How to Make Money in Real Estate (2024)

Whether you’re curious about the investment potential ofreal estate or you’re simply sick of infomercials promising little-known ways to “profit from your property,” it’s worth learning, for real, how real estate creates wealth.

Rather than providing obscure strategies forinvesting in real estateor a primer on homeownership for first-time buyers, this article will focus on how to make money through real estate. It will cover both the basic methods that haven’t changed in centuries, no matter what kind of gloss the gurus of the moment try to put on them, and specific opportunities that have arisen relatively recently.

Key Takeaways

  • The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation—an increase in the property’s value that is realized when you sell.
  • Location, development, and improvements are the primary ways that residential and commercial real estate can appreciate in value.
  • Inflation can also play a role in increasing a property’s value over time.
  • You can also make money in the form of income from rents for both residential and commercial properties, and companies may pay you royalties on raw land—for example, for any discoveries, such as minerals or oil.
  • Real estate investment trusts(REITs),mortgage-backed securities(MBSs), mortgage investment corporations (MICs), and real estate investment groups (REIGs) are investment alternatives within the real estate sector.
  • Making money in real estate can depend on many factors: market conditions that affect remodeling costs, housing prices, interest rates, rental rates, and tenant availability.

Real Estate Profits from Increasing Property Value

The most common way that real estate offers a profit: Itappreciates—that is, it increases in value. This is achieved in different ways for different types of property, but it is only realized in one way: through selling. However, you can increase yourreturn on investment on a property in several ways. One way—if you borrowed money to buy the property—is to refinance the loan at lower interest. This will lower your cost basis for the property, thus increasing the amount that you clear from it.

How to Make Money in Real Estate (1)

The most obvious source of appreciation for undeveloped land is, of course, developing it. As cities expand, land outside the limits becomes increasingly valuable because of the potential for it to be purchased by developers. Once developers build houses or commercial buildings, it raises that value even further.

Appreciation in land can also come from discoveries of valuable minerals or other commodities—provided that the buyer holds the rights to them. An extreme example of this would be striking oil, but appreciation can also come from gravel deposits, trees, and other natural resources.

When looking at residential properties, location is often the biggest factor in appreciation. As the neighborhood around a home evolves, adding transit routes, schools, shopping centers, playgrounds, and more, these changes cause the home’s value to climb. Of course, this trend can also work in reverse, with home values falling as a neighborhood decays.

Home improvements can also spur appreciation. Putting in an extra bathroom, heating a garage, and remodeling a kitchen with state-of-the-art appliances are just some of the ways that a property owner may try to increase the value of a home.

Commercial propertygains value for the same reasons as raw land and residential real estate: location, development, and improvements. The best commercial properties are perpetually in demand.

The Role of Inflation in Property Values

When considering appreciation, you have to factor in the economic impact ofinflation. An annual inflation rate of 10% means that your dollar can only buy about 90% of the same goods—including property—the following year. If a piece of land was worth $100,000 in 1970 and it sat dormant and undeveloped for decades, it still would be worth many times more today. Because of runaway inflation throughout the 1970s and a steady pace since, it would likely take more than $700,000 to purchase that land in 2021,assuming $100,000 wasfair market valueat the time.

Thus, inflation alone can lead to appreciation in real estate, but it is a bit of aPyrrhic victory. While you may get five times your money due to inflation when you sell, many other goods cost five times as much to buy, too, so purchasing power in your current environment is still a factor.

Real Estate Profits from Income

The second big way that real estate generates wealth is by providing regular payments ofincome. Generally referred to as rent, income from real estate can come in many forms.

Raw Land Income

Depending on your rights to the land, companies may pay you royalties for any discoveries or regular payments for any structures they add. For example, these include pump jacks, pipelines, gravel pits, access roads, and cell towers. Raw land also can be rented for production, usually agricultural production, and land tracts with trees may be valuable for the timber that can be periodically harvested.

Residential Property Income

The vast majority of residential property income comes in the form of basic rent. Your tenants pay a fixed amount per month—which will go up with inflation and demand—and you take out your costs from it, claiming the remaining portion as rental income. A desirable location is critically important to ensure that you can secure tenants easily.

