Safe Hedge Trimming Tips | Crewcut Lawn & Garden (2024)

Wear Protective Equipment

Sure, it might be shorts and t-shirt weather in your neck of the woods, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most appropriate choice of clothing for safe hedge trimming. In fact, a good rule to live by is that you should dress like you’re getting ready for a blizzard.

Wear anti-cut long-legged trousers, non-slip boots or shoes that won’t fight with the ladder, and heavy-duty gloves. These gloves can stop you from being cut or scratched by falling branches, thorns, and twigs, as you cut.

One of the most important things to wear, too, are UV-protected eyewear. Your standard pair of spectacles won’t be enough to stop sharp branches and twigs from embedding themselves in your eye sockets. So, consider buying purpose-made protective glasses from your local garden store or hardware store.

With the new rules surrounding mask use in Auckland when COVID-19 made a reappearance, most of us now keep single-use and reusable masks in our homes. Pop one of these on when you start hedge trimming because they can stop spores and insects from making their way into your nose and mouth.

Follow the Instructions

If you’re one of those people who throw the instructions away when you buy anything new, then it’s time to change your ways. When you purchase a hedge trimmer, you’re going to need them – especially if you want to practice safe hedge trimming.

The instructions can be manufacturer-specific, as well, which means past habits you’ve formed may no longer apply to your current hedge trimmer. Take note of the recommended method of use, maintenance tips, and general ‘do’ and ‘do not’ tips included.

You may be surprised at how much you learn – just like when you finally read the instructions of a board game you’ve been playing wrong for years.

Check for Obstacles

Before you start trimming your hedges willy-nilly, it’s a good idea to give them a thorough visual inspection. By doing so, you can save yourself from being called the worst parent in the world when you carve up your child’s favourite rugby ball.

Checking for obstacles can also keep you safe because there’s nothing more shock-inducing then having a hedgehog racing across your lawn after you woke it from its slumber. Once you’ve cleared the hedge of any obstacles, you can be one step closer to giving them a haircut.

Don’t Trim Your Hedges in Wet Weather

When you look outside and see that it’s raining, you’ve probably decided then and there that you’ll just hire someone to handle hedge trimming. And, of course, we recommend that. But if you do want to tackle them yourself, have patience and wait until it’s dry or has at least stopped raining.

You may notice that the job you do in wet weather is not as great as the one you did in the dry weather. What’s more, electric hedge trimmers are not safe to operate around moisture. Because, as you probably know, electricity and water are not a match made in heaven.

Another problem with wet weather is the concern around heights. If you are working on a ladder, you may find the moisture impacts your footwear’s ability to grip the rungs.

Don’t Operate Your Hedge Trimmer Above Your Head

Hedges can reach some astounding heights. For example, the pittosporum hedge can grow to around three metres and is among the hardier varieties in New Zealand. But because of its height, you may find yourself unable to reach the very top of it without the use of a ladder to bring you to its level.

And if you can’t reach the top even with a ladder, then never attempt to raise the trimmer over your head. You may lose your balance, fall, and severely injure yourself. Instead, leave the job to the experts or invest in a long-reach hedge trimmer or platform system ladder – or both.

Never Walk Backwards

When hedge trimming is at the top of your to-do list for the day, then make sure it’s safe hedge trimming you’re going to be doing. One way to keep safe is by making sure you always walk forward while cutting a hedge.

If you walk backwards, you may trip over something you don’t see and seriously injure yourself. It may not be something you’ve ever thought about, but it’s worth noting.

Or, Hire Someone Who Provides a Hedge Trimming Service

There can be a lot involved in safe hedge trimming. You have to buy a high-quality hedge trimmer, maintain it, then sacrifice watching the rugby game on TV so you can keep your yard in tip-top shape. When that’s the case, it’s often a good idea to hire someone to take care of it for you.

Someone who does hedge trimming for a living already has all the equipment. They can then turn up at regular intervals and make sure you never have to lift a finger.

