Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (2024)

Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (1)
Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (2)

This study outlines the correlation between the stock market and a variety of alternative assets, from real estate and precious metals to crypto and fine art.

Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (3)

ByLiz Aldrich

Updated Mar 16, 2023

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Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (4)


Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (5)


Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (6)

Robo Advisor

Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (7)


Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (8)


Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (9)

Real Estate

Research and data analysis by Ashley McKillips.

We all want rewards without risk. While this is impossible in investing, the goal of diversification is to move in that direction. A balanced investment portfolio, in theory, offers increased growth while minimizing the potential for loss. One of the best ways to do this is by examining the correlation between various assets and allocating your portfolio accordingly, incorporating uncorrelated—and even negatively correlated—assets.

A traditional portfolio does this by balancing stocks with bonds. While bonds don't usually offer impressive returns, they're lower risk than stocks and tend to move in opposite directions. This can help minimize loss in the event of a market downturn.

Wine and art move in completely opposite directions, which is surprising considering both derive their value primarily from the same quality: reputation.

However, the modern investor now has a wide range of asset classes at their disposal that go well beyond stocks and bonds. From real estate, gold, and fine art to cryptocurrency and sports cards, there's no limit to the diversification possibilities when you start looking into alternatives. One of the biggest benefits of adding alternative assets into a portfolio is the fact that some of them can offer uncorrelated—or even negatively correlated—returns.

Billionaires, big institutional investors and hedge funds have been using this tactic for centuries, but now just about anybody can start taking advantage of these benefits with new platforms that make alternatives more accessible to retail investors.

One of the first steps to creating a balanced portfolio with alternative assets is figuring out how they correlate with the stock market and each other. In this study, we determined the correlation between 17 popular alternative assets and the stock market, as measured by the S&P 500. We outlined the assets with a strong correlation and moderate correlation as well as those that are uncorrelated and negatively correlated.

Key highlights

  • Assets with the strongest correlation to the S&P 500 were robo advisors, real estate, sports cards, farmland, silver, and most popular cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • Wine, gold, crude oil, and platinum all were moderately correlated with the S&P 500.
  • Bonds and fine art were shown to be negatively correlated to the S&P 500.
  • Investment-grade wine and art move in opposite directions.
  • Correlation between major cryptos was strong, except Ripple (XRP), which was only moderately correlated to the rest of the coins included in this study.

Understanding asset correlation


Correlation with S&P 500

Data source

Real Estate



Sports Cards


PWCC 500

Robo Advisors


MoneyMade Robo Advisor Index



























Liv-ex 100







Crude Oil





Treasury Yield Rates



Artprice Global Index

Correlation between two assets is measured using a mathematical formula that produces what is called the Pearson correlation coefficient, represented by R. This correlation coefficient can range from -1.0 to 1.0.

A positive number represents a positive correlation, meaning the assets tend to move in the same direction—a 1.0 is a perfect positive correlation. A negative number represents a negative correlation, meaning the assets are inversely correlated or tend to move in opposite directions—a -1.0 is a perfect negative correlation. Finally, a correlation coefficient of zero represents no correlation. This means that the two assets move independently and have no relationship with each other.

In reality, a correlation coefficient of exactly 1.0, -1,0, or zero is extremely rare, and a correlation coefficient that is close to zero still means there's little to no correlation. For example, a correlation coefficient of 0.1 is low enough to suggest that any slight correlation found is likely coincidental and not an indicator of any real correlation. For the purpose of this study, here is how we define correlation using the correlation coefficient:

  • Strong positive correlation: 0.75 to 1.0
  • Moderate positive correlation: 0.50 to 0.75
  • Low positive correlation: 0.25 to 0.50
  • No correlation: -0.25 to 0.25
  • Low negative correlation: -0.25 to -0.50
  • Moderate negative correlation: -0.50 to -0.75
  • Strong negative correlation: -0.75 to -1.0

The Pearson correlation coefficient in this study is calculated on a monthly basis from 2018 to 2021 with the exception of farmland and art, which are calculated on a quarterly basis. Most of the assets we studied had a positive correlation to the S&P 500 over this time period. However, there were two with a negative correlation.

