The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (2024)

One thing that I discovered this past year was podcasts! Yes, I was super late to the party, but better late than never. Podcasts became the thing I listened to on my commute, when driving to visit family, or just cleaning around the house! Today on the blog I wanted to share The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings. No matter what genre you prefer, you need to try at least one of these!

I started at my corporate job almost a year ago and a few months ago I was on a panel for the new hires. One of them asked if we listened to any podcasts and I made the joke that all the ones I listen to are about powerful/successful women OR female entrepreneurs. While I was mostly joking, there is some truth in that!

Most of the podcasts I listen to are hosted by successful women who have had amazing careers (regardless of the field). There are so many women in podcasting, but these are a few of my favs! I also do have a couple podcasts hosted by men on my list, but that just lets you know that they have REALLY good advice.

The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings

The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (1)

1. The Goal Digger Podcast by Jenna Kutcher

I made the Goal Digger podcast the first podcast on my list because it’s the first podcast I ever listened to consistently! My coworker actually recommended it because we were talking about social media and side hustles and I never went back. This is seriously one of the best social media podcasts for bloggers and Jenna gives such amazing tips! She started out as a self-taught photographer and slowly built her 7-figure brand from there.

As one of the best digital marketing podcasts, I highly suggest you listen to this if you have a brand! A “brand” can be anything from an actual company selling products to an influencer curating their digital space. Her tips in the podcasts below and the hundreds of other ones have helped me grow my own blog and social media presence. I’ve even bookmarked one where she walks you through creating a product for yourself!

I have so many podcasts of hers that I love, but some of my top favorite episodes are: Episode 308 – “The Instagram Hashtag Deep Dive You’ve Been Waiting For,” Episode 276 – Marketing Secrets from an Etsy Seller,” Episode 259 – “SEO Basics to Refresh Your Site Right Now,” and Episode 91 – “Passive Income: 101. How YOU Can Make Money While You Rest.”

2. She Makes Money Moves by Samantha Barry

I was lucky enough to hear Samantha Barry, the editor-in-chief of Glamour magazine, speak at HerConference in New York in 2018 (read my HerConference recap here)! She was one of my favorite keynotes because she spoke about her career in journalism as a woman and how she ended up in the position she was in!

This podcast is one that I personally really love because it is one of the best financial podcasts for millennials. Whether you’ve just graduated from college, or are planning for your child’s future, there’s a podcast episode for everyone! In all of the She Makes Money Moves podcast episodes, Samantha interviews leading experts in each field for their advice!

My favorite episodes are: “Confessions of a Real-Life Shopaholic,” “Student Loan Debt is Crushing Us,” “Why Aren’t More Women Investing,” “Full-Time Freelancing: Are You Tough Enough?,” “Chasing Money vs. Chasing Your Passion,” and “Friends With Money – And Friends Without.”

3. Superwomen by Rebecca Minkoff

As someone who has a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, it’s pretty self-explanatory why I love this podcast. Rebecca Minkoff changed the industry with her affordable, yet chic, handbags! She also worked really hard to get where she is today. Superwomen is a podcast she hosts where she interviews powerful women in the industry!

This is a great one to listen to if you’re looking into podcasts for women in business. I work at a corporate retail company and these women who have successfully worked in these roles, and run their own companies, are so inspiring! It’s really one of the best motivational podcasts for women and if you love anything having to do with fashion, careers, and entrepreneurship, this one’s for you.

My favorite episodes are: “Thoughts Become Things – Ericka Perry on Manifestong Dreams Into Reality,” “Anna Mahlum Gets to the Core of the Matter,” “Beauty, Bowls and Branding with Kathryn Duryea of Year and Day,” “Written in the Cosmos: Jessica Pels of Cosmopolitan Magazine,” “Scrappiness is a Virtue: Jenny Fleiss Co-founder of Rent the Runway,” “Market Yourself: Aliza Licht of Leave Your Mark.”

4. Secrets of Wealthy Women by The Wall Street Journal

I really started looking into more financial based podcasts in January because that’s when I started paying off my student loans! If you’re looking for a finance podcast for young adults, this is the one for you! Now as with most financial podcasts, this is great for people of any age, I just feel as if this one give you great tips and insight from people who have been where you have been.

Secrets of Wealthy Women was created by the Wall Street Journal and is hosted by Veronica Dagher. Throughout the episodes of this podcast, they interview successful women executives, self-made entrepreneurs, industry trendsetters, and so many other amazing women! I listed it below, but my favorite episodes has been “How Women of Color Can Own Their Success” because I feel like we are often left out of these conversations.

