Supplier Responsibility (2024)

Designed by Apple in California. Made by people everywhere.

Supplier Responsibility (1)Supplier Responsibility (2)

Millions of people across more than 50 countries make our products possible. Respect for people and the planet we all share is our top priority. At Apple, we’re always learning and raising the bar. When challenges arise, we work tirelessly to create lasting change.

Supplier Responsibility (3)Supplier Responsibility (4)

People come first.

In everything we do.

Logistics, United States

Supplier Responsibility (5)

iPhone repair, theNetherlands

Supplier Responsibility (6)

Recycling, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (7)

Mac assembly,Ireland

Supplier Responsibility (8)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing, Chinamainland

Supplier Responsibility (9)

iPhone repair, theNetherlands

Supplier Responsibility (10)

Recycling, UnitedStates

Labor and human rights at the foundation.

Dedicated to continuous improvement.

Creating the best products in the world means putting people first — always. We require our suppliers to uphold the highest standards of labor and human rights, making respect for people the foundation of their business.

The Apple Human Rights Policy outlines how we treat everyone that our business reaches — including our employees, our customers, and the people in our supply chain. The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (our Code) is a rigorous set of requirements that Apple suppliers must meet in the areas of labor and human rights, health and safety, and environmental stewardship. For more than 15 years, we have partnered with our suppliers to drive the highest supply chain standards, aligning with the most stringent international frameworks, including the International Labour Organization Core Conventions and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We update our Code every year, raising the bar for our suppliers and challenging others in the industry to join us.

We verify that suppliers are meeting our standards through rigorous independent third-party assessments, completing over 800 related to our Code in fiscal year 2022. These onsite audits include a thorough review of every detail of a supplier’s operations, from workplace conditions to fair hiring practices and timely wage payment. Of the assessments in the 2022 reporting period, 214 were surprise visits where the supplier had no advance notice of the assessment team’s arrival. Apple employees are also onsite every day at many of our suppliers’ manufacturing facilities, collaborating with them on every aspect of their work.

If violations of our Code are found, suppliers must fix the issues and take steps to prevent them from happening again, all under the supervision of Apple experts. Suppliers with Core Violations of our Code (the most serious level of violation) face probation and immediate consequences, including ineligibility for new business, a notification sent to their CEO, and the suspension of existing projects if required short-term actions are not taken. Any supplier that is unable or unwilling to meet our standards risks termination of its business withApple. Since 2009 we have removed 25 manufacturing suppliers and 205 material processors from our supply chain for failure to uphold our Code.

Workplace rights from day one.

Our Code requires our suppliers to train their employees on their workplace rights before they begin work. This includes empowering them to speak up if their rights are not being respected. In 2021 we began development of a new digital training platform to make rights training in our supply chain even more effective. This engaging experience is delivered directly to workers’ mobile devices, and real-time feedback enables us to rapidly update the training to address areas of knowledge that need reinforcement.

Zero tolerance for forced labor.

Apple has zero tolerance for forced labor in any form. Our standards apply globally — regardless of a person’s job, location, or how they’re hired — and every supplier assessment we conduct looks for evidence of forced labor.

Our work to prevent forced labor begins even before people enter our supply chain. We require that recruitment processes be free and fair, which means prohibiting practices like charging fees to secure a job, even where it’s allowed by law. Our diligence extends throughout a person’s employment journey, as we check to be sure suppliers are meeting our standards for prevention of forced labor every time we engage.

Prevention of forced labor starts with education and strict standards. In 2022 we partnered with the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM), the world’s leading experts on migration, to scale our Responsible Labor Recruitment Toolkit globally. The Toolkit is designed to help suppliers, and the agencies that recruit employees for our suppliers, perform the due diligence and record keeping required to hire people fairly and ethically. We developed and tested these tools, trained our suppliers on their use, and then made them free and available to everyone — enabling companies across industries to accelerate progress in safeguarding the rights of people in their supply chains.

Read more about our efforts to prevent forcedlabor(PDF)

3M+people covered by the Apple Supplier Code of Conduct

50+countries where Apple suppliers operate

26M+people trained on their workplace rights since 2008

We listen. And act.

