A beginner's guide to real estate investing (2024)

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  • Investing in real estate can offer individuals both immediate income and long-term appreciation.
  • REITs, RELPs, and crowdfunding are indirect ways to invest in real estate, without requiring hands-on management.
  • More direct real estate investments include buying your own home, a rental property, or a property to fix up and flip.

A beginner's guide to real estate investing (1)


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A beginner's guide to real estate investing (2)

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A beginner's guide to real estate investing (3)

Real estate often proves to be a lucrative investment, offering both income — in the form of rents and appreciation — when you sell appreciated property at a profit. It's also a good way to diversify your portfolio, as an asset that's subject to different influences than stocks and bonds.

And for the everyday individual, it may be more accessible than you think. Although it requires considerable time, patience, and (of course) cash, almost anyone can invest in real estate.

6 best ways to invest in real estate

1. Real estate crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding is a strategy that allows enterprises to raise capital from large groups of individuals. It's done via online platforms that provide a meeting ground/marketplace between real estate developers and interested investors. In exchange for their money, investors receive debt or equity in a development project and, in successful cases, monthly or quarterly distributions.

Not all real estate crowdfunding platforms are available to everyone: Many are reserved for accredited investors — that is, high-net-worth, and/or highly experienced individuals. Still, there are several less exclusive platforms like Fundrise and Groundfloor that allow newbies to invest a small amount.

Through these real estate investment apps, you create an account and either select a portfolio strategy based on your goals, with brokers diversifying your money across a series of investment funds, or browse and select investments yourself, keeping up with their progress through a 24/7 online dashboard.

Despite their convenience, crowdfunding offerings come along with considerable risk. As private investments, they're not as liquid (easily sold) as other publicly traded securities, like stocks. Think of your funds as being tied-up over the long-term. Fundrise recommends investors have a time horizon of at least five years, for example.

Invest in commercial real estate assets with EquityMultiple

2. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

If you want to wade into real estate, investing in a real estate investment trust (REIT) will provide exposure to the market without the time and cost commitment of buying your own property.

REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance properties and real estate ventures. Like mutual funds or exchange-traded funds, they own not just one, but a basket of assets. Investors purchase shares of a REIT and earn a proportionate share of the income produced by those assets.

Equity REITs, the most common type of REIT, allow investors to pool their money to fund the purchase, development, and management of real estate properties. A REIT focuses on a specific type of real estate, such as apartment complexes, hospitals, hotels, or malls. Ninety percent of its annual earnings must be distributed to the investors as dividends.

One big selling point of REITs: Most of them trade on public stock exchanges. So that means REITs combine the opportunity to own, and profit from, real estate with the ease and liquidity of investing in stocks.

Geared towards generating income, usually from rent and leases, REITs offer regular returns and high dividends. They also appeal to investors because of the unique way that they are taxed: REITs are structured as pass-through entities, meaning they don't pay corporate tax. This effectively means higher returns for their investors.

If you want to keep your investment liquid, stick to publicly traded REITs (a few REITs are private ventures).

"Publicly traded REITs are listed on major stock exchanges. Investors can buy and sell shares of these REITs through brokerage accounts, just like they would with regular stocks. They offer high liquidity and are subject to strict regulatory requirements," says Richard Ratner, senior vice president and investment advisor at Bel Air Investment Advisors.

Private REITs, on the other hand, aren't listed on public stock exchanges and are often way more limited. "Investors may have limited opportunities to redeem or sell their shares, often subject to lock-up periods or specific withdrawal restrictions," explains Ratner, "However, private REITs may provide access to a more specialized or exclusive portfolio of real estate assets, which could potentially offer higher returns and risks."

You can buy shares through a brokerage firm, IRA, or 401(k).

Invest in real estate and alternative investments with Yieldstreet

3. Real estate limited partnerships

A real estate limited partnership (RELP) provides investors with a diversified portfolio of real estate investment opportunities, allowing you to merge your funds with other investors' to buy, lease, develop, and sell properties that would be hard to manage or afford independently.