Commercial Property Income

Commercial properties can produce income from the aforementioned sources, with basic rent again being the most common, but can also add one more in the form ofoptionincome. Many commercial tenants will payfeesfor contractual options like theright of first refusalon the office next door. Tenants pay apremiumto hold these options, whether they exercise them or not. Options income sometimes exists for raw land and even residential property, but they are not common.

Residential Real Estate: Paths to Profits

Here is a closer look at some of the many ways that you can earn income from residential properties.

Buy and Hold

This is one of the more traditional ways of earning income from real estate. There are a number of ways to accomplish this: You can buy a single-family home and rent it out; buy a multifamily home and live in one of the units while renting the others—ideally to cover the mortgage and your own housing expenses; or purchase a multifamily home and rent all of the units—either managing the property yourself or hiring a management company to handle renting units, collecting rent, addressing needed repairs, and so on.


Propertyflippers specialize in adding high-return fixes to houses in a short time and then selling them. Flipping can be lucrative if you know how to find properties to fix up, you have the necessary skills to do the renovations yourself or oversee a crew to carry them out, and you have a sense of a property’s underlying costs and potential value.

Airbnb and Vacation Rentals

The demand for home-away-from-home rentals had taken off in recent years, as many travelers preferred this option to staying in a hotel. Homeowners could earn income by renting out a house or even just a room on a short-term basis, especially if the property is in area that’s a well-known tourist destination. It’s unclear when that market will return. But should it reappear, keep in mind that short-term rentals are regulated and sometimes even banned in certain cities. Check your city’s bylaws before listing a property on a website such as Airbnb, Vrbo, or HomeAway. Also, figure in what additional deep cleaning and sanitizing between guests will add to the costs.

Alternative Real Estate Income Sources

Real estate investment trusts (REITs),mortgage-backed securities (MBSs), mortgage investment corporations (MICs), and real estate investment groups (REIGs) are investment alternatives within the real estate sector. They are generally considered vehicles for deriving real estate income, but they have varying processes for doing so and varying processes for entry.


With an REIT, the owner of multiple commercial properties sells shares (often publicly traded) to investors (usually to fund the purchase of more properties) and passes on the rental income in the form of a distribution. The REIT is thelandlordfor the tenants (who pay rent), but the owners of the REIT record income once the expenses of operating the buildings and the REIT are taken out. There’s a special method toassessing an REIT.

MBSs, MICs, and REIGs

These are even a further step removed, as they invest in private mortgages rather than the underlying properties. MICs are different from MBSs in that they hold entire mortgages and pass on the interest from payments to investors, rather than securitizing portions of principal and/or interest. Still, both are not so much real estate investments as they aredebt investments. REIGs are usually private investments with their own unique structuring, offering investors equity investments or partnership servicing.

Several credible real estate alternatives are available for making money in the sector, but they come with varying caveats and entry points.

Other Ways to Invest in Real Estate

One option is an informal residential real estate option, which requires that you pay a fee, orpremium, to have the right to buy a house for a specified period for an agreed-upon price. You then find investors who will pay more than your option price for the property. In this case, the premium you get is essentially afinder’s feefor matching a person looking for an investment with a person looking to sell—no different from areal estate agent’scommission, really. Although this is income, it doesn’t come from owning (i.e., holding the deed to) a piece of real estate.

Other options include:

  • Short sales—This involves purchasing a home from a lender when the mortgagee is behind on payments. Short sales can be a time-consuming and complicated proposition.
  • Lease options—These are what the name implies. When you lease with an option to buy in a bull real estate market, where prices are rising, you may be able to complete the purchase later at a lower, preset price, or make a profit by selling your purchase rights.
  • Contract flipping—Instead of flipping houses, this type of flipping involves the transfer of the rights of a purchase contract to another buyer. If you can locate distressed sellers and motivated buyers and bring them together, you may be able to make a profit this way.

Can real estate make you rich?

