Seven Reasons Why Real Estate Investing Is the Safest Investment Option... (2024)

The debate about which is the best type of investment is as old as anyone can remember. However, even for the firm stocks aficionados, it is hard to refute the fact that real estate investing is the safest investment option around, which consequently makes it also the best one. Here are 7 reasons why real estate is the best investment, being the safest one.

1. Investing in land

Investing in real estate automatically means investing in land as well. Actually land can be quite a big chunk of your real estate investment, sometimes reaching well beyond 50% of the total amount. The best quality of land from a real estate investor’s point of view is that it is a limited resource. There is no way to make more land that what is already available (except for the very expensive method of land reclamation from ocean, sea, or river beds). This means that the price of land is set to keep going up indefinitely into the future, regardless of the general economic conditions. As a result, the total value of your real estate investment will also continue increasing in the long term. In addition, you can always use the land on which your income property is built to build a new, bigger property, which will generate more rental income for you; for example, you can replace a single-family property with a multi-family home. Last but not least, you can always leave land as inheritance for your children and grandchildren. So, the first reason why real estate is the best investment is because a large portion of it is investing in land, which is extremely safe.

2. Investing in tangible assets

The next reason why real estate is the best investment strategy is the fact that when you invest in real estate, you actually buy a tangible asset – an income property. While no market is insured against a collapse, including the real estate one, you will always have something physical in case you choose to invest in real estate. Let’s say that in the worst case scenario you can’t find tenants to rent your rental property to or rents are so low it does not make sense to rent out, you can still turn your income property into your primary home or you can sell it to make profit. On the other hand, if you lose money when investing in stocks, you will be left with nothing. That’s why real estate is the best investment option.

3. Real estate markets are relatively stable

In comparison with stock markets, real estate markets are quite stable. Stock markets are highly volatile, which means that you can make lots of money or alternatively lose lots of money within a few days or even hours. While the real estate market is also subject to some volatility, it is significantly less than in the case of stocks. This means that there is less risk associated with investing in real estate, which makes this type of investment safer. And safer investments are better investments. So, that’s reason #3 why real estate is the best investment possible.

4. Long term appreciation

As we said above, real estate markets are generally considered to be stable. Nonetheless, the overall long-term trend is that prices will always go up. Even if income property prices don’t increase significantly every single year in a particular city or neighborhood, long-run appreciation is a fact in real estate investing. If you buy an investment property today, you will definitely be able to sell it for more in 10- or 15-year time. One of the main drivers of rental property prices, as highlighted in point 1, is the fact that every single income property is built on some land, and land is a very limited resource. So, real estate appreciation is the 4th reason why real estate is the best investment, as it is the safest investment strategy in the long term.

5. Regular income

However, investing in real estate does not have to bring you profit in the long term only. Indeed, most investors purchase investment properties to make money in the short term, through positive cash flow. Regardless of how big or small your income property is, it will generate some monthly rental income for you, provided that you are able to rent it out to tenants, of course. Any smart real estate investor will only go for a rental property which provides more rental income than recurrent costs, meaning that it creates positive cash flow. In this sense, investing in real estate is quite different from investing in stocks, which do not guarantee to make moneyevery month or not even every year. The fact that income properties provide regular income is another reason why real estate is the best investment strategy, both in the short and in the long run.

6. Hedge against inflation

Inflation is a fact – i.e., the general price level goes up over time even if some prices drop down from one month to another. Real estate investing, thus, is an excellent protection against inflation. Even though all prices go up with time, the prices of investment properties go up more rapidly. That is to say that real estate appreciation tends to overcome inflation, which means that real estate investing provides hedge against inflation. And that’s why real estate is the best investment option, as it is the safest option for investing your money to avoid losing its value to inflation.