Like REITs, RELPs usually own a pool of properties, but they differ in their structure and organization. Primarily: RELPs are a form of private equity — that is, they are not traded on public exchanges

Instead, they exist for a set term, which typically lasts between seven and 12 years. During this term, RELPs function like small companies, forming a business plan and identifying properties to purchase and/or develop, manage, and finally sell off, with profits distributed along the way. After the holdings are all dispatched, the partnership dissolves.

They're generally more suitable for high-net-worth investors: Most RELPs have an investment minimum of generally $2,000 or above, and often substantially more — some set minimum "buy-ins" anywhere from $100,000 to a few million, depending on the number and size of the property purchases.

4. Become a landlord

One classic way to invest in real estate is to buy a property and lease it, or part of it.Being a landlord can come in many forms.

The first is to buy a single-family home and rent it out, a strategy that will only generate income if overhead costs are low. If your tenant's rental payment doesn't cover the mortgage, insurance, taxes, and maintenance, you're effectively losing money. Ideally, your monthly mortgage payment will be relatively fixed, while rent prices rise, increasing the amount of money you pocket over time.

Nowadays, you can shop for rental properties online through a site like Roofstock, which allows sellers of vacant homes primed for renters to list their properties, facilitates the buying process, and assigns a property manager to the new buyer.

But keep in mind that you may have to face tenant and management risks. "Owning and managing real estate involves responsibilities and potential liabilities, including property management challenges legal disputes, and compliance issues," states Ratner. "For rental properties, there is a risk of unreliable or non-paying tenants, extended vacancies, or property damaged caused by tenants."

Another option is "house-hacking," which is when you purchase a multi-unit building and live in one of the units while renting out the others. This strategy decreases your living expenses while simultaneously generating income that can cover mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance.

A low commitment version of house-hacking is to rent part of your home via a site like Airbnb, which would allow you some extra monthly cash without having to commit to taking on a long-term tenant.

On the opposite, more ambitious end, you could aim for a condo conversion, in which you buy a multifamily building, rent out the units, and then later turn the units into condos and sell them off individually, says Boston-based realtor and real estate investor Dana Bull. "So the idea is, you buy the building for a little bit of a discount, and then eventually you're able to sell for top dollar," she says.

5. House flipping

Some people take it a step further, buying homes to renovate and resell. Though those TV shows often make it look easy, "flipping" remains one of the most time-consuming and costly ways to invest in real estate. But it also has the potential to produce the biggest gains.

To be a successful flipper, you should always be prepared for unexpected problems, budget increases, time-inducing mistakes, a longer renovation timeline, and issues selling on the market.

It's especially important to build a team of experts — contractors, interior designers, attorneys, and accountants — you can trust. And make sure you have the cash reserves to troubleshoot. Even experienced flippers find a project inevitably takes longer and costs more than they think.

6. Invest in your own home

Finally, if you want to invest in real estate, look closer to home — your own home. Homeownership is a goal many Americans strive to achieve, and rightfully so. Residential real estate has had its ups and downs over the years, but it generally appreciates in the long-term.

Most folks don't buy a home outright, but take out a mortgage. Working to paying it off, and owning your home outright, is a long-term investment that can protect against the volatility of the real estate market. It's often seen as the step that precedes investing in other types of real estate and has the added benefit of boosting your net worth, since you now own a major asset.

Real estate investing: Pros and cons

  • Passive cash flow options with REITs and rent payments
  • Active management and more control options
  • Long-term appreciation of owned properties
  • Portfolio diversification and stability
  • Hedge against market volatility
  • Tax advantages, such as tax-free capital gains and interest deductions
  • Illiquid assets
  • Property value may fall over time
  • Longer time commitment, usually a 5-year minimum
  • Extensive management. maintenance, and renovation fees
  • Generally much higher minimums to invest

Investing in real estate is a great way to earn passive cash flow for long-term appreciation. It's also suitable for hands-on investors wanting more control over their investments.

"With private real estate investments, investors often have more control over the selection and management of their properties. This level of control allows for the implementation of active strategies to improve property performances, increase value, and maximize returns," says Ratner.