Assets with the strongest correlation to the S&P 500

  • Crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Cardano, and Solana)
  • Silver
  • Robo advisors
  • Sports cards
  • Real estate
  • Farmland

Most investment assets are correlated with the stock market. Strongly correlated assets—those with a correlation coefficient of 0.75 or greater—tend to follow stock market patterns. While that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't great diversification tools for other reasons, it does mean that they might not offer as much recession protection as other asset classes.

Robo advisors

Of those, robo advisors predictably had one of the highest correlation coefficients at 0.9345. This is predictable, considering robo advisors sell funds and indices that aren't too dissimilar from the S&P 500. Most investors using robo advisors are doing so to invest in the stock market. Data for robo advisor performance was pulled from our own proprietary robo advisor index. Our platforms include the most well-known robo advisors, such as Betterment, Wealthfront, Acorns, SoFi, Personal Capital, Vanguard's Digital Advisor, Schwab's Intelligent Portfolios, and Wells Fargo's Intuitive Investor.



Robo Advisor

Real estate

Real estate's correlation coefficient was an even higher 0.9636, coming in as the most correlated alternative asset. This also makes sense, as real estate performance data came from Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund Admiral Shares (VGSLX), a publicly-traded index that invests in real estate investment trusts (REITs). This supports the hypothesis that, unlike direct real estate investment, REITs move closely with stock market patterns and thus aren't always the best way to diversify outside of stocks.


Real Estate

Because these REITs are publicly traded on the same markets as equities, they tend to be subject to the same factors that cause stocks to move up and down. However, private and non-traded REITs can be largely uncorrelated to stocks. For example, the eREIT offered by Fundrise, which is a non-traded REIT, is significantly less correlated to the S&P 500 than its publicly-traded counterparts such as Vanguard's REITs.

Most crypto

Crypto was measured by the performance of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ripple, Cardano, and Solana. Bitcoin was just behind robo advisors and real estate in terms of stock market correlation, with a very high correlation coefficient of 0.9175. Ethereum was rather high as well, while smaller altcoins like Dogecoin (0.8338) and Cardano (0.8849) had a slightly lower correlation coefficient.

Ripple (XRP) and Solana were notably less correlated with stocks than the other cryptocurrencies we looked at, with an almost moderate correlation coefficient of 0.7738 and 0.7709 respectively. It's worth noting that Ripple was delisted from many centralized exchanges making it a bit more difficult to trade than other cryptocurrencies included in this study.

At the time of this study, all of these cryptocurrencies are in the top 12 crypto coins by market cap and are generally available on centralized exchanges. Emerging coins with much smaller market caps and those that are more difficult to buy and sell on centralized exchanges may not be as highly correlated with stocks.



Silver, sports cards, and farmland

Finally, silver, sports cards, and farmland all have positive correlation coefficients of over 0.75. This may seem surprising for alternative assets—particularly farmland, which is often seen as a safe-haven asset during times of economic crisis. While it does hold a fairly high correlation to stocks, farmland has also historically been far less volatile than the stock market.

Assets with moderate correlation to the S&P 500

  • Gold
  • Wine
  • Crude Oil
  • Platinum

Assets with a moderate correlation to the stock market—a correlation coefficient between 0.50 and 0.75—still show a notable degree of correlation. While they might not move in tandem with stocks quite as closely as the assets above, they still tend to follow similar patterns.

Gold and platinum

Precious metals have long been used as a hedge against inflation and a store of value. Based on the past three years, gold and platinum seem to be viable options.

