Tell me about the Alabama Right of Redemption | Urban Property (2024)

Tell me about the Alabama Right of Redemption | Urban Property (1)

The owners may be able to get the home back after the foreclosure, but not by catching up on their mortgage payments. They would have to repurchase the home by paying you the purchase price you paid at the foreclosure sale, plus various other charges. This is called redeeming the property. Because the distressed former homeowner has to come up with so much cash to get the house back, redemption is rare.

The Right to Redeem After Foreclosure in Alabama

The redemption period after a foreclosure sale in Alabama depends largely on when the foreclosed homeowners took out their mortgage.

Mortgages before January 1, 2016.Alabama law gives homeowners a one-year redemption period after a foreclosure sale.

Mortgages after January 1, 2016.Alabama law gives homeowners a 180-day redemption period after the foreclosure sale for homestead properties—if proper notice about the right to redeem was given. (Ala. Code § 6-5-248(b).) By law, the foreclosing party must mail the homeowners a notice about the right to redeem the home at least 30 days before the foreclosure sale. (Ala. Code § 6-5-248(h).) If the notice isn’t mailed to the homeowners at least 30 days before the foreclosure sale, they get 180 days to redeem the homestead property from the date the notice is provided. But the homeowners can’t redeem more than one year after the sale.

It’s also possible, but exceedingly rare, for some other party to redeem the property, such as other creditors who had liens on the home.

Another very rare possibility is the IRS redeeming the property after a judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure, if there was a federal tax lien on the home. The IRS gets 120 days (or the allowable period under state law, whichever is longer) to redeem. If the IRS considers redeeming the house, it would send you a notice beforehand.

The Homeowners Can Lose the Right to Redeem

After you purchase the property at the foreclosure sale, you can demand that the homeowners vacate the property. To do this, you must deliver a written demand for possession to the homeowners. If they do not move out of the home within ten days after you give them the notice, they lose the right of redemption (Ala. Code § 6-5-251).

How the Homeowners (or Other Party) Redeems in Alabama

To redeem the property, the former homeowners (or other redeeming party) must send you a written demand requesting a statement of all amounts you’ve spent on the property since the foreclosure sale. You must then provide an itemized statement within ten days of the demand. If you do not provide the statement within ten days, you lose the right to compensation for any improvements you made to the home since the foreclosure sale (Ala. Code § 6-5-252).

How Much the Foreclosed Homeowners (or Other Party) Must Pay to Redeem

In order to redeem the property, the foreclosed homeowners (or other redeeming party) must pay you the purchase price you paid at the foreclosure sale, plus all allowable charges such as:

  • interest
  • the value of any permanent improvements you made to the property since the sale (though the redeeming party may challenge your valuation of the improvements)
  • taxes you paid (or that are assessed)
  • all insurance premiums you paid, and
  • any valid lien you paid (Ala. Code § 6-5-253).

What Will Happen if You Don’t Give Up the Property

Once the redeeming party pays the appropriate amount within the redemption period, you must convey (sign over) the property to that party. If you fail to do so or refuse to transfer the home, the redeeming party may file a lawsuit against you to enforce the right of redemption (Ala. Code § 6-5-255).

Tell me about the Alabama Right of Redemption | Urban Property (2024)


What is right to redeem property in Alabama? ›

When Can The Property Be Redeemed? Within three years from the date of the tax sale. – When the tax deed has been delivered to and signed for by the purchaser.

Who can redeem a foreclosed property in Alabama? ›

Who Can Redeem
  • Debtors.
  • Mortgagors.
  • Junior mortgagees, or transferees.
  • Judgment creditors, or transferees.
  • Transferees of the interests of the debtor or mortgagor, either before or after the sale.
  • Spouses of debtors, mortgagors or transferees of a debtor or mortgagor, if married on day of foreclosure sale.
Mar 19, 2018

What is the idea behind the right of redemption? ›

Right of redemption is a legal process that allows a delinquent mortgage borrower to reclaim their home or other property subject to foreclosure if they are able to repay their obligations in time.