He also states that another benefit is a hedge against market volatility. "Real estate can offer a buffer against stock market volatility. When traditional investments are performing poorly, real estate investments may still hold their value or even experience growth."

However, real estate investments are highly illiquid and require a longer time horizon compared to other assets like stocks and mutual funds.

"Real estate is relatively illiquid compared to stock and bonds," says Ratner. "It may take time to sell a property, especially during unfavorable market conditions, which could hinder access to capital when needed."

Another downside is that owning and maintaining real estate properties isn't cheap. You'll generally need at least $5,000 to start investing. Some of the best real estate investing apps, like Fundrise and Yieldstreet, require lower minimums. But you may still need $20k or more to actually buy a property.

Tax advantages of investing in real estate

Depending on how you invest in real estate, you may be eligible for certain state and local tax benefits.

"Real estate investments come with various tax advantages, such as mortgage interest deduction, property depreciation, 1031 exchange (in the United States), and potential preferential tax treatment for long-term capital gains," says Ratner.

It's also important to note that renting out a real estate property is considered passive income (as long as you meet the IRS definition), and is taxed as regular income.

When you own rental properties, you may be able to reduce taxable gains by deducting property taxes from the rental's revenue. You can also deduct any interest expense or depreciation. Similarly, REITs won't be taxed until you sell your shares, and can only be taxed once.

Your own home can also be eligible to interest expense deductions on your mortgage. Plus, you may even be able to deduct up to $10,000 in property taxes if you itemize your tax return.

You can defer taxes on gains when you sell a property or flip a house by following the 1031 rules.

Strategies for successful real estate investing

Whatever form your real estate investment takes, certain strategies will stand you in good stead.

  • Be financially prepared: Real estate is a particularly expensive investment, so you need to have cash on hand for a down payment, partnership share, or to buy a property outright. You'll also need a reserve to dip into if and when something needs fixing, which should be entirely separate from your everyday emergency fund. Before getting started, establish an emergency fund, pay off consumer debt, and automate your retirement savings.

  • Get to know the local market: There's an old saying: "The three most important factors in real estate are location, location, location." Start by getting to know the local market. Talk to real estate agents and locals; find out who lives in the area, who is moving to the area, and why; and analyze the history of property prices. In short: Do your research and "focus on building relationships with people — because that's what real estate is, it's a relationship-based business," Bull says.
  • Keep it simple: A simple strategy can go a long way in real estate investing. If your goal is to generate passive income, don't be fooled into believing you need to go big to make it happen. It's best to start small and keep your expenses low, says real estate investor Chad Carson of CoachCarson.com.

Real estate investing frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do I invest $100,000 dollars in real estate?

You can invest $100,000 dollars in real estate through crowdfunding platforms, real estate investment trusts, limited partnerships, house flipping, or by becoming a landlord. $100,000 is a big chunk of change, so you may be able to invest in multiple properties for more portfolio diversification and stabilization.

Is $5,000 enough to invest in real estate?

Yes, $5,000 is enough to invest in real estate, although your options will be more limited. You can open a Roofstock account with no minimum, and you only need $10 to invest with Fundrise. But the price of actual investments may be much higher.

How do I invest $10,000 dollars in real estate?

You can invest $10,000 dollars in real estate by flipping houses, becoming a landlord, crowdfunding sites, REITs, and more. Most real estate investing platforms require less than $10,000 to start investing in single-family rental properties, individual properties, and venture funds.

Is it a good idea to invest in real estate?

Real estate investing may be more accessible than you think, and there are multiple ways to get involved in this often lucrative asset.

Pure investment plays — which don't involve hands-on management from you — include real estate crowdfunding, investing in real estate limited partnerships, and buying into real estate investment trusts. Each of these mitigates the risk of investing in a major project alone or without guidance.

More direct investments, like buying your own home, a rental property, or a property to fix up and flip, are also valuable strategies. However, it's best to do your homework before settling on one of these ownership methods, ensuring that you're financially secure enough to take on some risk and familiarize yourself with the local real estate market.

Bear in mind real estate as a whole is a relatively illiquid asset. Projects can take a while to execute and pay off. So whenever you think of real estate, you almost always have to think of it as a long-term investment.