Gold's correlation with stocks is complicated. While there have been times when the price of gold has held strong during bear markets, the asset's price often declines sharply at the start of a stock market decline. This happened at the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, during an equities downturn at the end of 2018, during the financial crisis of 2008, and during the dot-com bubble in 2001. However, according to chief gold strategist for the SPDR ETF George Milling-Stanley in an interview with, gold bounced back within a week each time (much more quickly than equities), largely due to it being cashed in by investors who bought equities on margin to cover their losses. "…rather than selling their equities in order to meet the calls for additional margin," says Milling-Stanley, "they sell something that has held its value, which at that point is gold. …as soon as equities stabilize, usually at lower levels, they will tend to buy their gold back."

Platinum, on the other hand, is an under-discussed asset that has become increasingly interesting for investors in recent years. Used mainly in cars and jewelry, platinum distinguishes itself from gold due to the fact that it is both more useful and rare than gold. Gold and platinum also have a low positive correlation to each other of 0.5432, showing that while the two assets move similarly with regard to the S&P 500, they don’t move as closely together.

Crude oil

Crude oil and the S&P 500 have a correlation coefficient of 0.6406, making oil a moderately correlated asset as well. In fact, commodities in general tend to be less correlated with the stock market and great diversification tools for a stock-heavy portfolio. That said, they don't generally trend upward over the long term the way stocks do, so they're often used for short-term growth or long-term wealth preservation.

Assets with a negative correlation to the S&P 500

Assets with a negative, or inverse, correlation to the S&P 500 move in opposite directions from the stock market. While uncorrelated assets can help preserve wealth, the point of inversely correlated assets is to help your portfolio continue to grow when stocks are down.


Bonds have long been a useful tool for balancing a portfolio because they're considered low-risk and can help reduce losses. Our study found that with an inverse correlation to stocks (at a correlation coefficient of -0.3380, bonds can not only help reduce the risk of loss but may actually help recoup some losses in a market downturn.

This effect is magnified when investors who are wary of an impending recession run to Treasury bonds as a safe haven, therefore increasing bond prices. As with most inversely correlated assets, however, bonds don't offer impressive returns, especially when the market is doing well. So while holding some percentage of assets in bonds can help pad a stock-heavy portfolio, shifting too many assets into bonds can diminish long-term returns.


Art came out as the most negatively correlated asset, with a correlation coefficient of -0.6350. Our study used a combination of Artprice Global Indices that cover investment-grade fine art from various mediums and time periods. So while blue-chip art may offer increased returns when stocks are falling, this doesn't mean that all fine art will.

Correlation amongst alternative assets

Asset pair

Correlation coefficient

Wine and art


Robo advisors and crude oil


Robo advisors and art


Bitcoin and Ethereum


Bitcoin and Cardano


Bitcoin and Dogecoin


Bitcoin and Ripple


Bitcoin and Solana


There were also interesting findings in regards to the correlation between various alternatives.

Wine and art move in completely opposite directions, which is surprising considering both derive their value primarily from the same quality: reputation. What's more, one might expect the market for investment-grade art and investment-grade fine wine to have a lot of overlap.

For investors who primarily invest in stocks via robo advisors, it's worth noting the difference in correlation between robo advisors and alternative assets versus the S&P 500 and alternative assets. For example, crude oil is slightly less correlated with robo advisors than it is with the S&P 500. Also, robo advisors and art hold a moderate positive correlation even though art was shown to be negatively correlated with the S&P 500.

Finally, the correlation across various cryptos might be important to crypto investors looking to diversify their coin holdings. Bitcoin and Ethereum, perhaps unsurprisingly as the two biggest cryptos, are almost perfectly correlated. Bitcoin is also strongly correlated with Cardano, Dogecoin, and Ripple, with Ripple being the least correlated of the three. The only coin that didn't hold as strong a correlation to Bitcoin was Solana, although at a correlation coefficient of 0.766, the two are still positively correlated.