Safe Hedge Trimming Tips | Crewcut Lawn & Garden (2024)


Safe Hedge Trimming Tips | Crewcut Lawn & Garden? ›

Don't Operate Your Hedge Trimmer Above Your Head

When should you not trim your hedges? ›

You should not cut or trim hedges or trees between the dates of March 1st and September 1st without a derogation. You may only apply for a derogation if you plan to cut hedges before any new grass ley or oil seed rape is sown in the Autumn.

What is the secret to trimming hedges? ›

Hedges should be narrower at the top, wider at the bottom

“You want to turn that V upside down,” says Roger. A sheared hedge should always be wider at the bottom and narrower at the top, whether that top is flat, pointed, or rounded.

What is the proper way to trim a hedge? ›

Start trimming at the bottom and work upwards, keeping the blades parallel to the side of the hedge. If using a hedge trimmer, cut in arcs from the bottom up. If trimming a low hedge, less than about 1m (40in) in height, aim for vertical sides.

How do you clean up after hedge trimming? ›

Pick up any debris right under the hedges by hand.

Check underneath your hedges for loose leaves and branches. Pick them up with your gloved hands and toss them into your wheelbarrow or a yard waste bag. You can also use a rake to clean loose trimmings out of the dirt or mulch below your hedges.

Do you trim a hedge up or down? ›

A cut in May will put the shape back into the structure, which may need a top-up around September time when the leaves and branches start to grow out. Remember to trim the top so that it's level and to keep the bottom half of the hedge wider at the base.

Is it bad to trim hedges in the summer? ›

To maintain a formal shape, pruning is required at least twice a year - the tidiest of hedges require pruning almost monthly. Begin shearing evergreen hedges in late spring or early summer just after the new flush of growth appears (May through early June). Avoid extensive pruning after mid-summer.

Can you cut hedges in summer? ›

Conifers and most evergreens

To encourage laurel growth, trim the hedge in July or August. But bare in mind that this hedge has large, tough leaves and is best trimmed using secateurs. Pruning of Laurel hedges can be performed at any time up until the end of summer. However, it's best done in spring.

Can I cut my garden hedge? ›

Hedges require pruning after planting and regular trimming once established, to keep them dense, looking neat and within bounds. Here's all you need to know to keep on top of your garden hedges.

How to trim hedges for beginners? ›

Hedge trimming with any kind of trimmer
  1. Start with the easy part. ...
  2. Refine the shape of the hedge by cutting off areas of overgrowth. ...
  3. Thin out the inside of the bush as much as necessary. ...
  4. Trim the bottom of the hedge near the roots.
  5. Very slowly, start to create the shape you want.

Why do hedges turn brown after trimming? ›

Since the older leaves aren't getting sunlight they're no use to the plant, so the plant sucks all the valuable nutrients back out of them, which causes them to turn yellow and then brown (it's the same process as with autumn leaves), and then those leaves just fall off.

Can you trim hedges in May? ›

Escallonia hedges will need to be pruned for growth during the Winter, and then trimmed for maintenance in May and August.

How do you safely cut a tall hedge? ›

How To Trim Tall Hedges
  1. Begin by extending the telescopic pole to the desired height, depending on the height of the hedge. ...
  2. Next, angle the cutting head so that it is at 90 degrees. ...
  3. Start at one end of the hedge and make your way along until you reach the other end.

What happens if you trim a hedge too much? ›

Too much trimming can potentially kill the hedge. Keep the growth buds in the direction you want the hedge to grow. Overgrown hedges can handle a heavy trim but take care not to cut into any of the main branches that feed the top. Limit your cut to one third of the total volume of the branches in one cut.

Does trimming the top of a hedge make it grow thicker? ›

Trimming the top encourages the sides to grow out further, thickening your hedge.

How do you cut a hedge for beginners? ›

Ideally, hedge sides are trimmed wider at the base so that the light from the sun can penetrate the leaves at the bottom. Trim chest-high hedges on the sides first. To trim chest-high hedges, cut the sides vertically using an arc-shaped sweeping motion. Start at the back moving forward.

How to trim bushes without messing up mulch? ›

When in doubt the answer is always FULL STICKS!!! I agree with the above poster, I tuck a couple cheap tarps underneath and let the clipping fall onto them. I cant imagine trimming bushes without doing it, because of the time, effort, and damage to mulch beds by letting the clippings fall over everything.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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