Feedback powers improvement.

A single voice can bring powerful change. That’s why we’re focused on ways to amplify the voices of people across our supply chain. When people speak, we listen carefully, and we act. In fiscal year 2022, we directly engaged with over 539,000 people in our supply chain about their workplace experience.

We conduct interviews and surveys of supplier employees globally, and provide hotlines for people to raise concerns, all while protecting privacy and anonymity. People who are interviewed and choose to stay in touch with us receive a follow-up phone call to make sure they did not experience retaliation as a result of their participation. In fiscal year 2022, more than 46,000 of these phone calls were made.

We use the feedback we receive to help our suppliers build better workplaces. The most common feedback topics relate to workplace amenities — such as transportation options, food service offerings, and improving the speed and efficiency of workplace services — along with other key areas like workplace policy suggestions and skill development for managers. We work with suppliers to address this feedback, and track resulting improvements. In fiscal year 2022, more than 5400 improvements were made to supplier workplaces as a result of feedback shared by their employees.

We take all concerns and allegations seriously, and investigate quickly, with Apple compliance experts typically onsite within 24 hours. If we find issues, we require suppliers to put a plan in place to address concerns promptly. We require regular check-ins on progress, and we confirm that all corrective actions have been completed to our standards. Most plans are completed within 90 days. Independent third-party experts often help verify that all required actions have been taken, and connect directly with affected people to ensure that they received required remedies, such as adjustments to their schedule or corrections of their pay and bonuses.

539K+supplier employees directly engaged about their workplace experience in fiscal year 2022

5.4K+improvements made to supplier workplaces based on their employees’ feedback in fiscal year 2022

8.3K+corrective actions taken by suppliers as a result of Code assessments conducted in fiscal year 2022

Supplier Responsibility (11)

Mac assembly,Ireland

Supplier Responsibility (12)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing, Chinamainland

Supplier Responsibility (13)Supplier Responsibility (14)


Accelerating opportunity.

The Apple Supplier Employee Development Fund

Health and wellness education, India

Supplier Responsibility (15)

Responsible labor recruitment training,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (16)

Robotics education program, Chinamainland

Supplier Responsibility (17)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing,India

Supplier Responsibility (18)

Mac assembly, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (19)

Responsible labor recruitment training,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (20)

Robotics education program, Chinamainland

Partnerships that drive progress.

New ways to grow.

In 2022 we launched the Supplier Employee Development Fund, a $50M commitment to expand on 15 years of labor, human rights, education, and skill-building programs for people across our supply chain and in surrounding communities. In the fund’s first year, more than 1.2 million people in our supply chain participated in new and expanded programs designed to improve their workplace experience and provide new ways to learn valuable skills.

In fiscal year 2022, we grew our programs and partnerships focused on upholding labor and human rights across our global supply chain. We helped our suppliers build new communications platforms to foster more open feedback between workers and management, implemented innovative new training programs for workplace rights education, and created new pathways to receive feedback from the more than three million people around the world who make our products possible.

We also introduced the Apple Education Hub to expand our investment in providing educational opportunities to people in our supply chain, opening new career options and teaching them the skills needed for the jobs of today and tomorrow.

The best innovation comes from collaboration. That’s why through the fund’s first year, we continued to increase our investment in partnerships with leading experts and organizations, like the United Nations International Labour Organization and the Fund for Global Human Rights, to help scale and strengthen our programs. These partnerships generate new industry-leading tools, processes, and standards, which we share openly so that others can benefit and accelerate progress in their own supply chains.

1.2M+participants in training, engagement, and education programs since the launch of the Supplier Employee Development Fund

Skills that open doors.

Lifelong learners.

Education is a powerful equalizing force. We provide the people in our supply chain with educational opportunities that not only strengthen their skills for the jobs they have today, but also open new pathways and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.

In 2022, as part of the new Apple Supplier Employee Development Fund, we launched the Apple Education Hub — an expansion of our supplier employee education programs that have been in operation since 2008.