Our study pulled historical returns on 17 different popular alternative assets using price data pulled from Yahoo! Finance and various indices that track the performance of a specific asset. Some of these indices are created by external sources (such as Artprice for art and Live-ex 100 for wine) while others were created using proprietary MoneyMade data (such as the robo advisor index).

It's worth noting that some of these indices might not provide an accurate indication of the asset class's overall correlation to the stock market. For example, for real estate, we looked at the correlation between the S&P 500 and Vanguard real estate index fund VGSLX. While this may help REIT investors determine correlation information, it will be less accurate for those directly invested in real estate.

As stated in the beginning of the article, assets were correlated on a monthly basis from October 2018 to December 2021 using Pearson correlation. The exceptions are art and farmland, which were correlated on a quarterly basis from Q4 2018 to Q4 2021. (Quarterly correlation was calculated between all assets. The difference between quarterly and monthly correlation was negligible, therefore it is reasonable to compare the two categories of correlation coefficients.) For assets that have daily releases, such as the cryptocurrencies and the S&P, data was translated to monthly by pulling the price on the 1st of every month. Similarly, for the monthly and daily releases, the quarterly price was denoted as the price on the 1st day of each quarter.

We chose to calculate correlation over this three-year period primarily to maximize the number of comparable assets, but there was also another reason. Over longer time frames the asset correlation is far more diverse, but the long time frame isn’t always relevant when you're making near-term investment decisions. We wanted to consider a smaller time frame in order to consider how various alternative portfolios could move in the short term.


  1. Artprice. (2021). Artprice Global Index [An index of the top blue-chip artworks].
  2. Liv-ex. (2021). Liv-ex 100 [An index of the top 100 investment-grade wines].
  3. MoneyMade. (2021). MoneyMade robo advisor index [A proprietary index of robo advisors].
  4. PWCC Marketplace. (2021). PWCC 500 [An index of the top 500 blue-chip trading cards].
  5. U.S. Department of the Treasury. (n.d.). Treasury.Gov. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from
  6. Yahoo! Finance. (n.d.). Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from
Study: The Most Correlated and Non-Correlated Assets - MoneyMade (2024)


What is the difference between correlated and non-correlated assets? ›

When assets move in the same direction at the same time, they are considered to be positively correlated. When one asset tends to move up when the other goes down, the two assets are considered to be negatively correlated. Assets that don't show any relationship to each other are non-correlated.

What is the highest correlation between assets? ›

Correlation is measured on a scale of -1 to +1. A perfect positive correlation between two assets has a reading of +1. A perfect negative correlation has a reading of -1. Perfect positive or negative correlations are rare.

What are examples of non-correlated assets? ›

Examples of uncorrelated assets include bonds, real estate , gold, farmland , and fine art . Studies have shown that allocating 10% to 20% of your portfolio to these uncorrelated assets produces a significant reduction in risk.

What is an example of a correlated asset? ›

For example, if a stock gains 5% and is perfectly correlated to another stock, that other stock would also gain 5%. Assets within the same industry are likely to have a high positive correlation since they're affected by similar market factors.

What is a non-correlated asset? ›

Non-correlated assets are assets whose values aren't correlated with returns of another asset.

How do you know if assets are correlated? ›

If two assets have an expected return correlation of 1.0, that means they are perfectly correlated. If one gains 5%, the other gains 5%. If one drops 10%, so does the other. A perfectly negative correlation (-1.0) implies that one asset's gain is proportionally matched by the other asset's loss.

What does non correlated mean? ›

: having no mutual relationship : not affecting one through changes in the other : not correlated. uncorrelated factors. You also realize that interviewing capability is uncorrelated with a GMAT score; nobody is born with the ability to interview well. Kimberly A. Whitler.

Which has the highest correlation? ›

The possible range of values for the correlation coefficient is -1.0 to 1.0. In other words, the values cannot exceed 1.0 or be less than -1.0. A correlation of -1.0 indicates a perfect negative correlation, and a correlation of 1.0 indicates a perfect positive correlation.

