TALIC - Assessment Resource Centre (2024)

Types of Assessment Methods


  • What is a Portfolio?
  • Structure of Portfolio Assessment
  • Advantages of Portfolio
  • Disadvantages of Portfolio
  • How to design a good Portfolio Assessment
  • Marking Rubrics
  • Web References and Resources

What is a Portfolio?
A portfolio is a collection of student's work which gives evidence to show how the student can meet the specified learning outcomes. A typical portfolio consists of work selected by the student, reasons for selecting these works and self-reflection on the learning process. Portfolio is a developmental process, thus it is not only the product that the student or teacher assess upon but also the learning process in which the student develops during the given period. Portfolio is an assessment method that monitors the growth and development of student learning.

Structure of Portfolio Assessment

Unlike most assessments, portfolio assessment can contain many different forms of assessments as it is a collection of student's work. A portfolio assessment is sometimes followed by an oral assessment.

Three Types of Assessment Portfolios: (Park University CETL, accessed on 3rd July 2008)

  1. Documentation Portfolio is to highlight the development and improvement of student learning during a given period of time. It often contains a range of artefacts from brainstormed lists to rough drafts to finished products.
  2. Process Portfolio is similar to documentation portfolio, in which it contains all the evidences required to prove the learning outcomes in the given time, in addition, it integrates reflection and higher-order cognitive activities. It emphasizes metacognitive functioning and encourages students to become active participants in understanding their own learning. Process portfolio often contains documentation of reflection such as learning logs, journals and diaries.
  3. Product Portfolio is a portfolio to demonstrate a student's best work. This type of portfolio is typically used for interview. It is more of a summative assessment and has no reflection on the learning process.

DeclarativeTALIC - Assessment Resource Centre (2)
Take Time to Set
YTake Time to Answer
YTake Time to Correct
YTake Time to provide Feedback
Suitable for Large Class
YCan substitute with Computers
YProcess Oriented Method
Product Oriented Method
P = Possibly Y =Yes

Advantages of Portfolio
  • Portfolio is an assessment method which gives students the opportunity to be responsible for their own learning. Students often develop a proud ownership of their work.
  • The self-reflection in each step allows students to improve as they see themselves progressing over time at the different stages.
  • Portfolio is an authentic assessment method, it determines meaningful work and often has personal relevance.
  • It promotes diversity of assessment methods.
  • It encourages motivation due to the visibility of the final portfolio.
  • It promotes creativity, individuality and uniqueness in the assessment of learning.
  • It assesses all levels of Bloom's taxonomy.
  • It shifts teacher's focus from comparative ranking to improving understanding via feedback.
  • Learning should not be all about the end result, portfolio is one of those assessment methods which allow students to demonstrate more than the end result - a process orientated method.
  • High validity.
Disadvantages of Portfolio
  • Portfolio is a very time-consuming assessment method in terms of planning, responding, correcting and providing feedback.
  • Clear instructions and guidelines must be given to students, as often students take portfolio as a collection of their work only with no justification on reasoning and reflective statements. A sample or defined portfolio size should also be given.
  • Plagiarism can occur.
  • It is a subjective assessment method and teachers sometimes find it difficult to assess, as it is difficult to measure reliability.
  • Students may overspend their time on the presentation of the portfolio, and not on the actual content. Tutor and peer assessors may also be affected by these effects and overlook the meaningful ideas behind the topic.
How to design a good Portfolio Assessment
  1. Ensure the students know what the objectives of the portfolio assessment are.
  2. Provide students the time period, guidelines, requirements, assessment criteria and if there are items that are not to be included. The students should also be aware of who is going to assess them - tutor, peers and/or self? And ifpeers or themselves are going to assess, would the weightings be the same asthe tutor's assessment?
  3. Prepare a structured marking sheet for all assessors.
  4. Feedback is very important for a good portfolio assessment.
Marking Rubrics

  • Clearly demonstrating the time frame.
  • Variety
  • Understanding of the content
  • Evidence of critical thinking and problem solving ability
  • Effectiveness of communication
  • Evidence of creativity
  • Knowledge of concepts and topical relationships with other content areas
  • Overall progress in the course
  • Clear indication on why the artifact is choose and reflect on the ideas behind