It can, but it’s not a sure bet. The real estate market has boom and bust cycles, and real estate investors can lose money as well as make money.

How can beginners make money in real estate?

The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation—an increase in the property’s value that is realized when you sell. This is the simplest way to make money in real estate, but it’s still risky.

How can I make money in real estate?

There are a number of ways. You can make money in the form of income from rents for both residential and commercial properties. Companies also may pay you royalties on raw land for any discoveries, such as minerals or oil. You can also invest indirectly, via real estate investment trusts(REITs),mortgage-backed securities(MBSs), mortgage investment corporations (MICs), and real estate investment groups (REIGs).

The Bottom Line

There are several proven strategies for making money in real estate. Appreciation, inflation, and income rank high on the list, but several alternative real estate investments also exist. Understanding your investments, risks, and whether the overall process is worth it or not is up to you.

How to Make Money in Real Estate (2024)


How to Make Money in Real Estate? ›

If done correctly, real estate can be an excellent vehicle for wealth accumulation if you take the time to educate yourself about the process and the best strategies for maximizing profits. If you have cash (a 20% down payment), getting started in real estate investing is substantially easier.

Is real estate a good way to make money? ›

If done correctly, real estate can be an excellent vehicle for wealth accumulation if you take the time to educate yourself about the process and the best strategies for maximizing profits. If you have cash (a 20% down payment), getting started in real estate investing is substantially easier.

What are 4 ways you make money in real estate? ›

There are generally four different ways to make money in real estate:
  • Increase a property's value.
  • Generate regular income through a property.
  • Buy and hold residential real estate.
  • Participate in investments that don't require you to buy property.

Can you make money fast in real estate? ›

Commercial real estate is one of the fastest ways to make money in real estate. This means flipping properties and developing them, adding value to properties in order to increase their net incomes through renovations and upgrades.

What type of real estate makes the most money? ›

Commercial properties are considered one of the best types of real estate investments because of their potential for higher cash flow. If you decide to invest in a commercial property, you could enjoy these attractive benefits: Higher-income potential.

Do most millionaires do real estate? ›

Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have built their wealth through real estate. In fact, it's estimated that 90% of all millionaires invest in some form of real estate. There are several reasons for this, but in today's article, we'll share seven reasons why millionaires invest in real estate.

Is it smart to own real estate? ›

On its own, real estate offers cash flow, tax breaks, equity building, competitive risk-adjusted returns, and a hedge against inflation. Real estate can also enhance a portfolio by lowering volatility through diversification, whether you invest in physical properties or REITs.

Is real estate easiest way to become a millionaire? ›

Becoming a millionaire from real estate investing isn't as far-fetched as it may seem, but it's not an easy goal to reach. You shouldn't expect it to happen overnight, but it is achievable. If you have the right knowledge, develop a plan, and be persistent enough, you can become a millionaire real estate investor.

How do real estate agents get so rich? ›

The main source of that income comes from commissions on real estate sales. If you're buying a home, it's important to understand how any agents you work with earn their commission.

Is it hard to make money in real estate? ›

You don't need a lot of starting capital to make money in the real estate industry. But you do need the knowledge and the know-how. Most people think that it's easier to make money online than it is to make serious coin in real estate. But both are difficult if you don't know what you're doing.

Is it too late to make money in real estate? ›

But know this: Real estate can be a profitable investment for retirees, and if you missed out during your working years, it's never too late to get in on the fun”. While you can start investing in real estate at any age, there are certain perks Millennials can bring to the table.

How do you break into real estate? ›

6 Steps to Become a Real Estate Agent
  1. Research Your State's Requirements.
  2. Take a Prelicensing Course.
  3. Take the Licensing Exam.
  4. Activate Your Real Estate Agent License.
  5. Consider Becoming a Realtor.
  6. Join a Real Estate Brokerage.

Can you make a million a year in real estate? ›

If You're Going to Dream, Dream Big (and Plan Even Bigger) Consider what it would take to make $1 million in gross commissions your first year selling real estate (before expenses and taxes). It would involve selling approximately $50 million of real property with an average salesperson commission of 2%.