My favorite episodes are: “Gloria Feldt: Empowering Women Through Feminism,” “Wellness Entrepreneurs: How to Turn Purpose Into Success,” “How Women of Color Can Own Their Success,” “How to Take Charge of Your Debt,”and “Mona Sinha: On Using Millions to Help Women in Need.”

The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (2)

5. How I Built This by NPR

How I Built This is another one of the best inspirational podcasts for women! Although they share stories about men as well, the female entrepreneurs throughout these episodes are talented, hard working, and massively motivating.

This podcast is created by NPR but hosted by Guy Raz! The people interviewed in these podcast episodes are from some of the most profitable companies that exist today. From Spanx to Southwest Airlines, NPR really highlights the best entrepreneurs in a multitude of fields.

My favorite episodes are: “Kate Spade – Kate and Andy Spade,” “Beyond Meat – Ethan Brown,” “Carol’s Daughter – Lisa Price,” “Serial Entrepreneur – Marcia Kilgore,” “Chicken Salad Chick – Stacy Brown,” “Drybar – Alli Webb,” “Glossier – Emily Weiss,” “Stitch Fix – Katrina Lake,” and “Live Episode! Walker & Company – Tristan Walker.”

6. Girlboss Radio by Sophia Amoruso

If you’re looking for podcasts for girl bosses, then you obviously have to look no further! Even though some people have started hating this term, I will forever love it. Girlboss was how I found Sophia Amourso my 12th grade year of high school. I was in an Intro to Business class and I created a whole presentation around Sophia! (PSA: She was the CEO and Founder of Nasty Gal)

My favorite part of every interview she conducts is that she asks “What was your first job?” It’s really inspiring to hear that all these powerful women started off working at places like Subway or a local ice cream shop. Everyone has a beginning and that is why it’s one of the mostinspiring podcasts for women!

My favorite episodes are: “Why taking a leap of faith is part of any career journey, with Elaine Welteroth, journalist and author of More Than Enough,” “Rupi Kaur – Poet, Artist, and Performer,” “Anu Duggal – Founding Partner of Female Founders Fund,” “Marketing Memorable Spaces with Maryellis Bunn, of the Museum of Ice Cream,” “How to Cultivate Creativity EveryDay, with Piera Gelardi, of Refinery 21.”

7. Journey to Launch by Jamila Souffrant

As a black woman, I’m always looking for other women like me in different spaces. When it came to podcasts, I was specifically looking for finance podcasts and I was SO happy to find the Journey to Launch podcast by Jamila Souffrant. This is one of my favorite podcasts for black women and it’s also one of the best podcasts for women in their 20s!

Jamila is a Certified Financial Education Instructor, blogger, and money coach! She is insanely qualified, has gone on her own money journey, and honestly walks her talk. My favorite part is that she brings on other professionals, but also people who are currently on their “journey” to financial freedom!

My favorite episodes are: “Episode 003 – Investing Your Way to Freedom + Investing Basics w/ Cassandra Cummings,” “Episode 104 – Create the Joyful, Purposeful, and Rich Life You Deserve with Jean Chatzky,”“Episode 125 – From Making $35,000 a Year to Being a Millionaire with Erika Grant,” “Episode 137 – The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America with Shawn Rochester.”

8. The Influencer Podcast by Julie Solomon

If you have been looking for the best social media podcasts or best content marketing podcasts, then look no further than The Influencer Podcast by Julie Solomon! Julie is a marketing strategist, New York Times bestselling publicist, and an influencer.

Honestly no one could be more qualified than she is for this podcast and all of her tips are so helpful! It’s really one of thebest podcasts for bloggers because she gives tips on how to become an influencer, how to land brand collabs, and social media growth strategies.

My favorite episodes are: “How to Make Money on Instagram (The Easy Way),” “5 Steps to Your First $1K Blogging,” “How to Avoid These 3 Common Influencer Mistakes,” “5 Marketing Mistakes You are Making + How to Fix Them,” “The Key to Landing Those Travel Brand Deals.”

The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (3)

I hope you enjoyed this post of The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings! I listed some of the best blogging podcasts, some top digital marketing podcasts, and even some podcasts that will help you on your way to financial freedom! If you found a new podcast to listen to from this post, be sure to let me know. If you have other podcast suggestions, leave a comment below with the title and why you love it!

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The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (4)

The 8 Best Podcasts for 20 Somethings - Sequins & Sales (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.