What does property redemption mean? ›

Redemption is a period after your home has already been sold at a foreclosure sale when you can still reclaim your home. You will need to pay the outstanding mortgage balance and all costs incurred during the foreclosure process. Many states have some type of redemption period.

What are the two types of redemption? ›

In General. There are two types of redemption: Equitable redemption and Statutory redemption.

Do all heirs have to agree to sell property in Alabama? ›

An heir can sell their interest in heirs property. Do all heirs have to agree for heirs property to be sold? Under certain circ*mstances, such as a forced sale through a partition action or a tax sale, the property can be sold without all heirs agreeing.

What is the right for a borrower to redeem his property before foreclosure called? ›

Equity of redemption (also termed right of redemption or equitable right of redemption) is a defaulting mortgagor's right to prevent foreclosure proceedings on the property and redeem the mortgaged property by discharging the debt secured by the mortgage within a reasonable amount of time (thereby curing the default).

Who gets the surplus funds from a foreclosure? ›

In most states, a foreclosure ends with a public auction where the property is sold to a new owner. When a foreclosure sale results in excess proceeds—money over and above what's needed to pay off all the liens on the property—this surplus money belongs to you (the homeowner), not the lender.

What is the right of redemption in Alabama tax sale? ›

Right of Redemption – Administrative Redemption

Whether or not the property owner is still in possession of the property, Alabama statutes give them an opportunity to get it back. The owner of a property that has been purchased at tax sale has the right to administratively redeem the property from the tax purchaser.

Are redemption rights common? ›

As a practical matter, redemption rights are rarely exercised. The reason is a so called “walking dead” company doesn't have the funds to buy back the investors' shares. In this case, investors can that request certain penalty provisions take place.

Why is redemption necessary? ›

Christians believe that all people are born into a state of sin and separation from God, and that redemption is a necessary part of salvation in order to obtain eternal life. Leon Morris says that "Paul uses the concept of redemption primarily to speak of the saving significance of the death of Christ."

How does mortgage redemption work? ›

Mortgage redemption is the process of completely paying off your mortgage. Redeeming your mortgage means paying the outstanding capital, any interest owed, and early repayment and/or administration fees for closing your mortgage account. You'll need to redeem your mortgage when you pay it off completely.

Does redemption mean to buy back? ›

Repurchases and Redemptions

Share repurchases are a popular method for returning cash to shareholders and are strictly voluntary on the part of the shareholder. Redemptions are when a company requires shareholders to sell a portion of their shares back to the company.

What does redemption payment mean? ›

Redemption fees is another term for early repayment charges. It's the charge you pay if you choose to repay your loan earlier than the original final repayment date. Lenders do this to try and get back some of the money they'll lose out in interest repayments if you repay your loan early.

What is a redemption order? ›

What is a Redemption Order? A redemption order is a contract between a company and its shareholders that allow the latter to sell their interests to the company instead of a co-owner.

What are simple examples of redemption? ›

Redemption is the buying back of something. You might try for redemption by attempting to buy back a bike you sold, or you might attempt to buy back your soul after you steal someone else's bike.

What is the power of redemption? ›

Redemption. The cure to all wrongdoings, the way to erase past mistakes while holding onto all we have learned from them. Forgiveness.

What are the 4 steps to redemption? ›

How the Four-Step Process of Redemption Can Guide Us Toward Positive Change
  • “I shall take you out from under the burdens.” This phrase refers to God stopping the hard labor. ...
  • “I shall rescue you.” ...
  • “I shall redeem you.” ...
  • “I shall take you to Me for a people.”

Who inherits if no will in Alabama? ›

If you die without a will in Alabama, your assets will go to your closest relatives under state "intestate succession" laws.

How long does the executor have to pay the beneficiaries in Alabama? ›

It typically includes a full or partial distribution to the heirs or beneficiaries. Alabama personal representatives must make annual settlements of their administration. A final settlement can be made six months from the date of the grant of Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration.

How long do you have to transfer property after death in Alabama? ›

The surviving owner shall present an application for certificate of title within 30 days of obtaining ownership. To transfer ownership from the deceased owner, the surviving owner must bring in the original title and original death certificate of deceased owner for transfer of title.