What are non correlated assets to stocks? ›

Non-Correlated Assets: What Are They? In the investment world, a non-correlated asset is one with zero correlation to the U.S. stock market. The value of a non-correlated asset can still move in relation to a large swing in the stock market — after all, economic news and changes make a wide ripple.

What is an example of not correlated? ›

There is no correlation if a change in X has no impact on Y. There is no relationship between the two variables. For example, the amount of time I spend watching TV has no impact on your heating bill.

What are the benefits of low correlated assets? ›

For investors, diversification among assets with low-correlation to one another can offer long-term benefits. If poor performance in one investment can be offset by better performance in another, then extreme losses in the overall portfolio may be reduced.

What are two examples of correlated variables? ›

Like demand and price, consumer spending and GDP are examples of positively correlated variables where movement by one variable causes movement by the other.

What are two negatively correlated assets? ›

When two negatively correlated stocks are combined to form a portfolio then there is risk diversification, so the overall level of risk decreases. But the expected return of the portfolio will remain the same since the individual stocks have the same expected returns.

How correlated are stocks and bonds? ›

The stock/bond correlation is small and may even be slightly positive. Bond returns can be negative even when stock returns are negative. Rising interest rates reduce bond prices and affect bond returns negatively. Rising interest rates can also affect stock returns negatively.

What is an example of perfectly negatively correlated assets? ›

If there's a market downturn or volatility (rapid change in market prices), negatively correlated assets may help to offset loss in a portfolio without sacrificing opportunity. One example of negative correlation would be oil prices and airline stocks.

What is difference between correlated and uncorrelated? ›

Correlated vs.

A correlated subquery can be thought of as a filter on the table that it refers to, as if the subquery were evaluated on each row of the table in the outer query. An uncorrelated subquery has no such external column references.

What are the three types of non financial assets? ›

Examples of non-financial assets include tangible assets, such as land, buildings, motor vehicles, and equipment, as well as intangible assets, such as patents, goodwill, and intellectual property.

What are non equity assets? ›

What Is a Non-Equity Option? A non-equity option is a derivative contract with an underlying asset of instruments other than equities. Typically, that means a stock index, physical commodity, or futures contract, but almost any asset is optionable in the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

What does most correlated mean? ›

Correlation is a term that refers to the strength of a relationship between two variables where a strong, or high, correlation means that two or more variables have a strong relationship with each other while a weak or low correlation means that the variables are hardly related.

What makes something correlated? ›

If the change in one variable is accompanied by a change in the other, then the variables are said to be correlated. We can therefore say that family income and family expenditure are correlated, as are commodity price and demand.

What are things that are correlated but not caused examples? ›

"Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. As a seasonal example, just because people in the UK tend to spend more in the shops when it's cold and less when it's hot doesn't mean cold weather causes frenzied high-street spending.

What makes the strongest correlation? ›

The strongest linear relationship occurs when the slope is 1. This means that when one variable increases by one, the other variable also increases by the same amount. This line is at a 45 degree angle. The strength of the relationship between two variables is a crucial piece of information.

Why is the correlation important? ›

Correlation facilitates the decision-making in the business world. It reduces the range of uncertainty as predictions based on correlation are likely to be more reliable and near to reality.

How to measure correlation? ›

The correlation coefficient is measured on a scale that varies from + 1 through 0 to – 1. Complete correlation between two variables is expressed by either + 1 or -1. When one variable increases as the other increases the correlation is positive; when one decreases as the other increases it is negative.

What are correlated stocks examples? ›

Sometimes stock correlation can be obvious. For example, two stocks in the same industry or sector, such as banking or health care, are naturally more likely to move in the same direction and react to the market in the same way.

How do you trade correlated assets? ›

To sell correlation, investors can:
  1. Sell a call option on the index and buy a portfolio of call options on the individual constituents of the index. ...
  2. Sell a variance swap on the index and buy the variance swaps on the individual constituents; this particular kind of spread trade is called a variance dispersion trade.

