Southern Part of United States might become unlivable for humans due to extreme heat: Report (2024)

ByAdarsh Kumar Gupta

NBC meteorologist reminded about a U.N. report which warned that regions in southern part of USA would become “less suitable” for human habitation by 2070

The entire world is facing drastic consequences of rising temperatures resulting in extreme heat. The situation in the United States is no different with heatwave being experienced in the nation. Recently, heat warnings were sounded across the country during the Fourth of July celebrations.

Southern Part of United States might become unlivable for humans due to extreme heat: Report (1)

Amid the current situation, on Sunday, NBC meteorologist Angie Lassman reminded about a 2022 U.N. climate report which warned that parts of Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and California would become “less suitable” for human habitation by 2070, due to rising temperatures in the United States.

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“The human body simply can’t handle these levels of heat and will go into heat stress,” guest host Joe Fryer said on NBC’s “Sunday Today.”

“With much of the country and the world experiencing these record temps, at what point do certain areas just simply become uninhabitable for humans?,” he added.

NBC meteorologist Lassman cited the UN report and highlighted its predictions about the negative effects of rising temperatures on the global population.

“That report also states that up to one-third of the global population will start experiencing life-threatening heat conditions, something that we currently only see in places like the Sahara,” said Lassman.

“This all means climate migration, people in the hottest areas with the most vulnerable populations moving to avoid the heat and drought conditions. That of course, will put pressure on the cities and towns they move to and the heat [is] projected to cause this ripple effect this century," explained Lassman.

Notably, the UN report was released in October 2022 and it predicted how rising temperatures would threaten human life in certain areas of the world by 2070.

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News / World News / Southern Part of United States might become unlivable for humans due to extreme heat: Report

Southern Part of United States might become unlivable for humans due to extreme heat: Report (2024)
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