Why are most millionaires in real estate? ›

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

How do I succeed in my first year of real estate? ›

Grit - How to Survive Your First Year of Real Estate
  1. Get Your Mind Right. ...
  2. Choose Your Broker and Your Mentors Carefully. ...
  3. Create a First-Year Budget. ...
  4. Learn Everything You Can About Your Market. ...
  5. Find Your Niche. ...
  6. Set S.M.A.R.T. ...
  7. Create an Effective Routine. ...
  8. Prospect.

Where do realtors make the most money? ›

The following are the 10 states where real estate agents earn, on average, the most money:
  • New York: $111,800 (average real estate agent salary)
  • Massachusetts: $84,180.
  • Connecticut: $79,780.
  • Alaska: $79,360.
  • Colorado: $76,850.
  • Utah: $75,170.
  • California: $74,140.
  • Texas: $72,830.
Jul 28, 2020

How much do top 1% realtors make? ›

Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's safe to say that a top producer would have to sell at least one home per month to qualify. Top producers earn around $112,610 a year to start, according to the BLS. 1 Mega-stars could earn $500,000 per year and up.

Who is the richest realtor? ›

1. Donald Bren. Donald Bren began his career as a typical real estate agent, making his first investment in a real estate company that purchased over 90,000 acres of land.

What do the rich invest in? ›

Investing Only in Intangible Assets

Ultra-wealthy individuals invest in such assets as private and commercial real estate, land, gold, and even artwork. Real estate continues to be a popular asset class in their portfolios to balance out the volatility of stocks.

Is it hard to become successful in real estate? ›

Becoming successful and making a sustainable income as a real estate agent or broker is hard work. In most cases, it requires a substantial commitment of time, effort, and even money.

How are people affording million dollar homes? ›

As a general rule, you'll need an annual household income of at least $225,384 in order to afford a million-dollar home. However, specific salary requirements depend on factors like your interest rate and the size of your down payment.

Why not to invest in real estate? ›

Real estate investing can be lucrative, but it's important to understand the risks. Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problem tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems, and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market.

How many rental properties do you need to become a millionaire? ›

To become a real estate millionaire, you may have to own at least ten properties. If this is your goal, you need to accumulate rental properties with a total value of at least a million.

How to make billions in real estate? ›

8 Tips On How To Become A Real Estate Mogul or Millionaire
  1. Have a Good Business Plan. ...
  2. Find Sustainable Real Estate Markets. ...
  3. Narrow Down Your Scope. ...
  4. Build Your Real Estate Team. ...
  5. Acquire Your First Investment Real Estate. ...
  6. Step Back and Evaluate Your Investments. ...
  7. Step Back and Wait.
May 18, 2023

How to get rich off rental properties? ›

Here are six tips on how to make money renting out houses.
  1. Purchase an Investment Property. ...
  2. Determine Your Operating Expenses. ...
  3. Set a Competitive Rent Price and Rental Fees. ...
  4. Invest in Landlord Software. ...
  5. Find Reliable Tenants. ...
  6. Reduce Tenant Turnover.
Dec 6, 2022

What is the best age to be a real estate agent? ›

But it's the advantages of being in your 30s and 40s — the ability to secure credit, the professional influence, a work experience that can reduce the small-business learning curve — that makes starting a real estate career at this time an often perfect choice. This all depends on what your exact financial goals are.

What is realtor salary? ›

Can a realtor become a billionaire? ›

Yes, you can become a billionaire with significant real estate holdings and investments. It is unlikely that you will reach billionaire status as a real estate agent. Some of the richest people in the world have achieved their wealth through real estate investments.

How long does it take to make money in real estate? ›

It can take about six months to start making money as a real estate agent. Everyone is different, but six months is around the time many agents make their first sale. To start making consistent money, you should plan for about a year. To make a profit, you should plan for up to 18 months.

