SEP-IRA vs. Solo 401(k) | White Coat Investor (2024)

SEP-IRA vs. Solo 401(k) | White Coat Investor (1)By Dr. Jim Dahle, WCI Founder

If you work as an independent contractor, meaning you get a Form 1099 each pay period instead of a W-2, you're responsible for your own benefits, including a retirement plan. Your two main choices are a SEP-IRA or a solo 401(k), aka an individual 401(k). This post will help you decide which to use. If you want the TLDR version, the right answer for you is probably a solo 401(k).

But let's explore the issue further.

What Is a SEP-IRA?

Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Arrangements, or SEP-IRAs, are a good fit for a small business owner with few to no employees or the self-employed. A sole proprietor under 50 can shelter 20% of net business profit, up to a total contribution of $66,000 for 2023 and $69,000 for 2024. If you have employees, you'll have to contribute an equal percentage of income into their accounts as you did into your own.

The amount placed into a SEP-IRA is 100% tax-deductible. You take this deduction on line 15 of Form 1040 Schedule 1. Whatever amount you put into the SEP-IRA becomes an “above the line” (the line is line 11 of Form 1040, aka “Adjusted Gross Income” or AGI) deduction.

Advantages of a SEP-IRA

While a SEP-IRA is usually the wrong choice for most independent contractor doctors, it does have some advantages over a solo 401(k).

  1. A SEP-IRA can easily be set up online with most major brokerage companies, such as Vanguard, and funded with a simple electronic funds transfer from your personal or business account. It took me less than five minutes when I opened one many years ago. (Note that I switched to a solo 401(k) later.) This simplicity is a significant advantage over a solo 401(k).
  2. Another advantage of a SEP-IRA is that the account can be funded after the end of the year AND it can be opened after the end of the year. However, this advantage was lessened by the Secure Act 2.0 legislation, which basically allows the same thing even for the employee contribution of a solo 401(k). You just have to open and fund the account before your tax date—usually April 15, but it can be as late as October 15 with extensions.
  3. Starting in 2023 and as a result of the Secure Act 2.0, there is now the possibility (if your SEP-IRA provider allows it) of Roth contributions into a SEP-IRA.
  4. You can roll over a SEP-IRA into a Roth IRA each year as a Roth conversion, too. There is no two-year waiting period like with a SIMPLE IRA or a SIMPLE 401(k). Most solo 401(k)s don't allow in-service rollovers out of the plan.
  5. Unlike a solo 401(k), you are not required to file IRS Form 5500-EZ each summer for a SEP-IRA, even once the account has more than $250,000 in it. While this form is not hard to fill out, the penalties for not doing so are massive.

More information here:

Best Retirement Savings Plans for the Self-Employed

What Is a Solo 401(k)?

Solo 401(k)s were introduced in 2002, and they are a good fit for the self-employed/business owners—even those who employ their spouses if there are no other employees that would qualify for the 401(k). Both the owner and the employed spouse must receive the same percentage of contribution.

Rather than limiting contributions to the usual amount of an employee 401(k) deferral ($22,500 per year in 2023; $23,000 in 2024), the laws allow you to also put in an employer contribution (really all the same money for a sole proprietor) for a total of up to $66,000 per year in 2023 ($69,000 in 2024), exactly the same total contribution as a SEP-IRA. If 50+, you also get an extra $7,000 as an employee catch-up contribution.

A solo 401(k), however, is a more complex beast than a SEP-IRA. You are required to have a plan document, for instance. This isn't a big deal, and the paperwork at most brokerage options walks you through it quickly, but it will take longer than five minutes. It is not unusual for it to take a few weeks to get it all set up. With that complexity, however, comes a number of options not available in a SEP-IRA.

Once there is more than $250,000 in it, you'll need to file Form 5500-EZ each year too. Do not forget this. It's due July 31 each year starting the year after it finishes the year with $250,000+ in it. Even if you have two solo 401(k)s (for some dumb reason) and the total is more than $250,000, you'll need to file this form.

If you are interested in “self-directed” retirement accounts (used to invest in non-traditional assets like precious metals, cryptocurrencies, real estate, etc.), both SEP-IRAs and solo 401(k)s can be used.

More information here:

Solo 401(k) Questions

7 Advantages of a Solo 401(k) vs SEP-IRA

There are at least seven ways solo 401(k)s are better than SEP-IRAs.