7. Accessible to everyone

In order to invest in stocks, you have to an expert in financial markets, which is no easy task. At the same time, anyone can become a real estate investor as it requires nearly no preliminary knowledge. All you have to have in order to start a real estate investment business is some common sense. Real estate investing is very much learning by doing, so you need to buy an income property and become a landlord in order to gain knowledge and experience. While investing in stocks can be very risky if you are not an expert, investing in real estate is generally safe even for beginners. And that is why real estate is the best investment strategy, even if you have no prior knowledge and expertise.

The two most important features of any sort of investment are profitability and riskiness. Investing is real estate is an excellent choice for capitalizing on your money because it promises great return and because it is the safest investment strategy. That’s why real estate is the best investment option. Once you are ready to buy your next income property, make sure to sign up to our newsletters to receive current listings and access to the latest developments in Spain

REF: Daniela Andreevska

REF: Patrick Baum

Seven Reasons Why Real Estate Investing Is the Safest Investment Option... (2024)


Why is real estate one of the safest investments? ›

Real estate markets are relatively stable

While the real estate market is also subject to some volatility, it is significantly less than in the case of stocks. This means that there is less risk associated with investing in real estate, which makes this type of investment safer.

Is real estate one of the safest investments? ›

Reason #1: Real Estate Is Least Risky

The real estate market has a low correlation with other key asset classes and is less volatile than other investment markets. Real estate becomes the “star” of investors' asset portfolios as a result of the greater returns per unit of risk that results from this.

Why is investing in real estate a good option? ›

On its own, real estate offers cash flow, tax breaks, equity building, competitive risk-adjusted returns, and a hedge against inflation. Real estate can also enhance a portfolio by lowering volatility through diversification, whether you invest in physical properties or REITs. Internal Revenue Service.

What investment is the safest and why? ›

A savings account or money market funds are safe but do not offer a good return. In addition, savings account owners will lose money to the high inflation rate in 2022. High-quality bonds and fixed-indexed annuities are often considered the safest investments with the highest returns.

Is real estate safer than stocks? ›

While stocks are a well-known investment option, not everyone knows that buying real estate is also considered an investment. Under the right circ*mstances, real estate can be an alternative to stocks, offering lower risk, yielding better returns, and providing greater diversification.

What is the #1 safest investment? ›

What are the safest types of investments? U.S. Treasury securities, money market mutual funds and high-yield savings accounts are considered by most experts to be the safest types of investments available.

What is the safest investment in the market? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in June 2023:

Series I savings bonds. Short-term certificates of deposit. Money market funds. Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.

What are the pros and cons of real estate? ›

The Pros and Cons of a Real Estate Career
  • Pro #1. Achieving Freedom. ...
  • Pro #2. Feeling Responsible. ...
  • Pro #3. Being Respected. ...
  • Pro #4. Excitement. ...
  • Con #1. Having Nothing to Do. ...
  • Con #2. Doing the Wrong Things. ...
  • Con #3. Weird Working Hours. ...
  • Con #4. Irregular Income.

What are 3 benefits of investing in real estate? ›

10 Reasons To Invest In Real Estate
  • Steady Cash Flow. Owning real estate is a way to boost your monthly income. ...
  • Great Returns. ...
  • Long-Term Security. ...
  • Tax Advantages. ...
  • Diversification. ...
  • Passive Income. ...
  • Ability To Leverage Funds. ...
  • Protection Against Inflation.

Why buying real estate in 2023 is a good investment? ›

Despite what some may think, 2023 is still a good year to invest in real estate, thanks to advantages like long-term appreciation, steady rental income, and the opportunity to hedge against inflation. Mortgage rates are expected to decline, but the housing market is likely to remain competitive due to low supply.

Is real estate the best way to build wealth? ›

Residential real estate is unlikely to offer investors a higher return than a well-diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and alternative investments. Real estate's status as an illiquid bulk holding limits investor flexibility, and high transaction costs make a long investment horizon necessary.

What are the 5 keys to property investment success? ›

These five factors— timing, location, quality, risk, price and deal— are important to understand and plan for.