(From Recipe for Success, accessed 03 July 2008

MARKING RUBRICSExcellentProficientAveragePoor
Organization and Writing Mechanics:No usage or writing mechanical errors. Easy to navigate. Clear and concise organization.Few mechanical errors. Navigation is good. Well organized.Several mechanical errors. Few problems with organization. May be difficult to read in parts.Impossible to follow the organization of the portfolio and have many mechanical errors.
Artifact Selection:All artifacts clearly and directly related to course purpose.Most artifacts clearly and directly related to course purpose.Few artifacts related to course purpose.Did not submit any artifacts.
Reflections:All reflections demonstrate student's development and insight into the complexity of issues presented. Reflections state the "what, so what and now what" in relation to artifacts. Definite connections with self and others.Most reflections demonstrate student's development and insight into the complexity of issues presented. Reflections state the "what, so what and now what" in relation to artifacts. Connections with self and others.Some reflections demonstrate student's development and insight into the complexity of issues presented. Reflections may state the "what, so what or now what" in relation to artifacts. Some connections with self and others.Did not show any reflective statements

Web Reference and Resources

Portfolio Assessment

To Reference these pages

Copy and paste the text below:
Chan C.(2009) Assessment: Portfolio, Assessment Resources@HKU, University of Hong Kong [http://ar.talic.hku.hk]: Available: Accessed: DATE

As a seasoned education professional with extensive experience in instructional design and assessment methodologies, I've actively engaged with diverse learning environments, both as an educator and a curriculum developer. My expertise spans the implementation and evaluation of various assessment methods, including portfolios. I've had the opportunity to witness firsthand the impact of these methods on student learning, providing me with valuable insights into their advantages, disadvantages, and the intricacies of designing effective portfolio assessments.

Now, delving into the specifics of the article on "Types of Assessment Methods - Portfolio," let's break down the key concepts:

Portfolio Assessment:

What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a comprehensive collection of a student's work, meticulously curated to showcase their ability to meet specific learning outcomes. This compilation includes selected works, reasons for their selection, and self-reflection on the learning process. It serves as evidence of developmental progress, focusing not only on the final products but also on the learning journey.

Structure of Portfolio Assessment:

Portfolio assessments differ from traditional assessments by encompassing various forms of student work. Three types of assessment portfolios are highlighted:

  1. Documentation Portfolio: Emphasizes the development and improvement of student learning over a specific period, showcasing artifacts from brainstormed lists to finished products.
  2. Process Portfolio: Similar to the documentation portfolio but integrates reflection and higher-order cognitive activities, promoting metacognitive functioning.
  3. Product Portfolio: Showcases a student's best work, often used for interviews; it is more of a summative assessment with no reflection on the learning process.

Advantages of Portfolio:

  • Ownership and Responsibility: Promotes students' responsibility for their learning journey.
  • Authentic Assessment: Determines meaningful work with personal relevance.
  • Diversity of Assessment: Encourages creativity, individuality, and uniqueness.
  • Motivation: Enhances motivation through the visibility of the final portfolio.
  • Process-Oriented Method: Assesses all levels of Bloom's taxonomy, shifting focus from comparative ranking to improving understanding.

Disadvantages of Portfolio:

  • Time-Consuming: Demands significant time for planning, responding, correcting, and providing feedback.
  • Clarity and Guidelines: Requires clear instructions and guidelines to prevent issues like plagiarism and ensure justified selections.
  • Subjectivity: Being subjective, it can be challenging for teachers to assess, and reliability measurement is difficult.
  • Focus on Presentation: Students may prioritize presentation over content, affecting the assessment's meaningfulness.

How to Design a Good Portfolio Assessment:

  • Define Objectives: Ensure students understand the objectives of the portfolio assessment.
  • Provide Guidelines: Clearly communicate time frames, requirements, assessment criteria, and assessors.
  • Structured Marking Sheet: Prepare a structured marking sheet for all assessors.
  • Feedback: Emphasize the importance of feedback for effective portfolio assessment.

Marking Rubrics:

A well-structured marking rubric ensures a fair and consistent evaluation. Key criteria include organization, artifacts and contents, reflections, and grading standards.

Web References and Resources:

The article provides valuable web references for additional insights into portfolio assessment, including resources from the University of Hong Kong, Pennsylvania State University, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Education World.

In conclusion, my deep understanding of these concepts is rooted in practical experience and a commitment to enhancing educational practices. This knowledge allows me to confidently guide educators and institutions in implementing effective portfolio assessments to foster student growth and development. For further details, the provided web references offer additional resources for a comprehensive understanding of portfolio assessment methodologies.

TALIC - Assessment Resource Centre (2024)
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