#1 Higher Allowable Contributions for Many Earners

As a sole proprietor, you only needed $217,500 in income to max out a solo 401(k) in 2023, but you needed $330,000 to max out a SEP-IRA. This is because part ($22,500 in 2023) of the total $66,000 [2023] contribution is an employee contribution and doesn't enter into the employer contribution amount calculation. This income ($217,500 or $330,000 in 2023) is net of all business expenses, including the employer half of the payroll taxes.

Here's a SEP-IRA calculator to figure out the annual contributions permitted. Sometimes this 20% number is phrased as 25% of wages, but for a sole proprietor, this is really the same number. It's 20% if you include the retirement plan contribution, and it's 25% if you do not include the contribution itself. Note that if you are an S Corp (or an LLC filing as an S Corp), you are limited to 25% of actual wages paid. Even if the business made $300,000, if you only paid yourself $100,000 as salary, your employer contribution will be limited to $25,000.

#2 Loans

You can potentially borrow money from a solo 401(k) but not a SEP-IRA. You probably shouldn't borrow from either, but at least the option is there in case of catastrophe. You can generally borrow up to $50,000 per year or 50% of the balance, whichever is less.

#3 Backdoor Roth IRAs

SEP-IRAs must be taken into the pro-rata calculation when converting non-deductible IRAs to Roth IRAs, but, thanks to the Secure Act 2.0, that requirement will be dropped in 2024 for the Roth portion of SEP-IRAs. Solo 401(k)s are not subject to that rule. As a result, most SEP-IRA users couldn't do a Backdoor Roth IRA and missed out on this great opportunity. Learn more with our Backdoor Roth IRA Tutorial.

#4 Roth Contributions

Inside a solo 401(k), your “employee contributions” (up to $22,500 for 2023 and $23,000 for 2024) can be designated as Roth contributions. This allows you some tax diversification benefits, and it also allows you to save more money in a tax-protected manner since after-tax money is worth more than pre-tax money. In fact, all $66,000 in 2023 ($69,000 in 2024) can be Roth if you do the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA process (see #5 below). The Secure Act 2.0 lessened this advantage, however, because starting in 2023, Roth contributions are now allowed in SEP-IRAs (although it's still hard for me to find one that actually allows it.)

#5 Mega Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions

Although SEP-IRA contributions can be converted into a Roth IRA each year, only a 401(k) allows a true Mega Backdoor Roth IRA contribution. These are after-tax contributions with either in-plan Roth conversions or in-service withdrawals with a conversion to a Roth IRA. These allow investors to put the entire $66,000 contribution into a Roth account. This can be very beneficial when trying to maximize the 199A deduction.

#6 Asset Protection Benefits

Although many states protect IRAs and solo 401(k)s equally from creditors, at least two (Minnesota and South Carolina) give additional asset protection to solo 401(k)s over IRAs.

#7 Catch-Up Contributions

Starting at age 50, an employee can contribute an extra $7,500 [2023 and 2024] into a 401(k) as an employee contribution. This cannot be done in a SEP-IRA.

That's a lot of advantages. I have used both types of accounts to good advantage at various times in my investing career. However, my general recommendation for an independent contractor is to use a solo 401(k) for the reasons outlined above.

However, if you don't care about any of those advantages, take a careful look at a SEP-IRA. You can always roll it into a solo 401(k) later.

If you have employees, choosing a retirement plan is no longer a do-it-yourself project. You should seek out professional help to study your business, understand what you want out of a retirement plan, and understand what your employees are likely to do if offered a retirement plan. The right plan for your business may be a 401(k), a SEP-IRA, a SIMPLE IRA, or no plan at all.

What do you think? Do you use a SEP-IRA or a solo 401(k) and why? Comment below!

[This updated post was originally published in 2020.]

SEP-IRA vs. Solo 401(k) | White Coat Investor (2024)


Is Solo 401k better than SEP IRA? ›

With similar annual contribution limits, the solo 401(k) and SEP IRA might seem similar, but the 401(k) may be the better option for single freelancers. The solo 401(k) allows you to save at a much faster rate in the account, though it's viable only for single-person businesses (or with a spouse in the business).

Why is an SEP IRA attractive to many business owners? ›

The biggest advantage is the large amounts you can set aside for retirement. Setting up a SEP IRA is a simple and inexpensive option to help you and your employees build a nest egg. You can open a SEP IRA at any bank, mutual fund company or brokerage firm with low (or no) annual account fees.