What are non correlated currencies? ›

Currency pairs are non-correlated when they move independent of each other. This can happen when the currencies involved in each pair are different, or when the currencies involved have different economies.

What things are negatively correlated? ›

Here are some examples of negatively correlating variables:
  • The more it rains, the less you can water the garden.
  • The more you cook at home, the less you might eat out.
  • The lower the temperature, the more clothes you may wear.
  • The more money you spend, the less you might have.
Feb 3, 2023

What is correlation with example? ›

For example, there exists a correlation between two variables X and Y, which means the value of one variable is found to change in one direction, the value of the other variable is found to change either in the same direction (i.e. positive change) or in the opposite direction (i.e. negative change).

Is strong correlation good or bad? ›

Strong vs.

A weak positive correlation indicates that, although both variables tend to go up in response to one another, the relationship is not very strong. A strong negative correlation, on the other hand, indicates a strong connection between the two variables, but that one goes up whenever the other one goes down.

What are highly correlated stocks? ›

If the prices move in a similar proportion and in the same direction, they have a high correlation. If they move in opposite directions, they have a high negative correlation. If the prices of different assets move in a way generally unrelated to each other, they have a low correlation.

What happens even if assets are not negatively correlated? ›

Even if assets are not negatively correlated, the lower the positive correlation between them, the lower the resulting risk. In general, the lower the correlation between asset returns, the greater the potential diversification of risk.

Are stocks and interest rates correlated? ›

Relationship between interest rates and stock prices

Historical observation has shown that stock prices and interest rates have an inverse relationship, meaning as interest rates rise, stock prices tend to move lower.

Are stocks and bonds still correlated? ›

This increasing price action is inflationary, and interest rates also rise to reflect the growing inflation. As a result, bond prices fall as interest rates rise since there is an inverse relationship between interest rates and bond prices. Bond prices and stocks are generally correlated to one another.

Are stocks and bonds inversely correlated? ›

What's the relationship between stocks and bonds? Bonds and shares have an inverse relationship but are both similarly affected by interest and inflation rates.

What is an example of a very strong negative correlation? ›

For example, as the temperature increases outside, the amount of snowfall decreases; this shows a negative correlation and would, by extension, have a negative correlation coefficient.

What is positively correlated vs negatively correlated? ›

A positive correlation means that the variables move in the same direction. Put another way, it means that as one variable increases so does the other, and conversely, when one variable decreases so does the other. A negative correlation means that the variables move in opposite directions.

How do you know if something is negatively correlated? ›

Negative correlation describes an inverse relationship between two factors or variables. For instance, X and Y would be negatively correlated if the price of X typically goes up when Y falls; and Y goes up when X falls.

What does correlated mean in investment? ›

In investing, correlation describes how investments move relative to each other. Positively correlated assets move in the same direction, while negatively correlated assets move in opposite directions. The more correlated two assets are, the more risk they can potentially bring to your portfolio.

What is correlated and uncorrelated sample? ›

When this subquery is executed only once and the result of this subquery is used to extract the data in the main query, then this type of subquery is known as UNCORRELATED subquery. On the other hand, when a subquery refers to the main query for each execution, then the subquery is known as CORRELATED subquery.

What is correlation in simple words? ›

What is correlation? Correlation is a statistical measure that expresses the extent to which two variables are linearly related (meaning they change together at a constant rate). It's a common tool for describing simple relationships without making a statement about cause and effect.

Why is correlation important in investing? ›

Correlations play an important role in finance because they are used to forecast future trends and to manage the risks within a portfolio. These days, the correlations between assets can be easily calculated using various software programs and online services.

Why is the correlation between assets return important? ›

Answer and Explanation: Correlation between assets is important as it help in in building up a portfolio that has low risk. When selecting assets to include in a portfolio to achieve a well diversified portfolio, the correlation between the assets should be kept at its lowest.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.