What are the two types of redemption that may be available to a defaulting borrower? ›

Let's contrast two types of redemption: equitable versus statutory redemption. Equitable redemption is the right of a borrower to redeem the property before the foreclosure sale. Whereas statutory redemption is the right of a defaulting borrower to redeem the property after the foreclosure sale.

What is the statutory right to redeem the property even after a foreclosure sale called? ›

Some states permit foreclosed homeowners to repurchase their property after a foreclosure during what's called a "redemption period." The right to repurchase the home is called the "statutory right of redemption" because the amount of time allowed to redeem and the right itself arises solely from state statutes.

Is redemption an option to avoid foreclosure? ›

The right of redemption allows homeowners to keep their homes if they pay back what they owe even after their lender starts the foreclosure process or puts the home up for sale at public auction.

Does bank keep all the money in foreclosure? ›

If your property is sold at foreclosure, any funds remaining after the sale that have not been used to pay off the liens held by your mortgage company or other lienholders will be remitted to the court.

What happens if any money remains from the foreclosure sale after paying off the debt? ›

After the first-mortgage lender forecloses, any surplus funds from the foreclosure sale after the foreclosing lender's debt has been paid off will be distributed to creditors holding junior liens, like a second-mortgage lender or judgment creditor (the person who sued you and won the judgment).

What is the first item to be paid out of foreclosure funds? ›

The order of payment in a foreclosure is; the cost of the sale (advertising, attorney fees, trustee fees, etc.), any special assessment taxes and general taxes, the first mortgage, whatever is recorded next.

What is a quiet title in Alabama? ›

A quiet title lawsuit allows you to bring your case to court and have the judge decide who owns the land. The judge's decision will “quiet” the title to the land and resolve disputes between the parties. Once a court decides a quiet title action, the loser cannot continue to make claims to the property.

Does paying property tax give ownership in Alabama? ›

No. Paying taxes on property does not constitute ownership. State law allows taxes to be paid by persons other than the owner(s).

What does redemption mean on taxes? ›

The term REDEEMED means all defaulted taxes, penalties, fees, and/or costs have been paid in full.

What is an example of a redemption right? ›

Example 1. Sierra purchases preferred stock from a startup who is not an attractive acquisition. In exchange for her capital, she asks that the company add a redemption right that would require them to purchase back all the shares she acquires after 6 months. This protects Sierra from losing her initial investment.

What is a redemption clause? ›

A redemption clause renders it possible to prevent unwanted persons to become shareholders in the company and to grant the company's shareholders priority to increase their holding in case any of the shareholders wish to transfer their shares.

What are capital redemption rights? ›

The right of redemption is the right to demand under certain conditions that the company buys back its own shares from its investors at a fixed price. This right may be included to require a company to buy back its shares if there has not been an exit within a pre-determined period.

Who paid the price of redemption? ›

By dying on the cross, being buried, and rising again—all according to the Scripture (1 Cor. 15:3-4)—Christ paid for our redemption.

What are the three definitions of redemption? ›

: to get or win back. : to free from what distresses or harms: such as. : to free from captivity by payment of ransom. : to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental. : to release from blame or debt : clear.

What is the value of redemption? ›

Redemption value is the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date. A bond is purchased "at a discount" if its redemption value exceeds its purchase price. It is purchased "at a premium" if its purchase price exceeds its redemption value.

What is redemption process? ›

The process of withdrawing units with an aim to gain your returns from the funds is the definition of mutual funds redemption. This enables you to enjoy the benefit of the redemption of a mutual fund as you receive funds in your account very soon.

How long does a mortgage redemption last? ›

Mortgage redemption statements are usually only valid for around four weeks.

How long does a redemption statement last? ›

Because the amount you owe can change due to interest rates and your monthly repayments, the redemption statement only lasts for four weeks. If you make the payment after the four weeks is up, you may be charged extra interest.

How is redemption calculated? ›

Money is redeemed at the fund's net asset value (NAV) for the day, which is calculated as the sum of the value of the assets of a fund less than its liabilities.