What are the downsides of a Solo 401k? ›

Drawbacks to the solo 401(k)

Like other 401(k) plans, the solo 401(k) will hit you with taxes and penalties if you withdraw the money before retirement age, currently set at 59½. Yes, you can take out a loan or may be able to access a hardship withdrawal, if needed, but those are last resorts.

What is a significant advantage to an IRA versus a 401 K investor? ›

IRA benefits

The biggest difference between a 401(k) and IRA is flexibility. You can open an IRA at most financial institutions, and the range of investments to choose from can be enormous.

Why choose SEP IRA over Solo 401k? ›

Unlike a traditional 401(k) plan, SEP IRAs have little to no administrative overhead. Companies with only a single employee can take advantage of SEP IRAs, meaning they can be a good choice for solo entrepreneurs or gig workers. Most importantly, SEP IRAs offer more generous tax breaks than personal IRAs.

What are the disadvantages of a SEP IRA? ›

Disadvantages of a SEP IRA

Employees don't make their own contributions and you must contribute the same percentage of employee compensation as you do to your own SEP account. No catch-up contributions: If you're over the age of 50, there are no catch-up contributions like you see with IRAs and 401(k)s.

What is a key advantage of an SEP IRA? ›

Advantages of a SEP

Generally, you do not have to file any documents with the government. Sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations, including S corporations, can set up SEPs. You may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $500 per year for the first 3 years for the cost of starting the plan.

Who is a SEP IRA best for? ›

A SEP IRA, or Simplified Employee Pension, is a type of individual retirement plan geared towards helping business owners and self-employed individuals to save for retirement. It's similar to a traditional IRA, in that contributions are tax-deductible for the business.

Is SEP IRA good for small-business? ›

A SEP is a retirement plan based on an individual retirement account (IRA) into which business owners can make pre-tax contributions for both themselves and their eligible employees. It is ideally suited for self-employed workers, freelancers, and small-business owners because it's easy to establish and administer.

Does a Solo 401k reduce self employment tax? ›

Therefore, establishing a Solo 401(k) plan will help you reduce federal income tax by making pretax deductions. However, it will not reduce self-employment tax.

What happens to Solo 401k when you retire? ›

Solo 401(k) Withdrawals in Retirement

Withdrawals from your solo 401(k) after age 59 ½ incur no penalties, though income taxes depend on which type of account you have. If you have a Roth solo 401(k), withdrawals are tax-free if made at least five years after the first contribution to the account.

Is 401k alone enough for retirement? ›

Even if you're contributing the max allowable to your 401(k), it may still not be enough. There are a lot of good reasons to invest in your 401(k), but consider other ways to save, including IRAs, investment accounts and savings accounts.

What are the two most popular personal retirement plans? ›

Three of the most popular options are a solo 401(k), a SIMPLE IRA and a SEP IRA, and these offer a number of benefits to participants: Higher contribution limits: Plans such as the solo 401(k) and SEP IRA give participants much higher contribution limits than a typical 401(k) plan.

Should I max out my 401k or IRA? ›

First, you should save in your 401(k) enough to get the employer match as a starting point. Next, once you have received the full match it can make sense to look at diversifying your taxes by using a Roth IRA if you meet the income limits. If not, consider saving in your 401(k) Roth if your employer offers that option.

At what age is 401k withdrawal tax free? ›

Once you reach 59½, you can take distributions from your 401(k) plan without being subject to the 10% penalty. However, that doesn't mean there are no consequences. All withdrawals from your 401(k), even those taken after age 59½, are subject to ordinary income taxes.

Can I have both a SEP IRA and a Solo 401k? ›

If you have two separate businesses, you can set up both a solo 401k and a SEP IRA, as long as the SEP IRA is not established using IRS Form 5305. Doing so would give you double the contribution rooms, since they would be treated as two separate plans from two separate employers.

Can I switch from SEP IRA to Solo 401k? ›

If you are currently participating in a simplified employee pension (SEP) IRA and want to now participate in a Solo 401k (commonly referred by other names such as self-directed 401k or self-directed Solo 401k), a new plan document must be signed. You cannot update your SEP IRA document to a Solo 401k plan.

Does Solo 401k reduce taxes? ›

Potential Tax Deductions With a Solo 401(k)

The main tax perk involves reducing your taxable income through contributions made to the plan. All of your contributions are made in pre-tax dollars so you don't earn as much money, for taxes, in the moment.

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