Tanza Loudenback

Tanza is a CFP® professional and former correspondent for Personal Finance Insider. She broke down personal finance news and wrote about taxes, investing, retirement, wealth building, and debt management. She helmed a biweekly newsletter and a column answering reader questions about money. Tanza is the author of two ebooks, A Guide to Financial Planners and "The One-Month Plan to Master your Money." In 2020, Tanza was the editorial lead on Master Your Money, a yearlong original series providing financial tools, advice, and inspiration to millennials. Tanza joined Business Insider in June 2015 and is an alumna of Elon University, where she studied journalism and Italian. She is based in Los Angeles.

Amena Saad

Investing Reference Fellow

Amena is a former Investing Reference Fellow for Insider. She's a senior at UNC-Chapel Hill studying journalism and business administration and before joining BI, she was a reporting intern on the cross-asset team at Bloomberg News.

Tessa Campbell

Junior Investing Reporter

Tessa Campbell is a Junior Investing Reporter for Personal Finance Insider. She reports on investing-related topics like cryptocurrency, the stock market, and retirement savings accounts. She originally joined the PFI team as a Personal Finance Reviews Fellow in 2022. Her love of books, research, crochet, and coffee enriches her day-to-day life.

As an expert in real estate investing, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to guide you through the intricate landscape of investment options mentioned in the article. With a depth of understanding in both the theoretical and practical aspects of real estate, I'll shed light on the concepts introduced in the article.

  1. Real Estate Crowdfunding:

    • Real estate crowdfunding involves raising capital from a large group of individuals through online platforms. Investors receive debt or equity in a development project in exchange for their investment.
    • Platforms like Fundrise and Groundfloor cater to both accredited and non-accredited investors, providing accessibility to newbies.
    • Crowdfunding offers convenience but comes with considerable risk due to the illiquid nature of private investments.
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs):

    • REITs are companies that own, operate, or finance real estate properties. They function like mutual funds, allowing investors to buy shares and earn a proportionate share of the income produced by the assets.
    • Equity REITs focus on specific types of real estate, offering high liquidity as they trade on public stock exchanges.
    • REITs are structured as pass-through entities, providing tax advantages to investors.
  3. Real Estate Limited Partnerships (RELPs):

    • RELPs provide investors with a diversified portfolio of real estate opportunities. They operate similarly to REITs but are private equity and not traded on public exchanges.
    • RELPs have a set term, usually lasting between seven and 12 years, and involve pooling funds with other investors for property acquisition, development, and eventual sale.
  4. Becoming a Landlord:

    • Owning and renting out properties, whether single-family homes or multi-unit buildings, is a classic form of real estate investment.
    • Considerations include the risk of unreliable tenants, property management challenges, and legal disputes.
  5. House Flipping:

    • House flipping involves buying, renovating, and reselling properties for potential profit.
    • It's a time-consuming and costly investment strategy that requires careful planning, a trusted team of experts, and cash reserves.
  6. Investing in Your Own Home:

    • Homeownership is a long-term investment that can provide stability and appreciation over time.
    • Strategies range from buying a single-family home to more ambitious approaches like house-hacking or condo conversion.

Pros and Cons of Real Estate Investing:

  • Pros: Passive cash flow, long-term appreciation, portfolio diversification, hedge against market volatility, tax advantages, and potential for high returns.
  • Cons: Illiquid assets, potential for property value depreciation, longer time commitment, management and renovation fees, and higher minimum investment requirements.

Tax Advantages:

  • Real estate investments come with various tax benefits, including mortgage interest deduction, property depreciation, 1031 exchange, and preferential tax treatment for long-term capital gains.

Strategies for Successful Real Estate Investing:

  • Be financially prepared with cash for down payments and reserves.
  • Understand the local market and focus on building relationships.
  • Keep investment strategies simple and start small to minimize risks.

In conclusion, real estate offers diverse investment opportunities, each with its own set of advantages and challenges. Whether you prefer passive investments like REITs or more hands-on approaches like house flipping, thorough research and financial preparedness are key to success in the real estate market.

A beginner's guide to real estate investing (2024)
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