Is redemption a gain or loss? ›

In many cases, calculating the gain or loss on a bond redemption is fairly simple. If you take the redemption proceeds and subtract what you originally paid for the bond, then the difference will tell you the answer. If it's positive, then you have a gain. If it's negative, you've lost money on the bond.

Is redemption buy or sell? ›

A stock redemption agreement is a buy-sell agreement between a private corporation and its shareholders. The agreement stipulates that if a triggering event occurs, the company will purchase shares from the shareholder upon their exit from the company.

What happens after redemption? ›

If the borrower's state allows the right of redemption to be exercised after such a sale, the borrower could potentially take back ownership. The borrower would pay back the foreclosure sale price plus additional fees, which might be lower than the debt owed on the mortgage.

What are the types of redemption payment? ›

Methods of Redemption of Debentures
  • Lump-sum payment on a prefixed date. This one-time method is considered to be among the simplest redeeming options. ...
  • Payment in annual instalment. ...
  • Debenture redemption reserve. ...
  • Call and put option. ...
  • Conversion into shares. ...
  • Buy from the open market.

How long will you take to receive your fund redemption amount? ›

For liquid funds, the redemption is usually done within 1-2 working days. For debt funds it is usually 2-3 working days and for equity funds it is usually 3-4 working days. The fund house will credit the money directly into your Bank account (which you had provided during your sign up on Freecharge Mutual Funds).

What are the 2 kinds of redemption? ›

In General. There are two types of redemption: Equitable redemption and Statutory redemption.

What does a redemption agreement do? ›


What is the law of land redemption? ›

The right of redemption, in the law of real property, is the right of a debtor whose real property has been foreclosed upon and sold to reclaim that property if they are able to come up with the money to repay the amount of the debt.

What does retain the property and redeem it mean? ›

Retain and Redeem: You pay the creditor what the property is worth during the bankruptcy case, usually in one payment. The payment is the replacement value of the property. If your property is “upside down,” you owe more than it is worth. Redeeming is a good way to get rid of debt.

Does a tax deed wipe out a mortgage in Alabama? ›

Because a property tax lien has priority, if you lose your home through a tax sale process, mortgages get wiped out. So, the loan servicer will usually advance money to pay delinquent property taxes to prevent this from happening. The servicer will then demand reimbursem*nt from you (the borrower).

How to buy tax delinquent property in Alabama? ›

Anyone wishing to buy a tax lien at this time must contact the Tax Collector's Office. You are not purchasing the property but a tax lien against the property in the amount of all taxes, interest, penalties, fees, and cost due on the property, origination cost, auction fee, and certificate fee.

What does it mean to redeem the land? ›

It basically denotes the rightful getting back of a person or object that had once belonged to one or to one's family but had been lost. In the laws this takes the form of avenging a relative's murder (“redemption of blood”), of buying back a relative from slavery, or a relative's land from an outsider.

What is an example of equity of redemption? ›

The equity of redemption is more commonly referred to simply as the “equity” and is generally equivalent to the value of the property less the outstanding debt secured against it. For example, a property worth £500,000 subject to an outstanding mortgage of £250,000 will have equity to the value of £250,000.

What is mortgage redemption? ›

Mortgage redemption is the process of paying off the outstanding balance on your mortgage and any other fees associated with it. It can sometimes be one of the most exciting and satisfying payments you'll ever make, as it's the final step to living mortgage free.

What does total redemption value mean? ›

Redemption value is the price at which the issuing company may choose to repurchase a security before its maturity date. A bond is purchased "at a discount" if its redemption value exceeds its purchase price.

What age do you stop paying property taxes in Alabama? ›

If you are over 65 years of age, or permanent and totally disabled (regardless of age), or blind (regardless of age), you are exempt from the state portion of property tax. County taxes may still be due. Please contact your local taxing official to claim your homestead exemption.

How long can you go without paying land taxes in Alabama? ›

When Property is sold under Alabama law due to non-payment of Taxes, the Owner has three years (or more) to redeem his interest in the Property without losing the legal title to the Property — known as administrative redemption.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.