What are the three C's of real estate? ›

They evaluate credit and payment history, income and assets available for a down payment and categorize their findings as the Three C's: Capacity, Credit and Collateral.

What are the 4 different types of real estate investment? ›

Real estate investments can occur in four basic forms: private equity (direct ownership), publicly traded equity (indirect ownership claim), private debt (direct mortgage lending), and publicly traded debt (securitized mortgages). Many motivations exist for investing in real estate income property.

What is the most effective investment? ›

Government and corporate bonds can provide a source of income and cushion stock market volatility. High-yield savings accounts, CDs and money market funds offer ways to offset the effects of inflation. Investors with a higher risk tolerance may consider cryptocurrencies or alternative investments.

What is the safest way to save money? ›

Savings accounts are a safe place to keep your money because all deposits made by consumers are guaranteed by the FDIC for bank accounts or the NCUA for credit union accounts. Certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by banks and credit unions also carry deposit insurance.

Which financial assets are the safest? ›

Some of the most common types of safe assets historically include real estate property, cash, Treasury bills, money market funds, and U.S. Treasuries mutual funds. The safest assets are known as risk-free assets, such as sovereign debt instruments issued by governments of developed countries.

Why is real estate less risky? ›

The risk of putting your own money to invest can also be minimized as real estate offers multiple financing options. Investors can finance their real estate purchases by applying for a loan. You can then cover the loan amount and repairs cost by selling the property at a profitable price.

Does real estate investing beat the stock market? ›

Is real estate or stocks more profitable? Investments in real estate have historically earned 3% to 4% per year on average; contrasted to investments in stock market indexes earning approximately 10% annually over the long-term.

Is real estate riskier than bonds? ›

Equities and real estate generally subject investors to more risks than do bonds and money markets. They also provide the chance for better returns, requiring investors to perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine where their money is best held.

What is the most riskiest investment? ›

Below, we review ten risky investments and explain the pitfalls an investor can expect to face.
  • Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling. ...
  • Limited Partnerships. ...
  • Penny Stocks. ...
  • Alternative Investments. ...
  • High-Yield Bonds. ...
  • Leveraged ETFs. ...
  • Emerging and Frontier Markets. ...
  • IPOs.

What investment has the most risk? ›

Over many decades, the investment that has provided the highest average rate of return has been stocks. But there are no guarantees of profits when you buy stock, which makes stock one of the most risky investments.

What are the safest investments during a market crash? ›

Buy Bonds during a Market Crash

Government bonds are generally considered the safest investment, though they are decidedly unsexy and usually offer meager returns compared to stocks and even other bonds.

Where is the safest place to put your retirement money? ›

Most of our experts agree that one of the safest places to keep your money is in a savings account insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). “High-yield savings accounts are an excellent option for those looking to keep their retirement savings safe.

What makes most investors successful? ›

Investing can be complex, but some of the most important habits of successful investors are pretty simple. If you build a smart plan and stick with it, save enough, make reasonable investment choices, and be aware of taxes, you will have adopted some of the key traits that may lead to success.

Which investment is best for someone who is likely to need cash? ›

A savings account is a good vehicle for those who need to access cash in the near future. A high-yield savings account also works well for risk-averse investors who want to avoid the risk that they won't get their money back.

Is real estate always a good investment? ›

Real estate typically outperforms other assets in terms of value appreciation. Furthermore, it is not as susceptible to short-term volatility as the stock market. Whether you rent out an apartment or a business property for income or buy a home, you obtain a physical, usable asset.

What are the pros and cons of buying real estate for an investment? ›

There are a number of advantages to investing in real estate, including recurring income, appreciation in property value over the long term, and a wide variety of tax benefits. However, real estate is also capital- and management-intensive and can't quickly be sold.

