Split Mortgage (2024)


Last Updated: 19th May, 2022

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In a rising property market, a split mortgage can be a safe bet.

You can save hundreds off your mortgage repayments when interest rates are low and partially shelter yourself when rates get hiked.

However, there are some drawbacks with split home loans that you should carefully consider.

How much could you save by splitting your loan?

Use the split loan calculator to work out your fixed and variable repayments and how much you could potentially save.

There are many different types of home loan products, each with pros and cons depending on your financial situation and long-term plans.

Call us on 1300 889 743 or complete our enquiry form and we can provide you with some recommendations based on your situation.

What is a split mortgage?

A split mortgage, or a split rate home loan, is a loan feature that allows you to split your home loan into multiple loan accounts that attract different interest rates.

A popular example for this is to split the home loan into a variable interest rate component and have the rest of the loan amount fixed.

The fixed component effectively allows you to manage the risk of interest rate fluctuations.

At the same time, you can take advantage of rate cuts with the variable portion.

You can allocate as much as you want to each account as long as it’s allowed by the lender.

Example of splitting your home loan

Let’s say that you borrowed $500,000 over a 30-year term and fixed $300,000 at 3.90% per annum for 3 years and kept the remaining $200,000 variable at 3.59%.

Your fixed monthly repayments would be around $1,415 and your variable repayments would $908, bringing your total repayments to $2,323 per month.

After 6 months, your lender increases its variable rate to 3.79% p.a., bringing your total mortgage repayments $2,345, or an increase of $22 per month.

If you were instead to keep your home loan entirely variable, your repayments would have increased from $2,270 to $2,327, or an extra $57 per month.

Similarly, if the variable rate were to decrease to 3.40% p.a. on your split loan, your total repayments would decrease to $2,301, saving you $22 a month.

Is loan splitting suitable for me?

Call us on 1300 889 743 or fill in our free online assessment form to speak with one of our brokers and find out if a split home loan is suitable for you.

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What are the benefits of a split rate home loan?

By splitting your home loan into two, one fixed and the other variable, you can enjoy the benefits of both sides while lessening the risk and effect on each option. In particular, a split mortgage offers:

  • Security: The fixed rate portion of the loan allows you to manage the risk of interest rate fluctuations. This protects you against sudden rises in interest rate.
  • Flexibility: The variable component is the more risky side since there is the risk of an interest rate rise. However, the flexibility of this portion allows you to take advantage of potential decrease in interest rates.
  • Competitive rates: You can get a competitive interest rate which can be secured with the fixed rate, while retaining the flexibility on the variable side.
  • Unlimited repayments: You can make unlimited extra repayments on the variable side of the loan, which means you can reduce the size of the loan much quickly.
  • Offset: Some lenders provide you with the option to have an offset account. This can help you save a lot of money on interest.

What are the advantages?

  • You get the best of both worlds: rate security and the opportunity to save hundreds if variable rates drop.
  • You can make unlimited extra repayments on the variable portion.
  • You can qualify for additional features on your variable portion which help you to better manage your mortgage and pay it down faster, such as an offset account or a redraw facility.
  • There are no restrictions on how you split your home loan, whether it’s 50/50, 70/30 or 60/40 (most lenders only allow two splits).

What are the drawbacks?

Aside from the benefits of a split mortgage, there are some things that you need to consider before you apply, which can include:

  • Missing out on potential interest rate drops on the fixed component of the loan.
  • Paying more on the variable component if the interest rates rise.
  • Additional fees, such as account-keeping costs may be charged on both the fixed and variable sides.
  • You may be charged a break cost on the fixed term portion if you pay out the mortgage early.

How do I apply for a split mortgage?

Before you choose a home loan, it’s always a good idea to think about where you’ll be in the next 5 years. This will help you choose a loan with suitable features and interest rates.

Choosing a fixed rate or variable interest rate home loan comes down to how well you understand the interest rate cycle. If you’re not sure about how the interest rate cycle is doing then a split loan may be a suitable solution for you.