Since launching the Apple Education Hub, we have introduced brand-new learning opportunities across the United States, China, Vietnam, and India, with more countries or regions to come. More than 480,000 supplier employees have engaged in both virtual and in-person opportunities across a range of topics including professional development, advanced manufacturing, robotics, and Swift coding, where students learn everything from iOS and macOS basics to advanced coding, with graduating students even publishing their apps on the AppStore.

Education should be available and accessible to everyone. In 2022 we launched a new program to support hiring and vocational training for people with disabilities in China, opening new options for learning, employment, and success.

We partner with experts to ensure that the educational programs we provide are innovative, meaningful, and connected to opportunities in local job markets, providing a roadmap for career growth and development. These partners include the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning in the United States, Zhejiang University in China, St. John’s Medical College, and a number of other leading educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.

480K+supplier employees who participated in learning and development opportunities since the launch of the Apple Education Hub

5.4M+supplier employees reached by educational programs since 2008

5apps created by supplier employees participating in our coding program, now live on the AppStore

Supplier Responsibility (21)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing,India

Supplier Responsibility (22)

Mac assembly, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (23)Supplier Responsibility (24)

Health and Safety

Built smarter.

Helping our suppliers create the safest and most advanced facilitiesaround.

Logistics, United States

Supplier Responsibility (25)


Supplier Responsibility (26)

Recycling, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (27)

iPhone assembly, Chinamainland

Supplier Responsibility (28)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing,India

Supplier Responsibility (29)

Apple Watch assembly,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (30)

Apple Maps surveying, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (31)


Supplier Responsibility (32)

Recycling, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (33)

iPhone assembly, Chinamainland

Health and safety at the core.

It starts with safety.

Everyone has the right to be safe at work. If we find that a supplier isn’t meeting our industry-leading standards, and that their facilities, machines, and materials don’t meet our high bar, we won’t start building products.

As we develop new products, manufacturing techniques, and production processes, we constantly evaluate our safety standards. In 2022 we introduced updates to our machine safety standards, which call for the safety protections we require to be built directly into machines before installation. We trained more than 5700 people responsible for machine safety at nearly 750 supplier sites on the new standards, equipping them to meet our requirements and proactively support safety throughout their facilities.

Incorporating safer and more environmentally preferred materials into our manufacturing processes, like the cleaners and degreasers used during assembly, helps keep people safe. Suppliers are required to uphold our industry-leading chemical safety standards, which include strict measures to make sure their employees and the local environment are safeguarded. And we’re going much further. By collaborating with leading chemical experts and nonprofit organizations that specialize in chemical safety and worker protections, we’re accelerating the adoption of safer, greener materials across the electronics industry.

We partner closely with suppliers to help them build a workplace culture where safety is a constant focus and conversation. In 2022 we trained thousands of leaders at key manufacturing sites on how to build successful cross-functional safety teams, which reinforce safety practices across their business. And from day one, supplier employees are informed of how to speak up if they feel unsafe, including the option to contact Apple directly and anonymously.

Supporting suppliers throughout COVID-19.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have provided our suppliers with the support and tools necessary to safeguard the health of people across their facilities. This includes helping suppliers to adjust their operations and facilities as needed — clearly communicating updates to their employees, staggering shifts to accommodate reduced density, supporting vaccine awareness, providing onsite testing, maintaining thorough deep-cleaning standards, and promoting channels for people to ask questions and share feedback.

We have also provided real-time in-person and virtual support to facilities experiencing outbreaks. And our learnings and safety tools have been shared with more than 200 companies across industries through the Responsible BusinessAlliance, a leading industry association.

133Facility Readiness Assessments conducted before beginning manufacturing in fiscal year 2022

3K+companies with access to a new IPC global standard for green cleaners in electronics manufacturing, developed by Apple

200+companies across multiple industries able to access Apple’s COVID-19 supply chain protocols and tools

Wellness in mind.

Prevention takes practice.

Health begins with knowledge. That’s why we have continued to expand our programs that provide health and wellness training to people across our supply chain on essential topics like nutrition, reproductive health, early cancer detection, mental health, and COVID-19 prevention. Since 2017 over 3.7 million people have benefitted from our supplier employee health and wellness programs.