Can real estate investment go wrong? ›

To be sure, there's a lot that can go wrong when you invest in real estate. You can overpay for a property, buy in the wrong area, use the wrong lender or loan product, or overestimate the rent you're likely to receive, just to name a few. The list of mistakes is far too long to discuss every possibility here.

What are 5 benefits to investing? ›

Benefits of Investing
  • Potential for long-term returns. While cash is undoubtedly safer than shares, it's unlikely to grow much, or find opportunities to grow, in the long run. ...
  • Outperform inflation. ...
  • Provide a regular income. ...
  • Tailor to your changing needs. ...
  • Invest to fit your financial circ*mstances.

What are the three keys to successful investing? ›

Diversification, cost control and simplicity. Focus on those three things and you can't go too far wrong.

What is the 1 rule in real estate investing? ›

What Is The 1% Rule In Real Estate? The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price.

Is real estate a good investment for retirement? ›

Real estate can be an asset class with high returns. It also usually offers a hedge against inflation. Since real estate has historically been inversely correlated with conventional assets, it can be a good way to diversify your investments away from the stock market.

Is real estate a good investment during inflation? ›

Economic factors, such as inflation, have a direct impact on the real estate market. As with other goods and services, real estate prices may rise alongside inflation. This is due to the fact that real estate is commonly considered a safe and stable investment that can be used to combat the effects of inflation.

What are the disadvantages of real estate investment? ›

Disadvantages of Real Estate Investing
  • Real Estate Investing is a Long Grind. ...
  • Real Estate Income Can Be Variable. ...
  • Real Estate Requires Maintenance. ...
  • Real Estate is Impacted by Rent Control. ...
  • Real Estate Requires Your Time. ...
  • Real Estate Transaction Costs are High. ...
  • Real Estate Income is Subject to Taxation.
Jun 4, 2023

Why 90% of millionaires invest in real estate? ›

Federal tax benefits

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

Is it smart to invest all your money in real estate? ›

Real estate has proven itself a worthy investment that provides cash flow and appreciation over time. Whether you're an aggressive or conservative investor, it's a great way to diversify your portfolio and can pay off in the short-term and long-term.

What part of real estate is most profitable? ›

Commercial real estate is known to yield higher returns than residential real estate. If you can afford to manage a commercial space, it can prove lucrative over time, depending on your area.

What is the 10 rule in real estate investing? ›

A good rule is that a 1% increase in interest rates will equal 10% less you are able to borrow but still keep your same monthly payment. It's said that when interest rates climb, every 1% increase in rate will decrease your buying power by 10%. The higher the interest rate, the higher your monthly payment.

What are the 5 P's in real estate? ›

These five elements are Plan, Process, People, Property, and Profit.
  • Plan: The first P in real estate is Plan. ...
  • Process: The second P in real estate is Process. ...
  • People: The third P in real estate is People. ...
  • Property: The fourth P in real estate is Property. ...
  • Profit: The final P in real estate is Profit.

What is the 5% rule in real estate investing? ›

Applying the 5% rule would look like this: Multiply the value of the property you own/like to obtain by 5%. Divide by 12 (to get a monthly amount). If the resulting amount is costlier than you would pay to rent an equivalent property, renting your home and investing your money in rental properties may work better.

What four main elements determine real estate value? ›

The Four Essential Elements of Value are:
  • Scarcity: How much is there of it?
  • Transferability: Can it be sold?
  • Utility: Can it be used?
  • Demand: Does anybody want it?

What does AAA mean in real estate? ›

AAA [Additional Agent Acknowledgement]

What are the four characteristics of value in real estate? ›

Basic Valuation Concepts

Demand: the desire or need for ownership supported by the financial means to satisfy the desire. Utility: the ability to satisfy future owners' desires and needs. Scarcity: the finite supply of competing properties. Transferability: the ease with which ownership rights are transferred.