This allows you to get the best of both components and the effects of each feature is halved. This means that although the interest rates rise in the future, only a portion of your loan will be affected.

A split mortgage is a feature that is included in a loan package when you apply for a home loan. Keep in mind that it isn’t a separate loan by itself.

Speak with your lender or credit provider if this feature can be included in a loan package which you can add when you apply for a home loan.

How much can I split?

There is no concrete rule to how much you can split, which means that you can split your mortgage by any amount you want.

For instance, you can split the loan down the middle or 50/50, or you can split it 20% variable and 80% fixed.

Keep in mind that splitting a mortgage means you distribute interest rate movements, as well as the risks involved with each feature. It’s essential that you seek advice from a professional financial planner before you decide to choose a split mortgage.

What does the fixed portion offer?

A fixed rate allows you to lock in your home loan for a certain period of time, usually one year, three years and 5 years. During the fixed period, the interest rate on the loan will remain the same in spite of any changes made to the official cash rate by the RBA.

For example, if you fix a $300,000 loan for 3 years, the interest rate on your loan will not be affected by any interest rate fluctuation over the next three years.

When the fixed term ends, the interest rate reverts back to a variable rate.

What does the variable portion offer?

The variable portion of the split mortgage will be set to the bank standard variable rate (BSVR), that is, the interest rate set by the bank.

For example, if you take out a 30 year loan worth $300,000 with a variable rate of 4.50%, your monthly repayments would be around $1,520. However, a 2% rise in the interest rate in the next five years means your monthly repayments would increase by more than $300 a month to $1,847.

However, variable rates can be quite flexible, especially because you can make unlimited extra repayments. You can also get an offset account that will allow you to offset part of your monthly interest.

In some cases, you can even save on interest if the rates drop further in the next few years.

Split mortgage FAQs

Can I get a guarantor to secure the split loan?

Yes, a guarantor to assist you to buy a home. Generally, with the help of a guarantor, lenders allow you to borrow 100% loan to value ratio (LVR), even 105% to cover additional costs such as government stamp duty.

Most lenders even waive the requirement for Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) if you have a guarantor.

Our mortgage brokers are guarantor home loan experts. They can help you find a suitable lender that can meet your home loan and financial needs from our panel of almost 40 lenders.

Call us on 1300 889 743 or complete our free online assessment form to find out if you qualify.

Will I be able to pay off my loan faster?

Provided that the interest rate doesn’t rise and you can use the split mortgage effectively, you may be able to pay off your mortgage early.

Also, using your offset account more effectively and making regular additional repayments can also help you stay on top of the mortgage.

Can I get a split loan feature on an investment loan?

Yes, split loans are available on loans for investment purposes.

Above all, you need to consider your plans over a 5-year period.

Over a 30-year term, there’s a higher chance that you’ll pay more in interest for your home loan.

However, for investors planning to sell their property within 5 years, a split mortgage can give you some of the flexibility and short-term stabiltiy that you’re looking for.

Discover if you qualify for a split home loan

We can fully assess your needs and financial situation and help you to make an informed decision when choosing a split mortgage.

Call us on 1300 889 743 or fill in our free assessment form to speak with a mortgage broker today.

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Split Mortgage (2024)


Is it a good idea to split mortgage payments? ›

There is an alternative to monthly payments — making half your monthly payment every two weeks. When you make biweekly payments, you could save more money on interest and pay your mortgage down faster than you would by making payments once a month.

How do I get out of a split mortgage? ›

The obvious solution is to sell the property, pay off whatever's left on the mortgage, and split the proceeds. If you find yourself in negative equity, you would have to pay off what you can and divide the outstanding debt between you.

Is it possible to split a mortgage 3 ways? ›

Yes, many lenders are willing to let three owners buy a house together. But the borrowers will need to meet the financial requirements of the lender. How do you split ownership of a house? In most cases, you'll choose to split ownership through a tenancy in common agreement or a joint tenancy agreement.