Our health education initiatives are designed with people in mind, tailoring offerings to meet the needs of local supplier employee populations and their communities. This approach equips people with important knowledge and skills to take control of their own health — information that they can share with members of their communities.

Mental health is a critical component of overall health and wellness. In 2022 we enhanced our focus on mental health, launching new initiatives focused on spreading awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental health conditions, providing education on early warning signs, and connecting people to resources when they need support.

3.7M+people reached by our supplier employee health and wellness programs since 2017

High-precision spaces.
High-tech workplaces.

Fast. Forward.

Building products at Apple’s quality and speed requires deep partnership with world-class manufacturers and a skilled workforce. Our suppliers operate among the most technologically advanced manufacturing facilities on the planet, designed to perform at the level of precision necessary to build Apple products.

From developing brand-new ways to recycle materials, some of which have never been recycled at scale before, to pioneering advanced manufacturing processes, we are always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. With these innovations comes the need for people trained on the latest technologies. That’s why, through the Apple Education Hub, we’re providing our suppliers’ employees with opportunities to learn critical skills in advanced manufacturing fundamentals, automation technology, and coding.

Supplier Responsibility (34)

iPhone enclosure manufacturing,India

Supplier Responsibility (35)

Apple Watch assembly,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (36)

Apple Maps surveying, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (37)Supplier Responsibility (38)


The products you love also love theplanet.

Respect for the environment is a built-infeature.

Daisy, Apple’s iPhone recycling robot, the Netherlands

Supplier Responsibility (39)

Energy-efficient cooling systems,India

Supplier Responsibility (40)

Aluminum recycling,Taiwan

Supplier Responsibility (41)

Product disassembly for recycling, UnitedStates

Supplier Responsibility (42)

Water treatment inspection,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (43)

Solar array installation,India

Supplier Responsibility (44)

Energy-efficient cooling systems,India

Supplier Responsibility (45)

Aluminum recycling,Taiwan

Supplier Responsibility (46)

Product disassembly for recycling, UnitedStates

Environmental rights are human rights.

Communities and climate change.

The global impacts of climate change are becoming clearer by the day. We know that our approach to protecting the planet must also consider people, and acknowledge that communities of color and vulnerable populations are often disproportionately affected by climate change. Our work considers our supply chain in the context of the local communities where our suppliers operate.

Advancing racial equity and supplier diversity.

We believe that equity takes initiative. In 2022 Apple welcomed the second cohort of participants to our Impact Accelerator for Black-, Latinx-, Indigenous-, and Brown-owned businesses focused on environmental solutions, as part of our Racial Equity and Justice Initiative. The Impact Accelerator expands access to opportunity for suppliers in the United States by ensuring that our investments in sectors like renewable energy, carbon removal, and recycling innovation also help fight systemic barriers impacting communities of color.

Read more about our Racial Equity and Justice Initiative

Carbon neutral by 2030.
We’re zeroed in.

Calling all suppliers.

Apple’s corporate operations have been carbon neutral since 2020. Our next goal is to reach carbon neutrality across our entire footprint by 2030 — including the energy needed to build, use, and eventually recycle our products. To make this happen, we’re transitioning our entire supply chain to 100 percent renewable energy and have commitments from our suppliers to maintain facilities that are energy efficient.

250+ suppliers have committed to running their Apple production on renewable energy, representing 20 gigawatts of energy coming online and accelerating progress toward our 2030 goal. Last year, building on seven years of progress, we communicated clear expectations that all suppliers decarbonize their Apple production footprint by 2030, including all nonelectric emissions.

Learn more about our plan for the planet

250+Apple suppliers committed to using renewable energy for their Apple production

20gigawatts of renewable energy slated to come online in the Apple supply chain

Leading the recycling revolution.

Closing the manufacturing loop.

Our goal is to close the manufacturing loop — building our products using only recycled and renewable materials and ending our reliance on mining. While we pursue this goal, our suppliers are required to source primary minerals responsibly, following strict human rights and environmentalstandards that align with international frameworks. If the processors that provide materials to our suppliers are unable or unwilling to meet our standards, we remove them from our supply chain.