What are the pros and cons of being a real estate agent? ›

The Pros and Cons of a Real Estate Career
  • Pro #1. Achieving Freedom. ...
  • Pro #2. Feeling Responsible. ...
  • Pro #3. Being Respected. ...
  • Pro #4. Excitement. ...
  • Con #1. Having Nothing to Do. ...
  • Con #2. Doing the Wrong Things. ...
  • Con #3. Weird Working Hours. ...
  • Con #4. Irregular Income.

Which will make you richer real estate or stocks? ›

Is real estate or stocks more profitable? Investments in real estate have historically earned 3% to 4% per year on average; contrasted to investments in stock market indexes earning approximately 10% annually over the long-term.

Is 100k enough to start in real estate? ›

Real estate represents a huge investment opportunity that welcomes investors with as little as $100,000. This amount will let an investor purchase a single property for rent or resale. Crowdfunding or joint ventures enable smaller investors to buy more costly commercial or residential properties.

What are the slowest times in real estate? ›

Sellers can net thousands of dollars more if they sell during the peak months of May, June and July versus the two slowest months of the year, October and December, according to a 2022 report by ATTOM Data Solutions.

What are the slowest times of year for real estate? ›

Buying A House In The Winter

Winter is usually the cheapest time of year to purchase a home. Sellers are often motivated, which automatically translates into an advantage to you. Most people suspend their listings from around Thanksgiving to the New Year because they assume buyers are scarce.

What is the toughest thing about being in real estate? ›

The 5 Hardest Things About Being a Realtor
  • Uncertainty about real estate market. This is perhaps one of the biggest uncertainties realtors have to deal with on a daily basis. ...
  • Constantly being on the go. ...
  • Commission is by no means a guarantee. ...
  • Being underpaid for hard work. ...
  • Dealing with difficult clients.

How stressful is real estate? ›

However, being a realtor is not all glamorous showings and easy sales. In fact, the reality of the job is often much more stressful than many anticipate. The emotional toll of selling homes can take a significant toll on realtors, leading to stress, burnout, and emotional exhaustion.

Is it easy to lose money in real estate? ›

It's far easier to lose money on rental property than to make money. In fact, anyone can do it! All it takes is some shortsighted business moves, inexperience, and greed, and you, too, can lose thousands on an investment property. Of course, no one sets out to lose money.

How to invest $1 million dollars in real estate? ›

There are many ways to invest $1 million dollars of your own money in real estate, including through:
  1. Multifamily Real Estate Syndication.
  2. Purchasing Rental Properties.
  3. Fix & Flipping Properties.
  4. Purchasing Office, Retail, or Industrial Buildings.
  5. Private Lending.
  6. Investing in REITs.
Dec 30, 2022

How to make $1 million dollars as a real estate agent? ›

How To Make A Million Dollars In Real Estate
  1. Learn About Real Estate Investing.
  2. Establish Your Goals.
  3. Start Now, But Start Small.
  4. Write Offers For Affordable Deals.
  5. Generate Cash Flow.
  6. Start Growing Your Portfolio.
  7. Invest In Larger Properties.
  8. Continue Growing To 1 Million Dollars.

How many millionaires are made in real estate? ›

Only 3% of American millionaires received an inheritance of $1 million or above. Real estate makes up about 40% of a typical millionaire's net worth.

Can anyone get rich from real estate? ›

Can real estate make you rich? It can, but it's not a sure bet. The real estate market has boom and bust cycles, and real estate investors can lose money as well as make money.

How to become rich in five years? ›

How to become wealthy in 5 years: 14 strategies
  1. Become Financially Literate Through Self-Education.
  2. Spend Less, Earn More, Invest the Difference.
  3. Do Something You Love.
  4. Invest in Properties.
  5. Build a Portfolio of Stocks and Shares.
  6. Focus on Contemporary Areas of Growth.
  7. Be An Innovator, don't just paint by numbers.
Jan 8, 2023

Why real estate is better than stocks? ›

While stocks are a well-known investment option, not everyone knows that buying real estate is also considered an investment. Under the right circ*mstances, real estate can be an alternative to stocks, offering lower risk, yielding better returns, and providing greater diversification.