Can I put my wife on the title but not the mortgage? ›

Yes, you can put your spouse on the title without putting them on the mortgage. This would mean that they share ownership of the home but aren't legally responsible for making mortgage payments.

What is the 10 15 rule mortgage? ›

The 10/15 rule

If you can manage to pay 10% of your mortgage payment every week (in addition to your usual monthly payment) and apply it to the principal of your loan, you can pay off your 30-year mortgage in just 15 years.

What happens if I pay an extra $200 a month on my 30-year mortgage? ›

If you pay $100 extra each month towards principal, you can cut your loan term by more than 4.5 years and reduce the interest paid by more than $26,500. If you pay $200 extra a month towards principal, you can cut your loan term by more than 8 years and reduce the interest paid by more than $44,000.

Does my husband still have to pay the mortgage if he leaves? ›

It's important to remember that just because one spouse is awarded the house in the divorce, this doesn't mean that they are responsible for the entire mortgage. Both parties are often still responsible for paying their share of the mortgage, even if one spouse moves out of the house.

Can I remove myself from a joint mortgage? ›

All that needs to be done is to inform your ex-partner's solicitor about removing yourself from the joint mortgage and everything else will follow suit. They'll then send over some paperwork for a “transfer of equity” which both parties must sign off on, confirming that they are content with the given figures.

How do I get out of a mortgage with a co owner? ›

Removing a cosigner or co-borrower from a mortgage almost always requires paying off the loan in full or refinancing by getting a new loan in your own name. Under rare circ*mstances, though, the lender may allow you to take over an existing mortgage from your other signer.

How many people can split a mortgage? ›

There's no legal limit as to how many names can be on a single home loan, but getting a bank or mortgage lender to accept a loan with multiple borrowers might be challenging. As a rule of thumb, no more than four borrowers are typically allowed on a conventional mortgage loan.

How much does it cost to take someone off a mortgage? ›

If the lender won't change the existing loan, your co-borrower will need to refinance the home into a new mortgage. Does it cost to remove a name from a mortgage? Yes. Refinancing to remove a name requires closing costs, typically ranging from 2% to 5% of the loan balance.

Can you transfer a mortgage to a family member? ›

During the refinancing process, you can add or remove a borrower, which would enable you to start transferring the loan completely over to your family member. If refinancing is not an option, you can read through your loan documents. If the loan states that it is assumable, then you are (probably) in luck!

How to add spouse to mortgage loan without refinancing? ›

You can't add a co-borrower without refinancing your mortgage. It allows you to change the terms of your home loan and add or remove names from mortgages.

Can two people be on mortgage but only one on title? ›

When there are multiple borrowers on a transaction, only one borrower needs to occupy and take title to the property, except as otherwise required for mortgages that have guarantors or co-signers. See B2-2-04, Guarantors, Co-Signers, or Non-Occupant Borrowers on the Subject Transaction for more information.

Is it better to buy a house single or married? ›

Tax Implications When Buying A Home Before Marriage

Typically, married couples benefit more than unmarried couples from a tax standpoint. This isn't always the case, but it is likely.

Is there a downside to biweekly mortgage payments? ›

Cons Of A Biweekly Mortgage Payment

Often lenders do not offer biweekly services free of charge. You will be required to pay a registration fee as well as paying biweekly charges. If your budget doesn't allow the room to pay more toward your mortgage every year, this could be a foolish move.

What does splitting two mortgage payments into two do? ›

Making biweekly mortgage payments could reduce your loan principal faster, meaning you may pay off the mortgage early. It could also reduce the interest you pay over the loan's lifetime.

Is it smart to make double payments on mortgage? ›

Making extra mortgage payments can help reduce interest as well as the term of your loan.

What is the 2 2 2 rule for mortgage? ›

A good way to remember the documentation you'll need is to remember the 2-2-2 rule: 2 years of W-2s. 2 years of tax returns (federal and state) Your two most recent pay stubs.

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