The processors that provide key materials including tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, cobalt, and lithium to our suppliers must participate in independent third-party audits, and we publish a list of these companies every year. We also continue to pioneer breakthroughs in responsible sourcing, including the use of blockchain technology to improve material traceability throughout our supply chain.

Closing the manufacturing loop by moving to only recycled and renewable materials in our products also helps us achieve our carbon neutrality goals. In 2022 we continued to introduce product components with 100 percent recycled materials, including expanding our use of certified recycled gold to AppleWatchUltra, AppleWatchSeries8, and AppleWatchSE. And we’ve continued our investment in aluminum recycling technologies, with 100 percent recycled aluminum cases and enclosures across our latest iPad and AppleWatch devices as well as the MacBookAir with M2chip.

An important part of closing material loops is helping recyclers efficiently and safely recycle our products. To do this, we developed Apple Recycler Guides for professional electronics recyclers to safely disassemble Apple products and maximize material recovery.

Read the Apple Smelter and Refiner List(PDF)

100%of tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, cobalt, and lithium refiners participated in 2022audits, confirming their compliance with our strict material sourcing standards

100%of key materials in batteries, whether primary or recycled, are responsibly sourced

A zero waste mindset.

Waste not.

We consider every aspect of how our products are built — even the waste that could result from the process. We teach suppliers how to avoid sending waste to landfills in the communities where they operate by implementing recycling and reuse programs. Today all established final assembly sites for major Apple products are Zero Waste Certified.

In 2022 we worked with UL, the certifying body behind the Zero Waste certification, to scale our work in implementing zero waste standards across our supply chain. The new process we helped to develop enables companies to implement these standards at multiple facilities simultaneously, achieving progress on waste reduction more efficiently. The result has been a sharp increase in the number of our suppliers’ facilities participating, with 150 added in fiscal year 2022 alone.

A ripple of change.

Water is a critical resource shared by people and ecosystems around the world. Protecting shared water resources requires conservation and stewardship practices that are environmentally sound, are economically sustainable, and make communities more resilient.

That’s why our water strategy takes a comprehensive look at the water basins where our suppliers operate, considering the local environment and needs of the community. Since the launch of our Clean Water Program in 2015, 17 of our suppliers’ facilities have received certification through the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS), the world’s leading water stewardship organization. Of those certified, 15 were given Platinum status, the highest level of recognition. As part of the AWS certification process, independent auditors look at a number of factors inside and outside the facility to assess the collective responsibility suppliers share to protect waterresources.

63Bgallons of freshwater saved to date by our Clean Water Program

523K+tons of waste diverted from landfills in 2022

Supplier Responsibility (47)

Water treatment inspection,Vietnam

Supplier Responsibility (48)

Solar array installation,India

Supplier Responsibility (49)

Read the full report to learn more about our unwavering dedication to people and theplanet.

View the 2023 Progress Report(PDF)

Previous Progress Reports

  • 2022 ProgressReport

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  • 2021 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2020 ProgressReport

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  • 2019 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2018 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2017 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2016 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2015 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2014 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2013 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2012 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2011 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2010 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2009 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2008 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)

  • 2007 ProgressReport

    View (PDF)


Apple Standards

  • Human Rights Policy

    View (PDF)

  • Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Responsibility Standards

    View (PDF)

  • Regulated Substances Specification

    View (PDF)

Apple Suppliers

  • Supplier List

    View (PDF)

  • How We Work with Suppliers

    View (PDF)

Reports and Filings

  • Conflict MineralsReport

    View (PDF)

  • Smelter andRefinerList

    View (PDF)

  • 2022 Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

Previous Reports andFilings

  • 2021 Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

  • 2020 Efforts to Combat HumanTrafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

  • 2019 Efforts to Combat HumanTrafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

  • 2018 Efforts to Combat HumanTrafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

  • 2017 Efforts to Combat HumanTrafficking andSlavery

    View (PDF)

More from Apple on our global supplychain.

Supplier Responsibility (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.