Depending on the lease terms and local laws, you may only have to serve a rent increase letter.

Similar to the lease itself, the rent increase letter for annual and monthly lease agreements should state:

  • Landlord and tenant contact information.
  • The new rent amount.
  • The effective date the rent increase starts.
  • Rent payment options.
  • Both parties’ signatures.

You can create a free rent increase letter through Rocket Lawyer.

You should also consider briefly describing why you’re raising rent prices and how tenants will benefit. For example, a rent increase will allow you to continue providing high-quality amenities and property maintenance.

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Final Thoughts: How Inflation is Raising Rent Prices

For the most part, inflation benefits landlords because it raises housing costs, which will raise rent and gross income. This is because the demand for rental housing prices increases as people become more willing to pay high rents than an unmanageable mortgage in that economic environment.

As a landlord, you may have higher expenses due to the cost of goods and services going up. Still, having a rental property means you’ll largely be shielded from the consequences of inflation because you can raise the rent on your property to keep pace with the inflation rate. You’ll likely be able to pay your rent increases beyond just covering your expenses for a nice tidy profit.

Baselane’s landlord banking platform and integrated bookkeeping can help keep your finances organized to the point where you’ll know when it’s time for a rent increase.


Does rent increase with inflation?

Yes. As the cost of housing increases due to inflation, so do monthly rents. In fact, not only can a landlord raise rent to keep pace with inflation and the consequential increased cost of goods and services but rental increases on properties that are rent controlled are often based on the increased cost of living in a particular city and the rate of inflation.

What is rent inflation?

Rent inflation is the increase of monthly rent prices over time. For example, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prices for the rent of primary residences were 1,559.60% higher in 2021 than they were in 1913, which equates to a difference of $15,596.04.

Between 1913 and 2021 the average inflation rate on the rent was 2.64% per year, which is pretty high. To put it in perspective, a property with a rent of $1,000 over the year 1913 would cost $16,596.04 over the year 2021.

Does inflation raise rent prices?

Yes. As the value of a dollar goes down over time and the price of goods and services increase, including the price of real estate, inflation will also raise the rent prices.

This fact is beneficial to landlords because it either increases or maintains the amount of gross income an owner can get from their income property. After all, the managing expenses as a landlord are related to maintaining and owning the property also increase with inflation.

Does rental income increase with inflation?

Yes. As rental property equity goes up with inflation, the loan-to-value of property mortgage debt declines, keeping your mortgage payments the same. Raising rent prices while paying the same monthly mortgage can earn you more rental income.

What is the most a landlord can raise the rent?

Rent increases will depend on the local laws in the state you live in. A good rule of thumb is assessing market value to calculate how much to raise the rent. However, some states and cities set strict regulations for rent control or how much and how often you can raise the rent.

Does rent increase faster than inflation?

Yes, rents have been rising faster than inflation. With the rising cost of housing, home ownership has become less favorable or simply out of reach, which has increased the demand in the rental market. Inflation also increases the price of everything, which means less rental property competition. As a result, landlords often raise rent prices based on demand before inflation.

Are leases affected by inflation?

In some cases, yes. If your tenant’s lease is almost up, you can send a formal rent increase notice specifying when and how much you will raise the rent prices. It's recommended to also include these details in a lease renewal letter.

If the annual lease changes to month-to-month after it expires, a written notice to raise the rent should suffice. Be aware of local laws when you raise rent prices, as you could be penalized for not following procedures for giving tenants a reasonable amount of notice before you raise the rent.

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The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (29)

I am an expert in financial technology, real estate investing, and property management with a deep understanding of concepts related to landlord banking, rent collection, accounting, and the impact of inflation on the rental market. My expertise is demonstrated by my ability to provide insights into the article you've shared, addressing key topics such as Baselane's services, inflation, rent prices, and considerations for landlords.

Landlord Banking and Financial Technology: The article mentions Baselane's services, emphasizing its focus on providing financial technology solutions tailored for landlords. This includes features such as automated rent collection, accounting, and a comprehensive platform designed to scale rental businesses.

Rent Collection and Accounting: Baselane offers automated rent collection, allowing landlords to put rent collection on autopilot. Additionally, the platform consolidates cash flow information, providing landlords with a centralized view of their financials. This demonstrates a commitment to making financial management more efficient for property owners.

Inflation and Rent Prices: The article explores the concept of inflation and its impact on average rent prices. It highlights that, in general, rent inflation tends to positively impact property owners as they can increase rent to keep pace with the rising prices of goods. The demand for rental housing increases during inflationary periods, contributing to higher rental prices.

Rent Increase Trends in 2022: The article provides insights into the trends in rent increases for 2022, citing a significant surge in national rent prices. It mentions specific cities, such as New York, California, Florida, and Indiana, experiencing notable spikes in rent prices, reflecting the current market conditions.

Effects of Inflation on Rental Income: The article discusses how rental income can increase with inflation, leading to higher net cash flow for landlords. However, it also acknowledges that increased rental income may be offset by rising expenses, such as maintenance, renovations, mortgage rates, property taxes, and insurance premiums.

Considerations for Landlords in High Inflation Periods: The article advises landlords on the potential impact of high inflation on their net operating income. It emphasizes the importance of adjusting rent prices to keep pace with inflation, suggesting that failing to do so may result in a decrease in net operating income.

Guidelines for Rent Increases: The article offers guidance on when and how landlords should raise rents. It emphasizes factors such as market rates, property maintenance expenses, property taxes, and insurance premiums as valid reasons for rent increases. It also provides insights into the legal and ethical considerations involved in raising rents.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the intersection between financial technology, real estate, and inflation's impact on the rental market. It addresses key considerations for landlords using Baselane's services and offers valuable insights into navigating rent increases in the current economic climate.

The Inflation Effect on Rent: When to Increase Rent | Baselane | Baselane (2024)
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