How long does it take to get good at real estate? ›

Whether you are an independent real estate agent or working for a larger firm, the road to success may take a little bit of time. But exactly how long does it take to become successful in real estate? It can take anywhere from six months to several years of continuous hard work to build a successful business.

What makes you successful in real estate? ›

A good real estate agent doesn't just sell properties—they sell themselves. It's important to show your real personality. People will respond to you if you have a great attitude, are personable and honest, have confidence in your abilities, and are interested in helping them and others.

What should I do in my first 100 days of real estate? ›

Your First 100 Days As a Brand New Real Estate Agent
  1. Plan Your First 100 Days in Real Estate. ...
  2. Treat Real Estate like a Full-Time Job. ...
  3. Get Yourself Organized. ...
  4. Learn the Systems and Tech of the Company or Team. ...
  5. Set Goals in Real Estate. ...
  6. Know your Real Estate Lead Sources. ...
  7. Create a daily/weekly schedule. ...
  8. Seek accountability.
Jul 15, 2022

What is the richest real estate job? ›

14 high-paying real estate jobs
  • Property accountant.
  • Real estate broker.
  • Realtor.
  • New home sales consultant.
  • Compliance specialist.
  • Real estate agent.
  • Real estate attorney.
  • Mortgage loan officer.
Mar 10, 2023

What percentage do most realtors take? ›

What percent commission do most real estate agents charge? The traditional standard commission is 6 percent of a home's purchase price, which is split evenly (3 percent each) between the buyer's agent and the seller's agent.

Where do real estate agents make the least money? ›

10 States Where Real Estate Agents Earn The Least Money
RankState2017 Mean Annual Wage
6 more rows
Jan 28, 2019

Is real estate a good way to become a millionaire? ›

Between the passive income potential, long-term appreciation, and tax benefits, real estate continues to be the investment of choice for the wealthy. Even better, real estate can make millionaires out of everyday investors.

Is real estate a way to become a millionaire? ›

More importantly, real estate remains a wealth-building tool for the majority of moguls. An estimated ninety percent of millionaires were created through real estate investing. Any billionaire in the U.S. or anywhere around the globe that you know of has invested in real estate in some form or the other.

How many years does it take to make money in real estate? ›

It can take about six months to start making money as a real estate agent. Everyone is different, but six months is around the time many agents make their first sale. To start making consistent money, you should plan for about a year. To make a profit, you should plan for up to 18 months.

How do the rich buy their homes? ›

Wealthy people can opt to get affordable loans at a low rate, take a tax deduction that helps subsidize their interest, pay back their loans with "cheaper" money due to inflation, and use the cash they might otherwise have put down on a house to make an investment that stands a good chance of earning a higher return.

Why real estate creates 90% of millionaires? ›

Federal tax benefits

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

How many rentals does it take to be a millionaire? ›

To become a real estate millionaire, you may have to own at least ten properties. If this is your goal, you need to accumulate rental properties with a total value of at least a million.

How can I succeed in real estate with no money? ›

Purchasing real estate with no money down
  1. Borrow the money. Probably the easiest way to purchase a property with no money down is by borrowing the down payment. ...
  2. Assume the existing mortgage. ...
  3. Lease with option to buy. ...
  4. Seller financing. ...
  5. Negotiate the down payment. ...
  6. Swap personal property. ...
  7. Exchange your skills. ...
  8. Take on a partner.
May 11, 2023

How to be rich fast? ›

The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts
  1. Avoid (and Pay Down) Debt. Debt is not necessarily bad in all instances, but it is something to be avoided most of the time. ...
  2. Spend Intentionally and Minimize Costs. ...
  3. Invest as Much as Possible in a Diversified Portfolio. ...
  4. Work On Your Career. ...
  5. Find Extra Work.
May 15, 2023

How to get rich in 2023? ›

  1. Earn more. I think one of the first steps for building wealth is to earn as much as possible for a while. ...
  2. Watch your student debt. There are different approaches to debt, but I tend to agree that there's good debt and bad debt. ...
  3. Separate time from money. ...
  4. Buy assets. ...
  5. Build assets. ...
  6. Start saving for retirement. ...
  7. Educate yourself.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.