What are the 7 types of investment? ›

Read on to know what's right for you.
  • Stocks. Stocks represent ownership or shares in a company. ...
  • Bonds. A bond is an investment where you lend money to a company, government, and other types of organization. ...
  • Mutual Funds. ...
  • Property. ...
  • Money Market Funds. ...
  • Retirement Plans. ...
  • VUL insurance plans.

What is the core 4 in real estate investing? ›

Commercial real estate is “vast” in almost every sense. That is good for investors, as it provides numerous entry points into investments and enables investors to easily diversify growing real estate portfolios. The “Core Four” in real estate are generally viewed as office, industrial, retail, and multifamily.

Is real estate safer than bonds? ›

While bonds generate their income through interest, real estate can represent the opportunity to generate steady cash flow through rental income while simultaneously building equity in a physical asset. Real estate often outperforms bonds, though the returns do come with greater risk.

What is one major problem with investing in real estate? ›

Potential for Negative Cash Flow Risk: Like many other investments, real estate has the potential to create losses. Whenever you complete a deal with less money than you started with, you've created negative cash flow. And too much negative cash flow can leave you broke.

Is investing in real estate high or low risk? ›

Compared to other investment types, like stocks, annuities, and cryptocurrencies, real estate is widely considered to be a low-risk investment.

Which type of property has lowest risk? ›

Here are the best low risk real estate investment types:
  • Long-Term Rental Properties.
  • Short-Term Rental Properties.
  • Buy-and-Hold Real Estate.
  • Multi-Family Homes.

What is the biggest threat to the real estate industry? ›

Inflation and interest rates.

“An economic slowdown is underway, and the greatest recession risk to real estate is whether rising unemployment and lower household income cuts demand for residential and commercial property,” the CRE report finds.

Is real estate the best form of investment? ›

Real estate has proven itself a worthy investment that provides cash flow and appreciation over time. Whether you're an aggressive or conservative investor, it's a great way to diversify your portfolio and can pay off in the short-term and long-term.

Which is better stocks or real estate? ›

Many investors buy real estate and stocks to build wealth over time. While both provide the potential for substantial profits, they differ in rates of return, risk, liquidity and accessibility. Returns. Historically, stocks have offered better returns than real estate investments.

Is it better to invest in bonds or real estate? ›

Key Takeaways. Rental real estate will generally provide greater returns than bonds. You'll receive bigger tax breaks with real estate than bonds. Inflation can eat into your earnings whether you're investing in bonds or real estate.

What are 3 benefits of real estate? ›

10 Reasons To Invest In Real Estate
  • Steady Cash Flow. Owning real estate is a way to boost your monthly income. ...
  • Great Returns. ...
  • Long-Term Security. ...
  • Tax Advantages. ...
  • Diversification. ...
  • Passive Income. ...
  • Ability To Leverage Funds. ...
  • Protection Against Inflation.

What is the best option to invest money? ›

Best Investment Options in India
  1. Direct Equity – Stocks. Direct equity stocks are one of the best investment options for aggressive investors. ...
  2. Equity Mutual Funds. ...
  3. Equity Debt Funds. ...
  4. National Pension Scheme (NPS) ...
  5. Public Provident Fund (PPF) ...
  6. Bank Fixed Deposit. ...
  7. Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) ...
  8. Unit Linked Insurance Plans.

Why do most real estate investors fail? ›

Failing to Focus on the Market and Not Staying Educated

In real estate investment, timing is essential, and failing to take the time to study and analyze the market can be a mistake that ends up losing you time and money.

Is real estate a good investment in 2023? ›

In my opinion, real estate is one intelligent option to consider in 2023, as it often has excellent returns, tax advantages and provides diversification even in the face of a challenging economic climate. Real estate also has the potential to compound your investment.

What are three common mistakes of investing? ›

Chasing performance, fear of missing out, and focusing on the negatives are three common mistakes many investors may make. History shows investors who overreact to near-term market events typically end up doing worse than if they stuck to their long-term plan.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.